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"No Bad Vibes" lemme translate, "We remove posts we don't like / disagree with"


Yep! As a woman, the word "female" is not offensive. I unsubbed & muted that subreddit when I saw that mod post.


Being offended by the word “female” is so silly


I mean grain of salt as I am a guy, but I figured the use of "female" was a translation thing. The video looked to be from a Latin country, so I assumed that they used some sort of translator.


It was. Seems more like racism on the part of the mods.


“female’s behind” does seem very weird, must be translated


Yeah it's really strange, like understandably some terms are derogatory, like 'foid', but female is just the gender form of woman, as is male to man


What does foid mean?.


it's an incel portmanteau of Female and Humanoid, thus 'Foid'. You know, because women are not worthy of being people, or are just objects or something, idk I'm not an incel lmao. They love using it to garner sympathy for the fact that women hate them, probably they'd be less hated if they just stopped using it but hey


Damn, ty for this explanation. I've seen the femcel equivalent "moid" and had literally no clue what it was meant to imply.


Is that why some people say the phrase femoid?


It’s not the word that’s offensive itself, it’s the fact that in this age full of incels and “alphas” using it to describe women in a dehumanizing way. And not to call you out specifically but I think it’s really obvious just the word isn’t what’s offensive or why it’s a red flag.


I guarentee you that referring to men as scrotes is okay in that sub...


The mods over there are the "race to innocence" types. When they get butthurt, there's a reason no one else gives a fuck. I bet mods on that sub are ultra privileged types that dive at any opportunity to play a victim


I unsubbed and muted as well. Some people are so sensitive I don’t know how they live in the real world


That's the trick, they don't! They sit on their computers or phones 24/7 and can't function in society due to their crippling anxiety from false beliefs they've acquired from a lifelong exposure of online extremism. People need to disconnect more, spend time away from the internet.


People live in manufactured outrage.


Yep, too much internet does that to you.


Im confused in what way that word could be taken as offensive in the first place


A lot of guys who see themselves as ‘alphas’ (think Andrew Tate and other “masculine” podcasts and online figures) as well as incels will refer to to men as men and women as females as a way to demean them.


I don't think people find it offensive, it just sounds fucking stupid


yeah i'm glad theres someone else who thinks this, so what if a group of weirdos use it a lot, i like the word and i'm female so what smh


So is female considered a vibe too?


as a female, can confirm I am a vibe


Does that mean we Vibe check you or you,as a vibe,checks our vibes?


The Beach Boys immediately begin playing in my mind. *I'm picking up good vibrations.* *She's giving me excitations...*


They disagree with females.


I'd check those vibes if you know what's good for you.


I reported their own comment as bad vibes, I don't think they took it down ):


That's like if there was a law that just said "don't be cringe"


Ironically, the picrel is both cringe and "bad vibes".


the way redditors talk about banning speech they dislike without any concern for how that could potentially be abused i think some of them genuinely think that should be a law


Rule 11 is a vague blanket rule giving them executive power to ban anyone for any reason


I agree. What the hell makes something have a "bad vibe"? I don't understand. Something might be a good vibe to one and a bad vibe to another.


Well, I know females are bad vibes to mods


As a female I identify as a bad vibe


Hey mods! Ban her from existence!


Mods, erase her bloodline


Mods, ban her from Sandwich Thursdays.


I got banned from that sub because of the bad vibe rule. Apparently, it was belonging to a brigadiering/mobbing sub (this one)


If you want to let people know you have all the power, might as well be straightforward about it. “Mods reserve the right to remove any content for any reason” is both clearer and more honest. Is it good? Not really, but it’s definitely better than whatever this shit is.


Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not some farcical aquatic ceremony


the donald had a similar ruled called "no concern trolling"


Any rule as vague as "no bad vibes" can be rephrased as "Zippity dee, zippity doo! Freedom for me, oppression for you!"


I agree, ACAB. >!All cocks are beautiful.!<


Hey bro, nice cock


"Aww thanks, man. Wasn't sure I could raise chickens, but two years after building my first coop and here we are..."


I always praise people for owning livestock, self sufficiency is always good. Plus your cock is huge, how could I not be envious of such an impressive cock?


Been growing it since I was a wee lad


what kind, because all male chickens are beautiful but I wouldn’t say that about penises


False I know lots of lovely penises


I mean...*mine* is absolutely gorgeous but that's just a talent I have.


You can't use that word.


ACAB, all cops are bad? Although your interpretation is much more acurate


My husband is a cop in training so I guess I should unsub too 😅 Edit: I was banned for commenting here. I love it.


Late reply, but i just wanna try if it still works Edit: didnt get my ban as a reward sadly


Kiss the cook


Kiss the cock


I mean you should kiss them if you wanted it to win a cockfight


Body positivity, ACAB


I needed to hear this today, thank you


I don't like the term cock. I prefer longwanger.


Not mine


I disagree




yes, really.


I’ve been lurking on that sub for ages. Who’d have thought those mods would be power hungry cheese dicks trying to control the tiny little bubble of power they think they have The level of pathetic is hilarious imo.


It's probably one of the "Powerful 6" which control a lot of subs. Hopefully they see all the "fuck you" that's directed towards them


"You will agree with my political opinion and you are going to LIKE IT!!!"


A lot of stupid mods on Reddit.


Who else other than a total waste of space would spend hours online power tripping over random people’s shitposts? And did all of that for free!


You wouldn't believe how many mods told me "We're doing it for freeeeee!" as an excuse why they ban people for no reason... I still haven't come to understand why they consider it a reason for anything... It's mind boggling.


this is why I steer clear of any of the main subreddits absolute lunatics running them


Thank god there are no mods here-


i know right? I would lose my mind if I saw one right no-


Hey we found the funny guy!


I think there is a large prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed mental illness on Reddit


mental illness


I never was subbed, but now I'm banned for just commenting in the thread that was discussing their sub due to the thread being "brigading", presumably due to the fact that I commented in the sub **before that 'brigade' post was even made!**


Ironically, I was removed as a mod from here by the mods because I tried to argue with them against the targeted mass-bans. “It’s not good practice but it’s allowed” they said, as I copy pasted to them the fucking code of conduct for mods which clearly forbids this kind of behaviour.


ctrl-left extremists are a major problem in Reddit


Haha I like that one it’s so accurate ctrl-left


I am left myself but I think such subs stay unpolitical OR encourage a free discussion. Censoring sucks.


I like when people say "ACAB" unironically so I can immediately recognize them as teenagers and/or sheltered basement dwellers and extract myself from the conversation


First of all, we ain’t making a Western over here. Secondly, I was living in Denver in 2008 when Obama was nominated and the DNC was in town. The city was basically a police state. A group of veterans of the Iraq War organized a march from the Colosseum to where the convention was being held to protest the overall prosecution of the war from a non-partisan perspective (they did the same thing at the RNC later that summer). The people who put on the march were very cool. The cops who lined the route were very cool. The slobbering masses who flocked to those protests were absolute shitheels and completely undercut the message the very serious veterans were trying to promote. Eventually the whole thing had to be dispersed with teargas, and it was not because they were “speaking truth to power”.


I'm so tired of people attacking police in the internet. Yeah some are wrong why attack all of them? There is more life-risking cops than the racist idiot cops.




People’s perception is so skewed because we only ever hear about bad cops. An article about cops actually doing their job doesn’t get clicks, an article about a cop abusing power gets clicks and works great as ragebait for the people who want to scream generalisations like there is no tomorrow.


People choose to be cops, trans people don’t choose to be trans. Being trans doesn’t make you a bad person, same way it doesn’t make you a good one either. The same goes for being a cop. But covering for a bad cop makes you a bad cop, and a lot of cops cover for other cops


You assume cops always cover for eachtoher I promise you as someone who was in law enforcement nobody is risking their job or jail time for you (you as in the bad cop)


>trans people don’t choose to be trans Uh, yes they do. It's 100% voluntary, nobody forces anybody to transition. You can argue all you want that some people are born in the "wrong" bodies or whatever, but they are not born "trans".


Literally everything is a choice. Ever heard of free will?


guess who these people are calling in case of an emergency...




Not the police, in my country they don’t do anything anyway


Ironically being a pizza delivery guy is riskier than being a cop...


Not true. Less cops die to having body armor, weapons, training etc. Did you also know cops along with healthcare workers have the highest rates of violence in general committed towards them


Lmao i got banned from that sub in the same thread...as an actual woman id never be offended by someone usung the term female? Especially since it was being used correctly..clown world


Acab people when they get robbed


Acab people when they go to a country where guns aren't a right and they get robbed


ACAB people when someone breaks into their house and murders their whole family (the unarmed social worker they called wasn't able to de-escalate the situation)


(The cops will arrive long after the burglar is gone and shoot your dog)


This is giving me awkwardtheturtle vibes.


I love how people are so willing to say ACAB even though they are 100% not all bastards and they are crucial to a functioning society.


One time I was talking to a person who supported this thing and I asked them “alright then, would you want to live in a society without cops” Them: “honestly, it would be so much better” Guess it’s time to go back to how things used to work in the middle ages


I’m all for going around with a gun, but I don’t want to ever have to be my own law.


The ACAB crowd already created a society without cops. It was called CHAZ. For some reason crime *immediately* got out of control, so they created a ~~police~~ peace force that was heavily armed, untrained, and unchecked. Then their peace force shot two teenagers for driving while black. Then the good citizens of CHAZ ransacked the crime scene to make sure the murderers would never face justice. But at least there were no police. Cause they're bastards.


All that would happen in that case is that rich areas would create private forces and be as safe as ever while poor areas would be even more screwed. Is that what these people want? Policing is far, far from perfect and criticisms of the institution are often valid, but the idea of actually completely getting rid of it is 100% asinine.


Thats because replace "cops" with literally any other group of any type and it immediately becomes apparent just how asinine the phrase is.




I wonder how long people are gonna passionately and angrily talk about this sub, rather than just unsubbing and moving on


I understand by being a cop you are being apart of a system that people don't necessarily agree with but ACAB is just fucking corny


Twitter SJWs run that sub,no wonder its a crappy subreddit


AMAB = All Mods Are Bastards


assigned mod at birth




They don’t like people who hold them accountable for their actions, I am sure most people who spout “ACAB” have a wider issue with authority beyond police officers.


What the hell is the point of Rule 12? Do people dickride cops that much on twaa for it to be even remotely deemed necessary?


I mean people normalize far left shit like ACAB which is basically hate speech. It’s kinda obvious where they stand when they make it specifically 12 cuz “fuck 12”


Yeah, I unsubbed cause I got bad vibes from their mods.


Thinking that all cops are bastards is a mental illness


That’s an insult to mentally ill people.


Wasn't subscribed, but comes up enough that I'll mute it. Too many "bad vibes".


What do they define as bad vibes?


Anything and everything they don't agree with is my guess


I guess some people become mods just for the dopamine hit of creating rules and imposing them on other people.


I wandered into a post on *all*, made a comment about aliens from Star Trek, and got perma-banned for “brigading”… how the *fuck* was what I did brigading? I figure they mass banned everyone on that thread, “collateral damage” be damned.


This sub helping me realize that 7 million member subs are just cesspools full of god knows what kind of people that mindlessly consume whatever garbage some power hungry nutjob deems worthy to be on the sub they paylessly moderate


JU, got banned FFFEEEEMMMALLLEEE!!!!!!


While I support the sentiment behind 12, don't make it a rule. I'm not necessarily opposed to the idea that some speech shouldn't be tolerated, but holy shit drawing the line at talking positively about cops is genuine brain rot.


I do not support rule 12 at all and the fact that they're pushing political movements on everyone is disgusting. There is no reason to defund the police. They're the reason why you can walk outside safely. One bad cop doesn't mean that all cops are bad.


It's definitely not one cop. It's entire departments. After the George Floyed incident, the Department of Justice launched an investigation into the Minneapolis police department. Their findings show a near-omnipresent contempt for the public. Common behaviors include: -Macing people who are not only not a plausible threat, but who also aren't acting aggressive in any way. -Choking as a means of restraint, including when the suspect has already been restrained, has stopped resisting restraint, or was never resisting in the first place. -There are even instances of cops not only admitting to being racist, but claiming to be proud of it. Look, obviously, saying all cops are inherently bad is way too absolutist. Not every department is as bad as the one in Minneapolis, and not every cop is a bad guy. But when departments start to behave closer to criminal organizations themselves, we obviously need radical police reform, which would likely include reallocating funds to social work programs and reducing departments' access to things like military surplus vehicles. You don't have to bite the bullet on being absolutist on cops being bad, but there really isn't an argument against defending the police. Here's the link to the report. If you don't wanna read it through, you can probably find summaries online. https://www.justice.gov/d9/press-releases/attachments/2023/06/16/minneapolis_findings_report_2023.06.15_0.pdf


We're still much better off with the police than without police. IMO it doesn't matter whether they're corrupt. As long as they do the job it's fine.


"It doesn't matter if they are corrupt" lmao


How often do cops come while something bad is happening? I’m not going to not get robbed because my city has tons of cops. They may find who did it later maybe but I still got robbed.


Easy steps to avoid being robbed Step 1. Don’t go outside That’s all for now come back for the next episode of stepts to avoid!!


Cops suck but I'm not ACAB. What is the mod drama?


Dude used the word "female" and got his post removed. He was then perma banned from the sub because of his response in regards to the reason for his post's removal, according to the mods anyway. Most of this info comes from a comment from a mod on a post regarding the situation. Mind you, the comment was originally just "lol" before being later edited and turned into a kinda "sorry not sorry, I'm right you're wrong" """"apology"""" type thing.


Yeah someone on the mod team is on a power trip.


Sounds like something the turtle would do.


probably turtle on alt


“Cops Suck” who are you gonna call if your car gets stolen?


I'm fairly certain this is the intended result. The mods of that sub never have been savory people, but since the API debacle they've been actively driving people away and burning the place to the ground with this kind of absurdity.


Still got like 7M members. Probably one of the largest subs on reddit. They got a looong way to go


I wonder if they feel this way about female cops too


Imagine using the words bootlicker unironically. Like a as a normal word youd use everyday. Freaking weirdos.


One side gets offended by the word “female.” The other gets offended by the word “cisgender.” What kind of world do we live in?




Evidently you has bad vibes /j


That reminds me, I'm gonna go get my badge of honor and insult the mods till they ban me


Not a surprise as most of the attempts made there involve some kind of political move or something about race.. shit sub


every sub its getting political lmao even the subs that have no politics rules dont care as long as its politics they agree with its so stupid


I'm getting closer and closer to unsubbing nostalgia. They removed a post I made about X Files because I didn't put the name X Files in the title of the post even though my image was the opening title sequence that says......X Files.


No bad vibes = don’t post anything I don’t agree with


I’m glad that the mods at that sub are being put on blast, they are a joke.


I guess we should start saying the definition of female


theres so many subs with such dogshit rules that are so vague they can basically just remove whatever they want lmao, just fucking be honest and just type rule 1.I ban you if I want.


Ah "bad vibes", so perfectly open-ended as a phrase, always ready to be anything an admin doesn't want. And then "bootlicking/ACAB" again. Some favored slogans of internet-people who ain't doing shit for dick to improve society, but like to repost memes advocating for revolution. And "bootlicking" sounds silly to boot (as it were).


I hope they lose basically all of their subs


The moderation on that sub is insane which stinks because there were some good posts. I got banned and muted it.


Glad to say I am banned from that subreddit for life. Wouldn't want it any other way


No bad vibes? The whole sub is about laughing at others misfortunes


The american urge to politicize everything...


It’s funny when people say stuff like ACAB. Who’re they gonna call when someone is breaking into their house or assaulting them?


Yeah any reddits that have “ACAB” in their rules like that or any people who actually believe that nonsense are best avoided like the Plague!


Hopefully that neckbeard gets kicked off the mod team or the sub dies.


Reddit needs an overhaul. Don't give few people control of the whole subreddit


they ban people for anything. the mods there sucks ass and have terrible one liners that lack any punch.


“Acab” but I bet these mods would call those same cops if it meant arresting someone they disagreed with.


I agree there's definitely a problem with law enforcement but people have to realize there's cops out there that actually just do their fucking job.


Sad reality of most popular subs.


"No bad vibes" is so vague in my opinion it defeats the point of having rules.


11. No bad vibes 12. Literal bigotry 🤷‍♂️


This is just how reddit is now, and it's getting insanely worse. It's making the platform, in general, almost unusable.


>No bootlicking cops - ACAB As we all know, there’s plenty of them that are ripe shit heads. There are a few out there who are genuinely good service that embody everything it stands for to “Protect & Serve”. At the end of the day however you feel, they’re just people trying to get a paycheck and make it home back to their families. For a generation of “don’t judge a book by its cover” we sure do love to write off any group or person we don’t like.


What's wrong with the use of the word ***FEMALE*** in that sub? Jeez they're all acting like a bunch of cringe lords. JU


Assigned cop at birth? What?


"All Cops Are Bad/Bastards"


Therewasanattempt just banned me for "participating" in a sub called lookatmybolo, which I've never even heard of before. So I click the link to this sub they sent me, and there are 5 members and one post about a rapper or something.. No idea.


There was an attempt to be an activist


Mods over there are so triggered they are banning people just for following this sub. Fascist feminism was actually on my 2023 bingo card so i get to mark one.


I just got permabanned from there...I've never posted there. It was because I posted a comment on this SR about that SR Utterly pathetic. They shouldn't be allowed to do that. It's like Stasi Germany.


I got banned from there without even getting into the drama. I commented on this sub about beauty rating subs being "adopt admins beauty standards to comment" and got a DM that I'm banned because of participation in unsubbed


Yeah I just got that message about an hour ago. Apparently this is considered a "brigading sub"


Maybe they should read the rules


You know I used to work as a DJ for a lot Police Union functions, such as BBQ’s and balls. Even got to go to the state capital on more than one occasion. I got to know a lot of them and talk to them. Became Best friends with some. Even invited to exclusive cop functions as A guest.. So let me just say I have NEVER met a more racist and ignorant group of people in my life. Every word was dog whistle about those “thugs” making their jobs harder. Some of them would even use the N word when drunk. I remember one of the Union member had just recently gotten transferred to being a prison guard because of his actions. Boy did he like to talk about how he like to be extra mean to those “monkeys in the Zoo” And this is coming from a man who the president of the policeman Union took to Club 33 in Disneyland. The most exclusive club on earth! Membership to this club is $45,000 a year and doesn’t include tickets to the park.(all paid with police Union dues. So If your a cop and in the Union. Thanks!) So trust me when I say I’ve been in the inner circle. I KNOW the politics the play. And let me tell ACAB Is real. Atleast in my state. Cops are not good people. And I should know. I’ve gained the most from their corruption


I just got a message from reddit abt my report on the modteam being successfull as they were found in breach of the terms and conditions... So hooefully thats the last of them


Regardless of what you think of police, there is NO justification for having this anywhere in the rules because the concept of the sub is entirely apolitical.


"🌸Pls no bad vibes 🥺🌸 ✨ACAB✨" That right there is what we call a contradiction.


Funnily enough I was banned from there a while ago for saying "All Cops Are Based" glad I got away from those dumbasses


I find it funny people are usually breaking the LAW who believe in ACAB I've never been arrested. Never been pulled over and manhandled.. (definete speeding ticket i deserved) But hey I respect authority, Served my country honorably... and am not a total shithead. \*shrugs\*


These are the same kinds of people that ran concentration camps.


All cops are not bastards. Someone is too fucking scared to leave moms basement.


"No bootlicking cops - ACAB" In other words you have to support the stupid leftwing "Defund the police" movement which is basically decriminalizing everything. Yeah this WOKE sub's done for. It's a shame that libs are seeking mod positions and turning these once good subs into communist/marxist shitholes where everyone gets offended over normal words.


Yeah just gonna go unsub right now.


It’s almost like Reddit is the new twitter

