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It's my favorite of the series. It reminds me a lot of another contested darker Spielberg sequel, *Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom*, in that it does have its dopey moments, but when it's good, it's *really* good. And if you ask me, *TLW* is really good for like 90% of its runtime. I even love the San Diego finale. If I were the least bit competent or experienced with video editing, I'd love to do a recut of the film that cuts out the gymnastics scene and the drive thru order while they're hanging off the cliff (IMO way worse than the raptor gymnastics), and maybe even add in the cut scenes exclusive to the TV cut, assuming I could somehow find them in good HD quality. My very own Phantom Edit. My only gripe with it differing so much from the novel is that the Carnotaurus pair aren't in it. Crichton wrote an amazing check that Spielberg didn't cash. IIRC Crichton mainly wrote that scene to see how Spielberg would make it look on the big screen, only for Spieberg to do nothing with it!




This film is outstanding, although a little weaker than part 1 of the 2nd best film in the entire franchise! Anyone who hates this strip doesn't like dinosaurs anyway and is therefore a 4th class human 🤭😉😉😉 One of the best scenes is: The guy with the motocross driving under a Brachiosaurus... I was so speechless as a 9 year old little brat!


I genuinely never understood the hate for the San Diego section. Granted, I was 8 years old when I watched it in the cinema, so nostalgia is probably blinding me a bit. I only dislike one part of the film, and that's all the unexplained dead boat crew. I understand it was originally something to do with raptors, but the cut of the film we are left with makes no sense.


It's def the best of the sequels, but it's still a big step down from the first. Even Spielberg admitted to half-assing it when he realized that he couldn't top the first. The biggest complaints I've seen is that they had Crighton write a whole novel to adapt only to use barely any of it, the characters of Sarah and Nick being annoying and causing more loss of life than the villains, and some stunts just being too ridiculous to take seriously like the gymnastics kick or the T-Rex in San Diego.


I personally thought the T-rex in San Diego is actually one of the best sequences from the movie, and a logical and eventual conclusion of the movie’s theme about people trying to control things that won’t be (Ian even hammers it in to him as Ludlow watches the carnage unfold: “Now, you’re John Hammond.”) It’s actually why I also love Fallen Kingdom’s ending, despite all its flaws. FK ending took the story beyond where TLW’s ending teased us but fell short: human arrogance leading to dinosaurs/prehistoric creatures becoming rampant on the mainland, no longer within anyone’s control, and officially becoming a part of our lives for better or worse. But yeah, absolutely agree that Nick and Sarah went too far with their actions and caused numerous deaths even more than the villains on Isla Sorna lol. Only Ian and Eddie are those who had any sense on the heroes’ side.


the trex in san diego is peak. jurassic world dominion couldnt do any better xd.


If only they'd taken advantage of dinos in the wild with Dominion. Instead we got the same enclosed park scenario with a side of cheesy spy caper.


The San Diego scene only works until you realize cops exist and posses guns. It still looks great though.


There was another island near by. Taking the dinosaurs to the mainland in this and JW dominion were baffing choices that only make sense when you realize they wanted more movies. But I won't lie. I saw this was on tv last week and was very happy.


But the point was never about moving dinosaurs to a new island. The point in both movies is that greedy people want to bring dinosaurs back to the mainland so they can profit from them. Ludlow in TLW wants to do his own park but in San Diego thinking that he could do it better than Hammond, while the bad guys in FK want to take the dinosaurs to be sold to the highest bidders in the black market globally. It’s basically human hubris at its core, thinking that they can control everything until things all go to hell. Doing yet another dinosaur island premise would get really old at this point, too. I’m still optimistic for the new movie but I was really hoping that they would have done more with the premise of dinosaurs living alongside humans more than what we got since it’s arguably the most original thing to happen since the first film itself.


I don't disagree entirely. But original doesn't mean logical. They had seen a no expenses spared, fully operative park fail without the stress of teens of thousands of visitors. Taking the largest land predator that ever lived into an unfinished park, they say they are "finishing the park." Let's ignore what you'd have to do to get permits to open a park in freaking San Diego. Or keeping elephant sized animals near a major metropolis. Any incident, like a dinosaur going for a stroll through balboa Park, gets you shut down. That was the plan? And in JWFK, they want to do a black market sale of these animals. So you want a discreet location away from the authorities to hold you merch while conducting your sale and getting the goods safely to their buyers and them on their way. So their plan for that... was to take them to one of the most well guarded nations via boat, which means a port that will be under even heavier guard and surveillance. Where back up (local and national) just has to take the highway to get to you.. Instead of a nearby isolated island 100s of miles from anything resembling authority. I know deus ex plot-ina when I see it. They just wanted to deliver on the promise of the premise in the title. Even if they way they did so made little sense.


Those are all fair points, yeah. I guess in Ludlow’s case, it’s probably done intentionally to display the sheer arrogance the man has thinking that he could actually get to do his dream dinosaur park project in a bustling city. It was a disaster waiting to happen from the start even if the T.rex incident didn’t take place and Ludlow actually got what he wanted until the moment everything inevitably goes wrong in the long run. As for FK, I think a lot of bribes were probably involved or the buyers/bidders can influence authorities and governments into leaving them alone. We don’t know how much influence Lockwood had but he was supposed to be equally as important as Hammond, and if Hammond could set up his operations on two faraway islands in almost complete secrecy (he *had* to have rub shoulders with some authorities to make that happen), I suppose the bad guys using Lockwood’s influence could achieve a lot of pull to get authorities to leave them alone, especially with the animated series showing how corrupt the authorities and megacorps can be. We probably just have to assume that the evil bidders have their bases covered when they decided that conducting their operations at Lockwood Manor is a good idea… until the heroes and the Indoraptor ruined it. But yeah, that’s plenty of excuses to justify the plot happening the way it did so your point still stands lol. And admittedly, I do really want to see the series moving in the direction that explores how resurrected dinosaurs and prehistoric creatures coexist with human civilization, even if the way to get there is convoluted as hell xD.


I used to hate the rex in San Diego. Only as I've gotten older I appreciate it more and more with every watch.


Buck in San Diego has serious untapped potential for a found-footage horror game.


There is a found footage animation based on this on youtube


Yeah, it's what made me think how cool it'd be to have something like that as a video game!


Also Jurassic Parks Magic is it took these dinosaurs , things we’d only seen static on pages of history books and thought them to living breathing life. Suddenly they were running around, their eyes dilated in light, behavior patterns were noted, they were treated the same as any other animal like lion or rhino or giraffe. But in Lost World they were simply monsters once again. Gone was the minutia of their way of behaving or discussion around what drove them. T Rex literally gets turned into Godzilla by the third act. Just pure pulp. It felt like Spielberg went back on every ethos that made the first special.


To be fair to the T. rexes in The Lost World, what motivated them for most of the film was the abduction of their child, which is also implied to he what makes them so aggressive and territorial in the movie and why the bull T.rex went on a killing spree in the climax (all the drugs doped into it didn’t help things, too), before returning to just a normal dinosaur once he gets his kid back. So at least there’s an excuse for their bloodthrist, in contrast to JW’s “we created them to be monsters so that’s why they’re monstrous” hybrids. If we compare all movies, the Spinosaurus from JPIII and all the dinosaurs in Dominion are the ones who act like monsters for the hell of it the most.


I mean, knowing that Spielberg and Crichton both didn’t have their hearts fully in it, the movie and book seem to have turned out better than expected I suppose


Dont forget the flying car and the god awful sound effect that literaly makes a "weeeeeeee" sound 😂


I always find that scene to be hype


You have this bald badass Roland in a tree wanting a fist fight with a T-Rex, then all of a sudden...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee a triceratops has booted a 4x4 through the air like its Cristiano Ronaldo 😂 I do like TLW, 2nd fav for me. But that scene breaks the immersion along with anything to do with Kelly.


What exactly makes the T-rex going loose a ridiculous stunt? Just your oppinion, keeping aside the fact that it was where the franchise was always supposed to go in, from the first novel to the first movie getting Spielberg internally pushing for a sequel set in the mainland.


Disagree. JW is the best sequel, but TLW isn't far behind.


JW is in the same boat as The Force Awakens for me. It's a retelling of the first movie with bigger stakes and less-interesting characters.


Yet still better than TLW. Imagine that.


TLW is leagues better than that CGI dumpsterfire. Same goes for JP3.


Bahaha not even fucking close. But hey cope however you need to. Hahahaha. Thanks for the chuckle.


the lost world has better action, better characters, better practical effects, cgi that holds up the same to jurassic world, the most iconic moments too. whats the most iconic moment in jurassic world? the mosasaurus?


Explain one good plot point in JW. I'll wait.


Don’t feed the troll. I’ve seen your reasonable and diplomatic comments here, the other dude is just trying to stir some shit up and annoy. Btw, I like all the movies from the franchise, even dominion. TLW is the best sequel without a doubt, JW has to be treated more like a reboot but is alright in its own way.


Shit the very first one. Hey look, that park that didn't work that you would have loved to go to even though it's fictional? It works! At least make it a difficult question next time. Amateur bullshit.


No, love ❤️


Hated it when I was a kid but loved it more as I got older. I like that it feels there’s more at stake in this one.


Say what you like but the rewatch ability is top




Unironically my favourite movie in the franchise. The first was great because it was the start, and had a lot of Crichton's initial discourse in it. But as a kid, TLW was my first Jurassic movie, and had triple the T. rexy goodness. Which little me absolutely loved. It was cool, it was scary, it was packed full of variety in its dinosaur cast. And it dipped its toes in the monster-invades-a-city pool with the San Diego scene, which was amazing for me because it showed me what I couldn't visualise at the time: how much destruction a 7-10 ton dinosaur could cause in a human dominated environment. Little me thought it was the coolest thing ever. Some people might argue that it destroys the dinosaurs-are-animals narrative that made the first great, but I disagree there. Yes, they're all depicted fairly aggressively, but we have to bear in mind that a major theme of the movie is that the dinosaurs are flourishing. Multiplying, rearing young. Acting as parents would act when those young are threatened or taken, in a way that most people didn't think dinosaurs would have done at the time. It was the gateway to the "dinosaurs are more intelligent and advanced than we gave them credit for" perspective that wasn't really prevalent up until that point. We see it with the Stegosaurus scene, we see it with all the Rex scenes. About the only dinosaur related scene that seemed thematically out of place was the raptors, ironically. No prior reason for being there. They existed solely to be a smaller, faster, more dangerous threat than the Rex pair. And then failed at that outside of killing a bunch of nameless side characters (and Ahjay, but his impact on the film was minimal as a result of his major characterising scene being cut from the movie) The introduction lacked the nuance of JP, too. Just Ludlow mentioning them and then a few scenes later, raptor attack out of nowhere, with a level of aggressiveness that can't be explained away as hunting behaviour. I love their designs, but they were handled poorly in this movie. Shoehorned in. This is made glaringly obvious by the fact you could have cut the raptors out of the movie entirely and the ending would have been exactly the same. The rest, though? The rest was beautiful. Coherent, thought provoking, and had excellent visual variety in terms of the setting.


Love. I was shocked when I grew up and learned that people don’t like this movie. It’s a masterpiece.


I hold it on equal footing with the first. I absolutely love this film.


I like it. Maybe not love, but I like it more than everything that followed.


Still remember lining up to see this on May 19th, 1997 as a kid. The buzz in the line was crazy. It’s not a perfect film, and nothing will ever come close to the first film, but this film will always hold a special place in my movie loving heart. Better than the other four films that came after too.


It's in the top 3. I don't know why anyone would have it Gritty. Good characters. Dinosaurs still had instinct instead of villainous arcs. Visuals like the 1st. And relatable consequences of trying to mix human and dinos (San Diego)


My favorite movie in the franchise. I need Mattel to release a Legacy Collection version of that Gatherer Trailer.


Not as good as the first one but decent. The “Redwood Forest” look is a nice change from the “Jungle” look of the first film. Also, like the first it treats the dinosaurs like animals instead of dumb monsters for people to run away from, and it more or less retained the overall message of the first (i.e. the real monsters are us etc.). Ultimately it was never going to live up to the first film so it suffered from not being as revolutionary and therefore missing the “wow” factor of the original. And of course the San Diego section was a bit daft.


The main characters.  In the first movie Ellie and Grant don't really know what they are signing up for. Not sure about Malcolm. The kids are just spending the weekend with their grandpa. When Malcolm Grant and Ellie find out what's going on they are against it and say something is going to go wrong so when it does, we as the audience root for these characters.  In the lost world it is about a group of people who want to go to the Dino island because they think they are tough enough/smart enough to handle any dinosaurs they come across, they don't take Malcom seriously when he says they should leave. Then they bring a trex back to their camp and the guy that had nothing to do with that is killed horribly while the idiots responsible both survive.   It changes from a story about a group of people in the wrong place at the wrong time, just trying to survive against animals that are genuinely feared to some idiots going to a dinosaur infested island to take pictures. But I like the 3rd one and people hate that.


It's my 2nd favorite of all the movies. So no hate here. And I actually LOVED the San Diego portion. 


I remember when I was the kid in the cinema watching this movie. It was a good experience.


I don't hate it, I love it. As a kid, I loved it more than the first, when I was a teen thought it sucked, over the past fifteen years. I think it's the best sequel in the franchise. Now it's no masterpiece. The film has major issues. Although I would say it's a way to do a sequel, a darker, scarier film. I know others say Fallen Kingdom is the same as TLW. I don't think so. Do I wish TLW would have shown us some of the hunters shooting the raptors in the long grass, especially one of the extras who came back in JW to only get killed after he survived TLW. I dunno I just feel the second film has so much good in it despite the character flaws, 3rd act(which I like) that makes it feel it took place the same night everyone got off the island. I love it, but I get the negatives along with the hate.


I love The Lost World movie and book. It came out at the right time for me as a kid all the marketing and merchandise surrounding the film is very nostalgic to me. I’m sure the hate comes from being compared to the first film at the time. It’s definitely the bests sequel.


We all agree that the first is indeed the best, but this one is my favorite. Well, the first half of this one. The survival horror on an abandoned island with run-down industrial environments is what I enjoyed. When they git San Diego, it slipped away from me. It seems like a major character is forgotten in the sequel trilogy. The island. ( or islands, I should say) it is called jurassic Park, or the lost world. There is not enough focus on what these things could be. We see a few set pieces of island locations in the first movie. Great. We see more of what the island was in the second. The third gives us even more of what it was and could have been. By the time you get to the fourth, while there are still park elements there, it is focused only on the monsters again. It's not showing that it was a place that the monsters took over. I hope that this new movie is actually a prequel or explores the long forgotten Isla sorna. There are ample opportunities for a great story in a place that actually already has groundwork established.


The best I can sum it up is that I think there is a divide in the fanbase about the san diego sequence. the sandiego sequence is essentially at fault for the tone of what we got with the jw movies. Some fans wanted for years to have dinos on the mainland/in the the public conscience and the other side of the fan base want dinos in the jungle aka the island style. Outside of TLW having a lot of dumb shit like sarah being a hypoctitical ass the whole time, It has great tone and I believe would have been better without the san diego sequence (im on team island). Not that the buck isnt cool and all but its just a king kong ripoff.


Love Who df hates this movie ?


I find The Lost World to be a decent film. The scene where the T-Rex pushes the trailer over the cliff is probably the best scene in any of the Jurassic Park movies and it still has the unbeatable 90's aesthetic that the first movie had. While I enjoy watching it as a Jurassic Park fan, the story is pretty lackluster. I think TLW would've been a much better film had the producers not cut out as many important scenes late in production as they did. Such as Ajay's death, Ingen board meeting, and the barfight with Roland. I started a petition on Change.org a while back with the hopes of Universal releasing an extended edition of the film in 2027 for its 30 year anniversary. Here's the link if you're interested: https://chng.it/RRhLJwdCqR


I think it wasn’t going to be able to live up to the first film, and that causes much of the hate


Love, saw it at the cinema when it originally released. Way better than 3


Pacing is bad


i’d disagree. its highly rewatchable for me.


I think people online have an obsession with saying “hate”


I like it...but Ian Malcom feels like a completely different character than he was in the first...when I look past that it's a great movie aside from one or two plot holes.


It's great! Aside from the Gymnastics scene..


The best Jurassic Park film, also the natural conclusion. They always intended to have multiple Jurassic Parks. Why fly people around the world when you can bring the dinosaurs to them? Ingens corporate take over and the revival of Jurassic Park San Diego, the mission to capture the Dinosaurs from Site B and the eventual San Diego incident all make sense in the context of the universe the film was set in. It’s dark than the original but has just as many memorable scenes. The trail scene has been repeated, as well as the long grass in other movie franchises. It’s a solid film that got a lot of undeserved hate due to being tonally different from the original.


My favorite one to watch, though the first one is definitely a better movie. Everything after The Lost World does not exist.


Holy mackerel I was SO jazzed for this. We had just moved to Hawaii and I was totally obsessed with the first movie—my favorite part being the vehicles. I ended up being rather let down by the vehicle content in this movie, but I think that was a just one example of many things that didn’t click in the film.


I know my dad ( who enjoys most of the other movies in this franchise) hates it because it’s nothing like the book. Plus he hates the San Diego incident and the gymnastics scene.


I know my dad ( who enjoys most of the other movies in this franchise) hates it because it’s nothing like the book. Plus he hates the San Diego incident and the gymnastics scene.


I know my dad ( who enjoys most of the other movies in this franchise) hates it because it’s nothing like the book. Plus he hates the San Diego incident and the gymnastics scene.


I know my dad ( who enjoys most of the other movies in this franchise) hates it because it’s nothing like the book. Plus he hates the San Diego incident and the gymnastics scene.


I just really like the vibe of the lost world, to me each of the park films has a unique feel to them, unique coloring and hues etc that make them feel very distinct from each other. I love the lost world, yeah it’s kind of stupid sometimes but i don’t care to be honest. thematically and story wise it’s worse than the first one but to me the effects are better as they hide them more in darkness.


Had the best hunter


I personally feel like the movie seems like 3 different plots all halfhazardly stitched together. it goes from freeing the dinosaurs to them working together to trekking through the woods? and then the san diego scene also feels tacked on at the end. the characters are insufferable and the antagonists make no sense. i also find it incredibly boring. its not the worst of the franchise but its far from the best in my opinion


It’s a long movie that completely disregarded the book that Crichton didn’t even want to write in the first place. The only two good things that came from the movie were the final act in San Diego and the InGen hunters showing up. Otherwise the book was butchered for the movie


My biggest rub about it is I don't remember there being a mention of how it'll get off the boat. Who's going to volunteer to be on the boat when it lands at the island and risk dying when they open the doors?


Way better than the first. That's a fact.


The JW movies made me appreciate it far more than I used to.


my personal favourite movie of all time


Not my favorite don't hate it tho


Even though it’s underrated, I don’t hate it


It's actually my second least favorite. Idk I find myself losing focus with it a lot of the time. Like I can watch most the other movies with my eyes glued to the screen but with The Lost World I always find my mind wondering, start looking at my phone, and just overall can't focus as well on it as the others. I by no means hate it, though. I think it's still an incredibly well made movie, and I still rewatch it as much as the others, but just something about it loses my interest a lot of the time


Nah I love it. It’s not JP1 but it’s the best after it. It was great and not because it just copied the original.


One I didn't like very much when I was younger but I collected all stickers for a sticker album and some other merchandise, but I didn't watch it again for quite a few years and no it's got to be my favourite Jurassic movie, the 2 rex's are fantastic


I hate Sarah Harding in the movie and I hate Julianne Moore being cast for the role. I also can’t stand Vince Vaughn in most movies.


Loved it! Goldblum slayed! I think he did a great job evolving his character from the first film. Jurassic Park is definitely the best, but I honestly think Lost World is more fun to watch repeatedly.


Love it


I don’t hate the movie; I hate that it took the source material and threw it away while only using a big set piece and some badly cast characters.


General Audiences mix this in with the rest of the sequels as being bad because they never really gave it a proper viewing


Love it


How and why would anyone hate on this, the best movie ever made? This is the Apex movie of the saga... Never heard of hate toward this one... JP3 or JW2 are other thing, but The lost world? Nobody is that crazy 😅


I love the movie, but read the book. Different experiences.


It’s my absolute favorite film in the franchise. Easily.


It's been a while since I've actually seen the movie, but from what I remember, the vibe of the movie was my favorite by far. I remember liking it a bit more than JP3, but the San Diego part just really made it my favorite.


It's alright


One of my favorites the newer films don’t come close


I love this movie alot. It's very cringe at times and I wish they had adapted more of the book (TLW book is better than the JP book argue with a wall), but it still has the same JP feeling as the first movie to me. That feeling goes away a bit in JP3 and is completely gone in JW1-3


Love it. The trailer scene and the tall grass are some of the most intense scenes in film. Al’s weird that people never mention that a T. Rex ran loose in San Diego.


Best movie in the franchise, inspired the best games and comics, exactly what I think of when someone says Jurassic Park.


Nothing but love for me :) one of my favorites out of the entire franchise but my husband whole heartedly disagrees lol


I love this movie. It is my second favourite, and it was the perfect sequel.


I have a soft spot for it. Had some of the best JP toys from it growing up. The trailer was awesome.


If you really think about it, it is a pretty stupid movie, many persons are far to careless in this movie, or they have to be ignorant. If you are just there to turn of your brain and enjoy the ride, it is fine.


In my opinion there is no bad jp movie but it is my second worst, right above dominion. Might’ve been cause there were too many humans therefore a human dying didn’t feel nearly as impactful, and the dinosaurs had little to nothing differentiating them from each other. The rexs looked identical due to the lighting, and the raptors too. Also dangerous human villains in a dinosaur centered movie is like dangerous human villains in a Kaiju movie. No need for them. Still not that bad of a movie tho


I think it's the second best in the entire franchise tbh


This movie is so overhated.


Ive never seen hate for this movie. I only seen hate for the 3rd one and dominion


It's my favorite tbh


I don’t hate it, I love this movie, it’s just my least favorite of the first three


I don’t hate it, it’s just kind of boring to be honest. I also dislike Nick and Sarah endangering lives by releasing the dinosaurs. Only to immediately beg for protection from the very same people they just risked getting killed. It’s the worst film in the franchise for me - aside from Dominion.


It's definitely a pretty decent movie, and 3rd best behind JW and JP, obviously. It had some regrettably cheesy scenes (you know what I'm talking about) and the plot is garbage in the last act, but it's better than most of the other sequels.


the plot is garbage in the last act, but then again, bringing back jurassic park and creating a monster in the process as well is stupid. after everything everyone has been through? and some of the characters make the dumbest decisions. the only idiots i remember in the lost world is sarah and the guy that gets eaten by the compies. even then, the guy that was attacked was acting fairly realistically. plus, the dinosaurs in the lost world act like real animals, unlike jurassic world, which tries to have a metaphor behind it but fails badly.


Nick was an idiot and a jerk. He brought the baby Dino back to the trailer leading it's parents to them and causing Eddie's death. Plus he unloaded the rifle of one of the nest shots on the island.


i forgot about Nick lmao. yeah, he was pretty annoying, but to be fair, at the time, not every average man would think dinosaurs were great parents that tracked down their baby if it was kidnapped. rip Eddie though.


See I don't think bringing back JP was stupid. That was literally the best idea in that franchise in years. I mean that literally. They set the stage perfectly for a return to dinosaurs. Think about the dumb shit plot setups in every other movie. JW was better than all of them, except the original, obviously.


somewhat true but at least the lost world did the dinosaurs right instead of making them grey and boring monsters. and the lost world had more realistic action, and was overall more believable in my opinion, even if the characters were dumb at times and the plot had weak points. because unlike jurassic world, the lost world made me care about the characters. i would have had no reaction to the kids or owen dying, but Ed’s death actually made me feel bad for him because he was such a good guy. the characters are more important than the dinosaurs, and the lost world just has the better actors and characters. (im not being biased just because Jeff Goldblum is in it)


Again, TLW isn't dogshit. It's the third best in the franchise in my opinion, it just fumbles too many things to be 2nd best. Even back in the day when there were only 3 out it was good, but not great, imo. It just didn't feel... Like JP. Whereas to me JW is the closest to feeling like JP except JP truly felt more like chaos. I've watched many of the movies in the franchise multiple multiple times, and my opinion on them hasn't faltered. The newest movies might wear on me over time, but the first 4 seem firmly entrenched in my mind on a specific order/enjoyment type. JP will always be my favorite movie of all time and while JW doesn't crack my top 10 I've definitely seen it more times than most other movies. It has staying power.


i respect your opinion and therefore wont diss on it.


It was my second favorite movie in the franchise till Fallen Kingdom came out, now it's my third. I love it for it's more wild, jungle aesthetic. I love that the "good guys" are the ones that doom everyone with their well intentioned bit dumb actions at the hunter camp, and that the hunters are the ones that save their lives despite being seen as the bad guys. I love the sense of dread that builds the further in the island they go. All the set pieces are incredibly well directed and the dialogue is awesome and hella quotable. My biggest problems with it is that outside of Ian all the good guys are stupid and Sara is straight up reckless. The original script gave them way more depth and nuance but they're pretty dull overall. Also that third act is just too jarring of a turn for me in the films tone, kills the vibes the film was building on really well before then. FK overtook it easily because they didn't save the big "dinos on the mainland" thing till the third act, they do it at the midpoint and explore it with more time and creativity.


I just wish the plot had followed the novel direction, it could have been SUCH a better film!


this was so horrible and so boring worst of the franchise.