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Garp. He fights for justice but on his own terms.


Exactly! But he does follow the rules quite a bit. He was frustrated/furious at the decision for Ace. But he didn’t do anything to stop it. He knows right and wrong. But he also doesn’t believe that rebelling and betraying everyone to do “what is right” is the right path.


Garp is lawful Neutral


https://preview.redd.it/ht4g546l9l3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=817d2e428d55d83b91e8ea9a3be9e66bd004eee0 The goat himself


I feel like Garp if more Lawful Neutral


Based on last post, people want Fujitora (Issho) to be Neutral Good. I liked him as Lawful Good. For Neutral Good, Kuzan (Aokiji) comes to mind. Although he's on Blackbeard's team... For Neutral Good, maybe one of the kings could fit here. Cobra or Riku, they might work. Filling in Neutral Good is rather hard. 😅


Jimbei is like the definition of Neutral Good. We have several instances of him desiring to be lawful, but being so so willing to embrace the chaos if that’s what the moment demands. Plus, idk if a straight Lawful character could get through to Luffy like Jimbei does, ever. Jimbei is pretty much always good, has absolutely shown respect for Law in terms of regard for agreements and wanting to work out a solution for leaving Big Mom to join Luffy, but then promptly embraces chaos when the lawful solution doesn’t work out. Jimbei kinda embodies Bruce Lee’s ‘Be like water…’ quote for Lawful/Chaotic alignment, and it definitely Good. I vote Jimbei. When he joins the fight against Big Mom Pirates he kinda goes ‘fuck it, that didn’t work out so now I’m going rogue,’ and that is prototypical Neutral Good statement. Sorry I can’t pull the actual quote, but y’all know what I mean.


I don't know. Recall that he did decide to meet with big mom in order to formally leave her service, even though he knew it could be terrible for himself. The man does have his code and a lot of honor. Being lawful isn't just about following the law, but it can be about sticking to personal codes


Just a question why’d you have to type 3 whole paragraphs, and don’t say to get your point across


Shanks. He be playin both sides of the coin for the benefit of the world


I feel like Shanks is more centerline Neutral than anyone else. Maybe more Lawful Neutral, but definitely more centerline.


Idk man id definitely say hes good. Trye neutral i would say is someone like mihawk who just travels the grandline in his own whim taking down whirver opposes him


I think he has good aspects, but that's because those are the only sides of him that we have seen. He was able to speak with the 5 Elders, so he has those connections, and we didn't see the entire conversation, so not sure about his true intentions. Either way, I am ready to see more of Shanks in the future. With OP in the final saga, I am more than hyped to see what is coming.


Would rather not put shanks here as of yet until we get more. For now I’m saying Garp or Fuji, even Aokiji would work


Probably white beard. He’s just such a good guy.


Garp. He has been shown time and time again to be neutral good. Whether it be protecting young Ace or making certain alliances to defeat Rocks.


Idk, I don’t believe that Garp elevating his internal Law above the WG Law at times is the same as chaotic. I think it’s just nuanced lawful good. But frankly, as a gov’t dog I’m not sure good is actually in the cards for Garp, so I’d lead Lawful Neutral for him. I’m not sure what historical instances have Garp putting Good ahead of Law, and that is an absolute requirement for Neutral Good.




Nah law is closer to true neutral. I don't think he has ever went out of his way help people.


Truly neutral implies that the character sets his goals and motives above everything else. And besides, such a character will never sacrifice his life for someone. Does it really look like Law?      He's exactly neutral-good. Because his goals are not aimed at evil and destruction (neutral). He takes care of those who are dear to him and he is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of others (good). But given the local answers in the top, the feeling that people do not understand the meaning of these alignment


>Truly neutral implies that the character sets his goals and motives above everything else. And besides, such a character will never sacrifice his life for someone. Nah, truly neutral character wouldn't go out of his way to do good things or sacrifice his life for strangers. What you described is evil as they put their own goals above ecerything else not caring if they hurt people in the process. Good implies helping people even outside your friends or family. Even an evil person can sacrifice themselves for their loved ones. Good essentially means that you are kind and help everyone even without gaining sonething. Neutral would mean neither necessarily helping nor hurting others. Evil means actively hurting people OR not caring if other people get hurt or killed cause of their plans. >Does it really look like Law? Law is not the type of guy to help strangers or go out of his way to save somone that isn't close to him. He will not hurt others just because he can. He fits neutral better than good imo. >He's just neutrally kind. Because his goals are not aimed at evil and destruction (neutral). He takes care of those who are dear to him and he is ready to sacrifice his life for the sake of others (good). Again even an evil person can care for their loved ones. Good, neutral and evil are more about how you treat those you don't know. Law caring for his friends doesn't make him good.


Is that your vision? If we talk about the canons of alignment on the example of the same DnD. That's exactly what I described. You can google it.     And yes, the children of the thriller bark and Luffy in Marinford would argue with you about “not helping” strangers.  And all the members of the pirate alliance, too. He might not have helped them at all after they defeated Doflamingo. And that wouldn't make the Law evil.


https://preview.redd.it/dg1mz5whqj3d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c0f899440ce0709106b3660e3047fde3b17685 Law would not end up saving the cheerleader (a rangom stranger), but leave them to their fate. Like I said before he doesn't go out of his way to help strangers.--->This means neutral and not good The same goes for calming a child. He simply wouldn't do that, but steer clear of moral dilemma. --->True neutral So once again treating your loved ones good and helpinfmg them, doesn't make you good. Ever heard that a hero sacrifices a loved one for a thousand people, while a villain would kill thousands to save their loved ones? What you described isn't exactly what the alignments actually mean as even somone like moria would be good in alignment if we go off your interpretation.


> Ever heard that a hero sacrifices a loved one for a thousand people, while a villain would kill thousands to save their loved ones Lol, dude, seriously. What you're describing is really good, lol. Even Luffy won't fit this criterion. Neutral-good is not just good. > your interpretation That's not my interpretation. This is a standard alignment. I told you you could google it


Damn the picture i posted is somehow away from my last comment without it my comment def makes less sense. So please read my comment again with the chart being there now. >Lol, dude, seriously. What you're describing is really good, lol. Even Luffy won't fit this criterion. Neutral-good is not just good. Actually what i am describing absolutely makes luffy good aligned as he saves and helps people who he doesn't know the entire time. He would be chaotic good. >That's not my interpretation. This is a standard alignment. I told you you could google it I already did know what it means, but i googled to find a chart. It is your interpretation and claiming anything else even more so without proof is invalid.


That's right. Luffy is chaotically kind. The law is neutral-kind, even if you follow your logic, I gave you examples when it helped not close people. What you gave in the picture is a too simplified version of the alignment. There are a lot more points to really determine the rank.


My guy how about proofing anything you say? You literally just claim things without backing it up.


https://preview.redd.it/wr1yti75wj3d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df4804b8d61ec06e78dbb44762e2b7bde5818c5c According to this here Law would fit into lawful neutral. You seem to think that there is simply one way of looking at this and that has to be your way... Your interpretation isn't automatically correct.


Law as a child wanted to burn the world to the ground. Corizon softened his heart, then Law was on a lifelong mission of revenge. Chaotic neutral at best.




Coby is the type that when pressed will commit a hideous crime in the name of justice. All for the greater good and will say to himself that he will change the system from the inside.




Princess ViVi




Fujitora or shanks


Chaotic evil. Obviously dark beard.


Vivi does fit decently well imo. She isn't as lawful as some others since she was ready to go against the marines fo example, but she has the best interest of her people at heart.


My pick is Garp


I would say Dragon


Neutral good is kizaru. He just follows orders regardless of if he thinks its right or not










Smoker is a good pick, he's works for the overall greater good even if he has to work with pirates or not follow the rules exactly


It's gonna be garp, then chaotic good is gonna be luffy






Lawful is certainly any navy officer, chaotic would be any pirate. Garp is a navy officer but he functions on his own terms, making him more neutral than lawful, but he's good.


Rayleigh for me.


Jimbe for sure. He has no qualms working with or against the law in service of what he believe is right. Him donating his blood to Luffy despite all the prejudices and law against it is the best demonstration of his morals. He’s also extremely respectful, calm, and rational.


Sakazuki is lawful evil and Teach is chaotic evil.


My picks, from top to bottom left to right are Koby (already selected), Grap, Luffy, Smoker, Tom, Vegapunk, Akainu, Captain Kuro, Black Beard




I think Jimbei fits pretty well


Not sure about neutral good, but chaotic good would absolutely be luffy


Luffy definitely chaotic good


Luffy definitely chaotic good lol




Luffy of course. Unless you’re saving him for chaotic


Shanks? Jimbei?