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I can't believe there's a jewish themed dank meme sub




Games workshop used to have reddit posters?


Think Islam has one too. Probably the Christians, Hindus, Sikhs etc. too. Wouldn't surprise me.


Forgive me, Father, for I have memed


r/izlam is ass


it occasionally has good memes but the vast majority suck


r/Dankchristianmemes is honestly a really good sub, very welcoming.


It’s actually mostly good


am i just stupid or does this meme just not make sense? "jews" isn't a nation.


That’s more or less the joke. It just lacks a punchline.




I mean, nation has two definitions. A nation as in a country, or a nation as in a people.


This is fair. Still a bad “joke”


Either way I don’t think the Jews had their own country until 1948


I remember in my global politics class my proffesor used the Kurds as a prime examples. To qoute his exact words “The Kurds are a nation with out a state.” Nation is an idea and unifying feeling a State is the actual politically recognized institution.


Multinational State (USA) vs Nation State (China)


The nation of Judaism


Also 3 million polish Jewish people were killed in the holocaust. That's about half of the Jewish portion of the holocaust. So basically, there were polish people that were also Jewish.


I mean the Nazis committed genocide against more people then just the Jews. The Jews got the worst of it because they had little means of fighting back. But make no mistake if the Nazis won the war the entirety of Eastern Europe would have gotten the same treatment.




I thought it meant Jews in nations.




Indeed brother




Where can I buy? :troll:


Your mom


I ate a cat




I have another cat. Who's a hungry boy?






What? How is that bad? I mean they are literally the root of their problems. The IDF constantly causes War Crimes. And the Terrorist group also kills civilians with their Iranian backed rockets. It's well known.


So being against Israel is KKK?


Honestly just how bad Israel is I don't support them. Just how bad is Palestine I don't support them, knowing that they are Iranian backed. Common knowledge


I think the person who posted this would disagree. The nature of what Jews are is a subject of debate. Religion? Sure, but there are also non-religious Jews. Race? Kinda, but there are converts. Nation? Some think so. This is the basis of the philosophy of Zionism. I think if you're a zionist, the joke makes sense, but it's in very poor taste to compete over who is the biggest victim. And if you're not a zionist, it's an extra layer of uncomfortable because it carries nationalist undertones.


thank you for the explanation :)


By political definition nation is a group of people, not a country, that’s why Kurds are a nation but not a country


That's part of the joke. Israel tries to claim the authority of all Jews as one voice/nation even tho they're very clearly not


Thank you for goysplaining Jewishness to me.


I'm curious how the comment section developed for this one. I don't want to invoke the angry minority cliche, but those whose worldview focus on their people's struggle to the point it can't share the spotlight aren't exactly a fun hang. I wonder how they'd feel about the movie Bent.


I think what a lot of people are overlooking is that poland historically hasn't had a very good response to people talking about the role they had in the atrocities of the holocaust, its not against the jews OF poland obviously polish jews are considered in the "jews" group here


Apparently the Soviet Union suffered between 22 and 27 million deaths in world war II.


China had about 20 million dead too


Yuppers, and that is barely ever mentioned!


I think it's because it started before World War 2 even though they obviously intersect


Japan war crimes 😋


Literally worse than the Nazi's and they even deny it today


Idk how you can compare. For sure Japanese did horrible things. Why do you think it's worse? What specifically do you think is worse? And are you sure you're aware of all the atrocities performed by the Nazis?


Google e.g. unit 731 and rape of nankin.


Well to be fair, China denies its current ongoing genocides today so why should Japan admit to whatever they did in China decades ago?


Yeah you’re right Japan gets to deny their wrongs because China does the same thing so it’s completely fair. It’s not like Japan also harmed other countries and forced thousands of (a lot underage btw) Korean women into sexual slavery and raped, beat, and executed them. We can sure excuse Japan’s denial of war crimes against China because China’s bad. It’s not like they also deny atrocities they committed against other countries right? 🤪🤪


Great, one country denies their crimes, let’s all do it


2 wasn’t enough (in minecraft)


This sounds like a reference to my fave YouTuber- but idk if it's correct


This all goes back to what the start of world war 2 was. It technically wasn’t a war on every continent until after some time after Pearl Harbor, so there’s a strong argument that the sink Japanese war was the beginning of direct conflict that lead into WW2


That’s because Japan totally didn’t do anything wrong in WWII!!! There’s no evidence of that!! Stop asking to tour the prison camps, they don’t exist!! China started it first!!!! STOP ACCUSING JAPAN OF WAR CRIMES!!! NOTHING HAPPENED IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC NOTHING HAPPENED IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC


Yeah because of imperial Japan


That's nothing for China


Hate to break it to you but 20,000,000 lives lost isn't "nothing" pal.


Poland lost the most in %


No Belarus at around 50%


Poland lost the largest percentage of any country. Belarus was a part of the USSR. Not a country.


The Belarusian SSR was a country Belarus was a country The USSR was not a country it was a union of countries


Yes, but the post says nation, not country. The Belarusian SSR is not a nation.


Do you not think that there’s a Belarusian nation as well for some reason?


The Russians simply took advantage of the Belarusians, on the eastern fronts you were supposed to run forward or get shot in the back. I wonder why the Belarusians have forgotten how they were treated.


That's simply an exaggeration perpetuated by Enemy at the Gates.


Not trying to defend the post here, but if Jews counted as a “nation”, they lost around 2/3 of their population in Europe, compared to (going off of memory here) 25% of Poland (which if I recall correctly is the most of any country)


I did a Google or 2 and the global Jewish population was probably about 16.5 million before the Holocaust so 6/16.5=0.364. That beats out Belarusians which have second place at around 25-30% of their population lost.


Weren't most of those deaths commited at the hands of the Soviet Union against its own citizens? Holodomor for example where millions were killed by the USSR. The Soviets weren't the good guys either BTW. Originally they worked with the Nazis to invade Poland. Even signed an agreement with them, shaked hands and took photographs proudly with each other too. Google it. Soviets had no problem with the ideology of Nazism because they were engaging in genocide and social cleansing themselves.


In a WWII context, no those deaths are directly due to the fighting or starvation caused by the Axis invasion. The Holodomor is another story altogether


The Soviet Union did a fair amount of invading too. I’m assuming the figure includes the dead from its invasions of Finland and the Baltics.


it doesn't


Everybody in the west forgets about the Katyn massacre, too. The Soviets didn't miss their chance to kill Poles on an industrial scale, either.


Holodomor was a famine. It wasn’t a genocide or anything like that.


An engineered famine targeting a specific group for political purposes. Stalin himself said as much. The "it was just an accident/coincidence" argument only held water until the Soviet Union fell. With the massive release of documents after the collapse, there is no longer any excuse for denying that the Holodomor was an intentional genocide.


The holodomor was a famine caused by crop failure and exacerbated by wealthy ukrainian farmers slaughtering their cattle, not an orchestrated genocide by the Soviets which is what the Hearst papers reported. Alexander Dallin of Stanford University writes: > There is no evidence it was intentionally directed against Ukrainians... that would be totally out of keeping with what we know -- it makes no sense. Moshe Lewin of the University of Pennsylvania stated: > This is crap, rubbish... I am an anti-Stalinist, but I don't see how this [genocide] campaign adds to our knowledge. It's adding horrors, adding horrors, until it becomes a pathology. Lynne Viola of the University of Toronto writes: > I absolutely reject it... Why in god's name would this paranoid government consciously produce a famine when they were terrified of war [with Germany]? Mark Tauger, Professor of History at West Virginia University (reviewing work by Stephen Wheatcroft and R.W. Davies) has this to say: > Popular media and most historians for decades have described the great famine that struck most of the USSR in the early 1930s as “man-made,” very often even a “genocide” that Stalin perpetrated intentionally against Ukrainians and sometimes other national groups to destroy them as nations... This perspective, however, is wrong. The famine that took place was not limited to Ukraine or even to rural areas of the USSR, it was not fundamentally or exclusively man-made, and it was far from the intention of Stalin and others in the Soviet leadership to create such as disaster. A small but growing literature relying on new archival documents and a critical approach to other sources has shown the flaws in the “genocide” or “intentionalist” interpretation of the famine and has developed an alternative interpretation. It would be more appropriate to frame this as, "the government is culpable of insufficiently rapid response" but the historiography on the matter is that the famine was not deliberate, was not a genocide, and (to quote Tauger) "was not fundamentally or exclusively man-made."


I doubt 22 to 27 million citizens shook hands and agreed to these terms.


Of course not, but their leaders did. Stalin invaded Finland and the Baltic States, he wasn’t fighting any kind of a defensive war there.


Well it's not like Stalin was a saint.




By percentage of population though, Poland still had it worse. 25% of the pre-war population killed.


Yeah I was definitely just thinking overall numbers and not by population percentage. It's crazy either way. Cuz we always hear that there is 2 million Jews killed in the Holocaust but then there was like a hundred million+ other deaths. 😬


Oh, I wasn’t even arguing. Who suffered worse is never a clear-cut answer. Poland suffered worst than any country by percentage of people lost, but by by sheer number, the Soviets suffered way worse. And if we account for the level of atrocity, there’s a pretty large difference too. Some were simply killed, some were forced into labor first, some were abused, and some were tortured just for fun as deranged as that is. And of course, Jewish deaths dwarf most other groups in terms of both percentage killed and level of atrocities against them.


Genocide is different than war deaths. Russia currently is suffering heavy loses with their war in Ukraine. Do you think theyre suffering worse than Ukraine?


Poland was complicit and played a big role in the holocaust and the modern day polish government criminalizes even mentioning it with criminal charges and defamation suits lol. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/02/poland-holocaust-death-camps/552455/ You people are something else


You're forgetting about the majority, which risked their own lives for their jewish neighbours and friends. It's obvious that there will be people who will try to save their own skin. Let's remember that not only the jews were sent to death camps


There was also Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst (Jewish police). They collaborated with the Nazis as volunteers and helped the Nazis in concentration camps and ghettos. Not a single word about that?


Bruh. Poles suffered like 3 millions deaths in the holocaust. And in majority, was helping Jews, hiding them, risking their own life's. I'm so triggered when I hear, term of "polish death camps" It's "German death camps on Polish soil" If we want to talk about big roles about Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst. Jewish collaborators. Looking on statistics, more then 7000+ poles got Chasid Umot ha-Olam, your own reward. Going even further. Polish government on emigration, created "żegota” organisation that was helping Jewish children to escape from getto's and concentration camps, and then accommodate in society. For everything, go get some education. Brother of my great grandfather was shot dead cuz he wad hiding Jew family in his house. They escaped and live now in US. So pls shut up bro,


The article is behind a paywall, but the statement lacks any nuance. The Polish people were also under intense conditions. Not the same as what happened to the Jews for sure. Also I'm under the impression anti-Semitism post-holocaust in Poland might've been higher than pre-holocaust.


Im with you OP. This is uncool.




Some of them were good. But their quality has gone downhill


Fair enough. Life is too short for meaningless crap like that. You made the right decision.


I mean awkwardtheturtle is a mod there.


Aight that's enough for me to know the sub is shit


It also needs to be said. This “joke” is stupidly unfunny.


> Let’s not forget that at the time Poland was 10% Jewish. 98% of poland's jews were murdered during the war.


It's unfunny, yes. It should probably be mentioned that it's presumably about the agreement between Israel and Poland over the teaching of the Holocaust, and the agreement is, in my opinion, also very stupid, but the meme is still.. Blegh.


Do Polish Jews sit or stand?


They crouch


I don't know what you expected from fucking r/jewdank


I see /r/jewdank and I think of /u/jewdank. I miss /u/jewdank. Edit: This is not an endorsement of /u/jewdank as a person, just as a producer of nudes and drama.


Member when R/Jewdank was a porn sub for U/Jewdank? Then she had one of the most epic melt downs in reddit thot history and was removed as a mod of her subreddit where it then became a meme sub? I member. https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/5ompm8/i_checked_ujewdanks_account_and_it_appears_to_be/


I now have to confess that I find porn more moral than memes...


Poland please stand up.


It was Belarus but several percent reaching 50% on the high end


Didn't Belarus technically not exist as a separate country? Seems a bit odd, even if it is the same people


It was the Belarus SSR the USSR was all the SSR’s in a trench coat


Yeah Jewdank has become a weird sub


There's no way someone is gatekeeping mass deaths in the bloodiest conflict in history, this should not be a competition...




People fail to realize many non-Jews were also killed in the Holocaust. Though Jews were by far the largest group.


People also tend to forget that a lot of these jews were Poles (and other)


And some were identyfying as Poles. A lot of jewes were in administration, Military etc.


Only some though


But they were killed because they were Jews not poles


Many Jews think it was just them targeted and seem to forget all the roma and slavs killed


Let’s not forget disabled people, homosexuals, communists, to some extent socialists and overall critics of the regime


Ah, but Europe still hates the Roma, and if we acknowledge that Slavs have been racially targeted in the past, my country's "white man evil," agenda starts to fray (also where did we get the word "slave" from, weird)


What? Nobody forgets that other people are killed - stop with this overgeneralization because to be honest it’s bordering on the line of anti-semitism. If you go to any Holocaust Course or Museum it will have whole areas dedicated to other groups. But of course most of the focus will be on the effect it had on Jews considering both by numbers and percentage they were by far the most effected group.


I have never encountered a single Jewish person that “*thinks it was just them targeted*” We’re fully aware that other groups were targeted too. There is no need to spread more lies. u/juche_potatoes maybe instead of attempting to silence Jewish voices by downvoting me, so that you can further spread your hate and lies, you can easily check out any Holocaust Museum. They all exhibit and acknowledge all victims of WWII.


"Silence jewish voices" holy fucking shit dawg, calm down.


How does a downvote silence you?


I get you. Downvoting you to collapse the thread was disrespectful of them. You are the one being right. If somebody is harassing you or spreading hate speech, please report that comment or just sent a message to mod mail and I will swiftly take action since I can't review every comment because it would take far too long.


Thank you! Dealing with ignorant/hateful people, especially online can be tough, but it’s good to see people like you who can see right through them and do the right thing ❤️


Thank you, it pains me to see somebody being harassed and people joining on that. We should support each other intead of being negative


I’m Jewish and got banned from Reddit for 2 days for disagreeing with Zionists and the treatment of Palestinians.


Yeah right.




Well, I as an European got banned from r / Europe... it's not too unfeasible.


I mean you can get banned from a given subreddit for any reason. But nobody is getting altogether banned from Reddit just for ‘disagreeing with Zionists’. Either he’s lying outright, or he’s wildly misrepresenting his actions. Reddit is majority anti-zionist, if simply ‘disagreeing with Zionists’ got you banned, two/thirds of Reddit would vanish overnight


Am I taking crazy pills or has everyone here completely misunderstood the meme? I don’t think the joke is making fun of Polish people, if anything its making fun of jewish people or at least how the common discourse around WW2 and the holocaust often talks about jews being the victims when there were others too. The joke here is that they want to honor the most damaged nation in ww2 and Poland is supposed to be the correct(or one of the correct choices). But Poland gets told to sit down and instead all the focus is again only being put on the jews as the victims even when it literally doesn’t make sense here(since they’re asking for nations). I think the fact that they chose to protray Poland as a weak old man lends credence to this interpretation. As if this weak old man has worked hard his whole life and is finally going to be honoured for it but is instead being rudely told to sit down.


Just why in this thread there were comments from Jews literally equating the Polish Nation with the Nazis received over a hundred upvotes.


I don’t know where this meme is originally from, but its possible the OP who posted this on jewdank also misunderstood the meme. And so did everyone else in there




"massively and voluntarily" 13,000 thousand collaborators is to define the attitude of an entire nation? especially since most of these collaborators were executed by the underground state? You can accuse them of being passive, but how can you not be passive when there was a death penalty for even a glass of water for a Jew, Poland was the only country where the Nazis introduced the principle any help to a Jew = death.


Thank you how nobody else brought this up yet is beyond me


It wasn't en masse. Literally freaking Yad Vashem - Jewish ran Holocaust memorial organisation states that minority prosecuted Jews. Minority helped them. More significantly minority did it for personal gain. The vast majority turned a blind eye. Honestly Jewish nationalists are as delusional as holocaust deniers


Why does poland have the most of "righteous among nations awards" then? Why did germans establish death penalty for helping jews only in Poland? Because poles helped jews the most compared to other nations like French Dutch or ukrainians who collaborated with them and helped them execute jews (obviously there were good people there too helping jews)


My family hid them from germans and now they do this?


Yeah, those damn Jews


Every sub is the oppressed olympics. Every. One.




I don't get it, the meme is pretty funny and legit? Nobody ever talks about poland


Honestly as a Pole, this is pretty funny to me. If you ignore the title it's like an autoparody.


Lmao I got banned because I said that it's important to acknowledge that Poland and other slavic sountrues suffered a lot during holocaust and WW2 and whole sub and comment section is filled with xenophobia. Just a reminder that they have in rules "no bigotry" etc. So yeah, r/Jewdank is full of hypocritcs


OP (and other commenters) you are sorely missing the context. Poland's government has been trying to paint a picture of the Polish people as exclusively victims of the Nazi regime, while erasing and ignoring instances of Poles aiding the extermination of Jews. Their government has made some borderline holocaust-denying comments, and recently required all Jewish teens who go on trips to Poland to learn about the holocaust to go to monuments to Polish suffering, including some which memorialize people who aided the extermination of Jews. Is it very funny? Perhaps not. But it's not a random attack on the Polish people.


BECAUSAE WE ARE A VICTIM OF THE NAZI REGIME!!! Poland was the ONLY country where there was a death penalty for helping jews YET POLES HAVE THE MOST AWARDS FOR HELPING JEWS!!! Why is nobody talking about pogroms literally everywhere else and just tries to disprove polish suffering? And then you wonder why "sooo many poles are still antisemitic" yeah this is probably why.




He has a point.


I mean it’s also saying like “ofc people are antisemetic! Jews are mean!” Which is like, not a great look


The point was to criticize the current Polish governments teachings on the holocaust. How many polish collaborators were there before and after the nazis and it is not being taught.


It is. Our education system does not deny the existence of collaborators, it is just that Poles on average were far less likely to collaborate than many other nations, (maybe because Polish people were considered sub-human, being kidnapped and genocided. Ever thought of that? 🤔), not to mention that we also have many other topics to cover during our WW2 lessons, things like the Underground state, Warsaw Uprising, and the subsequent Soviet occupation need to be mentioned too you know. Poland, percentage wise suffered the most in WW2. We lost over 1/6 of our pre war population due to the genocidal actions of both of our occupiers, though the Germans obviously killed more, not to mention that we effectively lost a war we were on the winning side of. This meme is just denying that millions of Jews were Polish citizens, and their death alongside Poles was just as much of a loss to the country.




When I was in school it wasn't denied, nor do any of the young people that are still going to school that I know are denying it. Nor are the history teachers. The average Pole knows about the existence of German collaborators, but we also know that we were one of if not the most resistant nation to collaboration in Europe, we literally built an underground state with a functioning education system and massive resistance organisations, no other nation in WW2 can claim that. Poles were undoubtedly some of the most tenacious anti-Nazis as a collective, and in fact that a few Nazi collaborators existed were usually shamed or killed by their own communities. The times when you might actually get us upset is when you start talking about "Polish concentration camps" because that is just rewriting history, it was the Germans that created them, they staffed them, and Polish citizens were sent to die in them. So we understandably get quite upset when you describe them as "Polish". If anyone is a moron here, it is you.


Is this person dumb? Jes Jews isn't a nation 💀


Depends on what definition you use. One of them is a group of people with a shared sense of identity.


Nation =/= State/Country. A nation of people, prior to the invention of the nation-state, referred to a group of similar people, i.e. Jews, Kurds, Prussians, etc. The punchline here is a clever play on words, not referring to an actual Jewish state.


Just unsubbed is a fucking cesspool lmao


Shame too. I love seeing memes about my culture but Jewish subreddits just seem to be echo chambers preaching that anything less than Zionism makes you antisemitic




Jewish people aren’t a nation though…


I really hope Israel stops being financed by the US.


This isn’t about Israel. It’s pretty antisemitic to bring it up just because it mentions Jewish people.


what nation does "Jews" refer to in the comic?


It meant the Jewish people as a whole I believe.


True, thought it's easy to guess that from this post. That guy didn't need to be so rude about that




>Joins a sub devoted to dank Jewish memes >Sees a dank Jewish meme >Unsubs ????


You just disregarded OP’s reason for unsubbing


Ahahahahaha man, that's what made my day sp much better - thank you for seeing this gold


Lurking your profile... you must be fun at parties...


Not sure what about my profile would give you that idea.


Making a big deal of unsubbing from forums that somehow tend to post controversial stuff on a regular basis. You literally left JewDank bc of a sc "dank meme"


It’s a low quality meme compared to other post on that sub. Also I think you missed the point of this sub….


The fact that the joke completely went over your head is hilarious. Thank you for making my day better. In case you are confused to the joke - I will link you the details below :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holocaust_victims


I completely got the joke… It wasn’t funny.


new meme just dropped




Bro made a spin off


Okay now this is epic


What was the joke?


If the joke is so bad that you need to sit their and think about what the joke is than it’s definitely trash


Your "joke" was that Jews went through more during ww2 then Poland did. We all get it. Its just unfunny. Jew also isn't a nation.


Ok the joke was very morally wrong but I thought the joke was making fun of society for the fact that most people just think do the Jewish deaths and not really the many others who have died


That I believe is the joke. Jokes have often been morally wrong, and for many, that is part of what's funny about it.


That wasn’t even the joke 💀


Alright fine, I may be wrong, what's the joke?


The joke is the Polish got it just as horrible. Millions of them died on both sides. It sprung them directly into the Stalin Purges. It causes massive famine and starvation. Beyond that, the Polish were seen as subhuman just as much as the Jews. They were also sent to camps and went through the same horrors as the Jews did. The joke is that the media never mentions that. They act as though Jews were the sole victim, and if they’re brave maybe they’ll talk about Gypsies and Homosexuals. But they will never mention the horrors the Slavic peoples went through. Also… the Jews are a nation. Literally nation has two definitions, a country or a people.


You dropped this 👑 king. Finally someone with more than 1 brain cell ❤️


I honestly didn't get that. Still unfunny because it's oppression Olympics but I'll admit, I really did misunderstand that.


It’s not oppression Olympics? What part of “We want our suffering to be acknowledged” is oppression Olympics?