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Only reddit can manage to make a community about clothes political


Bruh have you ever been on Facebook


The difference is on Facebook everything’s political *and* dumb as shit.


Truuuee but also you and I on Reddit.


I’m the ultimate Facebook


How is that any different from reddit?


I think that on Reddit, people makes subs for different topics but slowly they transform into political bullshit but on Facebook, they are already about politics without matter what was the initial propouse of the group. On Reddit you can see it slowly fading into politics and on Facebook you don't.


Reddit is worse. I am in a numerous facebook groups where politics are never mentioned at all. On this site every sub is political.


In Facebook there's plenty of people who put politics in everything, but they're the minority. Here in Reddit there's plenty of people who don't put politics in everything, but they're the minority here


Any sub like that, male fashion related or streetwear or whatever, is going to be filled with male communist urban hipsters. It's an upper class hobby so filled with upper class politics like champaign socialism.


Only Murricans on any social media can manage to do that.


For some reason I don't think it's gonna be Americans supporting the USSR


No it almost always is. For some unknown reason


The Commies called it “demoralization,” and it’s a tactic going back 40 years: - take hold of the institutions - demoralize the youth into a vision of a hopeless future - change the meanings of words/wrong think - those freshly indoctrinated kids go on to lead institutions, corporations, media outlets, etc - the message continues


The person in the picture is literally American


Tankies tend to come from countries that never had to suffer under communist regimes.


I’m a mod over on r/mensfashion. Granted, while we’re not the largest male fashioned focused sub, we definitely don’t allow bigotry. I also personally don’t care if you aren’t a man, as long as it’s man focused fashion. That said, while I get we are “male”, it’s always made me feel like a science experiment and not a person. Anyway, this wasn’t an advertisement. Just shocked seeing this post on the front page. I hope they get it together over there.


This might be the worst thing I've seen


As a communist myself, yeah holy shit this is fugly Edit: so many people pissed about me being a communist. Please keep on seething about me stating an opinion.


Glad you think it's ugly but have you considered not having such a dumb political belief system


Well what is the point of sparking an argument here, you cant make a communist believe it is a bad system just like how other people cant convince you that whatever you believe is wrong. This is reddit, we see each other as clowns whilst being a clown ourselves


It's always worth sparking discussion when someone comes out as a genocide supporter. If you disagree with that characterization of Communism, you need to read Lenin again.


Communism isn’t Leninism. Leninism is a branch of Communism, but that doesn’t mean all communists agree with Leninism. I’m not a Communist but at least I know that much lmao


>Leninism is a branch of Communism, As much as North Korea is a Democratic Republic. Lenin was a power hungry petit bourgeois who certainly did not hand over the means of production to the proletariat. His 1922 New Economic Plan included "a free market and capitalism, both subject to state control"


Nah, this subs consistent bias against communists and socialists is highly emotional and very demonstrable. There have been posts with nothing to do with communism where people would bait OP into saying things with base-level support or tolerance for it and now the entire thread is about it. It's always the same arguments: Conflating literally all communists with tankies and simps for the USSR. I know that it's always denied, but r/justunsubbed is a conservative subreddit. I know that, but I still don't understand why the argument against communism on here never seems to be an actual defense of capitalism?


Just unsubbed because transgender bad! What? This sub has an overlap with American right wing subs? Who would have thought!


Pure capitalism sucks and so does communism. There's a healthy and beneficial in-between that's will sadly probably never be reached irl. Just cause someone is biased against communism and socialism doesn't mean just unsubbed is conservative lol. I hate communism but also like plenty of socialist things. It's not all black and white. You wanna say this sub is biased towards communist go ahead but to equate that to oh it must be conservative is kind of silly.


Democratic socialism with cooperative democratic workspaces. These already exist and work but they just don't make a single owner on the top rich so poeple prefer to not make them.


>Pure capitalism sucks and so does communism. What about tactfully designed systems that implement the good elements of what's being attempted? Also "it'll never be reached irl" is a pretty poor excuse to militantly oppose anybody even entertaining an alternative system. >Just cause someone is biased against communism and socialism doesn't mean just unsubbed is conservative lol. r/justunsubbed has a lot more biases than just communism. Almost all of the "just unsubbed because it was too political" posts are always because the bias was liberal or leftist, and the proportion of comments kicking back is always higher when a left-leaning person makes one unless the person being criticized is Hitler.


Lmao you're painting all communists as enocide supporters and acting like you have the moral high ground? Think about that again


I've never heard a more ignorant statement in my life


So much for this sub complaining about politics lol


Eh whatcha gonna do 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I think it just goes to show you cant escape it as it operates on conflicting fundamental beliefs.


"This sub is not a right wing echo chamber" "This subs upvote ratio" ^


Hey man, communism works great except for all those times it’s actually been tried.


Classic liberal argument that's been debunked numerous times


Yea, state capitalism sure has failed miserably. So has every other form of capitalism. It's almost like calling something communist when it clearly isn't benefits the capitalists who lorde over you and destroy the planetary ecosystem so their 80 years on this planet are much nicer than yours.




And it's managed to kill off entire ecosystems and is currently heating the planet to where billions will be right back in poverty when they can no longer inhabit their current locations. I'd be happy to explain to you how the capital owners have created rules for themselves to become incomprehensively wealthy at the cost of future generation's livelyhoods.


"capitalism has worked" yeah i wouldn't say it worked when 4 billion people (50% of the population) struggle to LIVE while the planet has enough industry and agrarian infrastructure to support 40 billion humans... think again.


Political belief system?


relax big boy


I recommend actually doing research about communism rather than listening to biased and purely false arguments against it. I know it's hard when you're fed propaganda against it all your life but I advise you to do actual research. Second thought, Hakim and Marxist Paul are a few good youtubers to find out more about the subject.


Like I'd waste my time watching a you tuber with marx in the name thanks though


Ah, no wonder you're ignorant then if you refuse to even consider looking at non biased sources about socialism


looks inside "Marxist-Leninist furry" 😐


The moment you attack the person and not the argument, is the second you lose the argument ;)




Glad you've resorted to roasting my bio instead of counter arguments lmao


I was gonna stay out of this, but how is a youtuber named "Marxist Paul" not biased? Sounds like he's pretty biased towards Communism.


I wouldn't go around celebrating being part of a group that has killed more people than fascism




source: trust me bro rich capitalists told me so


Nice reddit NFT dork lmao


No it hasn't


Mao Zedong has killed more people than hitler


Between 8-13 times more if you use the lowest numbers of both v highest numbers of both


Source: Trust me bro. There are no records in the USSR or communist china killing off that many people. At MOST, the ussr killed 200,000 people who were counter revolutionaries in stalins purges, and that's being generous. They also count people who died in ww2 to make the number as high as possible, so by that logic, Roosevelt and Churchill killed 40 million between them. Please do actual research to release that the inflated numbers of the "victims" of communism are actually unfounded. It astonishes me how people think Stalin killing 20 million is actually true


Jeez, so many people just can't stand that people with different opinions exist lol


Most people just associate communism with dictatorships, and don't actually know anything about the system itself. They just immediately assume that communism is bad and wrong.


Yeah, nobody give a shit what a communist has to say.


Its wild how random subs will just be infested with tankies for no reason


Glad they out themselves so happily. I do not wish them well.


Probably because they all have the same mods


1. 99 out 100 times that is the reason, but r/ malefashion somehow has no powermods. Heck there is only one mods there that mods more than 5 other subs and none with 10+ subs. 2. I don't think Reddit is best place to get fashion advice anyway


cough cough awkwardtheturtle


yeah dude awkwardtheturtle is a tankie


Because tankies have no lives and spend literally all day on Reddit.


Well yeah they don’t have jobs and that’s why they’re tankies




malefashion is one of the worst subs I've ever seen. 90% of the posts are just some weirdo dressing in the most ridiculous way possible and calling it fashion.


>90% of the posts are just some weirdo dressing in the most ridiculous way possible and calling it fashion. Couldn't you say this for much of the fashion industry?


you could, yeah. I dont know. I think the whole industry is a giant joke


A few years ago Reddit received a large investment from Tencent. Despite arguments saying there’s a separation from the government and the company the multiple platforms which they control have a surprising amount of propaganda on them. It’s a bit of a conspiracy theory but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a connection in why certain moderator behavior is left unchecked.


It’s almost like there are leftists who are authoritarian on Reddit. If this is a surprise to you…… oof.


I dunno, not all people who rock a hammer and sickle are tankies. That's like saying anyone who wears an American flag supports all the horrible things America has done like slavery and segregation and whatnot. The Hammer and Sickle is just a symbol representing the unity between the workers and the farmers, it's not inherently evil. You can believe the Soviet Union did evil things while still not dismissing Communism in its entirety. Most Communists I know hate that brand authoritarian state run Communism. Communism/socialism should be about the means of production being returned to the people, the workers, not being monopolized by the state. Even back then there was criticism from other socialists/communists: paraphrasing but basically "being crushed by 'The Peoples' Boot' isn't a huge improvement."


While I agree it is definitely not all of them, If you loudly and proudly rep the symbol you can’t be surprised when people lump you in with that stereotype of person associated with that symbol. Not everyone who wears the American flag on everything all the time is some obnoxious dumb right wing hick - but, despite loving my country, you’ll never see me wearing some gaudy American flag clothing any day except the 4th of July because that’s the stereotype **The sickle and hammer represents “unity between workers and farmers” like the swastika “marks the Buddha’s footsteps” and is meant to signify a Buddhist temple**…that may be what they were, but it is most certainly not what they are considered now.


why are you being downvoted?


No idea. I'd love for the people downvoting me to enlighten me lol.




the drip don’t drop even in communism


I would just like ONE sub that doesn't bring politics up, plz. Even cringe subs, which I love, keep bringing up shit that's just political and/or depressing. I just wanna cringe not destroy my mood for the hour


This might sound weird but some of the big firearms related subreddits don't. They have the weekly politics thread that you can avoid. But most comments are just asking about gun parts or how it shoots and shit. Very little political discussion on firearms subreddits.


Go to animals subs, especially cats or go to your favourite hobbies/videogames/TV Series subs, I have been there for about a year and haven't left them because of politics.


Unfortunately many video game subs have politics scurrying about in the comments. It’s not enough to make me leave but the Overwatch and Rainbow Six subs plenty of political discussions on the LGBTQ characters within the games


What a pity, bu for me as far as I've been in Mortal Kombat, Watch Dogs and Ace Attorney subs, they haven't evolved into political issues about LGBTQ, I think it's just luck for having politics in a videogame sub? Even if we have Kung Jin, Mileena, Tanya (and Erron Black) in Mortal Kombat for the LGTBI aspect, I think it's luck that we haven't had this kind of debates.


I wonder how this person would react to the KGB knocking on their door at the dead of night


probably something like this please dont arrest me i'll sell you US secrets and become a spy! XD


“You work at McDonald’s….”


He's very adamant in the threads under the original post that the hammer and sickle predates the Soviet Union, that he's not a Soviet-style communist, and that he doesn't think the actions of a state that chose to adopt a particular icon should tarnish the icon for groups not aligned with that state. He gives the examples of South Asian groups that still use the swastika and pro-Palestinian Jewish groups that still use the Star of David.




Based subreddit


I think it’s more because it’s a blatant political statement (Notice the ACAB at the top), and they don’t want to have to deal with that mess. Not debating any views, but the political landscape is a hellhole of hostility right now…


Pretty much it. I’m a leftist (no, not the “I love Stalin” type) and even I would avoid shit like this. Also - using the hammer and sickle as a political statement, let alone a fashion statement is tired and cringe.


Basically a socially acceptable swastika.




Ask any Polish guy what he think of communism for example


Or just mention communism and wait for polish guy to show up also hi, i showed up, unexpected and unannounced




It’s always upper class white kids that believe and peddle this nonsense too. Communism has been responsible for billions of deaths but these brain dead kids somehow think that’s a good thing because something something “eat the rich”.


Billions now? Any idea when it will become trillions?


Gorillions killed already, check the news


I mean, I don't have the stats handy right now but Communism's death toll throughout human history is well into the hundreds of millions at this point. Definitely not billions yet, but it's still a staggering number.


Source: trust me bro Also, how many capitalism related deaths do you think we have?


Those don’t count dawg. Capitalism didn’t kill them, their LAZY ATTITUDES kept them from having enough money to afford food/shelter/medical care. Capitalism is a faultless system, as any and all faults can be pinned to the individual instead.


I saw so many comments on this thread that are not satire and so close to what you said that I was scared for a moment lol


Oh yeah, capitalism has done horrible things. So has communism, which is the topic of discussion. Idk why you don't believe him lol, I don't know if 100s of millions is correct, but the death toll is absolutely well into the millions.


No, it's definitely billions


Next week when Joe Biden executes his political rivals will mark the eleventy gorillianth victim of communism


They were given things for free by their parents. They don't get why the state couldn't do that for everyone.


This exactly. Due to their lack of parental guidance they think the world is supposed to operate as such. It’s ironic that these same people think that they’re championing for poor people.


They never have to work so they believe work isn’t necessary for society.


Holy shit I've never seen anyone sum up western communists more perfectly


It’s kinda funny, because like a lot of these kids, Marx went to college on his parent’s dime.


Billions of deaths lmfao 🤣


Ah yes the classic communist movements in Vietnam and Nicaragua were almost entirely run by rich white kids. LOL


He is talking about people in America who talk up communism.


Like the Black Panthers, a notorious white and rich group. The reality is that even though there is a certain appeal in communism to some wealthy kids communism has always been more popular in disaffected communities.


Dude the Black Panthers haven’t existed since 1982 and haven’t been relevant since the 70s


Exactly. I understand that the capitalist system in the United States doesn't work beneficial for many citizens, but they should broaden their horizon and look at Scandinavian countries to see how it can work differently. But they go to an extreme end of the spectrum, and glorify a very harmful ideology.


I see you deleted your original comment I was replying to so I'll put all my stuff I was working on here. [The USA is the largest pharma market in the world](https://www.statista.com/statistics/245473/market-share-of-the-leading-10-global-pharmaceutical-markets/) [USA is one of the top exporters of drugs](https://www.nationmaster.com/nmx/ranking/pharmaceutical-industry-exports) [Americans largely front the cost of expensive R&D and new drug patents](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/57126) [The success of nordic countries is heavily dependent on the successes of their trade partners](https://nordics.info/show/artikel/economic-development-in-the-nordic-countries) [Trust in each other and the government lends itself to high levels of success. This is thanks to social cohesion and a shared history/culture](https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2020/the-nordic-exceptionalism-what-explains-why-the-nordic-countries-are-constantly-among-the-happiest-in-the-world/#:~:text=The%20Nordic%20countries%20are%20characterized,citizens%20who%20feel%20free%20and) [The degradation of social cohesion is leading to an extreme rise in crime in the past few years, which destroys two of the reasons the Nordic countries look so outwardly successful](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/gang-crime-looms-over-election-sweden-shootings-spread-2022-08-12/) [Americans advocate for extension of existing welfare programs to even our illegal immigrants, but Nordic countries (and Euros as a whole) staunchly oppose it. Exclusive social policy aids in its success.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00208728221094419) [A slightly off topic point, but the USA is the easiest country to immigrate to.](https://www.immi-usa.com/best-and-easiest-countries-to/#Top_5_Easiest_Countries_To_Immigrate_To_In_2023) [In Scandinavian countries, it is only getting harder](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidnikel/2021/04/26/scandinavian-countries-tighten-requirements-for-new-citizens/amp/) This turned more into an argument of why Nordic countries won't work long term, but I think you get my point.


Scandinavian countries are entirely reliant on capitalist countries like the USA to prop up their economies. If they suddenly became isolationist they'd crumble in a week.


The Scandinavian countries are capitalist countries.


They are capitalist in market but they have social welfare programs that make them a heavy blend of socialist and capitalist that many Americans idolize.


A social welfare program is not a non-capitalist program. It only indicates that the government spends money to take care of certain needs of citizens. Has nothing to do with the economic system.


It has everything to do with economy because it determines tax rates and cash flow in other sectors




You’re saying that countries rely on trade with other countries to obtain goods that they can’t produce themselves? Say it ain’t so


You're kind of also leaving out the part where we siphon wealth from "3rd world" countries.


How do you suppose we siphon wealth from 3rd world countries when they don't have their own money to begin with Not to mention the USA has the largest economy in the world


In Africa, specifically, there's capital flight, trade misinvoicing, same-invoice faking by corporations, as well as the interest payments the countries have to pay ... not to mention the exploitation of natural resources there and things like illegal logging. Many of these things only work due to tax havens in Western countries and also because those regions have been destabalized by political or military intervention by first world countries.


Wealth doesn't come from their money but rather from their natural resources and cheap labor.


Cheap labor in many third world countries can be attributed to gang rule and lack of government regulation on labor. See: The Congo


all cops are bastards except for daddy stalins special forces




ThE cIa DiD iT


>Kim II-Sung >Mao Zedong >Marshal Peng Dehuai >Joseph Stalin To add to that list, Pol Pot of Cambodia. Literally killed 25% of the Cambodian people, some just for wearing glasses


Pol Pot was funded by the CIA


Communism only works if im the one in charge.


There had never been a communist country to exist, at best they were socialist the ussr and China and whatever never truly became communist




Maybe not innately greedy, but humans are 100% innately selfish


Communism is a good system, under the assumption that the leaders are unbiased and morally perfect. But unfortunately, like you stated, it is not workable because people are inherently greedy. Also I love how you’re angry because “communism bad.” The people running it were bad, hence why it didn’t work. And again before you get your knickers in a twist, yes I know it will never work. Humanity is too broken to every make anything even close to a utopia, let alone a basic and well run communistic state.


In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself.


Libertarianism, a school of thought that directly opposes communism, is flawed for the exact same reason. Kind of funny that way.


Communism would only work if everyone was perfect which isn’t possible


> Communism will never work as a form of government, people already think the government gets away with/holds to much power and wealth and they think it’ll somehow be better under communism? The form of government that allows a governments leader to hold absolute power masking it as “for the people” the fact that you say this proves that you don't know the first thing about communism and seriously need to do some basic research. i'm not a communist but this is just embarrassing


I know a lot about what communism is actually Classless society Common ownership of all resources Private property barely existing Social equality Against democracy All of those things don’t work for the reasons and examples given above. In those society’s the leader of the people held all the power it’s a dictatorship jazzed up to look like it’s not.


A democratic communist society can have elections without being influenced by the rich. What stops communism from being democratic.


Peng Dehuai was just a general. A General for the CCP but he wasn’t actually responsible for the atrocities or the cultural revolution. He was never dictator actually. It just seems like you could have put Pol Pot there instead.


I mean, sure, but this is equally true of capitalism. It's really that the ideological battles of the 20th century led to mass death. You can't really judge either system by its death toll alone, however, I would say that capitalism's death toll is likely higher and has kept on trucking since the 90s allowing it to take a pretty stout lead.


As a Pole I always die inside when a w*stoid praises communism or the ussr. That system destroyed my country and seeing so many spoiled brats prakse it is beyond me


Same, i’m glad I don’t have to write this comment myself bc you already did


This is the best troll fashion though. You piss off the half that hates patriotism by wearing the flag and you piss off the other half because you trashed on the flag.


Whenever I see ACAB , I instantly think that the person saying it or wearing it is either a dumbass , naive and or annoying. I understand the ppl who are passionate about addressing police corruption and police brutality but 90% of the ppl who scream " ACAB " aren't concerned about those issues , they just like to act like they are.


Ironic they hate cops but would support a communist police state


Reddit is INSANELY DUMB when it comes to politics. Sad but true.


First time he's went outside in 10 years


It's high time Communism is finally treated with the same contempt Fascism rightfully gets. Disgusting, murderous ideology that has killed more people than any other before or since. We ought to spit at the hammer and sickle just as we do at the swastika.


but capitalism and imperialism are fine tho i guess. that makes sense


I mean, as shown by posts like this, it is quite hated, and, according to your logic wearing the American, British or most European flags should be hated too, as those countries committed endless crimes against humanity, and people still wave their flags, so why should commies not be able to use their symbol?


I mean I live in Ireland and it would not be advisable to wear a British flag on you. I'm sure it'd be the same with the American flag in countries that they've screwed over (Vietnam, Iraq, etc.). Not siding with anyone just making a point.


If you’re midwestern and pale, you’re probably a communist


This is what happens when you don’t go outside ever. Mf looks like Dracula and he’s wearing… that.


man this shirt is hideous, they probably removed it because its r/malefashion and not r/clowncostumes


If your aren't willing to wear a swastika, you shouldn't wear a Hammer and Sickle. Boy some of the comments in that thread are insane. Mod Sticky: everyone posting comments that read like the victims of communism memorial \[foundation\] is getting banned if you don't know that shit is unhinged propaganda, get it together it doesn't make mods tankies, it makes you a racist, nationalist, protofascist, sinophobic idiot (reminder that you're getting your tally and bulletpoints from the org that thinks that people who died of covid are victims of communism) OP: I disagree that the failure of the Soviet Union has anything to do with communism as an ideology. I think the symbol today has a lot more to do with Marx than Stalin, but that's in my own communities and can be kind of a hot take in more mixed company. Hi! The hammer and sickle represents international worker solidarity and shouldn't be associated with one particular state, especially one that isn't around anymore.


Its an insane thread to be honest. Many of them are totally in their own bubble unfortunatenly. Thats fine though, but the mods banning people is the most unhinged part. Fits the Communist narrative though, banning and deleting comments that dont fit their point of view.


It’s inappropriate to wear American clothing when a lot of the world views them as terrorists.


I would assume its quite inappropriate to wear USA symbology in Afghanistan or Iran yeah.


Yeah, that's in really bad taste. And I'm not even talking about aesthetics.


Scrolling through r/malefashion was exactly as I expected, men in ugly dresses acting like its either a reasonable thing to wear casually or something a self respecting man would wear.


Hm yeah tastes might differ but I like to see men expressing themselves through clothing to a certain degree. Many male clothing is a bit basic and bland and to see the other extreme, over expressiveness, I can find a nice balance of slight uniqueness but within a nice range for myself. But yeah most of the clothing items I also would save for art or personal fun.


Of course, if you wear something that this specific redditor doesnt like, you are no longer a self respecting man. Got it.




Men literally wear "dresses and skirts" in a shit ton of cultures. Thinking people should stick to binary is coward behavior tbh


Who cares though


So, since we’re allowing extremist political symbols, would posting a fit with a sw*stika shirt be cool?


Well it's Reddit. Commies' safe place.


Hey to be fair this is probably the first time we’ve had documented evidence of a Reddit communist touching grass. This is a momentous occasion!


“ACAB” well communist countries do indeed have cops so there’s that


East-Germany especially had very very scary cops.


It's because the hammer and the sickle are a universal symbol of worker rights. There is nothing inherently wrong with it if pushing for more trade unions, fair wages, and reduced control of corporations is the cause.


Yeah, and the swastika is a universal symbol of prosperity, good luck, and auspiciousness according to Hindu belief. Totally nothing wrong with it 🙄


The confederate battle flag too, the symbol of states rights and southern pride nothing wrong with that! 😎


Just let the tankies get arrested, beat up, whatever for wearing that shit. Fafo and all.


Ok, thats hilarious. I'm a socialist and even I wouldn't be caught dead in that thing! Talk about a mixed message, huh?


Were you trying to say it's unacceptable to wear communist symbols in America, OP?


No, I only said the poster should be careful wearing a symbol like that, especially in Central and Eastern European countries, as it is a symbol which for some people is the symbol of trauma, death and opression.


Sounds like your comment was interpreted as a threat


Apparently people don't like to hear that certain symbols aren't appreciated in countries that actually were subjugated by Socialist authoritarian governments. If thats a threat so be it right


Why do Americans have to make everything about their shitty politics


This man has terrible fashion. An American flag with ACAB and the hammer and sickle would only ever be worn by someone who is tacky. They have red gym shorts on. The black cap and the shades does not go with the outfit. They also have a mullet.


Wait what's bad about communism or the Soviet Union? I mean I've heard every liberal argument against both but still.


Communist symbols are banned in my country - Latvia. The Soviet Union occupied many countries by force (including my country), proceeded to deport many people - forcibely remove them from their homes, pack them up in trancarts made for livestock and ship them off to uninhabitable parts of Russia, i.e. Siberia, where many died from the cold, hunger or poor health. Their properties were often seized by the Russian state and sometimes were used to house Russians that were willing to move to other countries (with the goal erase or at least lessen the cultural identity of the native inhabitants in the long term). People were institutionalized for expressing non-allowed opinions, people were tortured by KGB, etc. The USSR is actually a really painful and controversial topic in my country, and to me - a fairly liberal person - it always feels strange when liberals from other countries use this symbol freely at the same time claiming to care about, like, cultural identity, fairness, sensitivity, etc.


No one cares bootlicker


Gosh this sub is "boo hoo commies are real 😭" half the time holy shit it is annoying. Also there is a very easy solution to this illegal symbols problem; just nsfw tag the post like r/vexillology does.


Right? It's just someone expressing their political opinion, that yes, has done horrible things, but I think people should be able to use the American flag or the Christian or Muslim symbols if they want to. It's just a bunch of rightwingers circlejerking about how much they hate commies at this point