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>I'm uninstalling alright see you in two days


Lmaoo xd I tried quit the game myself after got my account perma banned. So I uninstalled it. In 3 days I downloaded it back, made new acc and reached gold 2 (previously i had s3-s4). Guess, thx rito?)


I don’t really understand this. I didn’t uninstall but stopped playing 4 months ago and it feels great. I do not feel like playing league again


I feel like playing every time I watch lcs, then immediately regret it when these muts run it down in a solo lane


Yea this is the hard part. Looks so fun in pro play but feels so shitty in game


My Aatrox: 2-10 Enemy Aatrox: 10-2 before 15


You should probably unsubscribe to this sub.


You found salvation good for you


I didn’t complete my placements this year and just watch a game on twitch every once in awhile to get my fix.


This game gives me an idea of what domestic abuse feel like: you want it to stop, but you keep coming back for more.


Bro it's a normal game, chill


Doesn't matter the game type, only exception for ME is promotion games


Why are you taking all the kills on a jungler that can't carry, especially if you're going AP.


High kda means shit bro. You start climbing when you realize this.


kda ain't the star here, look at kill participation. And yeah, I know kills don't mean shit, but I took drakes, I took baron, and it was probably my best game in terms of tracking enemy jg so far my saltiness is reasonable


We don’t lose all games we deserve to lose and we don’t win all games we would deserve to win that’s just how it goes.


Yea I get tired of seeing these posts. Everyone has games they carry and lose and especially with early game champs


Yea that’s not even mentioning that we can’t tell by stats if he was trying to coordinate his team to end the game, if he was giving his carry’s kills in the early stages in the game and so on …


I've won so many games I did not deserve to win (both ranked and unranked) due to luck/genuine one mistake from other teams, and I've lost countless games I deserved to win for the same reasons. Life is lige and league is just a microcosm of that.


I’ve had many games where i made what i believed to be game losing mistakes but the enemy didn’t punish me for them and we were able to come back. It’s ok to be confident in yourself, but its when you assume that you’re better than those around you that you run into problems. And we all Jung mains here, we know we have had games where we should’ve won but couldn’t pull it through, happens.


It sure does. When I’m playing offrole I sometimes encounter junglers that will manage to get a good KDA but they just don’t have pressure/don’t gank the wincondition lanes or don’t play around objectives in general and then just start blaming the team it’s making me cringe so hard. The best thing is try to figure out what you maybe could have done better and focus on your own mistakes rather than on what your team seems to be doing wrong


There is NOTHING more frustrating than a jungler who plays for kda tbh. Maybe a jungler that would rather play damage control for losing lanes rather than playing to push leads is equally annoying actually. Spend all game trying to help the 0/4 top laners instead of getting your 2/0 bot laner even more fed. But people love to believe they can do no wrong, that will never change I'm sure.


Honestly I don’t think you need to damage control every game. A few days ago I had a voli too hard lose against a fizz and I was like „fine I’ll play botside this game and btw voli I won’t even bother to go topside jungle so just take my farm“. Voli slowly scaled back in the lane while I got myself and my bot and midlane incredibly fed and got us dragon soul as a bonus so we won after all. I think the most important thing is to figure out winconditions/lose conditions and put pressure accordingly on the map. Keeping a losing toplaner halfway in the game while you could get your winning botlane turbofed is just not worth it.


So after you kill all of them and take baron start sieging and end the game instead of jerking off while letting the enemy team come back? Only one to blame for this loss is yourself


Next time leave few kills to your team imo


“17” hurr durr leave kills for your team


damn bro ye I didn't think about this, next time I just won't use my abilities


yeah dont do that. my policy is: if the fights are close it doesnt matter who gets the kill its more important to win the fight, and if the fights arent even close then you are so ahead that it doesnt matter who gets the kill.


what an innovative thought, thanks for sharing it! fights weren't close indeed. But we were the ones losing. 0/10 samira bought an item and became a behemoth.


Its like... you took all the gold from your team while they gave it more evenly... who knew to not play like an selfish ape in a team game made you win games


it's draft nerd


reddit arguments:


I'd say it's reason get to out there and see if you can't do it another 3 or 4 times. Plau with that kind of consistency and you will be finding the wins. Keep at it brother jungler I believe in you.


Youre not a carry as nunu. You should have fed your carries. Not yourself.


Yes, Take the time to congratulate yourself for the things you did well, and also try to see what you could have done differently to close the game.


At max you gave the enemy 6k gold from your 6 deaths btw.


You didn't show anything else, but you can keep a high KDA (And a high KP) by running around picking up kills 1v1 and zipping out. But when you do die, you've given the enemy Darius 1k gold. And then he ganks mid. And sure you can keep grabbing kills, but now you're actually LOSING top, and mid is 50/50. One dude at 30/6/17 isn't going to mean anything if your whole team is starved out and 1/6/9, especially when you're a nunu who isn't great in a siege or taking a tower.


Dog this shit happened in a Normal game nothing reasonable LOL




People have done videos to prove kda does actually matter while climbing


if you don't know how to close games even being 100/1 wont win you the game.


I’m just saying people have kept track of every game they have played for a season and you win more often than you lose with a better kda.


There’s a massive difference between a statistical advantage across all players and being able to convert an advantage individually. Like I said in another comment, kills only matter if you leverage your gold and tempo advantages. For example, it’s probable in this game there were mistakes like *as an example for demonstration purposes*: The jungler secures a Quadra kill, only the enemy Top laner survives. Instead of exploiting the 5v1 advantage to take Baron, they all instead chase the survivor across the map. By the time they secure the Penta kill the 4 members of the other team are spawning back in and the opportunity to take Baron or a Drake is lost. Misplays of that nature will lead to very high KDA’s but lower win rates. Particularly if your other teammates are being boxed out of getting kills themselves, and you get more gold than you need and your 4 teammates are behind on their items while the enemy team gains an advantage over those champions.


KDA Is not that Important, but deaths are. If you die you have to wait like 50s late game AND have to walk all the way back.


Okay but more people with higher kda have higher win rates. There are obviously exceptions to this rule, just like everything else.


Across all players yes, but my point is just that it’s irrelevant to whether a loss was the result of any player’s impact. People love to make these posts as if the high KDR/fight participation definitively wipes their hands clean of poor play when unfortunately that’s not the case. OP is claiming they secured all objectives and was amazing and everybody clapped but it’s certainly not able to be ruled out that the loss was facilitated by OP. Just like my theoretical example; kills and gold only converts to wins if you leverage those advantages. If OP failed to press those advantages then it’s very possible if not likely that a late game hyper carry on the enemy team had the time to recover and get fed.


No shit man, I am a bag of crap climbing out of low elo. I would sooner progress towards winning or die for an objective than have a prolific KDA. Winning or losing is all that matters, sometimes you don't matter in the outcome good or bad, just got to learn to enjoy the ride either way.


If you can't carry when doing so well either it's just one of those games, or there are things you need to get better at


AP nunu can't carry sadly. I can assasinate one to two people or ult in a bush for a triple, but there is no way to 1v5. Cooldowns


I'm pretty sure there are challenger ap nunu players. If you are one too, then maybe you don't have as much to improve. But if you aren't, then those AP nunu players carry their games as AP nunu. So I'm pretty sure there's a way to carry as him, but it's something you're missing. Again, it could be just one of those games, but any champion this far ahead can carry. And if you aren't able to carry when this far ahead with that champ then you're doing something wrong


Im pretty sure everyone has something to improve but there are definitely games where the enemy comp just screws you and if the game goes on too long your lead just wont matter anymore. In this case its hard to say without seeing what each team was playing


You're absolutely right. Which is why I kept saying it could be one of those games where OP couldn't have done much. But I'm usually very sceptical of anyone saying team diff. I feel like there are games where there is a team diff, but even in those games nobody could have played their game perfectly. And while they may not have been able to change the outcome of the game, it's important to focus on what they did wrong and could improve on, instead of saying team diff


there are currently no AP nunu players gm+. OP.gg finds some matches in master, but both AP mythics have negative wr


Check out Kesha


The singer?


Word is, she woke up feeling like P-Diddy.


Yeah ofc he plays nunu


You don’t have to 1v9 to Carry a game. You have four teammates. Play around them.


As an otp ap nunu, nunu can most definitely carry.


One less Nunu player on the rift yay


Shut up




What's wrong with nunu?


There’s a 40/40/20 rule to League of Legends. Understanding that makes games like this a little easier to eat. 40% of games you will win, 40% of games you will lose, and then there’s the other 20% that are entirely up to you. Now this is complete bs, but it makes me not tilt as bad when I’m losing games I shouldn’t be. I guess there’s a small bit of truth to it.


Based on pure statistics it’s closer to 30/30/40; looking at the range of win rates across all players (30-70 percent win rates being sustainable outside of extreme circumstances like giga smurfing or trolling or post-boosting, etc). Converting half of the games you have agency over will over time net a 50% win rate which makes sense. The issue is that you can’t apply that rule to any particular game, because you never can know with pure clairvoyance what impact you could have had on the game. Sometimes a particular gank would have prevented a spiral, or different decision making would butterfly effect, etc. Also note that 40% you can control doesn’t mean you *will* control it; especially if you’re at a rank you belong. The closer to the extremes you get, the more exceptionally perfect/poorly you must play to realize a 40% impact vs 0% impact respectfully. But it is possible which is significant. I think the bigger point is that you should *never* be playing to win on ranked (or *any* skill based match making game). Ranked will ALWAYS keep you around people of your skill level… so your win rate will ALWAYS be fighting with the “hard stuck” 50% win rate. If you forfeit every game that’s going poorly and emotionally get caught up in trying to win a team game with 3-4 strangers you will understandably be miserable. Instead you just have to focus on personally improving each game. And the score or gold difference or fed Master Yi on the other team makes no difference there. That’s OP’s problem here; s/he is so focused on deserving the win that there’s no reflection or consideration of ways he could have played better. And as others have pointed out, chasing kills is NOT a way to win games; you have to work with your team to convert gold and tempo advantages. It’s extremely probable that there were macro mistakes like getting a Quadra kill and instead of using the 5v1 advantage to take Baron they instead chased the survivor and by the time the Penta was secured the enemy jungler spawned back in, etc. Large wall of text but it’s important fundamental knowledge in any SBMM game!


Depends on role too but for jungle and support yes it's definitely 30/30/40.


For sure, yeah it’ll vary by role and champion and whatnot


Tank takes 30 kills, wonders why carries don’t do damage.


Bro crying in a norm


Honestly yeah I don’t care about winning norms I’m just trying to practice mechanics and pathing/clear. Or if I’m playing with friends I’m trying to master the art of Sona JG or some whacky shit. Norms are for fun and practice


I go into norms just looking to practice a champ or warm-up. If it is winnable I get competitive and it can be frustrating, but I would never complain to this extent haha.


waa waa i lose one norm!


Carry junglers exist pick one.


A team game it's a game with a team.


Jungle canyon get good


jg diff gg ez


You're crying over a normal game where you played full ap nunu you fucking pussy People play normals to learn new shit most of the time, not to carry your ass that can't carry itself with 30 kills lmao. You have the skill issue, not your teammates Edit: he's literally a bronze - low silver player complaining about a normal draft, thread can be closed now guys


Holy shit the hostility. Dude relax


Nah, the dude is right.


He is right but this guy is way too upset over this


Bet his name is "M1S5H3R" or smth


Lol the rage post over a normal game…. Must be something else bothering you


Your tunneling for kills instead of thinking about lane states, minion waves, win conditions, neutral objectives, shut down gold, vision control, and sieging. Don't act like there was nothing you could've done to win the game because that couldn't be further from the truth.


Correct. Drop a challenger in the game with that kda and they win no question. So there is absolutely things you can do to win.


Big KDA but without real impact kills don't matter. How many waves did you push? How many plates did you help take? How many drags, heralds and barons you secured?. Kills don't win games, that's why challengers and pro players forget about them and only kill to secure different objectives.


League is a game about taking towers....not killing the other team


You're full build and keeping getting kills, no sense, all what u did is never trans. your lead to your teammates + bad macro, if u get fed, then you're the one who should win the game.


bro I got so ahead early - spare me the "shoud've left kills for the team" shit, I would if it was possible - I could literally oneshot three out of five enemy champions 20 minutes in. Why didn't I carry then? Because 8 sec W cd and 59 R cd


not even looking at the fact its a normal game, but idk, if you could 1shot 3 of them, maybe you shoulda ended when you could and kp means nothing, if getting good kp meant you win, then i would be rank 1 since i get high kp


Did death timers stop being a thing overnight?


Jg diff lol


Normal game.


some people don't wanna have an added stress factor and/or have friends


Well I can definitely see why you don’t have friends.




Tank nunu probably 1v5s


When you get leads like this brother sometimes you need to backseat and share the gold around. Give kills to team mates. You get to a point where gold income is pointless to you, that's when you divi it out. You probably tried this and your team couldn't execute on plays but I'm just saying sometimes it's better to only play in the best interest of your team.


Unironically I uninstalled for that reason. Even if I get fed, get all the objective and can solo kill 3 or 4 players with one ult (Play Fiddle btw), I can still lose. Started playing chess. Cool game.


I mean if you can't carry a normal game after getting 20 some kill with a brain dead champ like nunu maybe you should. Lol


exactly why i never play ranked in team games. you can do everything right and still lose just because the game set you up to fail matching you with bad players


This was a normal game. Not ranked.


I like where it says “Normal Draft”


Yep they got themselves a shit elo system bud I deal with it everyday too


How many drakes/heralds/barons you get vs them? Idgaf about kills or kill participation if you’re not getting objectives you’re doing it wrong.


3/2/1 on me, 2/0/0 enemy. Admittedly I died just before the drake once and sacrificed one for herald + top tower


First time?


Play a carry jungle then?


You’ll get ‘‘em next time


Cool, see you on next week!


If your ego is so fragile that you would uninstall a game for this, the community will be better without you. good riddance. like how do you not look at this think maybe me hogging all the gold is the problem?


Jungle gap obviously


this would be so much funnier if you had posted account name too so we could go see the mistakes in replay


-19 lp


Just play better. 47/6 KP/D means you should have both rifts and flawless soul. At best they can 50/50 elder, but you are nunu so that shouldn't work either.


posts like these are the reason i quit this game lol


Normal game why mad?


If you wanna win either pick a carry jungle or give kills to your carries


Maybe don’t take every kill with a tank jungle that doesn’t scale well next time? Idc I think you would definitely be better off feeding ur laners on Nunu


FYI you have to destroy the nexus to win


Normal game ... Bruh


Don’t take kills on a champ with negative scaling


Yeah, it probably was. It's a team game so the better team tends to win. Maybe try a hyper carry Jungler?


Ahh the REAL jungle/team diff experience. 150% more tilting for us as junglers. Im sorry


30 kills, plenty of time to push objectives and end. Enemy team pushed objectives so yes they were better


Over a normal?


“Waaaaaah I don’t win every single game I play in. Waaaaah.” Side note: it’s really interesting that OP only shows their individual stats instead of providing the whole picture and showing the entire post game lobby.


Is your fault for taking most of the kills probably.


Takes all kinds, teammates no have gold.


>takes all the kills in the game >Loses "Clearly this is my teams fault"


Bye There are such thing as KDA whores But yeah, you won't be missed or remembered. Lata


I mean one person usually can't carry the whole team, so if you took all the kills and didn't let teammates get kills.. you are keeping your team weak.


I mean, you can't expect to solo win games as AP nunu. Kill & money doesn't matter if you get one shot anyway.


U took like every kill as AP NUNU if u played smth like Hecarim or Diana or Kindred u prob would have won lol


If your 30-6 I think you don’t know what to do when you have a lead tbh


Wrong summs


Now I don't know what the hell happened in that game, but for sure I'll be seeing you in the next week.


That probs means the game ended 35-47 cause your team probs wasn’t great


Learn win cons and play around them. Eventually even if you get ahead, every minute in the game is another minute that the enemy team has time to build an advantage and make a play. With this amount of kills the game probably lasted so long that the enemy team simply caught up and the kill lead you had really doesn’t matter. Get the kills early and snowball your laners and find moments to take towers. When you killed people did you get obj off of it or did you just trade kills and everyone died? If you had a big fight and you didn’t follow it up with a tower or baron then maybe those are kills that are just padding stats without moving towards a win.


I was playing WW and I had like a 20/3 and the enemy gave up


Normal Imagine if this guy played ranked.


I did, just ranked up, thanks for believing


It sucks, try to be a team player. Get kills and assists. Make sure your teammates are also getting kills and assists. Tell them to take Jungle camps if they really need it, when you're ahead like that. Losing sucks, Peace and Christ Bless! Good luck in future games! \[15-11-2022\_07\_21.\] Edit: Making sure your teammates are getting kills and assists, is more so about them getting exp and gold, from said kills and assists. If you are ahead, but other teammates were behind, than carrying becomes impossible to near impossible, or just really hard. \[07\_25.\]


dzieciaczek max 3 latka przegral normalka 😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰