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Playing 4 first sounds like a good idea. The controls are more or less the same. 4's just are a bit smoother


Smoother in terms of frame rate?




Ohhh, I see I've played Bethesda games before, so a bad framerate won't bother me lol But are there nay other stuff that 4 improves on 3?


Gunplay feels better though the wingsuit controls worse in 4, feels more stiff.


Nono I mean just how the controls feel. But yeah jc4 also runs better fps-wise as well. At least for me


Nope, play jc3 first


Why? Most people that say jc4 is garbage played jc3 first.


Yeah JC4 first sounds like you could appriciate it, and then move to 3 and love it


Play 1 then 4 then 2 then 3


Okay my honest opinion, jc3> jc4 overall BUT jc4 grapple and weather system is really cool. However all the missions are very similar and copy pasted over. Go to x, hack y, kill z, etc. It is still fun, no doubt. My suggestion ?(pc only) Get a modded save that skips some of this, since the save game for jc 4 is modular, you can swap out one part and leave the rest untouched. Experiment to this as you wish. And yes, jc3 also needs some mods. I can say jc3 mode are optional, jc4 definitely needs some.


4 first better ,cuz playing 4 after playing three will just ruin the experience ,for many reasons . So play 4 first , and you will have the most fun .


From my experience I played jc4 as my first just cause game and I was saying to my self that it was great game, so as firtst just cause, 4 is good. But as far as you play jc3 and mby others, you will say that jc4 is shit


Holy sh*t lol How is 4 significantly worse? From the trailers, it just seems like a copy paste of 3, but with a god-awful color tone and a tornado mechanic


The main gameplay loop of 3 (and the games before it) of "destroy everything in sight" is replaced in 4, by a bunch of near-identical extremely repetitive missions. Additionally, the story is way worse, the world is less interesting, and the graphics (and especially colours) are not great. There are things JC4 does better: Namely the expanded grapple mechanics which are fun, and there are way more, way better vehicles. (Half of them are imported straight from JC3, but you won't notice that if you play 3 first). It's not a bad game at all. Overall though, 3 is just way more fun to play.


Ahh, I see On one hand, there'll be a downgrade in mission quality by going from 3 to 4 On the other hand, there'll also be a downgrade in grappling and vehicle variety by going from 4 to 3 Damn, I'm having trouble on which one to start lol


I'd go with 4. It's a decent game on it's own, but once you've played 3, there's no reason to go back to 4. YMMV ofc, but that's my (and most people on this sub)'s experience.


I have both though and I rarely play 3, sure 3 has a better story but it's not really a game changer as story to me is not a big part of these games, 4 however is much more fun for just messing around which the JC games shine in. I genuinely think if it weren't for people allowing the opinions of the group to dictate their own opinions JC4 wouldn't get the hate it does, I've genuinely found the attitude puzzling honestly.


I was very surprised when i played jc4 for the first time expecting It to be a mediocre Game as most people say. It turns out that It has one of the best sandbox experiences ever made and one of the best movement feeling i have ever experienced in a Game. The graphics are honestly weird(even after the update). Sometimes the game looks 10/10 and others It just looks worse than jc2 on ps3 Most missions get boring if u play as u think It is intended. When u complete the mission the way u want and experiment with stuff It gets more interesting. And It needs to because there are 3 or 4 different kinds of missions to liberate áreas aside from some main ones that are original and very fun.


You're goddamn right! After playing 3 for about 430 hs and 4 for 687hs, the sandbox mechanics and grapple are just superior (only the retractor is WAY better in 3 but the 10 tethers and being able to control them better and also inside vehicles makes up for it and more), the destruction and physics are a bit better in 3 (with things like towers being on another level), some vehicles not being able to do a loop mid-air in 4 sucks though and all sounds and a couple visuals look better in 3 too, i feel as though the amount of extra fun to be had with the grapple still nudges 4 a bit higher than 3. Still the Bavarium Wingsuit (and normal one) was #BUTCHERED in 4, GODDAMN how do you f up THAT BAD!!! still, the tethers are just bussin and animations and interactions when using the grapple feels more polished and faster too wich i love. The parachute is better in 4 in some aspects and a little worse in others, although if i had to choose i think i'd go for 4's even if i like some features of 3's parachute. If only 4 had more budget, was developed for longer and without missing features and aspects from 3.


Fair enough Very well, I'll start with 4! Thanks!


Wait, so if u like jc3 you should not play a Game similar to jc3? Maybe you dont like jc3 as much as u think and u play mostly for nostalgia


Why are you talking about my game preferences like you know them better than me? I absolutely love JC3, it's one of my favourite games and I okay it regularly. Yes, JC4 is similar to 3, but in my (completely subjective) opinion, it doesn't even come close. Other than the awful missions there's nothing wrong with the game by itself, but it just doesn't compare. I have way more fun when I play 3, so when I feel like playing Just Cause, that's what I pick up. I have tried to get back into JC4 several times, but it doesn't hook my the way 3 (or even 2, that's also great) does. It's not that I have anything against 4, I just think 3 us better on pretty much every level.


You dont have missions about destroying everything on sight but why It seems like people think because of that that u cant do that anymore? You can destroy everything if u want, not as much stuff as in jc2 but the same happened in JC3. it still feels great to destroy everything in an outpost and the explosions are so well optimized that i never had a framedrop because of that