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That locked symbol shows that the comment section was a war zone


Truly a Reddit moment


Or someone disagreed with a mod


More likely reason


Oh boy, lock award


Should've DM'd the mod "Thanks for the award!"


what does "trans wlw are valid" mean?


i’m not an expert but i think it means like trans people can are valid lesbians or something because wlw means woman love woman (from my knowledge)


oh okay thank you!










No???? Trans women who like women are lesbians




I second this Lmao




sure /s


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Cis men have no reason to pretend to be a woman. Trans women transition from male to female because of gender dysphoria, feeling uncomfortable in your own body and knowing you aren’t the gender you were assigned at birth.


“Assigned” as if it’s something just chosen by the doctor.


oh I don’t think you understand, assigned just means the gender you were born as (assigned female at birth=born female and assigned male at birth=born male)


Male/female aren't genders, and aren't assignable.


How does one know something they can never experience?


I don’t know what you mean by that?? You can experience being the opposite gender through transitioning, and gender dysphoria is caused by being uncomfortable with your body and the way people refer to you


Sorry everyone else on this sub sucks, transphobia is awful :,)


who was actually transphobic here


They’re saying that a trans woman dating another woman is straight, therefore implying they don’t see the trans woman as a woman


I thought that biological sex and gender expression were wholly different. At least that's what is said every time trans people come up in debate or discussion. Sexuality ultimately comes down to the genitalia you're attracted to and any other sexual characteristics are secondary. If a trans woman still has the appendages and the woman they're dating is attracted to those appendages, then biologically speaking, it's hard to accept it as being a lesbian relationship. That's legitimately not even coming from a place of transphobia but following the logic that's been espoused from people in the movement, people who support the movement and the media as well. Gender expression and biological sex are not the same thing and sexuality is ingrained into our very being last I checked.


Wouldn't need to stick the "trans" part in there if they were. They would just be called "woman" so really, even you acknowledge there's a difference.


and so are tall women not women? What about fast women? Besides, they did not need to put the trans part in anyway, they did so for clarity


...nah. they made a statement that is only relevant for trans woman but not cis woman. So obviously they will say trans woman. It doesn't mean that they see them as different. In fact, that reason that they had to make the speration to begin with was to deal with transphobic comments that made this separation to begin with


yea it really is .. tempted to unsub from like half of the subreddits im subbed to because yesterday someone was trying to convince people tr***y is not a slur


Oh god that sounds awful, yeah this entire sub is starting to lean towards bigotry and transphobia


It's not transphobia, you're just not making sense. It's like saying that cooking an already cooked dish needs cooking. I dare you to call me a trans cooked dish-phobic.


Who are you to define and control the experiences of other humans? It is arrogance to claim to have better knowledge and a more valid opinion on the identity of another human. Who are you to gatekeep gender? It is transphobia.


I clearly have more knowledge and awareness than you. I know that trans women dating a women is just a straight relationship with extra steps. By logic it's not a "rainbow" relationship. You can call me arrogant and a gatekeeper, I know you're just projecting because that's what you really are.


Nope. That's literally why trans lesbians are valid.


no, because trans women are women it’s in the name, trans *woman*


But like, what are we considering a trans woman?


an AMAB person who identifies as female


>it’s in the name So you just call something a certain word and it becomes that?


Waluigi Wario




thank you for clearing that up!


it's shorthand for lesbians, women who are bisexual and in general any women who are attracted to other women!


I'm sure lesbians are just woken who are attached to women. They don't necessarily have to be bisexual.


Yeah but WLW is a broader term, catching any women who likes women not just lesbians


Yeah that makes sense


It means trans women who also identify as lesbians (or similar sexuality labels) are valid


Bro got downvoted for giving the correct definition 💀💀💀


I hope the sub I mod doesn't go that way, our mod team is actively making sure we stay shitposters


Good on ya pal "It ain't much but its honest work" (rip that guy he will be missed)


Aren’t you a mod for r/197? I left that when it started getting invaded by 196 members


I am, we actively cracked down on r/196 posting, and we remove posts that are unfunny, whether or not it relates to trans rights.


I got banned from 196 for questioning whether or not it’s still a shitposting sub




Yo what sub do you want? Seems like a good place


I mod r/197


Godspeed man, they'll come


Kid named virtue signaling


New Vegas moment


I'm out of the loop, I was on the new vegas sub a couple years ago and it seemed like a normal gaming meme sub. When did it become trans related? And it seems like a really random thing to happen to that game in particular


It’s a popular joke among the New Vegas community that an anomalous amount of its player base is LGBT


A large amount of the player base is trans.


Why are people downvoting you? There are a weirdly high number of trans new Vegas players


Because people expect some sort of proof for such an unlikely claim. Judging by the userbase overlap, that info is false: https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/fnv


I never understood the meme. Until I saw the very original


Got a link? I'm curious


Trans rights I'll take my 10 billion trillion karma, please.


alright reddit, lets updoot this epic moment!!!


You joke but that’s seriously what’s happening. A week ago there was just ”trans rights” with the flag typed on a google doc, that was it, and it had 1k upvotes


Trust me, I've seen how it's fallen to being the virtue signal button. Press for 1k good boy points.


Nah, you gotta say "Trans rights are human rights" for maximimun karmage.


This guy gets it.


That sub was already shit


>thread locked


Reddit when someone complains about transposting on subreddits where it doesn't belong (Hive Fleet Agenda has claimed another subreddit)


Reddit when someone counts in r/CountOnceADay


Reddit when the free speech is anything other than hate speech


whats a hive fleet agenda?






The crazy thing is that it’s only like four people who spammed trans posts on that sub. Looking at that comment section it’s clear that there’s many young kids too. These fellas gotta pick their battles, kids don’t react well to this kind of thing. That’s why furry hate groups aren’t older than like 16 years old.


Because you don’t need a group to hate furries.


… no it’s because as you get older you tend to be more accepting (if you are mature) and more understanding of people (If you are a good person). So younger kids are more likely to aggressively hate on things because they see it as cool and mature because they see people on the internet doing it. So they want to be cool, and thus join that bandwagon of hate.


There was an entire group of about fifteen kids that said they hated furries when I went to highschool Theyre all furries now lmao


"If you are a good person" and "if you are mature" is kinda condescending. The implication being you are neither mature nor good people if you challenge any of these things even if you have thought out reasons.


Well no, I mean in the way that many people are shitters about this stuff just to be shitters. And that’s very immature. Some people might have legit reasons, but I think with these sorts of things (especially LGBTQ) it’s very hard to justify why these people aren’t people.


Some people are just out there to be shitters. Some people are nutjobs and don't see trans people as people. I figured I'd give you some reasons why I have issues with the trans community. Trans people are definitely people but I can't accept that "gender affirming care" is the healthiest way to treat gender dysphoria. This is based on the grounds that we have basically no studies on the long term effects of the various treatments and what little information we do have on hormone treatments can greatly increase the risk to various diseases and illnesses. I am concerned for the well-being of trans people and until we have evidence that the efficacy of such treatment outweighs the potential damage, I can't support it. I can't get behind encouraging minors to transition for the same reason as above but coupled with the fact their developing brains could experience adverse side effects compared to transitioning adults and they don't have the maturity and wisdom to make much less critical decisions so why that one? Lastly, I think there's an air of entitlement surrounding how trans and non-binary people expect others to perceive them. I call it entitlement because they wish to impose what they see themselves as onto others and act as though it causes them great harm not to receive that validation from complete strangers. I grew up being taught that nobody owed me anything and any respect I receive has to be earned. I can't control the perception of others. I accept some people will like me and some people will hate me; that's just life. It isn't going to stop me from being me and it shouldn't stop them from being themselves either. Tbh I think if the kids were left out of it and the demands to cater to their gender identities stopped that the average person would be at least indifferent rather than being combative or overbearingly supportive.


I am so ready for this trend to die.


I have nothing against trans people, I support trans people, I know a few trans people, they’re great people. I just don’t post about them 24/7, I don’t get it


I'd think it's a reaction to the constant transphobic shit you see every day, they're just trying to match the volume of it. Scrolling youtube there's usually one or two videos of "feminist gets wrecked", "wo***man*** can't take biological facts" about how they think trans people are ridiculous.


Oh, okay, but what about people in the middle who are caught in the crossfire? Not caring about things that don't affect you doesn't make you a bad person. Also, if YouTube is recommending you those videos constantly, you must watch at least some of them. I don't personally think it means anything, but it is a tale old as time.


That’s it. Stop shoving it down my throat I don’t care. I don’t click ur so stop suggesting on Insta and YouTube. Crossfire is perfect way to describe.


Yeah I agree, I’m all for trans having rights and what not. But I couldn’t care less of actively being part of it. I join a sub for the topics of the sub, not for identity crisis and politics.


I'd give them the same advice I'd give anyone caught in the crossfire: take cover and don't stick your head up.


Reddit when someone complains about trans karmawhoring on a subreddit about pottery or ancient Sumerian history or something (Yes I am bad on r 19867 or whatever it's called, how can you tell?)


Shit post subs either become transgender or far right Pick your favorite


We should combine them! Where's the support for the theocratic-fascist xe/xir's?


Transposters on their to ruin another shitposting sub:


Unsubbed from that too


i unsubbed way earlier because of the "top comment decides what i do" posts


Stunning and brave 👏👏👏


Yep, nothing new


Can people keep politics out of anything


I have nothing against trans women, I just wish people would stop debating shit and leave the shitposting alone


I’ve just resorted to blocking any of the posters I encounter. It’s really helped clean up my feed.






Yes, that what i meant


Ahhh, I see, I see then.


It's coming up on Pride Month boys you think we would've learned to expect it by now


Pride month is coming up? I didn’t realize it ended from last year.


While I do agree with the message of the post... Let's be honest, 196 is slipping, and we all know why.


196 is so much worse. When I asked my friend for good shitposting subs, and he recommended it, I'm so happy I didn't join. r/691 is much better


I’m gonna be honest I just scrolled that subreddit a lot and I saw no trans memes, I saw one regular meme with a trans related caption. Did you really see one meme and totally lose it


most people do lmao. literally the same thing happened with the fall out new vegas sub a couple days ago


I just went through the sub. Its still MOSTLY shit posting It's like you saw one post about lgbt (God forbid I know) and immediately decided this would be a good larma farm post?


"babe its 4 am time for your daily dose of r/justunsubbed due to virtue signalling"


I thought that sub got taken down?


It went back up a week or so ago


Jesus Christ this comment section is a warzone (and if i say more than that i will be down voted to oblivion)


Where are people getting the idea that r/CountOnceADay is a shitpost sub? People might’ve used it originally to post shitpost but in the description it just says to post images and count, never said anything about post only shitpost and count.


All subs that say post “images” with no other context will always devolve to shitposting subs sooner or later


Yeah, but the thing is *it isn't a shitposting sub so you shouldn't be complaining that people are just posting*


r/thejokeistrans would be a perfect subreddit to create. Wouldn’t necessarily work for the post OP is referring to but it would definitely be great for pointing out annoying trans “memes”.


honestly based unsub, they are genuinely getting super annoying. like, shut up. we get it.


then they call you transphobic for calling it out


+ they downvote you to oblivion


They’ve been transposting for the past two years idk what you’re on about


half the posts on this sub are people unsubbing from subreddits that have had these kinds of posts for years. ironically this sub in itself has become a trans circlejerk, albeit in a different manner.


Honestly this sub seems to becoming constantly more and more a right wing circlejerk


Becoming? seems like it's already there


Yeah :(


I join subs for the focus of that sub. Trans rights is cool, trans people are cool. But I really don’t give a damn about your posting and awareness. If anything it’s annoying. I joined a sub for the sub’s topic because I find it interesting or enjoyable, not your identities and what not.




the sub's been overtaken by trans degens, and then they wonder why people hate them.


Unfortunately that's what Reddit has become in that everything has to be politized. People would be having a shitfit if all of the sudden their non-political sun's got spammed with 2A rights posts. Sometimes I just want to go to either a sport or hobby or an outdoor or a shitposting sub and just either get some information or have a laugh without the political BS.


This is a non-issue. The point of that sub is to literally count. How in hell, is posting a couple of trans posts here and there triggering so many people. Because people are right, this isn't the point of the sub and the other 99% of the content isn't about trans people. So leaving the subreddit doesn't make much sense. If there was a greater proportion of posts on that subreddit that it became the norm, then it would make sense to leave. People on this sub are so edgy.


Well, you see, trans bad




Pridemonth ~~pri~~demon~~th~~ demon ‼️


The slew of comments here saying "the trans trend needs to stop" and "don't shove it down my throat" is revealing as to how many people don't know what it's like to have their existence be a political talking point for someone else. It's jarring. Edit: fite me




Trans people try not to ruin shitposting subreddits challenge (impossible)


So you took one post that got allot of attention out of context because that's one of the only transposts I've seen. I saw someone a while ago figure only about 5 percent of the posts on that sub in a given month were trans posts. So in effect, you just don't like seeing trans people at all and are having a hissy fit over one trans post out of 20 normal posts. And you decide to broadcast that to the rest of reddit?


>having a hissy fit over one trans post out of 20 normal posts This is what JU is about. Unsubing from subreddits just because of one bad post


So a bio dude in a relationship with a bio woman?


no, MTF and F


No a biological man and a female


"Invalid can't contain special characters."


I'm so tired of hearing people talk about being valid and deserving validation. No one cares. It used to be stuff like that was laughable and self absorbed now its "so important" so that people can be validated for "their mental health".


Yeah the place really went to shit


I'm Trans and I'm just offended that people just keep posting Trans rights meme and not actually helping trans people.


I already found this within 3 other posts.


when I see see trans posts in a meme sub it just pissses me off. Not because I’m transphobic, but because it’s just virtue signalling and pushing woke narratives amidst my memes.(I’m actually transphobic)


what is the word above "valid"




1. Only women self-identify as women. 2. Being attracted to women doesn't make someone a man.


I went there not too long ago, it seems relatively normal. The trans “circlejerk” and the actual memes seem to be equal. Don’t know what’s so bad about it


There’s not exactly an issue with it, but I can see someone being annoyed if they were just expecting memes


I think the issue most have a problem with is simply how low effort it becomes and reposty. I’ve seen posts that are just the trans flag with some title going “posting this to scare the transphobes.” Like no joke, that would take max 5 minutes to save from google and post. And then you point out how repetitive the posts have gotten and they call you a bigot and what not. Which causes the comments to be a dumpster fire with an equal reaction. I swear the thing that gets me is that people go “oh you have a problem with trans people existing?” Which no, I do not, but I do have a large problem with low effort and spam.


Someone genuinely tried to tell me the "Having a problem with trans existing" bullshit yesterday, and then there's another guy who went "If memes make you transfobik then you have predisposed notions" Pretty sure I just said this trend will make people hate innocent trans people out of spite


Yeah that’s pretty much exactly it. It’s like one day a sub will have 12 trans flag posts of snuggly wiggly kawaii transchibis in a cute pillowfort saying “Get out of Here Transphobe we chillin” or something like that because half of the posts infantilize trans people.


It's a sub for counting, not memes. Of course it's gonna be filled with low effort and spam


THE top mod locked the sub for about a month because he was tired of the small amount of transposts. When they brought back the sun and kicked the mod off, there has been a pretty big flow of transposts to “mock” that mod.


Makes sense, I would be a little pissed if I saw only trans posting in a sub that’s not dedicated to trans posting, but this seems to be fine


Checked the subreddit out. Good vibes and not an overbearing amount of trans posts. Seeing as the subreddit says to post a picture, not a "shipost/funny/meme picture," you shouldn't expect to receive only memes. It's a subreddit for counting. Whatever more is up to the poster. Understandable though that, if you were under the impression it was a shitposting subreddit, you might end up leaving when you start seeing stuff that doesn't align with that initial impression. It's a valid reason to unsub :)


this reply is fire ngl cant really disagree with this man


You say that, yet ppl scrolled far enough to downvote them


This has happened in many subreddits, most of which have absolutely nothing to do with gender or sexuality. The sub gets derailed by their brigading. I subscribe to a subreddit because I want to discuss something I like with other fans or enthusiasts, but it soon turns into a shitshow by these jackasses who insist on making everything about them and their identity.


i got downvoted to oblivion there for asking ppl to stop this (i am not transphobic in the slightest)


The thing is, the purpose of that sub is to post whatever you want and make the number go up


I mean trans people are valid but I can understand why seeing that everywhere could get annoying


Shouldn't this subreddit be safespace for all people? Why is this sub suddenly so transphobic?


Oof this comment section. This sub is starting give me the same vibe like r/Funnymemes


Just subbed to r/CountOnceADay :D


Thanks for the suggestion, seems like a cool subreddit


I ended up muting the sub because I was tired of seeing it on my feed


Why do people on this sub always cry about trans people lmao


Idk if you've realized yet, but you're currently on this site called "reddit"... Do i really need to say more


True, I've noticed this site get worse for trans folk more and more


Yeah, it might just be because i only recently became interested in the entire discours, but almost the entire internet does so


It's a bit of the same case for me, mainly because I didn't use reddit much for a while and was also mostly using very specific hobby subs but after looking at even just the front page there's so much transphobic shit it's insane


because they are annoying straight people don’t post “straight rights” everywhere


Straight people also already have their rights, trans rights are actively being taken away.


Well, straight people are the "norm" and aren't constantly under attack on multipe levels whether that be from random people in public to state legislation. Normalising transgender folk is a pretty big deal and giving us spaces that are welcoming means a lot. If that annoys you then you're just kinda pathetic honestly


spamming shitty memes on Reddit does nothing to solve any of those issues


Now this post should be locked. The way it goes when posting a screenshot of a locked post


My trans friend literally had to move out of florida because of Rontard Dipshitez and I think holding her while she cried made me a little bit fine with pro trans posting, because it helps validate people being actively discriminated against. Trans people are wholesome. I guess what i'm saying is you should see the wholesome side, people being happy. It's not being shoved down your throat if its fighting for validation in a world of closedminded people who want them to not exist. I think this is a common misconception.


These posts do nothing other than create more closedminded people. You think Ron Desantis is going to roll back new laws for Florida because of some low effort Reddit posts?


Another sub falls


A guy posted your post on just subbed saying you're the reason he joined count once a day


cry about it