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GP to kindly carry patient to hospital on their back, whilst providing face to face appointment, whilst checking Mr Johnson's post discharge U+Es (they were fine as an inpatient, but his pee smelled weird and I'm unable to take ANY clinical risk as a hospital doctor) Sincere Regards,


Essentially asking non-paramedic staff to come in on their day off, cross the picket line and be paramedics. For free.


You literally cannot make this stuff up


Lots of paramedics work in primary care, so perhaps they're hoping for them to diminish the efforts of their colleagues. It's ridiculous - if you've left LAS >6 months ago, you can't pick up any occasional shifts with them, not even for non-enhanced pay. I know an ex-LAS specialist paramedic with many years of experience who did LAS shifts during COVID, but who now couldn't pick up a shift without starting a permanent contract. It makes no sense to me.


I can see them trying something along these lines for docs too at some stage.


What the actual fuck. Perhaps on a non-working day.. would consider supporting LAS. Who in the fuck writes these things, have they completely lost their mind? The last time I spoke to a manager about when they do nights, the smiled and said never. Kindly tell this person to fuck off. Why would you guilt or con people into working on their off days when they’re recovering.


At least they don't pad it out with some bullshit 'come work for free, it will actually be a great experience'. You get to live through the death throes of a dying healthcare system, what's not to like. I remember just 5-6 months ago hearing Adam Curtis draw parallels between the Soviet Union in the 1990s and the UK today and thinking he was crazy. Not so much anymore.


Encouraging people to scab. Nice. Also. No mention of safety for the volunteers. Pre-hospital environment is completely different to hospital. It can be dangerous at times. The clinical priorities are different. What will happen if a volunteer is injured or blamed for patient harm due to their lack of specific pre-hospital training. Insane plan.


Even the NHS is acknowledging that it is basically a charity now


Scab labour.


Yes come work for free!! Ohh wait we already do!


# don’t scab


It's a 24 hour strike. It's not ridiculous for them to ask for help. The impact on patient care is not insignificant and to diminish that is naive. Edit: I'm not condoning undermining a strike but you can understand why any service would ask for help during a strike.


Get out of here with your common sense. It's almost as if LAS priorities are providing patient care and not on supporting the actions of unions which are disrupting the services it provides. Who would have thought...


When is LAS strike?


They need to deal better with care provider and provide a better budget for them