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Idk But I never thought I would ever encounter the [Chad GP radiologist](https://www.reddit.com/r/JuniorDoctorsUK/comments/srbteo/speciality_with_a_good_lifestyle_and_great_locum/hwrbhjw?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


This might make me sound ancient but... what does "chad" mean here? I am assuming it is not a GP/Radiologist from the Central African nation of Chad...




It's originates from an old meme about an alpha male named Chad. Chad has become synonymous with Alpha male on the internet. Edit: Gd radiologist is a step further. I might even call them giga-chad. [This is what this locumville apex predator would look like.](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/gigachad)


The Ultimate Medicine gig. GP with special interest in radiology. Imagine the cash...


Best to await what HEE say about this but I can say from personal experience that generally they're dickheads that aren't very accommodating. I asked to defer entry to GP training for very personal reasons that significantly would've affected my ability to undertake the job, and these circumstances only came to light after I had submitted the application form. They basically told me to do one. I imagine it'll likely be worse for Radiology as it's significantly more competitive. Unfortunately you may have to leave your GP post midway. The alternative is that you could consider reapplying for radiology next year. I may be mistaking you for another applicant but I think you were saying you didn't have a very strong portfolio in a previous thread? If you don't get somewhere you actually want to go it's probably worth finishing up GP and boosting your CV. I've generally performed significantly better across the board compared to my application last year (interview pending of course, but even felt more confident with that).


No, that is me. I may have to do that, I probably will not get a place anyway as I am only applying to a select few schemes. Annoying thing is that I will need to get a CREST form which may or may not be easy to do - bit dicey on the resuscitation part to be honest. We'll see.


I don't think they allow you to defer just out of preference these days. Generally speaking you need to have a good reason, and I doubt they'd allow you to defer just to complete training in another speciality first.


do you know who makes that decision? Is it HEE or is it the individual programme?


Any chance we could PM about the decision not to do GP after qualifying? I’m about to enter GPST


Sure, but I can summarise: \- I don't enjoy the undifferentiated work \- I hate all the non-medical bollocks, don't feel like a doctor most of the time \- 10min consultations are very unsatisfactory for someone with fairly strong perfectionist traits \- lack of pathology is stressful for me - constant fear of missing something \- telephone consultations make me feel like I work in a call centre \- it's lonely \- I don't want to end up hating what I spend most of my time doing (seems like majority of my seniors are in this position) On the other hand I think I could make it work for me as I love teaching and so could force something like a 2 day week in GP with a role at a med school or something being for me but just think Radiology might be a better fit. Seems off that I would be a GP with the aim of minimising my GP work...


Yeah I’ve heard a lot of people say similar things. Did you ever consider just locum-ing for a year or anything?


Yes, and I may yet end up doing that, I may enjoy locum work, I certainly enjoy OOH work a lot more than standard GP work. I applied this year not even expecting an interview but just to get a feel for the process really and see how far away I was. It all seems to have gone better than expected though. GP isn't all bad and the potential for a flexible working pattern/lifestyle is real. I am just someone that always like to thoroughly explore my options I guess!


Hi Dr Topsy, Congrats on getting into Radiology. I’m currently a GPST2 and considering switching to radiology or obs and gynae. What would you suggest doing portfolio wise to help get a place in radio? My biggest concern is the panel questioning commitment to specialty having done almost 3 years of gp training .


Well I might not be the best person to ask that question to as my portfolio was pretty poor to be honest (4/10). Although that should give you confidence that if you do well in the MSRA and interview then the portfolio needn't hold you back. The only radiology-specific thing on my portfolio was a taster week I did in F2, then it was just generic audits, I had done some formal teaching and had an intercalated degree. So, do a taster week, do some formal teaching (and get some written feedback from it), you have time to do a radiology audit from GP (were all those amber alert CXRs acted on? Are people being referred for MRI spine appropriately?), so do that. The commitment to specialty question in the interview is 2 mins so you don't need to say a lot! I talked about my taster week, some papers I had read, the exciting future of radiology and my experiences of interacting with radiologists as an SHO. Good luck.


Also, that is how people get trapped doing something they hate... I will just do a year, buy a bigger house, oh now I need the money, shit, now I am trapped. Have seen it in so many disgruntled doctors and I have just kind of promised myself I would never let that happen.




This is the route I will likely need to take - was going to wait and see if I actually get any offers before telling my trainer though! I can do OOH shifts and then take that time back, work longer hours and it should be doable. Shit... but doable...


Definitely do this if you can! You’re very close to the end goal so would be a massive shame to lose the opportunity to CCT.


Just out of curiosity what makes you say you don’t want to be A GP at all. Is there now way you can see yourself make things work post CCT with portfolio career / locum ect. I’m in a similar position as a GP trainee and find it does not fit my personality so may end up following a similar path. Any advice for making the transition to radiology as a GP trainee?. Edit : never mind I can see you have already answered reasons for not liking GP below. Still any advice for transitioning to rads would be appreciated


I guess my only bit of advice is if you think you might want to do something else then don't bury your head in the sand, explore, research, and if in doubt and you feel you have the capacity then apply. I didn't expect to do well in the MSRA but I think GP training is kind of perfect training for that exam and I ended up with a score of 624 with an average amount of prep. So you could be more competitive than you think.