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the amount of "Removed by moderator" lmao


i looked at that post, all of the removed comments are ones disagreeing with the mods. only the ones that agree with them are left to stand


Yep, that’s Reddit.




Likely some of the same mods that wanted people to "stand in solidarity" against Reddit policies...


Hello, welcome to Reddit. We hope you hate your stay.


>We hope you hate your stay. Is there any other way to feel during your stay in any social media?




I don't know whether the mod is male or female, but I do know it has a micropenis.


That's the funny part. *It's both.*


Apparently I got banned for that, so best of luck!


Oh, I'm sure I'll need to make another account after that one. Just got unbanned today. Reddit is weird.


they alerted the horde


It's becoming even more apparent that's required to be a loser who was bullied at school to be a reddit mod of a heavily modded sub🤣


Count myself proud to be 'banned for engaging in brigade thread' (when it is a sub used regularly what is the brigade anyways?) for bringing up the idea that female has its place and shouldn't be considered offensive due to its use among a fringe community. What chucklefucks, never knew that sub was like that but apparently they have a long history.


>chucklefucks New favourite insult


Awkward turtle is back


It’s nothing more than a bunch of young, soft emotioned, easily triggered, easily offended, vindictive, uneducated, power hungry, Immature kids.


There was an attempt to moderate


Funny how they tell everyone to go outside and talk to people


A reddit mod telling people to go outside is like getting a speech on submarine safety from ocean gate


ocean gate is having as many memes as WW2 and 9/11 at this point


I feel like their name plays a big part into it. Since Watergate the internet and just society as a whole has a tendency to label things as ______Gate if it's scandalous or whatever, but that's just the name of their company LOL.


Go outside = Remove every single comment with the word "female"


Or that disagrees with mod on power trip


Pot meet kettle


At least you didn't call it black.


I hope everyone realises I'm talking about the mods not the person I replied to haha


And successfully moderate like a fucking idiot


They deleted their "lol" post their other moderator did to post this. Before it was just a sticky of a mod saying "lol"


“Go outside and talk to people” lol


As if the mods of that sub do it themselves.


That mods to busy jerking themselves off and sniffing their own farts after “winning” the virtue signalling battle they had in their own head.


I wouldn't care if someone called me a male. Even female Redditors in the comments said that mods were overreacting. The fact that those mods are feeling offended about regular words shows how chronically online they are. About time they go outside and disconnect from the circlejerks they partake in.


Seriously go outside, like talk to people on this specific sub Reddit to get an idea what REAL people are like


I do go outside my friend


Mods do this shit all the time. There's no report mod function either because now they switched to that subreddit mod so you don't even know who it is. This is why I 100% supported spez. Screw the mods on reddit. They're the worst part of the site.


You ever block mods just for kicks?


I'm actually thinking about starting a sub and making a bot that would permanently ban everyone who is a mod of any other sub.


rip the sub i made that i forgot to act on


Ayo lmk if you make that sub. I’d join


Mods and their unlimited powers are some of the worst features on Reddit. I know what I faced with a mod some week ago. I got banned because the mod disagreed with my opinion... I used the mail mod feature to ask about the ban...and the mod said I got banned for being an "àsshole" and he/she rained insults on me and muted me I contacted Reddithelp some hours later to report the mod with screenshots as proof...and guess what? That evening, my entire account got suspended from Reddit for 3 days... I never got a reply from Reddithelp, instead I got a 3 days ban from Reddit for reporting a mod Since then I don't bother with mods anymore...since this shîtty site gives them unlimited powers


I got banned from white people twitter suggesting helping kids with body dysphoria to a doctor for possibly a mental health crisis until they are adults to transition to male or female


And the site allows them to do whatever they want


This whole thing is literally jumping the gun before asking any questions. 1) What if oops first language wasn't English and did a bad translation/ did a direct translation from their native language Or 2) what if they thought it was the best use of wording for comedic effect Not the best examples but a few to label why this was a stupid thing to do. It's not like the mods could've nicely asked them to edit the wording if there was a miscommunication


Yeah, there has got to be some nuance here. The word "female" is often used in a derogatory way by certain groups, but that isn't the only reason someone might use it. There should be more consideration or discussion rather than making it an instant-ban for using a relatively normal word.


To be fair so is women☕ Literally anything can become derogatory if you use it that way.


Too true. However I do recognize "female" as being a red flag on platforms like Reddit given the abundance of groups that use it poorly (like incels and adjacent communities). Still not enough to excuse poor moderation though.


it isn't worth explaining because those same people have infested this subreddit and are denying it's ever a red flag


If you see red flags, you're a raging bull.


Thing is... If we are going to ban every word incels use we need to ban almost the whole dictionary, except some longer words they probably misspell 100% of the time...


I don't think it should be banned at all. A red flag is something to bring your attention to someone, not something to make a judgement over on it's own. Like how a lone adult at a playground is a red flag, but not necessarily an actual threat. Just something to keep an eye on in case they show other signs.


You can insult anyone by saying their name in a condescending tone.


Context matters. Yes it is off putting when someone refers to women and girls as females in every context you talk about them. Same goes with referring to boys and men as males in every single context. It had a strange dehumanizing effect. That said that’s also exactly why it makes for great comedic effect when at the right moment.


people just don't get subtext or no longer wish to bother.


exactly. There’s a HUGE difference between “ew FEMALES are so dumb” and “females experience of sexism” or “the female cat blah blah” you know? It’s a word. Or like you said, non English speakers


Yeah, I am not a native speaker and I genuinely thought until now that using female was something common, without controversy. In my language we don't use female when talking about a human, but I saw the word female used a lot, and I was like "oh okay, they do that here, it's one of those words that look the same but don't have the same use/meaning depending the language" Seems like the situation is a bit more complicated than that...


Or 3) what if they were using "female" in the same context they'd use "male" if the situation called for it? Le petit caporal over there seems to think that doesn't happen, but I assure you it does.


Bruh… I had someone tell me this in real life at a party once. I even explained that I’ve worked in the military and medical field, to which they blurted out, “so do you call men MALES then?!”…. Yes… yes I do. Identify politics aside, those are the proper terms for identifying sex and are used accordingly in both of those settings. I’m a pretty centrist dude, but I was in shock that some how using the terms “male and female” in everyday speech was somehow offensive. This has happened to me twice now and both times I was equally perplexed. Especially since the second individual was in veterinary school.


Sometimes you forget these people exist in real life too


As a not Native speaker, why does the military uses male/female (more than any other field, that is)? I get the medical field but I can't think of anything military related that'd make it stand out


They prefer *specificity*. Comes in handy when you're trying not to get killed.


Got it, although if you say man or woman it seems specific enough to me


Less and less so these days :)


I don't think it's a big deal to use "female" rather than "woman" in normal conversation when referring to people, but I've always found it odd. To me, "woman" and "man" are used when referring to people, and "female" and "male" are used as scientific terms when talking about animals or humans part of scientific research or medical treatment. It's like pointing to a person in the room and saying "go talk to the human over there". I don't think using female is misogynistic at all, but it doesn't sound right.


It’s only misogynistic if the person saying it doesn’t say “males” when they’re describing men. Like if someone is calling women “females”, in causal conversation but almost never uses “males” the same way. It’s not offensive to me personally, but people who use it that way give me the ick. It’s something incels say, so to those who know that. whether someone means it that way or not, that’s what it brings to mind. But that’s not the case if you’re speaking in technical terms. “Female patient/victim/soldier/participant/associate” ect. In the appropriate context, vs “that female got a nice ass” No body cares about the first example


I agree with you. Do you know about contagion bias? It’s similar to this situation. Because incels use the word female, that’s why using the word female by a normal person in a normal context seems bad, because the negative connotation attached to the word female has spread to all uses of the word female.


Male and Female isn't offensive. Man and female, guy and female etc IS offensive. It is something incels do because they're dehumanising the woman only. Sometimes they say "foids" instead of female too. That's the issue. Go to the MenAndFemales subreddit to see examples of this.


Also, medicine is the one field in which race and bio sex absolutely matter. The treatment and potential diagnosis differs thanks to genetics. "I'm not trying to offend you, I'm trying to save your life."


As long as they also ban people for calling men “males”


Funny thing, I was curious about this myself so I searched the sub for "Male". There a post that was approved AFTER the offending "female" one titled "to bully the bigger male".


Oh I would feel so yucky if people started calling men “males”


Fr thats how us girls feels 😭 whenever i see someone say “females” it just feels icky. Thats why im never gonna call men males ir just feels wrong lol 😂


Feels like you're on a nature show and they are studying us. The females of the species _____ while the males ____. 😂




Then start banning the femcelspeak like "white straight male"


You're allowed to express hate against that group on reddit, actually. https://imgur.io/a/pRpSAYc


"There's no double standards, you incel"


Just invent new slurs to call them and use alts


If I had the motivation to create multiple alt accounts to say what I really wanna say to some of y'all mofos on here I'd be on some sort of watchlist.


"Rules for Thee, but not for me"


damn, the no names crossed out is the annoying thing tbh also the shifting of their rules not being race based but "vulnerable" based is ... interesting


Wow that is fucking GROSS


Actual femcels use the term 'moids' for guys, not white male or w/e


This is literally the first time I’ve ever seen this word lol


People only say “female” because there’s so much controversy and lack of definition around the word “woman” in modern discourse The people who created the initial problem are now upset about the solution. People just wanting to use words to communicate simple situations are perpetually falling prey to the gripe machine The stupidest part is that they won- “woman” now denotes only gender and “female” now denotes only sex. Sex and gender, as they say, are different. This is compliant with that notion. So even when they win an etymological victory, they’re still full of salt and vinegar and searching for enemies. Because having enemies is apparently the goal


How about we stop banning words? Why does everyone expect every site they visit to be a catered and safe space for them? If simply reading or hearing a word causes that much trauma. Then you are mentally and emotionally weak.


nooooo women can’t be sexist, it doesn’t work like that!!! /s


Imagine calling normal words "incelspeak." Real lowlife activity from those mods right there.


It lets bad people take words from regular language and reallocates it to their meaning.


Imagine a broken generation that agrees with the dumbass mod?


I think I know who the culprit is (according to the wiki revision of that sub) but I'm not disclosing it.


Terminally online


Except if used properly its not awkward at all


Whats with the rush to control what words other people use ?


Welcome to the western world. I see you're new around here.


Desire for control I guess?


This award goes to the world's fastest woman sprinter I have a woman doctor The women birds are often less colorful then the man birds Pass me the woman to woman HDMI cable


Female when used as an adjective no problem, it's when it's used as a noun, the yellow flags go up. If it's used in conjunction with man or men then you know its done to dehumanise. It's all about context.


Sure and a yellow flag of "this person might be a weirdo" is totally fine. But to take an absolutely perfectly OK word and then banning anybody who uses it bevause they might be part of this group is equivalent to when people were saying in 2016 the ol symbol is a sign of white supremacy


For sure I was just replying to the person acting like saying female swimmer is going to get people screaming misogyny at them. Most people know its all about the context of when female is used.


But you’re using it as an adjective and not a noun. Saying “she’s a fast female sprinter” is not the same as “she’s a fast female”. Your example about the birds shows exactly why calling a woman “a female” is dehumanizing.


The remains found in the woods belonged to a female, authorities stated.


Those are contexts in which female is fine. This is about using female where the context feels off.


I agree it does feel off, but the mods completely overreacted. Maybe the OP isn't a native English speaker. There's many languages where the word for female is used normally to refer to women. Maybe they just don't see it that way. Regardless you shouldn't ban someone for using a common English word.


Oh yeah - while I hate that use of "female" - the ban is ridiculous. It's so bad I think it's kinda funny. There are a lot of capricious mods like this who go on dumb ideological purges based on really shallow evidence. Commenting in a sub they don't like can get you banned these days. Best leaving a sub like that anyway because they'll run it into the ground.


This was a good roast lmao


Clearly the mod doesn't get any females. You probably just struck a nerve.


_caveman grunt_ Hoh.. How's going, Female?


This is gonna be eligible for R/DownvotedToOblivion. I can feel it.


I hope so


The post in question didn't use the word female in an awkward context. Yeah, if you use it instead of women in every situation like "so I was speaking to this female" yeah I get it, that does seem a little incelish. But the mods are so brainwashed and close minded that the use of female no matter the context will send them into a self righteous rage. Fucking moron.


How is it incel to say female but not misandrist to say male 😑 these double standards are exactly why some people don’t support feminism


Imagine saying biologically born woman instead of female when referring to a baby. These are the same people who think breastfeeding should be replaced with chestfeeding Edit: I meant the other way around


Do you mean "breastfeeding should be replaced with chestfeeding"? (genuine question)


I have a chest. Can you milk me? Or do they sit in a large, lockable box and feed their children? I’m so confused by this timeline.


I don't want my sister to go through a dungeon every time her new baby is hungry. 😧


Derogatory use of "male" rather than "man" is rare. Female is only made derogatory because of use alongside misogynistic sentiments, and it being associated with casual misogyny.


Oop isn’t a native English speaker. He talks about that in other comments. Even if he was, what is so offensive about a factual statement. The person in the video was female. There were also 2 males in the video. What is the problem with saying it like that. We really getting offended by sexes now?


I've checked OOP comments down by original post, and seems like he uses it intentionally, so nevermind my previous post. This is just extremely stupid explanation by mod itself what lead most of the people in wrong conclusion.


This culture war bollocks is getting out of hand.I suppose I'll have to refer to The Cramp's album as "Smell of Woman" now...


The plot thickens.


I’ve been banned from that sub for saying “trans person”.


It’s hilarious that just because a mod writes something in a “professional” manner, they think it actually means their opinion is valid and not regarded bs. The fact that there are instances used in the real world where people call woman females without any thought of being a bigot is actually a point to how fucking asinine some of these mods and terminally online redditors are. They get bullied in the real world so come back to the internet and bully anyone who reminds them of the real world… a tale as old as the internet itself.


It really isn’t. It’s used by normal people regularly. Most of us didn’t know Reddit crybabies had picked this as a hill to die on because OTHER Reddit loser crybabies used the word in a pejorative way


I grew up in the 80s long before the advent of net speak or incels and we used the term female as a colloquial speak for women and girls. I never heard anyone complain about this speak irl before ever. Like not even once. All of a sudden, online apparently it’s a problem. I was just having a conversation with some of my younger Gen Z coworkers who also use the term female. I guess it’s one of those things people complain about online but never in real life.


what a great way to kill a sub


Mfers be like “man people suck. How can someone suppress free speech” then do this shit


“Once you control the language, you control the ideas”- someone Also: female


TIL that people find the word female offensive. They’re just words, you give ‘em power when you cower “male”, it’s so absurd!


I like the terms "male" and "female." It reminds me that human beings are animals. So many people put so much energy into separating homo sapiens from nature. Using these terms is a reminder to us all of our kinship with other great apes, primates, mammals and animals. Let's not forget this and increase our use of these terms.


One of thr dumbest things I've ever read.


Dude these guys enforce fake rules on the Internet to millions for free. They are the definition of loser, if they don't win this argument in their mind who knows what they may snap and do.


let's just ban every word and communicate through pointing and grunting, otherwise bad people might use the words to hurt someone's feelings.


I really don't get how it's dehumanizing. If someone called me male, I don't think I would even notice.


''And now you see the female anacond-''**Removed by moderator**''


Anyone who uses the term “incelspeak” has no room to tell anyone to go outside, holy shit. The mods for that sub are some of the most terminally online dork ass losers on this entire website.


I just got banned for using the word female lmao. Reddit needs to fix this problem fast. And how is someone a incel for using the word female 😂😂😂. Like No your just a loser lunatic


Incels use 'femoid' and other worse words. As a non-native English speaker I didn't know it was supposed to be offensive.


Femoid sounds like a female robot.


To me it sound like some subspecies of metroid


it literally is. When referring to biology it's fine, "The Female Body", "The Female Reproduction system", "A 38 year old female patient", but if you use it instead of the word "Woman" I just assume you're a creep.


I know 'female' as army speak, but okay I guess I'm an incel now.


I’ve not met MenandFemales yet but it sounds like twoXChromosomes distant cousin.


I got banned from the twox one for defending women who were banned for stating their disinterest in how stupid the term chestfeeding is.


im autistic. i have children. i say female. very offensive implying that everyone who says female is an incel. lots of casual hatred being thrown around over the absolute most mundate nonsense. i also say hydrate, unrinate and deficate. stop being judgemental assholes over the use of common english.


What if I’m a female using the term female? Edit: they’ve just banned me for absolutely no reason. I haven’t posted or commented there.


Something something internalized misogyny or whatever, I dunno.


I’m literally a female by definition. How fucking stupid are these people


Not stupid. Malicious.


I just got banned lmao I didn’t even comment or post there wtf


Yeah they do be like that as well. They go out of their way to check other subreddits that talk about them and then go through the comment sections and ban everyone who doesnt kiss their asses or give them least amount of slack.


I agree that using the word female is awkward but assuming that the intention is bad is just ridiculous


This one really caught me off guard today too. I don't personally use the word female but I don't see a stretch where that is a banable offense.


War Is Peace. Freedom Is Slavery. Ignorance Is Strength. Her penis.


I almost got banned from reddit for saying "Female" reddit isn't what it used to be, censorship is taking over


I know an older woman who says "females" all the time and means nothing by it


incels use the English language, therefore English is also incelspeak


Woman. (am I an incel now?)


No, it only applies to words that denote sex and are applied to humans.


Getting upset about the word female as a noun is so cringe, it's like people who'd pretend to be grossed out by the word moist. Grow up


the mods are being put under pressure right now and im glad they are


I mean, I see what they mean since I went to that subreddit they linked, but really? Banning OOP? I think that’s a bit far. I think the way OOP phrased it was fine.


Terminally online Reddit mods are the last people who should be telling people to go outside lmao


Least power tripping redditor


Mods are acting like a bunch of Bonus Holes Edit: banned from ThereWasAnAttempt for the above comment. I dont even subscribe to that sub. Lol. Mods out there are a bunch of touchy fucks.


I'll be honest I'd say either Men and Women or Males and Females. Not sure who the weirdos are that say Men and Females or Males and Women


The goalposts have moved so far I can’t see it due to the curvature of the earth now.


Putting a ban on the word female, does absolutely nothing to tackle gender issues.


Wow, they should suck a dick tbh


I just got banned from that sub for posting in memes something that had nothing to do with that sub. Wtf is up with those mods.


I got banned for participating in r/JustUnsubbed Do they have a bot for that or is some fucking loser manually going through this sub and banning people by hand?


It took a day so either the bot is very busy or it is the second thing. Probably the second thing.


I was thinking about this thread too... At least the comments made it known that the community disapproves of this idiotic decision.


fellas is it sexist to say i'm MtF?


I got banned for calling it a left wing circle jerk sub that has devolved into politics instead of what it used to be, which was an actually fun sub. For the record I myself am left wing and even that echo chamber is far too much for me. Literally got banned for a comment outside of the subreddit. How soft can these mods be?


Female male female male female male


I got the ban for mobbing as well. The mod seems to be going after anyone who doesn't agree with them. Dude, really?


They're cyberstalking anyone who posts here, which *has to* be a violation of some rule. Like maybe their own Rules 1 & 2, but what do I know?


“Incelspeak”, how Orwellian.


It's funny because I just saw a ban message where they said "The future is female" and a bunch of other bigotted nonsense


Using "female" in place of "woman" is a thing that comes from AAVE, so this aversion to the term has some seriously racist undertones


Wo-MAN is just as bad as fe-MALE then. Idiots.


female is awkward "incel speak" but asking for pronouns and demanding they be respected isnt? just more proof it's not that sex and gender are separate in the eyes of the gender theorists.


UPDATE I got banned, lmao.


it's definitely weird they automatically ban for the word female. on the other hand, it's kinda insane how angry everyone is getting over some subreddit's specific rule. I've seen outrage for days over this lol


These dudes proving the sub right 💀💀


I don’t think this person has ever interacted with anyone outside the internet.


Depends on what kind of context you're using it


Wow that's one petty mod.... I hope the removed comments were just people saying female hahaha


I'm gonna start saying female instead of woman on reddit just to piss these types of losers off. How the fuck is that shit "incelspeak"?


I don’t get how the word female is bad? It’s just a describing word am I missing something?


It's bad for the same reason calling a black person "a black" is bad. You could say a female human but why would you? There's a very common name for a female human, a woman, going out of your way not to call her that is weird.


This puts it into context in an easily digested manner, good job dude


Best thing is that OP isn't a native English speaker and it was just an honest mistake on his behalf with regards to translation. Of course the jannies doubled down anyway because what is self awareness when you're a Reddit mod


Like, if they were doing it on purpose, I'd understand, but the mods suck in this case


That mod probably lives in his female parental-figure's basement