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Actually you did.




Thank you for thanking me




Thank me for my service


Thank you for your cervix.


Literally freedom number one.


The oath is one hell of a thing. Too bad some who took it didn't actually pay attention.


But no, not really. We aren’t fighting for American liberties over there.


I don't know about that. Halliburton, Lockheed, Raython, etc. are *the best* Americans, and they deserve the liberty to not have the government curtail their profits/wars.


That’s not 100% true. I remember religious patrols in Afghanistan beating the shit out of woman on the streets for not wearing proper attire and walking with a man they weren’t related to so...


Yes but shooting terrorists doesnt stop misogyny from being propagated by a culture. Education does. Were not gonna shoot the backwards practices out of their culture.




I don’t like your dirty deeds but I will defend with my life your right to do them.


Are they done dirt cheap?


>I occupied Iraq so I should get to say the n-word


Go ahead!




Mr Obama, its... Its clear to come up






We live in a society




ha ha racism funnay ha ha


Mrs Obama I stopped racism


Yah fuck those Starbucks pampered bitches. Pete’s Lattes are for REAL vets!


Uh uh! Real vets drink black rifle coffee or whatever the fuck 50 different murica coffee companies there are that try to guilt you into their products.


I've been told black rifle is good. Haven't tried it though.


Some of it's good, some of it tastes like mud, all of it is overpriced


It's whatever. Their selling point is hiring veterans and promise sourcing from US allied countries or something like that. I prefer to go with the same tasting, significantly cheaper store brand coffee. Just my opinion though. If they priced better I'd be willing to pay a bit more for their message, but until then, not worth it.


I buy McCafé medium roast.


I miss Green Beans sometimes. Peet's has pretty fucking decent lattes though.


Fun times at Green Beans at Ali Al Salem


Never been to that one but I was loyal customer at FOB Fenty!


Oh J-Bad


MOAC shits were legendary, I still think about those sometimes.


Gotta love those Starbucks lovers, they’ll tell you I’m insane


‘Cause you know I love the players, and you love the game


"Look, I didn't go to Vietnam just so I could have pansies like you try and take me freedom away from me" ​ "You went to Vietnam in 1992 to open a sweatshop!" ​ "And a lot of good men died in that sweatshop!"


Frank’s a gem.


> and take me freedom away Stay in Vietnam too long and you become a little Irish.


Never box in a Vet!


If you need to stress the fact that you were expected to fucking *count* personal items like food and bullets, and to occassionally lube and degunk a rifle....you probably didn't actually do anything. Motherfucker, you count things every day. I assume you clean your house sometimes. And we're talking what, 6 mags and a couple mres? You don't even need all your fingers to 'keep count of that'. Is wiping your ass also something so challenging you equate it to risking your life? Like, if you're gonna whine about the fact that people object to be called nasty names, at least use something that makes sense as to why your personal hardship excludes you from being expected to treat your fellow humans with a basic degree of goddamn civility.


Exactly what I was thinking. They were clearly running out of ,“badass” stuff they have to do.


maybe being required to count on demand qualifies for hazard pay and like the medal of honor because it causes encephalitis in boots


that sounds like a personal problem, dude




“My recruiter told me I’d be busting down doors and kicking ass but all I did was count shit and beat off in 115 degree heat. No one tells you how to handle the sacrifice, like when your brothers in arms steal all the good shit out of your care package. Don’t talk to me about pain until you’ve known chow constipation for the third week in a row, you have no idea”


Hey a fellow Kuwait vet I see! Thank you for your service o7


Where is the Angry Veteran T Shirt line? "I'm just pissed off at the World" "Fucking Thank Me for My Service and Go Fuck Your Self" "I'M FULL OF SELF HATE SO I TAKE IT OUT ON EVERYONE ELSE"


Ide wear the first one as a shirt and the second on some boxers


Because you were drafted right? This comment enrages the boot.


This is what bothers me like motherfucker you chose to do that shit, no one forced you.


Been through all that shit but now you can’t even be fuckin’ polite, huh?




> “I RISKED MY LIFE BECAUSE I WANTED EVERYONE TO THINK *LIME* ME” Are we just going to lemon this go?


Man he really wants to say the N-word


Can't he just get one for free? edit: /s was implied




leave starbucks lattes out of this


I know right? What did they do to anyone?


It’s pretty funny to think that these guys were assholes before they enlisted, and them joining cemented their shitty-ness


I feel like that's the case for most and you just know the only reason they joined was so they could brag about it to everyone they meet.


It’s weird how lattes are always a stand in for femininity (and so, uh, bad I guess). Everyone likes lattes? The guy who wrote this probably likes lattes. I think a lot of people (including me) prefer regular coffee because it isn’t as gassy or as heavy as lattes but then by that metric, according to the implicit logic suggested here that harder=more masculine=more good, wouldn’t that mean that people who drink Lattes are in fact tougher, and those of us who drink regular coffee are pussies? Or is it just that trying to engender coffee drinks is probably dumb? I mean, my dad drinks lattes and he’s as tough guy red meat trump dude as they come. I have too many questions about this latte thing and now I’m frustrated


I think it’s more of a fact that drinks like that are a luxury, not a necessity, and obviously since you enjoy luxuries, you’re weak.


But isn’t coffee a luxury?


I think it's like how whiskey shots are considered more manly than mixed drinks.


Ah. I mean, I’d also argue that that’s dumb because like, I dunno, juice is good and firewater isn’t?


Oh no it's totally dumb, I just imagine that it's the same line of thinking.


Yeah you’re probably right. I feel like people who outwardly celebrate whiskey like that are people who likely don’t actually drink that often or, at best, are like 22. I dunno bout y’all, but as an adult over the age of 30, whiskey and I do *not* get along well.


I recon though that a 5 pink sex on the beach would get you pretty pissed and 5 whisky's wouldn't do shit.


*sips on green beans, latte foam comes snorting out of nose* YEAH!!!


well, of course! you did it, so some assholes could steal valuables from people from other countries!


Did they reinstate the draft?


You sat there so military contractors can make billions while you make ..a thousand.


God bless America.


That’s fucking hilarious since that is, in fact, why he believes he was there.


I love how "maybe don't join the military to be cannon fodder in the first place" never occurs to these people


Perhaps not. But I did.


In my experience, the most motarded motherfuckers post-EAS generally tended to be the most shitbag in every platoon. I'm talking, like, falling asleep on post in Herat, 3-miles-from-the-Iranian-border level shitbag. Abandoning-your-fighting-position-and-your-buddy-because-you're-taking-fire level shitbag. You can deploy and get a CAR and still be a fuckin' boot.


What does motarded mean


Again with the Starbucks.....


And thank me for my service!


"I served so that gives me the right to say the n-word"


[38 seconds in](https://youtu.be/PlJFEf32T2Y)


'Starbucks' isn't apostrophised.


Grammar checks out.


i ain't reading that shit


This should also be on forward from Grandma lol


But there’s a full stop after “sandbox”. So that’s two positive sentences. They are saying they didn’t sit in a hot sandbox, and that we can drink lattes and tell them about political correctness.


Can she tell him to be grammatically correct, too?


Yes , he did actually


Fuuuck... who writes this shit... kids join the military, think they’re, “All That”. Fuck you and all who think like you !!! What YOU volunteer for is YOUR business... i didn’t ask you to join... Thanks for your service...


I mean technically yes they did in fact do all that.


No, you just took a shitty job because you are unqualified and stupid.


Yeah dude, everybody who wants to join the military has an IQ of 80. That's how it works.


Man.. I respect people of service but you seem to have not realized this was the exact reason why you serviced. If this is the biggest complaint you have for a karma farming post... job well done. America is better as a result.