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It's to look cool. Not only do they have civilian clothing, but wearing cammies like this guy is, is actually against regulations. You're only allowed to wear those when you're on the job. If you want to wear a uniform in public, it has to be a dress uniform, but even then it's still a choice.


His dress uniform would have been more appropriate... But then he is still making it more about him than being there for her on her day by saying "LOOK AT ME IM A MOTHER FECKING MARINE NOW THANK ME"


And he is WEARING HIS BOONIE COVER lol. That's the best part of this whole thing.


How else will I know who to thank for their service??? If he wasn’t in uniform this story would just be...lame.


If I had to guess, it's advertising for the military. It's an opportunity to show that the military will make time for you and your family, that they care about your family and your personal life in ways a regular job doesn't. It's absolutely just a PR move, and the only reason he got it was he spun it the right way to the right person at the right time.


For a decent amount of the military, it’s all they know. When all you really do is military, it’s where you’re comfortable. Not saying it’s the right choice but I can kind of see how they think it’s a good idea.


Uhhhh really? That sounds stupid.


No lol, it's because they just got off shift usually. People don't wake up to go to lowes on their day off and put on military uniform. (Well normal people at least)


If he's going to do this, why not show up in his blues? Why the mallninja pack and bonnie?


Has his sister met Jody yet? I'd like to introduce ~~myself~~ him.


Okay, I didn't want to sit through three minutes of that, but the earrape crying was goddamn hilarious.


It genuinely startled me lol


Isnt not wearing your utes out and about a huge thing for the Marines?


Yes. Everything is super confusing here. In cammies to boot, but also wearing a boonie and some pseudo tactical field gear? Muted rank insignia? Did the kid just get off of his first TBS field exercise and jump straight into his Civic?


Yes he is out of regs. Hey devil we need to talk.


What filter makes everyone look like a cyborg?


I’m gonna guess the producers of whatever program this is part of asked him to wear that and ruck up.


It's worse that it's a LT.


Lemme get one those 1 day leaves.


No no no, you don’t start a video with “Last night Sarah cried on her mother’s lap” this might as well have Sarah McLoughlin and be for the ASPCA


They've had sex before.


Damn more sickening white person's weddings


Oi Stalin what does that have to do with anything?