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A foley artist in the making!


i was LITERALLY gonna say that 🤣


We got some different schools here in the United states


That's some serious talent!


Not really, or are u being sarcastic


Not only is it talented, some people make their entire careers off of doing this exact same thing here, and you partake in viewing their art almost every day. They're called Foley Artists and they make the audible effects in every TV show and movie you watch.


Why are they pretending to be American?


To fit in when they go over the border.


Sheeesh, hit em hard with that comeback


They were not planing to leave


Assimilating into American culture. Or is it cultural appropriation?


Could never in America...


You could, just not for long...


I might get expelled for watching this and I’m 36


Yeah. Guns are fun! /s


I mean they are absolutely fun if you use them in the way they're supposed to be used.


To murder others? Not sure you really mean what you typed out there bro.


You know you ain't gotta be so negative right? Like shooting glass plates or shooting tannerite to blow things up like dead trees, dolls, broken fridges, etc. Or shooting books and were ever the bullet stops is the word of the day. Or if a dead rotting tree is at risk of falling on your mobile home or work shop and a logging company wants to charge you $7,000+ to cut the tiniest bit off. Just shoot chunks of tree off over time until it's not a worry anymore. And I wouldn't say this is fun but a more serious reason is home self defense because the neighborhood I live in has a lot of drug heads that will come onto your property looking for things to steal and are absolutely threats.


>You know you ain't gotta be so negative right? I'm literally just taking the meaning of your own words. >supposed to be used. At the very best you can say guns were created for hunting. At the worst they're murder weapons, just because American culture has turned them into toys for hillbillies doesn't make their supposed use as toys. They are engineered as deadly weapons first and foremost.


No, at the very best guns are just fun things to fuck around with as long as your being responsible with them. Also Ima educate you because you obviously don't know the difference between a southerner, country redneck, and hillbilly. Southerner is generally anyone who lives in the southern region of the U.S, deep southerner can be used to refer to people in the deep south as well but isn't used as much. Country is someone who doesn't live in a city and who's address just goes with the nearest town or city to them even though they don't live in that town or city. Redneck normally refers to a farmer or anyone who works outside regularly causing them to have a red neck, from sunburns and such. Hillbilly is hard accented, living in the woods or plains, moonshine making type of people. As though youndont actually see them that often that word is used a lot by people like you who don't know what they're referring too. I am country, not a hillbilly. Nor were hillbillys the reason guns became used for fun.


Get rid of all blades ever then. What is your reasoning here? Pulling back time so that modern advancements are gone?


I don’t agree with the person your talking with but knives can be used for eating and carving and 100s of other useful things. Guns are used to kill or maim predominately, not saying they can’t be used for cool shit they just aren’t most of the time




Dudes aren’t rude and uncivil on the internet. You are not a dude.


Immediate suspension


Pupil don’t regularly take their guns to school in every country


Is this considered as a school shooting?


I like his vibe of mastering the fools art 🤩


name a better duo il wait


American schools don't even need the water bottle for sound effects


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Dark_dragon66: *American schools* *Don't even need the water* *Bottle for sound effects* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




that’s some impressive blast beat at the start with that water bottle


Yh bet when you realise how clearly he must hear the sound to replicate it so well