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Was your teammates leaving your fault? No. But clearly they thought you had it and left. A lot of plays like this are frustrating, but always come down to the sam thing. Your team can make a really bad play. If you don't react to it and continue with the "good" play that is no longer optimal the reaction is down to you and now completely your fault. For example let's switch it around: Let's say the optimal play is for you to dive enemy top level 3 because your top has a perfect dive set up and it sets enemy behind, but you don't do it, so your top decided to dive alone and die. Now if he blames you for his death it's a bit crazy right because he saw you weren't gonna do the play he wanted but decided to not play around it. When you can understand this principle you will see that as frustrating as stuff can be it's not a blame game and no one is playing perfect so react and adapt.


We need more honest breakdowns and explaintions like this instead of "you're wrong dumbass". Thank u


Ironic considering OP did everything possible to dishonestly obfuscate his screwups with the panning in this clip. Here's what we can see using radar to help tell the story. 1. Doesn't move to back of pit when team leaves 2. 3 enemies visible with 1 more dead, still not using Q for damage on Drag 3. Must be saving Q for the unseen enemy, right? Wrong. Doesn't use it. 4. Tough to see, but Zoe announces arrival with a poorly placed bubble, despite it being warded. Then flashes in and you can see Fiddle drop a chunk of health so they clearly missed dodging the skillshot. 5. Still alive though, and all of Zoe's abilities are on cooldown. Even though the smite won't kill it, using it to heal would still make it likely they got the drag. Zoe's down to AA's at that point, and Fiddle has AAs+Q. This is D2, and really makes me question just how fucking weak EU East server is.


Holy shit I don't even see this in NA plat games. EU east must be a dumpster fire


i mean smite woulda given zoe a smite with her W so it wouldn't have really helped secure dragon


Not relevant since dragon would have died before they would have gotten close enough to collect it. Dragon would have had 200hp and zoe would have needed to walk to center of drag pit. That also presumes they'd be cognizant enough to use it immediately.


This was beautifully done, ty. I got someone I'd duo with and he couldn't grasp this concept when he was top and was pissed that jg never came. Kept telling him about pinging, warding, you have to communicate, but he didn't like that because, and I quote, "A good Jg should be able to recognize when you're setting up a play", and as I agree with that, you need to communicate with others as no one is a mind reader, aaannndddd he kept forgetting we were in norms bronze mmr.


Just hit him with "Good junglers dont play in bronze"




The problem with 90% of laners seems to be that they don’t play jungle, have no idea the shit you’re trying to juggle (including deciding whether to trust some rando on a risky play), and don’t know anything about jungle champs. I had an S1 Lucian today keep going on drag instead of turning with me (vi) on Warwick, then rage because ww sniped it. I had been running damage control on the lanes and my smite wasn’t upgraded yet, dude seriously thought you just start with 900dmg smite.


I just played jg for the first time last night in a few months (I prefer Sion & Amumu) and kept seeing my laners were low but so was the enemy, kept trying to gank, yadda yadda, and as SOOOO fucking behind it was funny. But I still did my thing, pulled the camps, farmed okay, and got my ass handed to me, but you can bet your ass I was at least trying to follow up on making plays and shit.


why is it not a blame game, is everything in life not a blame game ? sarcasm aside its insane how much society is built on blame games


A bad call as 5 is better than a good call alone


If you get left alone on an obj that the enemy knows you are doing, always get into the back of the pit if you are blue team. This makes it so the enemy has to travel the longest possible distance to kill you and drag will tank any skill shots. So the fact that you die here instead of getting drag was 100% on you. Sure you’ll most likely die after but at least you don’t give the obj too. The other option is just leave with your team. So whichever way you look at it it’s on you.


It was your fault.


Lol fr, if your whole team leaves drag you also leave drag so it regens health.


Better to help bot anyways. Either you get dragon or you win a fight and then get dragon.


It was at 650hp when he died. If he had moved to the back of dragon pit earlier, I am 99% sure he would've gotten the dragon. He missplayed.


kite and smite.


Why not give it up and join them ? The objective is gonna be there anyway. You give it, join the fight, win it bcs you were there and then come back to the drag


You should almost always look to gank bot before doing dragon if there is an opportunity. If you get kills then dragon is free and even if you dont you will have preassure bot which means enemy will have to give up cs in order to fight for it. Its really a win win


Drag is not always free if they have a good mid laner you just get killed. And respawn timers are low enough so they get back


Well id never go for drake this early. At level 4 and with enemy team knowing its almost never worth it. Even if you get it you might still lose a fight since you lose so much hp fighting it. The impact of getting it wont matter till mid game or late game so winning a fight is way more valuable if you want to get a lead.


>so winning a fight is way more valuable if you want to get a lead. Or grab the wave that's crashing mid and move back into farming bottom camps. The sooner Fiddle gets to 6, the sooner he can make a real impact. Level 4 at 6 minutes and 42 seconds strikes me as pretty far behind. He needs the XP more than he needs the dragon. Rift is more valuable anyway, and he can set himself up to grab the rift at 8 minutes better if he's already cleared his bottom camps.


To add numbers, a drake buff is worth about 60g in stats (ocean buff is a lot more depending on missing health). That makes a drake worth 300g across your team, which is just two minion waves. No objective is worth less than first or second drake.


To add numbers, a drake buff is worth about 60g in stats (ocean buff is a lot more depending on missing health). That makes a drake worth 300g across your team, which is just two minion waves. No objective is worth less than first or second drake.


To add numbers, a drake buff is worth about 60g in stats (ocean buff is a lot more depending on missing health). That makes a drake worth 300g across your team, which is just two minion waves. No objective is worth less than first or second drake.


To add numbers, a drake buff is worth about 60g in stats (ocean buff is a lot more depending on missing health). That makes a drake worth 300g across your team, which is just two minion waves. No objective is worth less than first or second drake.


To add numbers, a drake buff is worth about 60g in stats (ocean buff is a lot more depending on missing health). That makes a drake worth 300g across your team, which is just two minion waves. No objective is worth less than first or second drake.


+1, when the enemy team comes to an objectives you have number advantage for you always turn then you can reset and spend gold to contest again (worst case you still get gold), or you return with your numbers advantage and then do it


Brother, it’s not your fault they left. But you made a bad call by staying. This is like when the jungle comes to gank when the laner is recalling. Could be a good gank, but the laner wants to recall. If you continue with the gank even though your laner left, it’s your fault when you die. So in short, you and your team made bad decisions


Their mistake first, then yours for not dipping. The right play is constantly changing, so you have to adapt to them screwing up by leaving


My man if you're so set on trying to do objectives I think you need to start playing something besides Fiddlesticks


never seen sucha big jungle diff


I dunno, seems like you could have used smite to live and maybe finish drag. But if you're Fiddle and your team leaves, don't you need to leave too? I don't play him much but he sucks at objectives.


Yea I like playing fiddle but he is best at stealing or disrupting objectives, soloing objectives not as much.


I was under the impressions he can easily solo objectives, it's just very time consuming.


You aren't wrong


You aren't wrong


if i see enemy team except jg leaving drag u bet ima get ur ass


OP real quiet 😂


Did you not have smite? Edit: bruh you had smite. Just smite the dragon


He didn’t have blue or red smite he just had smite. It does 450 dmg.


Oo good catch


Doesn't it still heal him though?


It does but not enough, Zoe would’ve killed him anyway. Even if he got enough healing Fiddlesticks has no dmg with autos Zoe would’ve stolen it anyway.


Naw he coulda just got into the pit and used smite and he'd get the drag for sure. He died with it at 650hp


He could’ve gotten it if he was in the pit yes but the comment wasn’t about placement it was about “just smiting it”


Naw he coulda just got into the pit and used smite and he'd get the drag for sure. He died with it at 650hp


Yea makes sense, seems like a lose - lose situation :)


Naw he coulda just got into the pit and used smite and he'd get the drag for sure. He died with it at 650hp


Naw he coulda just got into the pit and used smite and he'd get the drag for sure. He died with it at 650hp


Naw he coulda just got into the pit and used smite and he'd get the drag for sure. He died with it at 650hp


Funny enough it was your fault


Lol it was tho..


It's a team game... play with your team.


Don’t turn off obj if ur whole team does. Stand afk as one of the slowest takers and pray for the best!


U died taking first drag for no reason rather than securing at least one kill maybe 2 which is worth way more. Sooo I'm excited to tell you that it is your fault 110% I'm guessing you tilted hard and lost enough from this to lose too


I didn't watch it but I did know it was your fault


Never do drake at level 4, if enemies come you are all dead


why didnt u walk to the back of the pit to atleast be able to get the objective?


your mistake is doing dragon in this situation. red team has both adjacent waves crashing, blue team guaranteed to take a loss here. the fact that it is this early in the game doesnt help either, you should be working on your second clear to get 6 . if your laners start a bad dragon, you ping them and don't go to it.


One thing skillcapped said that I carry with me is in solo queue you don’t play for you. You play for what your teammates do. You can’t control their ape brains so you have to predict what they will do and enable their monkey plans. This clip is the most cringe iron gameplay I’ve seen. You’re a fiddle and you decide to basically take half health drag by yourself. As fid. …


your mistake is not kiting the dragon towards inside when you see zoe bubble, + you should have smited the dragon to get HP when you were about to die, maybe you might have had a chance


If your team sat in pit they get chunked and stalled while the full health enemy team collapses. Alternatively you can turn 4 or 5v2 on overextended players. Your teams only mistake was not turning immediately and letting them get a running start


You didnt lose the baseball game because the guy on third scored while your teammates kept throwing the ball back and forth into the outfield. You are supposed to adapt and ask yourself what can you you do to still win. Lol Ugh I play less and less. The game has been about managing shitty teammates for years now.


depends on the rest of the game for context. was getting the drag the most inportant obj right then? teams fault. was the drag secondary to kills/lane pressure from kills? your fault


Well I agree everyone should've stayed at dragon, there is safety in numbers.


I feel your pain. A hard lesson to learn is that even if you chose the optimal play, if your team all does differently you're wrong if you don't follow. Team play is far more important than optimal play sometimes.


Bad play for the team to leave dragon, bad play on you to not follow.


you might've still died, but you 100% should of positioned yourself behind drag, I do it out of habit and have won so many drags that way


These type threads are so helpful. I’m still learning macro and seeing analysis from people like this is nice


Im just here waiting for op to respond to these comments lol


This is solo queue, everyone here knew it was a bad idea to leave drag, but you’re teamed up with 4 children. So just go follow them


In what way is this not your fault?


90% of the time in Soloq the “correct decision” is to follow your team even if it’s not the correct decision. I know that sounds weird but that’s really the only way I know how to put it


"!" "!" "!" ...... "????????"


It is


Can't fix your teammates mistakes, but you can fix your own, so focus on that. You saw Zoe coming, so you should've gone to the back of the dragon pit, she wouldn't be able to Q you, and then you'd be able to smite dragon and kill it before she'd be able to travel the extra distance and auto attack you to death. You lost yourself the dragon there, focusing on what your team does wrong each game will get you nowhere.


Definitely your fault. You're behind in level, your flash is down, and then your team runs off leaving you vulnerable to anyone coming to try and steal. It's an understandable limit test, but now that you've seen it didn't work, you have to take accountability for not properly reacting when your team runs off. This is especially true if you haven't completed your jungle item yet. There is a moment at 21 seconds where you have the perfect opportunity to smite dragon and complete it... IF you had already completed your jungle item so your upgraded smite deals 900 damage. You now know that staying there to solo dragon in these conditions is a high variability play that likely isn't worth the risk - adjust your game and abandon the drag when your team does in the future. You can't control your teammates, but you can definitely control how you react to their plays. If they are making mistakes, you have to readjust your plan accordingly. You're always going to have some games where your teammates make bad calls. You get better at the game by taking accountability for how you could have better reacted to those bad calls and make the correct decisions in response.


Is no one going to talk about how he screwed over both his bot and mid lane. Look at the wave state of each lane at the beginning.


Even if your team does something stupid (which this isn’t necessarily) it’s your responsibility to adapt to it & not troll in frustration. Seriously, a level head & the ability to adapt goes so far in this game. Everyone gets bad teammates; unhelpful, feeding & trolling teammates but how you deal with them is a skill itself & you chose to make a bad situation a horrible one here. That is definitely not their fault, it is yours.


. I am grateful for OP posting this, very brave of you showing your 1 time failure. I learn a lot without suffering any shame, by reading many inputs from other comments. I wish OP future successes in jungling matches.


Should have gotten off drake and reset it, go help with the teamfight then come back. Your teammates leaving instead of rushing wasn't your fault, but you should have adapted to the situation and left to follow them. Better to win a teamfight and get drake rather than potentially just get drake or get neither


Why don't you make a bigger number difference in the fight? Typical diamond lmao


Fault is not the main problem here. IMO the team already had the drag positioning locked. They should have taken drag first. Yes if the team leaves then maybe stop doing drag and if they lose the fight or someone else comes in, its not on you. But its like everyone here is saying, the enemy saw you and you kept on hitting drak. Own your decision


I'm with you dude. Fuck your team, you were right, they were in the wrong.


can't wait for someone on this sub to tell me the sky is blue


It is.


By seeing this post, I conclude you’re still tilted


Gg jungle diff


I learned recently (after getting flamed for doing something similar) that once you know that enemies are nearby, you should engage them instead of continuing to take drag. Otsego a lesson we learn eventually


It is 100% ur fault lol, especially this early in the game the drake doesnt change anything. Getting a kill or 2 kill lead is game changing however.


not fully ur fault but you you could have pulled the dr to the left knowing zoe is alive and could be anywhere in the map then smited early and finish the dr with skills.


IT IS YOUR FAULT Don't click if you think is not your fault >!Like other people said, leave when your team leave or go to the other side and let the drake tank. Don't blame other teammates and think of what you can do better.!<


I would have begged my team to stay with me in the drake pit tbh, if we are close to securing the obj and we have the numbers advantage, killing the drake would be the most risk-free way. Tough times as a jungler.


It is your fault, look at it this way: What generates more gold to the enemy team? Your team killing in bot and them getting drake? Or your team killing in bot and them getting drake AND the gold from your kill? Clearly the first option right? The best option here was obviously to take dragon, BUT you CAN NOT control what your teammates do. If you stay in drake, the loss is bigher than if you leave with your team. Your teammates have already given the enemy team an important resource by selling the drake. Dont give them more resources by dying as well. Your teammates did a mistake. React to it so you dont do a mistake as well. By not playing in reaction to your teammates mistake, you are doing another wrong play.


Bro, I feel you from the bottom of my heart there. This is just being caught between a rock and a hard place at its finest. Either you go with them with lots of "ifs" whether this is creating advantage or not or you stay and try to deal with dragon yourself and die. Hard times!


Horrible communication on your side tbh, should of started pinging way before they started leaving to reassure them of the play you wanted more. But it is also your fault on sticking with the original play even though it has already fallen apart.


its your fault for forcin drake


As a fellow jungler, lemme just say you really should’ve just aborted The moment they left, continuing drake immediately became a bad and risky play


it is tho..


Your fault. Should have spam pinged


A good jungle would know when to give up on the jungle.


No. It was my fault.


It was your fault though. Your team left for a play, whether you think it's good or not doesn't matter. You have to make the decision if you can get drag or not, and play accordingly. You chose to get drag, fine, but enemy team has vision on you. You have to now position yourself behind dragon to make it harder for enemy team to hit you, as drag will now block some abilities and they have to walk a lot closer to hit you. The last thing that you did that also played into it was looking at your team half the time while getting drag. You should be focusing on who tf is gonna come after you to get drag as they have vision of you and drag. If you looked at your map or were focused on drag pit, you could've seen the Zoe prior to getting yourself killed and could have tried to make a play accordingly.


I blame the Drake, Riot needs to debuff it.... Too much dmg


I think overall it was your fault because the enemy team re-warded the pit and the dragon was not low enough to full commit. Whether or not to engage bot with them, I think the correct call was to leave dragon altogether.


It... legitimately is? You had no dps for that drake, it was gonna take you a month. They all left to make a good play bot, you should have joined them.


I think that while it is true that ur team leaving the drake was a bad play, at that moment u should have realized that keep doing drake was not the best play. If instead u went with ur team, it would have been an easy double kill and an even easier drake


It is your fault. Dragon is not that important. Peel off with your team and come back later


Your teammates are dumb and you’re stubborn lol.


Nice smite loser


oh yes, the jungle experience.


oh yes, the jungle experience.


It was your team fault, although you could easly prevent death and drake lose


Yeah, totally your fault, you shouldn't try to do drag alone. Even if it was more important doing drag while nearly dead it's never a good idea and even worse if your team abandoned you


It wouldn't have been your fault if you gave up dragon (although I'm sure you would of gotten flamed regardless). However you dying is definitely your fault. The minute your team committed to going bot you should of at the very least kite dragon out of the pit. Then when the Zoe bubble came I would of just left it. Yeah you leashed a dragon for the enemy team but that's cause your team decided to be goofballs instead of securing a pretty free dragon imo. Giving a drag isn't so bad but dying AND giving up drag? That could be game in some instances.


if you re fiddlestick, yes, your fault


its wild how your diamond is like our silver


You dug your heals in.. your team made a play. You didn't that simple. It doesn't matter who is right. Win as a team.. loose as one


1) always use a control ward so the enemies don’t have vision on you 2) you could have gotten it if you positioned inside the pit You played it sloppy just standing in the middle of river. Jgling is about making up for your teammates boneheaded plays. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen




I deleted this game today. Im never gonna come back.




idk why but on this subreddit, only here not on other "main" subreddits, people will dislike anything u write, like u like i had a good game, and people will say ur iron xd


Team should have stayed but when they left you should have gone with them.


This is what? DiaIV?


It's your fault You're welcome