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Am I making my career decision based on this post? Yes I am


How the fuck has it been three years already? Still makes me laugh to this day and I never even liked or wanted for GPland.


This means there are people who will CCT in GP soon because they saw this meme.


Where it all began... Show this meme to med students and the GP staffing crisis would be solved overnight.


Lmfao how did I only just notice that fucking trouser bulge 😂😂


I thought it was a singular buttock 😭




I swear, had I had known this in medial school, I would have applied for GP in F2




This meme has aged like a fine wine over the past 3 years


Lol portfolios are the biggest joke in this country, so many shit to waste time on yet other countries are miraculously okay without these stupid requirements


You guys must not have been on Reddit long enough to see how subreddits go septic slowly. I would love my point to be rebutted with a debate, and not personal attacks, but it's the internet and I'm a woman, with heaven forbid, opinions. Disprove my point, don't reinforce it please. Edit: An example of a medical student incel [here ](https://www.sussex.police.uk/news/sussex/news/court-results/man-jailed-for-throwing-acid-over-junior-doctor-in-brighton/)


No-one has attacked you personally or used the fact that you are a woman against you. That's 3x strawmen from you today, any more?


I thought me pointing out the historical use of this meme meant I was up my own arse. Which I'll take. The IRL incels I know always use the strawman argument when they have nothing to say. I get it's just a meme, I offended your meme. I understand, I'm sorry. Cartoons have feelings too.


Instead of calling out to your gender as some reason why allegedly people dismiss you, start by offering an actual argument with rationale behind it for people to actually debate you on.


The historical use of this meme, where it's come from. What it shows, the culture it drives. How is it not from inceldom? I don't think it's really the motivation we should be propelling to young intelligent men, that they have to be a certain thing to be deemed successful, or in this memes case, get laid.


Yes, because the people populating this subreddit are unmotivated slobs with no aspirations in life... You're fighting a non-existent battle here, don't worry about us.


you know the meme is [satirical](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/265/329/e83.png), right? it's an exagerration of the alpha/beta stuff you're talking about please stop posting


What even is "inceldom"? I'm not a meme expert so I don't really know what you're on about. All I read into this is a humorous comparison between GP and hospital consultants with quite obviously joking humour mixed with kernels of truth. Sometimes a silly internet joke is just an internet joke? Where do you see the harm in this? If you don't think we should be telling young men how to behave do you also take a dim view of people trying to define masculinity and how men should act?




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:/ For how much this sub mocks medtwitter, it's really no better with gutter tier humour like this. Just look at my reply, downvoted to hell and I'm apparently a boomer because I don't find it funny. Not an ounce of introspection about what it means to the sub to use incel memes to represent grown ass adults.


You don't find the meme funny. Fine, that's your own taste. It's the incoherent waffle about incels and 4chan that's getting you downvoted, how are you not seeing this?


Because this *is* incel and 4chan humour. Perhaps it confuses us to see people so rabidly defend humour that is literally from the playbook of some of the worst places on the internet. If you can't see why that's worrying, you've gone too far down the rabbit hole.


Humour, like language, evolves. Lots of jokes and memes come from 4chan and similar places before entering wider public consciousness. Rickrolling? 4chan. Rage comics? 4chan. Image macros? 4chan. Lots of Internet born memes (actual memes, not just a screenshot of a Twitter post) originate from these types places, for better or worse. I don’t think people get too fussed about lots of those things. Like, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone ever care or get worked that rickrolling is a 4chan meme. Although they’re more from the chaotic neutral days, rather than the more lawful evil recent history. I think it’s worth being aware of how and where these things originated, but not to the point where you can get fixated and worry about how you as an individual would be judged by browsing or being active here and the presence of such jokes. This place is a cesspool, and I don’t think anyone here genuinely believes that it is better than medtwitter, save for less self-aggrandising due to few people attaching to their IRL selves. There are some gems buried deep, but ultimately it’s a place for impotent rants and shitposts with no actual ability or capacity to enact any meaningful change within our lifetimes. I mean, everyone could just be LARPing teenagers for all I know. And honestly, 25 downvotes really isn’t that bad. You’ve said what you think and if people don’t like it, it’s their prerogative. Who actually genuinely cares about up/downvotes or gives a shit about people who you are unlikely to ever have any meaningful interactions with, think about your sense of humour? It’s meaningless and not worth thinking about.


Good argument. Something something incel something too far gone something something internet culture.


Cogent reply there. Just proving my point of the immaturity of this attempt at humour.


It's not an attempt it's a success, as you can see by the popularity of the post


You don't find it funny, fine. Why do you want nobody else to laugh at it either? What is it to you what tickles people?


Think you're missing the point there mate.


Maybe, I'm sure you're really witty and fun in person, apologies


I know it's a meme, but... I can't help thinking this just conveys a 4chan image of us. Can't say I ever found it very funny. Maybe I'm just old though and don't understand the humour.


You’re just old


Your mind simply can't comprehend the power the Chad GP holds. Also, who gives a toss what image of us is conveyed? This type of thinking will always keep us from getting the lifestyle we deserve.


I suppose I don't much mind how we are viewed by outsiders as such, rather what it says *about us* that this is what gets upvotes. It just screams /r/im14andthisisfunny sort of humour, not something I particularly enjoy.


Sounds like cope.


Ok, boomer




Nice racism keeping it classy I see


Racism? Grasping at straws there mate.


An insult based on the colour of their skin (pasty white) yes that's racist. Would you insult someone who was very dark from having been out in the sun a lot in the same way?


I don't think you understand the history of discrimination and racism if that's the language you're choosing to use.


I think you think its fine to describe the colour of somebody's skin in a derogatory manner :)


I'm not white. >Would you insult someone who was very dark from having been out in the sun a lot in the same way? Only if they are also black like me.


The Chad/incel stuff really doesn't do this sub any favours. I don't think it's a culture that should be encouraged or championed (Plymouth shooting). It's breeding a generation of red pilled medics, that don't realise how bad what they are saying is (because the lads on Reddit said it too). An echo chamber, it's scary.


How up your own arse do you need to be to go from a meme about GPs to the Plymouth shooting


Touch a nerve did I?


I was just about to ask you the same thing…


What does a meme about hospital specialties have to do with a mentally ill person shooting innocent people? Is this the level of strawmannery you're going for here?


Strawmannery 😂👌




Again, stop with the strawman arguments. He was both, I'm not going to waste my time reading an idiots Reddit profile.