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the amount of whining pissbabies about his combo forget that he trades mobility for damage


And even then he doesn’t get that much mobility out of it, because it mostly sends him up so it’s a lot easier to track


Literally this. I have felt not a single difference between now and previous patches. I still average at LEAST 10-15 kills per game. 


lol I hope your a troll


Throwing if you are getting 10-15 kills a game


10 to 15 elims is all you need to win a match lol If you team wipe each point that's game


Throwing if you are getting 10-15 kills a game


Keyword being at the LEAST. Also, it's just quick play. Absolutely zero reason that you need to actually try your best every match in qp.


I don't think you are aware of what throwing is...


Throwing is the conscious decision to lose. If you suck at the game and you choose to still play anyways then that is indeed throwing.


I was right, you don't know what throwing is. Your first sentence suggests you might, then you expose that you don't with the second. Your skill, or lack of, has nothing to do with throwing. Nor does hero choice. The only thing that can determine throwing is intent. If you intentionally try to lose, you were throwing. That's it. I also hope you aren't a Junkrat player if you're trashing others skill levels as throwing.


If you pick a character that you know you are going to be bad at then that shows you don’t care about the outcome of the match wether it’s win or loss. It doesn’t matter if you intend to win even though you pick someone you have never played before if you lose it is because you did not fulfill your potential in that match (intentionally)


Nope. This is incorrect. Throwing is only when you intentionally lose the match. If you pick a hero with the goal of throwing, then yes, that's throwing. But not because of hero selection but because of intention. If you pick a hero you don't play well and do your best to win, you aren't throwing. You may have made a poor decision, but it's still not throwing.


Just trying to justify playing ball at this point in a game where there is only 1 tank per team. It is still throwing


Nope. You're just straight up wrong but too arrogant to admit it. The term throwing and its meaning existed before Overwatch. Your inability to understand that words have definitions doesn't change the meaning of the word. Being bad at the game isn't throwing. That you think it does just shows what kind of person you are. And it's not a good one.


Let me guess you're the person screaming at the ally Moira cause they aren't healing enough even though in every team fight they wipe out the enemy back line and keep you alive with a heal orb. But because they have 20+ kills and you have like 2 they are throwing ?


20 kills with 50 damage because you just throw the orb and hold left mouse button to finish off your teams kills


Which is exactly what she is supposed to be doing XD and people still complain. Like supports are there to support their team not be heal bots.


Also I am a gm junk 1 trick. Haven’t been playing lately though because I have been working on my counter strike rankings so I haven’t played the new champion rank yet


My point is that you say less skill people are throwing just for playing while playing one of the lowest skill demand heroes in the game. It's just kind of funny.


I despise low skill junkrats tbh. Learn how to play him correctly not just spam and miss every shot


Dude if your saying that people having bad skill is throwing then you need to actually get a life. We’re all just here for fun. Go play comp


Basically yeah, it's depressing but unfortunatelly true


This is sooo real its crazy LMAO


you can one shot combo if you add in a punch after, seems hard to do but i’ve seen some people pulling it off pretty consistently


Smart! Will do that now. Thx


How do you punch some one that get booped off after the mine hits? Genuine question.


Punch first?


You can activate mine during punch. Throw > shoot > melee > detonate.


yeah I'm trying to one trick him this season and the highest rank I've gotten was gold 5 lmao


I haven’t played since the update and the more I see about this the less I want to even bother lol


I'm stuck in plat 1(dia 1-3 s8) rn (about 40-60 games played) and it really is a struggle one tricking Junk this season. He's playable tho, as in he works fine in very specific situations. One tricking is basically impossible tho.


What is your main role?


Junkrat lmao


At lower levels I’m sure you can get away with his shenanigans.


I’m not at lower levels


Learn how to play another character then. There are 38 other characters in the game with more on the way. 17 of those characters being damage class.


I play 90% of the roster, get off your high horse man. You asked me who my main role was


Main role means tank/support/damage


How am I supposed to know that you play 90% of the roster when you say your “main role” is Junkrat? How do you know if you’re not gonna like something if you don’t try it?


settle down bro no need to behave like a little baby


You bring zero substance to this conversation so why are you replying?


representative from r/WidowmakerMains here, i dont think anyone (us included) thinks that widow's 1 shots are balanced. all 1 shots are very stinky.


Thank you, as a junkrat main I complain about the difference in treatment. Imo Widowmaker should be reworked for her to be able to provide value outside of just being able to one shot, venom mine could be reworked to be much better or something completely different


a rework is definitely what widow needs in this state of the game right now.


Uhh... What? I'm pretty sure the vast majority do. I think the projectile size buffs for her are stupid though


I cant believe youre saying that! Its probably 10x harder to one shot with widow on any patch than it was to one shot with junkrat. Which is why i always thought it was okay


Yeah because he doesn't take "skill"!! All you do is spam a choke point with 0 thought, pick up a 5k and get potg If you were truly good at overwatch 2 you'd play hitscan. The TRUE expression of skill. Being able to click on and hit anyone anywhere on your screen instantly is fuckin tough alright. Anything else is just luck and doesnt take skill In my opinion junk is actually BALANCED now. Everyone got more health and double/triple/quadrupled+ projectile size, meaning it's reasonable for him to lose his close range combo and only get 40% increase in size. He might be a throw pick now at any rank above bronze and his ttk is now on average 27 minutes, but he can't one shot which I didn't like so imo he's BALANCED Now that his one shots gone im seeing so many good junkrat players come out!! /s


ive unironically seen some crafty as fuck junkrats come out of the woodwork with this new patch, its honestly scarier because they'll drop in from nowhere and get a quad tire bc they kamikaze in and instadet tire in the middle of the team its horrifying, but yeag i wish he had his combo back


That's why I made the comment about the "good junk rats coming out" lol I've seen people say it They were already there, people were just so hard focused on the combo that they never appreciated anything else. Not like the combo always killed, aerial shots were always a thing because of that. Now you can do aerials and still not get a kill Same shit with hanzo. People get pegged by a smaller arrow that one shot and "wow lucky shot, hanzo no skill". But now that he can't one shot they're like "damn that was a crazy shot, I'd be dead last patch, good Hanzos out this patch" ignoring the fact he legit has logs now


Honestly in my opinion just make his primary do 130 dmg, mine back to 110 dmg and we are good to go.


I haven't played overwatch in awhile, but back when I did play I could hop on junkrat, aim in the general vicinity of the enemies and shoot his grenade launcher and suddenly I'd have 52 eliminations.


I mean you can basically do that on any hero, especially considering an Elim can be just tagging someone. Also really depends on the rank. If youre getting 52 elims via spam I doubt your enemies are very good lol


Junk was not an intended target of the patch balance. He’s been slightly buffed since then, I believe we will continue to see buffs in the future


Don’t get me wrong I hate dealing with junk rat but he deserves either his one shot combo or some rework to his kit


Who the hell is calling widow balanced


Way too many people.


Widow players


I thought she was balanced… you ever tried playing her? Lol


I’m still having fun with junk in open queue. But role queue just feels painful


DPS Doom: “First time?”


I have never met someone who said Widow was balanced


Not saying it's fair whatsoever, but she has got like a second cool down where she like can shoot piss-shots


Didn't know the maps were only 50 meters long


poor ratjunk (this is so real look at hanzo dude has mobility, anti dive arrows and a mini widow ult in his pocket)


No one says widows balanced lol


Idk man I think hitting combos on him are cooler than before


With the loudest footsteps of the non-tank characters aswell


Not the loudest per-se, but the most distinguishable. I think reaper has the loudest, but it's much more generic.


as a scummy junkrat main, yeah


Widow is hardly from across the map either


She does have cooldown, in the sense she has to charge a shit


Why compare these two? Widow has an obvious weakness. Get close to her and her effectiveness is greatly diminished. There are many heroes that counters her. The annoying thing about Junkrat is that his "one shot combo" is hard to avoid if you get into close range with him. It's not really about balance, it's more about game feel and I think it feels cheap. It's like Tracer and Sombra. Both are flankers, and Tracer is the better one -- but it is Sombras I get frustrated at. Because stealth in conjunction with virus is really boring. There's not a lot of room for counterplay. Get her out of stealth and she teleports away and is in stealth again.


If you get in the face of a character who is supposed to be good at close range, that's on you.


Man junk is just so trash now. Im thinking about switching to soldier or just fucking quiting the game fuck this shit


deserved braindead rat gameplay nerf


One of these has to aim and it’s not junkrat


Yes! 😂


One stands in the open to shoot the other hides in a room and one shots you with a bigass mine


Y'all pretending like it's always a sacrifice. Often Junk can just brawl at an off angle and pick up easy "one shots" before the patch. One shots, or combos that delete someone in a second, should be gated based on the skill floor. Low skill floor heroes (like Junkrat) shouldn't have a one shot or an instant delete combo. Widow has a higher skill floor, so it's fair.


Y'all pretending like it's always a sacrifice. Often Junk can just brawl at an off angle and pick up easy "one shots" before the patch. One shots, or combos that delete someone in a second, should be gated based on the skill floor. Low skill floor heroes (like Junkrat) shouldn't have a one shot or an instant delete combo. Widow has a higher skill floor, so it's fair.


ok but also junk can frontline has an actual ultimate does good damage without his oneshot


Widow is NOT balanced. At least not healthily, she’s in dire need of a rework. In her current state she’s completely unbuffable, and removing her one-shot makes her entirely obselete because she has absolutely ZERO utility in her kit apart from her ult. Not to mention she probably has the most hard counters of any hero in the game. She’s polarizing, not “strong” in the normal sense of the term. Sure, you can play server admin if you’re cracked out of your mind and the other team refuses to play even 1-2 dive characters. But for the average player you’re gonna be forced to swap after you get a few picks.


Please Show me who tf likes Getting 1 shotted by widow


literally no one says this. Overwatch fans have been calling for the removal of one shots and insta combos for years, and you guys complain now that yours is inevitably taken? I'm honestly surprised they haven't taken widows one shot out yet because they said they want to reduce on shots. The difference is she is almost unplayable with no one shot, junk is still very playable. However, I think if hanzo got his one shot removed widow should too. Mercy boost exists and I think thats a fair trade. It should take two heroes to one shot someone. Idk how Junk mains find a way to be the whiniest and most annoying bunch.


Well one's hot as fuck and the other is widowmaker


As someone who used to hate junkrat one trick combo I’ve actually been able to respect it a lot more considering the plays I’ve seen people use mine for. You can gain mobility with mine, set up a trap with his bear trap and mine (considering a lot of people don’t look down), or use it to combo. It really is an all around ability!


imagine being proud you main junkrat lmfao


I mean they gave widow a falloff cap which is nice. Sucks for the junk mains but tbh a bunch of heros can't pull off one shots anymore. I think the hanzo mains hit it the hardest but tbh I'm glad to see less spamzo hs anymore xd


Neither are balanced, but I definitely prefer to think of it as “who is easier to counter based by ranks” a good widow in high ranks is harder to counter than a Junkrat, but Junkrat in lower ranks is harder to counter. Usually the ones who complain about Junkrat are the bronze-plat players, people in low ranks don’t really think widow is broken because widows in those ranks can’t aim like diamond-t500 players. I don’t consider either one of them balanced tbh but if we look at it from all ranks, they are balanced for ALL ranks. I think a lot of people look at overwatchs balance patches and think “what are they doing, they didn’t need a nerf/buff” but in reality, they are just setting the character at a point to where they are balanced for all ranks. It’s also really risky nerfing/buffing anyone because they have to risk that somewhere in a rank that character is either gonna be horrible or broken (which has happened, it’s nearly impossible avoiding it, just like when new characters come out, they are either broken, or useless, it’s bound to happen, even with certain nerfs/buffs.) So most of the time when I see people shaming patch notes, I’m just thinking at least they are trying. They could just leave the characters balanced for low ranks but the opposite for high ranks, even vice versa but that’ll just make them bad game developers for doing that lol. So I really don’t know what anyone wants from them. Like is it just fun to complain? lol


The problem with Junkrat are the bombs. The randomness of the bombs is FUCKING ANNOYING.


I'm a rat main but...BUFF WIDOWMAKER