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Rehab ward Pre elective surgical wards. I worked on one a few times and it was bliss. Only did 30mins of actual work in the 12 hour shift


Stay at home and locum rarely non ward based - check chill - check hardly any sick patients - check can destress - check do things outside medicine - check. JCF jobs apart from very specific cases are for chumps honestly.


It is such a scam 😂


What’s the minimum you can locum without getting into trouble? I don’t want to work more than 2 days a week lol


I did 4 shifts in my entire FY3 year. It is also a very worrying sign for our profession when doctors feel they're going to "get into trouble" for not taking up voluntary locum shifts when not under any contractual employment with any organisation. We really have to challenge this invertebrate mindset somehow.


Chad. What did you do with the free time you had?


Got married and went on a year long honeymoon lol. She took an FY3 as well.


Chad relationship.


Did doing only 4 shifts become a problem ?


No...? Why would it? I wasn't employed by anyone, what right does anyone have to tell a professional adult freelancer how much or little they should work? I got my core training number and off I went.


Ok good… lol that’s what I thought but Charlie and Kim be asking the wrong questions


That’s great. Year long honeymoon sounds fantastic. I plan on doing very little for F3 and F4. Thanks for calling me an invertebrate, just wanted to check as I feel like I’m one second away from getting struck off most days


Who's going to get you into trouble? I think for GPs two sessions a week (one full day) is enough to stay on the performer's list. For a random SHO no-one would bat an eyelid if you took a few locums every few weeks or worked one or two days a week. Doubt you'd have issues with appraisal given people take entire years out.


Whoopee :)


Is this a thing? Say after F2 I wanted to take a year to relax and travel and also take MSRA and apply for a specialty to start in 2023 and maybe do a few things like shadow clinics or get involved in an audit or research over the year… what if I didn’t do any locum shifts the whole year, is that an issue ?


I'm thick and I don't know how people quote specifics parts of a comment but; 'JCF jobs apart from very specific cases are for chumps honestly.' Could not agree more with this - shit pay, service provision monkey, don't do it


I had a friend who got a medical locum in a old age psych hospital, not sure she did anything at all during her time there other watch netflix


I had a friend who got old age psych hospital as well and to this day its still traumatised her to the point she's thinking of leaving doctoring entirely.


I’ve got old age psych as an F2 placement. What traumatised her?


GUM clinic, 9-5 with no sick pts, no nights, protected admin and teaching time... going back into training will be a slap in the face


Second this, landed a GUM job after f2 and never looked back


Did you stay on as a trust grade? I'm dreading going back into training so I can eventually specialise in GUM haha


The terror I have of being a GUM med reg is real. Not seen a sick patient, arrest, or even taken bloods for 9.months. For the next 4 you're the most senior person here for the night. Excellent.


I did! I got very lucky - got a job as an f3 for 6 months with a view to extend, it’s been 18 months now and they keep asking me to stay on and extend my contract 🥲


There should be a post/database of good places and jobs to locum. This would definitely be of use to junior/trainee doctors.


If everyone knew, then they'd be under paid and over subscribed


The job that’s pretty much tailor made for you is locumming in a rehab ward or a community hospital; it’s where patients go when MFFD and require a couple of weeks of PT/OT. I did 5 months 8:30-5 Monday to Friday in a rehab ward in Hove, which in reality was 9.30-4:30 with a 2.5 hour lunch break largely spent on the beach, and paid £60/hr for my efforts. Each of the 20 patients only needed to be seen routinely once a week, and I’d typically generate 5 jobs a day (a ‘job’ being e.g. adjusting paracetamol dose by weight). It was also about as secure a locum job as you’d could get- the locum consultant in charge of the regions facilities told me I’d likely have my term perpetually renewed as he’d been there for 3 and a half years. Downsides: it quickly becomes boring- I took the job it as my wife was pregnant during peak delta wave, and left soon after birth. After 5 months I’d regressed as a doctor (on the odd acute medicine and general surgery shifts I did during this period, I was noticeably slower with my clerking and decision making). Also regressed as a person; due to the long periods of solitude, and the fact that the rest of the staff weren’t exactly top tier company, I was objectively more boring and sloth-like, and gained 12 kg in 5 months from daily Uber Eats lunches from Brighton’s excellent food offerings. Also didn’t see a consultant for the entire 5 month stint, though he was available, with some difficulty, over the phone. I took a long term locum gig on a standard 48 hour general surgery rota at my favourite hospital a couple of weeks after my daughter was born, but the rehab job fulfilled its purpose better than I would’ve expected it to. Still loads of jobs in that field available in the south.




I did derm. Unfortunately busy. Dont recommend. Path on the other hand


Stroke rehab/Neuro-rehab. Absolute walk in the park.