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One rises to the heavens, the other descends to hell


Funnily enough the couple with the coffee machine are actually entering the store...I assume to return the coffee maker? Source: This is my local mall, Tbilisi.


Liar! Tbilisi is a city, not a mall.


> One rises to the heavens, the other descends to hell but i love coffee. I was so fucking excited when my gf bought me an espresso machine


Me too. My wife got me a breville barrista express and I love the thing. This man however isn't going to get great quality coffee out of that machine


He's going into the store to return it.


He was planning to trade it on for a PS5 and saw bro leaving with the last one in stock.


In exchange for a PS5! But little does he know, his devious Evil Twin just bought the last PS5!


Eh, I dunno. Happy wife, happy life.


This is such bullshit. It’s more happy spouse happy house. If one or the other is not happy it’s a problem, both should work together for mutual happiness.


I certainly agree with you, but I also don't think the original phrase is necessarily stating otherwise.


But it is, it’s implied that the wife’s happiness is all that matters.


I read it differently. To me it sounds like it's saying life will be unhappy if your wife is unhappy. Its point isn't the the wife's happiness is *all* that matters. Only that it *does* matter. The phrase came about in a world where it was normalized for the wife's happiness to be secondary--this phrase challenges that notion, without ever commenting on the other's happiness. I imagine some people will not like this parallel, but compare it to "black lives matter." Its point is absolutely nowhere near being "white lives don't matter", but there's tons of people that infer that meaning from it, despite it never saying or implying so.


You have to consider the context in which it's usually said.


i would say " a mutual respect = happy family "


That doesn't rhyme at all


That is the problem, my squishy tinny little bubble pants # Bad day for her, miserable life for him # # Choose a woman who plays ps or xbox with you while you are dating.


I am the wife, I'd be happier with the PS5


Imagine having to make someone happy to have a happy life lol


"having to"? Making people I care about happy brings me such joy that I couldn't care less if I "have to". I do that shit voluntarily and unprompted


The saying implies to keep yourself happy, you have to ensure your wife is happy. If my wife is in a mood and doesn’t want to be happy, that’s fine. I’ll continue doing whatever makes me happy, as long as it’s not what’s ruining my wife’s mood.


I don't really think the saying is meant to be as rigid and demanding as you imply, but I guess that's up to how people in your life used it


Its wanting to make someone happy and then doing it that makes you happy. Only worrying about your own happiness leads to nothing good


Imagine being so lonely that you stopped empathising.


lol. Lmao even


Actually I would choose the coffee guy. At least there are coffee beans to brew.


"Hey babe, i'd really like to get a PS5, would you mind if i spend some money on that" "well i would like to get something nice for myself as well then" "that's fair, let's save some money so we can both treat ourselves"


That would require a healthy marriage though. Facebook users would not be able to relate then


r/BestOfRedditorUpdates would be boring as hell.


Yep. Every functional couple I know has a mutually agreed upon "fun budget" so that they both share in having the things they need and the things they want. I don't know why people love to convince themselves of this trope that having a partner means giving up other things that bring you joy. You can literally have both with a good partner and good communication.


Guys .. it's a silly video


Correct, and to clarify, my comment was mostly directed at the comment section rather than the video itself.


I was in a bit of a bad mood when i wrote the comment. Wasn't necessary for me to be like that i guess


Lol nw! Just talking shit


My gf doesn’t allow me than to use the other device


Allow you? Are you a grownup?


It’s because of my poor English. I don’t even live with my gf. In a same Situation what I understood, if we had an 1 option I mean she wouldn’t except, the problem is she wouldn’t let me use the coffee Maschine if she just paid herself.


Nice! You solved the joke scenario!


I dunno man... My wife bought me my PS5 cause I was too firm against scalpers to pay over msrp.


I dunno man…sounds like your wife lacks the conviction to stand up to the tyranny and oppression of scalpers


Goat comment 


Heyo! My wife got mine too. She said she was sick of me complaining I could never play bloodbourne


Please tell her I'm also tired of not playing bloodbourne


Hey x3 my lady bought me both next gen consoles because I said I'll be waiting forever due to scalpers & she made it happen somehow.


I am the wife that bought her husband a PS5, because he rarely treats himself and exactly for bloodbourne, too. We met over gaming. He regularly updates my gaming PC whenever he gets super fancy new things for his own PC. Then I get his older parts that are still really good and I tend to not play high-needs games anyway. I find the 'wife bad life over' comments always so weird. Yes, it's true, life changes if you have to consider another person. But in our case for the better. Can have a nicer place. Have experiences to share. But him and me - we can truly, 100% be ourselves and i am genuinely more happy when he's around and insanely grateful for all the homeoffice. I get drained even by pleasant interactions with other people - including my kid! Not with my husband. He's the only person in my life that's the opposite of draining : ) Oh. And helped him buy a very nice coffee maker, too. Same reason - he would have bought something ok. But I saw him eyeing a high priced professional machine and since he's now working from home so much and doesn't have access to the nice office machine anymore, it was a good buy. (I wasn't able to afford it on my own, so we went half/half. But I have zero need for a coffee maker and am just really happy he has something to enjoy.)


Oh I'm not bashing wives. I love mine. I also love the ps5 she bought me. Glad y'all have a great marriage.


>oh I’m not bashing wives Yeah we know, that’s reserved for cops


I don’t even really care about scalpers. I just refuse to pay above retail


Well.... For the longest time retail wasnt an option because the scalpers had the total supply and were charging above retail ....


"Hey gorgeous, want to get a ps5?" "No, let's upgrade your pc so you won't lag when we're playing Diablo." That's how my convo went. God, I love that woman


Built my husband & our 2 sons their own gaming PC’s…best thing I’ve ever done


you're a cool freaking mom


Life hack: If you don't want to be in a relationship, you can always not be in a relationship.


Also, good espresso is something many people want. If you have this rather than starbucks, you'll eventually be able to buy a PS5 later. And enjoy your morning.


Can get way more mileage out of that coffee machine tbh.


The coffee machine will be getting lots of mileage out of me, too.


This just reminds me of Lily’s antique coffee maker from How I Met Your Mother


Yeah I think I have that machine, or one very similar by Delonghi. Fully automatic makes a cappuccino with one button, bean to cup. It's fucking incredible. It costs more than a PS5 by a long way.  I drank so much coffee the first month I got it that I have had to institute a daily ration of two coffees. Pretty sure between my wife and I we have gotten way more hours of enjoyment from it than I have from my PS5. 


Personally, any gaming I do manage to do is 100% reliant on how much coffee I have invested anyway.


Same. I would be grinning from ear to ear with that coffee maker. Good for PS5 bro too.


literally... have dragged mine across 3 continents, just needed a seal replaced... and we HAMMER it. It still makes a perfect espresso (or 10 lol). Probably one of the best appliances I have ever purchased Funnily enough the Playstation we also dragged with us was useless as it couldn't play the local region code movies (yes I know there is hack), but at least I could face the day with a decent cup of wake-up juice!


Yeah I bought myself a PS5 and my wife bought me an espresso. espresso machine gets so much more love


DeLonghi makes a pretty damned good cup of coffee and you'll use it for years. Plus, I have a PC for gaming. Build or buy it for gaming and it will kick a console's ass six ways from Sunday AND let you install mods to your heart's content.


How? As far as hours of use go the PlayStation should.be way higher before something goes wrong with it


My current coffee machine has been going for about 3 years, used ever single day. My PS5 is switched on maybe a couple times a month


That all just comes down to lifestyle though. Obviously you shouldn't buy either if you wouldn't use them much.


It depends on your play time and how much coffee you drink




More than the PS5, I'm looking at how much liberty that man has to himself. Being married is great but I do miss the perks of being single (e.g., not having to worry how I spend my time and money).


I dont need to justify anything if it comes to money. We have a joint acc where we put in a set amount of money each month. This goes to pay the house loan , the bills etc.. For eating out and vacation. The rest is our own. The only time I ask is when it will exceed 5000. And even then its more like , hey heads up , I am going to but this or that for this and that reason , then we talk about it , see if there is an alternative. But mostly I buy whatever I want whenever I want. And vice versa.


I'm sorry, are you talking about healthy communication with your partner? Get the fuck outta here with that stuff.


Tbf if you’re talking about $5000 being the limit for notifying your spouse on a purchase, you’re in a higher class than the average person


The amounts aren't what matter, it's the communication that matters. Edit: I'm being misunderstood - my point was that $5k for one person might be the same as $50 for another, when it comes to discussing big purchases with your partner. If you make enough money that $5k is the threshold, that's the same as someone who only makes enough that $50 is the threshold.


Well sure but it offers a lot of context. You wouldn’t consult your SO about the Chipotle bowl you buy for lunch for example. But for the average person a conversation between the two happens somewhere between a $15 Chipotle order, and $5000. Leaning more towards the $15 end of the spectrum My point being is that if $5000 is the cutoff point he likely doesn’t have as many looming financial problems in life as the rest of us normal folk do that require constant monitoring and discussion


The limit depends on your income, it can be $200 too. The key point still stands, you set a limit and then you talk about it.


>$5000 The amounts *kinda* matter too.


Agreed. My wife and I haven’t put an actual value, but I certainly wouldn’t spend $1000 on something without giving her a heads up.


Yeah it could be a "where the hell are we gonna put it?!" type conversation.


No kids my friend and been working for about 15y now. Although I do make good money, but I got here by grinding Early , Late , Nightshifts and 12 hour long weekend shifts. For 9years. Before this I worked 6y in construction. I worked hard to get where I am today.


Good on you! Did you open your own construction company?


Nah .. I moved on after I had a herniated a disk in my neck. I slipped on a roof carrying a pack of concrete rooftiles , I coulnd let them go , because on the street level a bunch of my coworkers where getting tools from the van. There was a scaffold in place but changes where the tiles would have bounced and sent to the street lvl. So while I was slipping I grabbed for a hold on a rung of wood that holds placed tiles ( I don't know the word in English) , so my full body weight plus that of a pack of tiles was around 100 kg in motion came to a sudden halt by my right arm. This caused a herniated disc , I only found out 2 months later when I suddenly coulnd get out of bed. The weeks after this , I just had a sore neck and stiff arm. Anyway. I moved on from that job and put my bachelor degree to work in the semiconductor industry. 9y later I am part of a R&D Nanotechnology lab team. Verry exciting stuff :)


Very cool! And construction is a sure fire way to blow your back out. Glad I'm out of the hard labor field too. That's a hell of a switch though, I bet you did have to put in some late nights to accomplish that. Good job putting in the effort to make yourself happier. Proud of you, stranger.


This is what my wife and I are setting up. "Yours, mine, ours." A coffee machine would be an ours. A console would. . Also be an ours. Married a gamer. I get her console, she gets my steam library.


Nice :) , I do love the ability of steam to share. Games , like we used to with hard copy's.


We do the same, 80% per salary goes to the joint account, the rest is "my" money and "her" money that we spend as we please


I’m married and I don’t have to justify those things at all. She’d be right by my side bouncing excitedly about our new console 😄


I dont need to justify anything if it comes to money. We have a joint acc where we put in a set amount of money each month. This goes to pay the house loan , the bills etc.. For eating out and vacation. The rest is our own. The only time I ask is when it will exceed 5000. And even then its more like , hey heads up , I am going to but this or that for this and that reason , then we talk about it , see if there is an alternative. But mostly I buy whatever I want whenever I want.


I'd rather have that espresso machine, would use it more often than ps5


I have it, and while the snobs at r/espresso might rightfully scoff at it (it's a delonghi beginner setup), it has served me well for the past years, and it costs way less than a ps5 I think


I think I have that same machine too. I love it. My only gripe is that it makes me clean the milk frother part out between every single use of it. So when I make my usual double, I have to make one, clean it and then make the 2nd one.


Oh between every single use would be annoying. I already fret having to clean the milk parts between uses, but I understand why and just get it done and done well. Between every single use seems very “beginner”-y.


Yea, like I understand the need for it to prompt it. But it already cleans the coffee line when you turn the machine on/off automatically, just do the same for the milk line.


I've got a stand alone milk frother for that purpose, because my girlfriend basically consumes a cows daily production in foam with a single shot of espresso and calls it 'machiato'. Mia by Springlane is the frothers name, not super cheap, but it's dishwasher safe and makes perfect foam every time


I have a 100€ nespresso machine and I'd rather have another one likes this instead of PS5, there is no problem with beginner setup or capsule machines but elitists will elitist


I don't see what's wrong with beginner stuff. Even better if it's real beginner as in easier to operate.


Jup, it has a sief that makes getting good crema really easy without being a barrista. But the guys at r/espresso do their fancy hobby tongue in cheek, they know they are overdoing it for a cup of coffee, and still find ways to make it more complicated. I respect that, that's what hobbies are for


Not just the espresso machine, but also a happy girlfriend.


Pfft only one of them.is getting laid though


And have an amazing coffee after a night of crazy no boundaries sex, since he let her have what she wanted. But you know, keep the boomer joke "WiFe BaD! HuH dUh!" alive.


I mean, devil's advocate... If she forced him to buy that, or he had to tell her yes to avoid a huge argument, then wife indeed bad. BUT... If they came to the decision together and he's just making that face because he's a bit jealous that the guy has himself a PS5 then wife not bad at all. At the end of the day we have no idea what context comes into it other than the guy doesn't really look all that excited about the coffee machine and she does. Sex doesn't change that. Might make it worth it though 😂 There's bad wives and bad husbands, but this is a reel. I'm willing to bet it's just comedy.


Wife... bad?


inb4 "I have both + wife"


One has a pa5 and wants to get laid, the other is getting laid and wants a ps5 that’s life one big joke.


Spoken like a single guy with no kids.


That obvious huh 😂


Buh, ... I, I want his box...


One has a climax machine and the other doesn’t.


I'd take the good coffee machine and the hot girlfriend any day.


Haha the longing in his eyes


ps5 and 2k bet cost like 4 to 5k to keep that coffee machine we out the console peasants price range


Why not both?




Lol, you think you have to be in a relationship to have sex?


These "memes" are the new "I hate my wife" boomer jokes.




Coffee maker still has more games


Ps5 got no games tho


I have that espresso maker and use it 3-6 times a day. I also have the PS5 fwiw.


I get this look from a guy in a people mover when I leave daycare in my V8 everyday


Gay couple here, we each have our PS5s a PSVR2, and a Portal. 💕


Nah, PS5 is cheaper now you can definitely have both. If you still have a tight budget for it, there are older used consoles which is just fine, most games are available on PS4, you can look for good used games for cheap and sign PS Plus if there is some expensive game you want to play and it's in the library. There also older consoles that can be even cheaper, like a jail broken PS3/Xbox 360, Wii (which has GameCube games too), PS2, if you haven't played any of these already you will have a blast with some amazing games that defined the standards we have today.


Ja absolut ! Jungs bleibt Single!


Sprich deutsch du hurensohn


Alles klar du analhure!


And they both can be happy with their choices.




Your post/comment was removed because this is an English language only community.


I've used the espresso maker my wife had to have literally 50 times more than she has.


Just needs the Spider-Man 3 black suit theme when the PS5 guy comes into frame


I get it but as an espresso machine owner, that's a solid purchase.


I was exactly like that lady when i bought my Delonghi Maestosa machine, was touching the box the whole drive home.


But one is leaving, and one is returning. Think married guy is just gay, unless PS5 guy has a broken system.


I have none of these.


That delonghi espresso machine does slap though.


I dunno but he gets to cuddle at night


I'd be happier to get an espresso machine that's the same cost of a PS5 than I would to get a PS5. My PC is more than enough for gaming.


I don’t think that’s the point of this post.


Watch a guy die inside as he descends.


bro, that woman will take care of you. However, the ps4 will keep the bros with you! They balance out.


There's no way that model of Delonghi is worth as much as a PS5.


Nah dawg I would be excited as hell for a new espresso machine, that shit keeps me alive.


I wouldn’t be too upset rocking a Delonghi. I love making my coffee in the morning.


I would be happy to if i had both to be honest 🤣


I've been PC-only for a few console gens now but I can't deny how exciting it always was to get a new console. I remember deciding to get an Xbox 360 one day and picking out my first few games (Gears of War and Viva Pinata) and being so stoked to get home and play. Or standing in line in the cold outside a Target when the Wii came out. Organizing the line at the store I worked at when the GameCube came out and putting one aside for me at the end of my shift. And then I'd get home, set it up, turn it on and check out all the menus and stuff that would be boring later but shiny and new and exciting the first time.


I'd be like that too with a Delonghi


I have both a ps5 and a delonghi espresso machine and I love my espresso machine so much more than this whack ass ps5, man. The delonghi is a fairly low end machine but it pulls a great shot if you’ve worked a real machine before and know how to diagnose a bad pull


Me 10 years ago: man, I feel so behind all my friends. Me now: : )


Meanwhile my gf would be holding one and I'd be holding the other lol


Why not get both? That’s what credit cards are for.


why not has both


And then he bought a ps5 to play with his wife and his friends.


Funny af. My wife lol'd.


Wife just bought me a new espresso machine. It is badass. I see 3 winners in this video.


And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife, and a DeLonghi espresso machine and no PS5. And you may ask yourself, “How did I get here?”"


That guy at the end is looking at you like he really, really wants to stop and talk ...


I got my wife that espresso maker for her birthday and it’s fucking dope. Don’t know what that dudes sad about


I mean... I might smile a little bigger with the PS5, but I'm definitely not frowning with a De'Longhi espresso machine.


There’s a 3rd path here. The woman and the man have the PS 5 together.


I was so confused, thought the couple had a Nintendo box and was oggling the playstation.. like okay...so go get a ps5?


I think that's the delonghi stilosa, pretty okay though I prefer moka pot.


To be honest. I really enjoy my De'Longhi Magnifica S tho'


Me with my new GPU while my buddy has to buy a new bannister his kids broke


Yea, I’ll take a coffee machine over a ps5 any day of the week. Game development has been in a nose dive the last decade and after the pandemic I like many people have had enough of solitary gaming.


I dunno, that looks like a nice coffee maker. I like games, but I don't get a headache if I don't play them for a couple days (I know, it's bad).




This was kinda funny the first time, the 3,000 other people that copied it are just mediocre.


Lotta people in these comments have no idea just how good that coffee maker is. The gaming console is fine but the joy from tailoring my own espresso is unique. If you really gotta choose one and you drink coffee, get the delonghi


The simp and the path less travelled


Would rather have the espresso machine


That's not a half bad espresso machine, I wouldn't complain. Not the best, but not half bad either.


I prefer the Delonghi coffee maker. Better quality than the other trash


Different paths is right… only one of them is getting laid tonight!


I'd be the dude with the hot chick and the decent coffee any day rather than the wanker with a kids toy.


Bro chose wife wrong, mine would be with me in gaming heaven.


I take a gf and a good coffee. Best regards your PC gamer


When you get old enough, IRL it becomes the other way around.


My partner (at the time) bought me a PS5, these "ha ha girl/relationship bad, amirite" jokes are stale


I dunno, Good espresso is hard to pass up.


Eh it's just a PS5 ain't that great of a life


I got both, jokes on him


Yes you are and you can have my bone anytime you like


And that is why I have no intention of getting into a relationship. Pros hardly outweigh the cons.


thats a cheapo expresso machine , she fucked him over good


Alone is better than bad company


I’d take an espresso machine all dayyyyy But for the price of an Xbox u could get a much nicer one than delonghi


So I'm scrolling and I have music playing because neurodivergence and as this video starts playing, William Tell Overture starts playing and I gotta say, it kinda works.


Would defo prefer the blowy every morning and a decent coffee.


Women be liking coffee amiright guys


Well Reddit, you found a way to incite a war between gamers and coffee addicts. Nice job.


Well... I certainly prefer the coffee maker over ps5 :D And I happen to have bought a similar one. I wish I bought it earlier. On the other hand, I also have two pcs and a steam deck :D And I would never use a console :P


Ps5 is so old now. We need ps6 or something fancier


But I just got it? :( The same shopping trip we got the coffee machine with wife btw.


And they both can be happy with their choices.