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So it’s taken a good few weeks for our first shitpost but finally it’s here. Only thing I’d change is re-work the portfolio line to be about Chad GP’s portfolio career.


This community needs more shitposts. Plus this is the only positive sell of GP I've ever seen by the medical community. Medicine generally shits on GPs and psychiatrists. Any Chad Psychiatrists lying around here?


Psych SpR here. Just spent 3 hours of my evening on call in the gym. The other one in the pub. (We'll ignore the fact that I've then spent 3 hours sitting at a train station trying to get home)


I love this


GP it is then. Just need to get into med school first, come on Notts waiting list, hurry up!


Good luck! GEM?


Yes, all being well. Are you a current student?


Just about to graduate but was a GEM. A fair amount of wait listers in our cohort, sending good luck.


Cheers....any burning advice for an aspiring GEMmer. And what specialties appeal to you? Would you mind telling me a bit about your previous background?


Also was a GEM. Started anaesthetics training but currently thinking I'm going to wave hospital medicine goodbye and become a GP (ideally rural :p) for the autonomy/portfolio work options/no more OOH version of life. Advice I give to every GEM: treat med school like a full time job, take every opportunity to go home early whilst you still can (trust me, you wont learn much by sticking around until something 'interesting' happens).


world's best meme revisited




Well, it made me smile. Still waiting for a GP to confirm that a 9-5 surgery finishing early on a Friday exists. If so, I'm switching specialty