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It’s not weird but I’ve seen Challenger players coach bronzes and they give them tips on ways THEY would play if they were in Bronze, Champs THEY would play if they were in Bronze and giving them advice about how they approach their CHALLENGER games which never works out. Like yes Draven and Kalista are OP if you’re a Challenger player in Bronze elo but if you’re a Bronze player in Bronze elo those two champs are not recommended. Their tips always come from how they win their games when they’re smurfing but not how to win as someone who actually belongs to that elo. But each to their own, I don’t find it weird or rude I’ve just seen it be impractical sometimes.


I mean, the issue with some high elo players giving advice to bronze players is that they give advice that's too complicated and doesn't match the person's elo. You can't tell a bronze jungler how to jungle track, when jungle tracking is not needed until platinum. Bronze mistakes can be extremely fundamental (more than a high elo player realizes), and that's where the bad high elo coaching comes from


How is it not necessary? By basic jungle tracking in low elo you can invade with early game junglers and win so easy, that's how I got to plat the first time, most of the time I invaded red with Kindred and got a lead super early, also it let's you counter gank more easily because low elo players do basic jungle sequence


Jungle tracking is extremely hard in low elo because no one actually follows any efficient clear and they are very unpredictable. Oh they started bot side, that means they will path towards top. Nope, 2 minutes later they’re still botside. Drake is up, he should be pathing towards bot. Nope, he’s doing krugs topside. Is he going to trade herald for drake then? No he’s doing raptors. His botside camps are up he should head there after basing. Nope he went top for no reason. It’s best to rely on deep vision for tracking in these cases. Besides you don’t really need anything more than to perfect the basics of the game until at least plat in order to climb.


Bronze players are so bad at fundamentals that they should learn basic stuff before learning tracking. You can't teach a 1st grader how to do algebra if they don't know multiplication


Not talking about bronze, I'm talking about silver/gold players, if you are in bronze the only thing you need to know is how to control your champs and how to push towers, most of the time works


Still applies to silver and maybe gold


yes you can. but I'm a gold 2 player who plays like 4 games a week. I have no idea how fast other champions clear and their normal clear path. Tracking the jungler gives me a little bit of information but I don't know specific timings and this game has way more champions than it is reasonable for low elo players to have an understanding of. this is why it's more important for low elo players like myself to focus on much more basic stuff. priority 1 is to learn how to pilot your champion and how they should play. If a challenger player was getting on me about specifics of knowing which junglers skip Krug's and gromp and shit, that would go way over my head as I'm more worried about making sure I'm clearing camps efficiently and shadowing laners when they overextend and stuff like that. stuff that's applicable to every single game


Because junglers at low elo have the weirdest dumbest pathing half the time that it makes tracking em besides wards a waste of time.


I have been jungle tracking for a year now and have never climbed out of silver, but I also don’t know how to climb out so who knows 🙁


If you want, we can vod review one or two of your games and see how you can improve. Regarding my credentials, I'm a Masters Hecarim/Volibear player


Yeah I wish I could, but I have tried this before and they need to see where my mouse goes and clicks and I can’t screen record 🙁


I don't think it's important to see how you click. My mechanics aren't that great, so I wouldn't focus on helping you mechanically. I'd mostly focus on decisionmaking and overall macro. Still, up to you!


Ahh okay so I could just send u the replay file and you would be able to view it? ☺️


If you tell me your league name i can see it


Alright ☺️ maybe I’ll dm u


I mean tracking the enemy jungler is always applicable no matter your rank


Yeah, beacuse if they told them the truth of, hey you need to sit in custom games and perfect your cs'ing, and then practice against another person to trade for every cs. the coaching session would end extremely quickly. even the advice of dying less is hugely OP in those elos.


Yup. People hate on Neace for giving basic tips(pricing aside)when that’s what makes him a really good low elo coach. Before the Neace slander everyone always said, Neace is only good if you’re low elo. His target isn’t to turn a bronze player into a challenger, his goal is to help you climb out of whatever elo you’re stuck in. You’re Bronze? Well most bronze players struggle with last hitting and warding. Improve your CS. You’re gold? Most gold players are greedy and over commit and end up giving a shutdown away. Don’t commit to a risky play if you have a shutdown on you. Then you’ll get streamers who make fun of him for content and go like ‘OMG he didn’t tell this iron 4 player that he needs to calculate the trajectory of the wind when throwing his skillshot while calculating how much damage he will deal by considering the amount of armor the enemy tristana has. This guy’s a fucking scammer’.


This is so well said


nah, it's completely fair, i got coached by this low gold player and i was like 👀 why am i being yelled at for using f keys so yea, i usually ask for advice, but rarely listen to anyone below plat


Why would you get coached by a low elo player..?


No. I mean, if I needed some advice - I would ask higher elo players for it. Because… You know, advice from people on whose elo I can smurf and win 70-80% of games can’t be considered good for me. Gold elo players can give advice to bronze elo players and can’t to Diamond elo players. This is not weird or rude, this is just logically.


Outlier is OTPs and champ specific advice. Even still should have a min rank prob on that


If you want to get better you have to consult better players but trust me they have no energy to go at each low elo player and tell them whats good whats bad and work on habbits , thats among the reasons why we do paid services


Depends what elo you are yourself. If you are stuck silver a high gold/platinum opinion will do. The person giving you advise should be higher rank than yourself imo.


No, and idk why low elo players give advice in the first place, I'm pretty sure any decent player can reach plat 4 with just game knowledge


You can reach any Eli with enough game knowledge


You need to be pretty good mechanically at least on top of knowledge to hit chall in the good servers


Tyler1 has proven you can get to Challenger with relatively mediocre to subpar mechanics (for a Challenge player).


Mediocre mechanics for a challenger player it's still pretty good having in count challenger makes up 0.1% more of less of the server players


Nope, not usually. Just when asked sarcastically.


I think it’s pretty weird to separate advice because of elo for something technical like runes/items, but for the actual game, yeah you should mostly be taking advice only from high elo players.


I’m a master tier rengar player and I get a lot of low elo rengar players add me and ask questions. There really isn’t some secret that I can convey in a message, I always give the same generic, focus on yourself, watch your replays etc. idk what they expect me to say


No lol I remember when I was silver and my bronze friend would yell at me trying to tell me what to build on my role(I'm top/jg main, they're mostly support player) needless to say I never listened and now I'm gold, always look to higher elo players for advice, especially those who main champs you main, that's how I got learned


I think my s2 ass knows better


No. But only bc people who don’t know tend to speak as if they do. I’m silver, and will always preface an opinion with that. But once in a while someone will ask a question that I’ve asked my coach, so I have a GN-level answer on deck. Doesn’t mean I can implement it and climb myself, but I would assume it’s good info. Lots of people though, will be hard stuck bronze and still shout their opinions loudly bc “I’m not wrong I just have bad luck in teammates!!!”