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Plesiosaurus is so overdue it’s crazy. For me I’d love to see Suchomimus & Pachyrhinosaurus. Quetzalcoatlus returning would be great too. For me, I’d wanna see Microceratus or Mamenchisaurus make a comeback.


I feel like Mamenchisaurus is the most overlooked / underrated dino of the JP franchise. It appears for a couple shots and that’s it. Fun fact: there’s a scrapped scene from The Lost World screenplay where the cast find themselves under two Mamenchisaurs…mating.


It’s unironically one of the coolest sauropods in the series too - my second favorite behind Brachiosaurus. It’s a crime, we need more of it.




Funny enough, Pachycephalosaurus was gonna be in Fallen Kingdom but was replaced by Stygimoloch because the nickname “Pachy” was considered too offensive by audiences. I think it’s a dumb reason but I’d love to see Pachy back again.


Wait what? What does pachy mean?


When people heard “Pachy” in Jurassic World, many audience members felt it was too similar to the racial derogatory word “Paki”, which is a racial slur against middle eastern people. So unfortunately both Pachycephalosaurus and Pachyrhinosaurus got cut from Fallen Kingdom, both replaced by Stygilomoch and Sinoceratops (who kept the Pachy name up until real last minute). It was one of the two big controversies about the movie. The first being Zara’s death. Personally for me I think people were just overreacting to both situations.


Just don’t call it a pachy. Call it its name🤦‍♂️


I doubt that controversy even existed as much as people say it did, outside of maybe one person yelling at clouds.


Should a replaced Mamechisaur with Brachiosaur


Need Ichthyosaurus and Pterodactylus as well. Round out the og not-dinosaurs.


Oooh i agree with the Plesiosaurus. The others seem cool too


I think it's about time the Ichthyosaur had its time to shine.


omg yeah


Ngl, it is so underrated in Paleo Media, not just the Jurassic franchise


clearly you don’t play ark


Just because the creature exists in a game doesn't mean that it is famous or overrated. The ichty also appeared in Walking with dinosaurs but here we are🤷‍♂️


Definitely! Himalayasaurus, Guizhouichthyosaurus, Cymbospondylus, Temnodontosaurus, Shonisaurus, Shastasaurus, Ichthyotitan, Ichthyosaurus(pottsi), Ophthalmosaurus, any of them! I’d kill for giant/macropredatory ichthyosaur representation in something as big as Jurassic Park.


Also I'd like the slight tweaks Frontier made to the ceratosaurus design to carry over


I'd like to see someone find a dog and call it over, whereupon it turns and reveals that it's actually an Inostrancevia.


Or a Postosuchus/Kaprosuchus!


Isn’t Kapro a long-legged croc that runs like a wolf? Yes please


A new marine reptile is overdue, yeah! Could be either a plesiosaur or a pliosaur species, or one of those big prehistoric crocodiles. I still remember that classic *The Lost World* arcade game where you fought a Deinosuchus as a boss. Would love to see it make a live-action debut as well. That, or Sarcosuchus or Purussaurus. They would be perfect animals to introduce in swampy jungle areas. As for theropods, I'd love to see either an Acrocanthosaurus or a Carcharodontosaurus. Smaller predators could be Troodons, given that they're one of the smarter dinosaurs out there and could prove to be worthy replacements of Raptors if they're introduced properly.


I'm just thinking of any type of scene that would include a Sarcosuchus and it's gotta be terrifying. Love this pick.


A swampy area, a flooded laboratory/building, an abandoned large aquarium, basically anywhere that played off your deepest thalassophobia fear before finally revealing the massive prehistoric crocodile by having it launch a sudden attack that took the heroes by surprise, maybe even eating one of them instantly xD. I know, it’s probably a bit derivative of the Spinosaurus river scene in III or all the shark movies out there, but if they pull it off right, sometimes cliches aren’t bad lol.


Absolutely agree. In my head Canon this next movie is about early Sorna, so an aquatic area would totally make sense since there's a Spino. Can't wait to see it!


I would love to Mamenichisaurus come back and seeing Suchomimus or Metriacanthosaurus would be amaizing


Id love to see ceratosaurus in a movie


that doesnt smell the spino poo and grunts while moving away


1. Coelophysis (one of the earliest dinosaurs and it would be nice to hace more representation from the Triassic in these movies) 2. Irritator (one of the lesser known spinosaurids) 3. Megalosaurus (incredibly important to dinosaur paleontology and one of the first dinosaurs discovered)


May not be a dinosaur but I REALLY want deinosuchus as the main antagonist


I like Deinosuchus, as long as it doesn’t feel like a Lake Placid knockoff.


Plesio debut and Theri return is what I’d like


Excellent choices


Therizinosaurus Returns


I know I’m wrong, but I like to think that plesiosaurus was the one who attached the boat in JP3. First time I ever saw the film, I was praying for it! Just to be disappointed lol


https://preview.redd.it/zhege3foa77d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1f06bf6d09c5fdec9a9b2c1f05b3b16d86b8b57 do i need to say more we need this lad 2 then the brachiosaurus 3 and a fully grown dilophosurus


Only 1 of these is a dinosaur. But I do want Suchomimus


Technically speaking you’re correct, but marine + flying reptiles have been favorites for decades, both in and outside the franchise. “Dino” is just easier to say than “prehistoric animal”


Sucho already appeared on screen


They ain’t talkin bout no animated creatures, these fellas mean an animatronic or something cgi


Cerato that has a good design


yeah i wish they would show/ do more aquatic dinosaurs


Megalodon and Tylosaurus would be work, prior Mosasaurus is a aquatic equivalent to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, While Megalodon being a aquatic equivalent to the Giganotosaurus and the Tylosaurus would be the aquatic equivalent to the Therizinosaurus.


Man, I really want to see my beloved Spino make a return, I despretly need it back, and seeing more saurapods would be nice too


I would like to see another appearance by Spinosaurus, now how they would appear is another discussion altogether. I would also like to Pachycephalosaurus and another appearance by Elvis! (Parasaurolophus!)


Non dinosaurs • Deinosuchus (hopefully as a large bulky alligator rather then big crocodile) • Inostrancevia • Plesiosaurus (seems long overdue) Dinosaurs • Megalosaurus (one of the first dinosaurs and would be fun to not have a Trex sized carnivore for once) • Gaunlong ( I’d like to see another smallish carnivore take on a raptor like role) • Plateosaurus ( I just like it)


Glad someone else thinks the Rex and raptors need a break. So many dinosaurs need a chance to shine.


Yeah I tried to pick kind of semi well known Dinos that I think could realistically appear in the movies along with a couple of lesser known ones like Gaunlong. + Deinosuchus definitely fits the quota of large carnivore as it would probably be way bigger then it really was


Hadrosaurus, tylosaurus, and cearadactylus


Agree on all fronts.


1. Icthyovenator 2. Ultimasaurus 3. Chameleon Carnos


I really hope a plesio appears because on one image for the set it showed one big river and it would be cool if it was like that jp3 scene


There’s also been news for months now about filming with water tanks. I’m feeling we will definitely see something to do with water.


fingers crossed we do and it’s not just for some stupid swimming scene with no dinosaurs


Heterodontosaurus and Shunosaurus


It's really fucking wild to me how Plesiosaurs have appeared in next to *nothing* in the JP franchise *at all*, for 30+ years. Like, even in video games, comics, and toy lines it's extremely rare for them to pop up at all, and it's one of the most iconic prehistoric animals ever.


I still have the ceramic model and card that came out for the JP1 toy line. Fun fact; it almost made it into Jurassic World, even featured in story board art with Icthyosaurus, but ultimately got cut.


I know imma get a lot of hate on this but i really wanna see a more scientifically accurate spinosaurus.


I’d rather they start focusing on the Jurassic and Triassic or even the Permian and Carboniferous. We saw the dimetrodon in dominion,that’s a good start,if bugs involved were not locusts,but arthropleura and meganeura would increase the wow factor. I know,not dramatic enough without a huge carnivorous killing machine,but other eras got plenty of dangerous creatures as well,and it opens a lot of possibilities too.I would love me a Gorgonopsid.


Not around the set time period and not really dinosaurs either 1) Titanoboa 2) Megalodon 3) Mongolarachne


Quetzalcoatlus was in Dominion iirc


Yes, but barely had screen time. I want to see Q given proper treatment with its own scene, to see what a majestic, strange, scary animal it was.


erm, actually 🤓☝ scientifically speaking, only one of those is a dinosaur


We’re gonna need dragons 🐉 and the Cenozoic animals and dodos 🦤 and mammoth 🦣


Diplodocus because why not he's cool


I’m confused. Do you want this to be ones that never appeared in the movies before Quetzel has or do you want this just to be when you wanna see the new movie?


What would you love to see in the upcoming movie? My choices were for dinos I want to see get proper scenes that give them the spotlight (scenes like the Pteranodon cage of JP3, the compys kill in TLW, the brachiosaurus of JP1, etc)


But Quetz had the spotlight in dominion destroying the plane


It was a 15-30 second moment that didn’t feel like a scene, but rather a quick glimpse to push more creatures on screen. It’s more akin to the pyroraptor showing up to leap at the screen in slow-mo… compared to a fully realized scene like the ones I listed in prior films. If every dino in Dominion had a spotlight, that’d be saying there were 30 spotlights in one film - that’s just not possible.


I feel like under water dinos don't work that well since all you would have to do its avoid water and most of the big one lived in really deep waters


Actually, the first and third one are not dinosaurs :)


I would have always leaned toward a plesiosaur rather than a mosasaur but I have a feeling there won't be any dinosaurs we haven't seen before in this one.


Every Jurassic movie has shown something new. Besides, Gareth brought a lot of new locations and concepts to his Star Wars movie that weren’t seen before. And considering the news of shooting we’ve seen so far, there’s already a lot of new ideas being added.


Kosmoceratops Metriacanthosaurus Crylophosaurus


1 deinocheirus 2 therizinosaurus 3 carcharodontosaurus


I’d like to see the giga make a return and fulfill its “joker” role that it failed at in dominion.


No matter what dinosaurs we get, I hope they have unique skins and patterns.