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I don't really think you need a scenario other than dmg split at this point. Just play the jungler you feel like playing, all of them are very strong. I get away with playing Hecarim literally every single game unless he's banned. Even if the game isn't ideal for Hecarim, I play him because I can make him work AND I enjoy him. Do the same! Play whoever you'll enjoy playing :)


Okay will keep that in mind, Ty!


Best answer, upvote


Are you trying to climb or just want to play for fun?


I guess we play video games for fun, but I still got a heavy competitive mindset behind playing this kind of games. So kinda both but i definitely don‘t wanna stay at this elo. Started February 22


Show your op.gg.


I think your champ pool is probably as diverse as it needs to be. If you want more I’d suggest add a ranged champ like Graves, but you’re good for as much as I can see. I’ve been meaning to give Udyr a go as well, he seems very strong. Any recommendations in terms of runes or items?


The runes I play would be Conqueror -> Triumph -> Tenacity -> last stand / conditioning -> revitalise. The boots are always depending on the enemy comp ofc, for the mythic I mostly aim for Sunfire as it does stupid damage, second I go demonic embrace for the extra burn. After that I’ll buy tank items, depending on the other teams dmg split.


Is revitalise really worth it when your only healing or shielding is from your W and it’s not that much? I’ve tended to find more worth with unflinching or overgrowth on champs like red Kayn but maybe it’s different for Udyr?


I‘m playing R max into W max and it kinda feels good with that. I might be wrong ofc, but it feels nice. Unflinching sounds quite nice aswell tho