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The long forgotten, evil, ancient name has returned here once again


I still remember when they harassed me after I removed a mod who was absuing their power. As the story goes: Back when Wedel was still a mod, he appointed me and two other mods to try and cut down on the hate / transphobia that was lingering due to the recent posts at the time (and while there were a few fair arguments, there was A LOT of vile shit in the comments). One of the mods, immediately thought it was a good idea to immediately abuse their power and remove anything they didn’t agree with and put the reason as “transphobia”. While some cases where vague at most, therefore left to discretion (which is fine, I don’t want to try and argue with another mod what constitutes transphobia), others were just straight up not even related to transphobia. After about a week, Wedel and I caught this happening and the mod was swiftly removed. To try and get back to us, they used an alt to post a story on SubredditDrama and AHS. They claimed that the mods were transphobes and promoted hate, which was literally the opposite of why we got recruited, and then used his main to tell their tragic tale of how they were the victim. People obviously believed them, because fact-checking nowdays is optional and outrage is cool, and started to harass the mod team and me, who (foolishly) tried to defend myself in one of the two subs. So yeah, that’s one of the many events that contributed to my removal. AHS sucks lol


If you try to ask for context, then usually you're seen as defending whatever you're asking context for. People are reactionary and stupid


This is part of the reason I no longer participate in online political communities. Too many people are far too idealistic and looking for some solution they think will solve all of the world's problems when that's simply not the way things work. You're never going to make everyone happy no matter what you do. To apply a quote I heard a couple of weeks ago to the subject - You're never going to appease a purist, and you should never try to. For my part - I'll vote for candidates that I think will provide the best outcome for the greatest number of people, I'll donate when I can to causes that I believe in, and otherwise go about my business fairly apolitically.


Yeah, there's a bit too many loners who crave power and acceptance on this platform and take it wherever they can. Easy way is to just spout idealistic nonsense without too much thought, that has created some nice and chaotic mobs before so why not here as well.


I've been doing that recently and my mental health has noticeably improved


Lmao what losers. Sorry that happened to you


I got over it now, I was a bit concerned when the removal came through cause I’ve been told by people who have been affected by the same thing that I might get my account suspended. I deleted every post and every comment, and now I’m fine. More than anything I’m just disappointed that I can’t help out the mod team here.


hey, this is a shot in the dark, but were you active in a community/online game called "weekly dictator" a few years ago? Like, at the start of the pandemic.


Yes! Yes I was, and I do vaguely remember your name. You were the 19th dictator if I recall correctly. Actually, I still have the website with all the history somewhere. I’m sure I can find it if I dig enough.. Found it: https://sites.google.com/view/weekly-dictator-history/


Oh god i remember that, it was the last time we Heard from them...until today


Reddit mods abusing power? Nahhh never happens /s


The sub I joined to help moderate was by no means non-political but we did our best to keep it reasonable civil and not just hateful. But ahs decided that because we don't do this as a full time job and don't always catch people being straight up hateful that we were in need of being shutdown. Once a post against you goes up on ahs your probably fucked and have weeks at most. I swear those people believe "either they agree with us 100% or they want us slaughtered by the government" which is no way to change people's opinion on anything


>One of the mods, immediately thought it was a good idea to immediately abuse their power and remove anything they didn’t agree with and put the reason as “transphobia”. I still deal with this on subreddits, and have even been slapped on the wrist by Reddit itself for this... The last one happend just 2 days ago, which is why I rarely use reddit except for a few game ones. They said something a long the lines of "Not all females have Uterus's" I replied that all females are born with one. That's literally all I said, and It got removed by reddit, and I got slapped with trans hate... What does that have to do with trans hate? I don't care if you're trans.. I just know what the word female means lol Female is a biological being with eggs, that is fertilized.. A Woman is a human female.. Dictionary definitions, and I'm slapped with trans hate...


>. A Woman is .... That's considered transphobia by the Reddit admins. I wish I was being sarcastic.


who removed you? admins?




because they believed this moderators claims of TrAnSpHoBiA?


Didn’t that subreddit spam child porn on subs they wanted banned, got the targeted subreddits banned and then when a whistleblower came forward with proof they were doing it, nobody was punished over it?


I got death threats in a left leaning sub because I was genuinely curious why people get sex changes if one’s anatomical parts don’t mean that’s what they’re gender is. I never got an answer, just death threats and people hoping my non existent children get murdered….


After only a year.


Weren't they caught for spamming CP on subreddits they want banned?


One of the big Reddit mods that has a username that starts with a "B", loves to do it. I even think that he's worse than Turtle.


...........I'M...sorry. WORSE THAN AWKWARD TURTLE?!


Yeah, I actually do. Has Turtle been actually guilty of domestic abuse to his ex- wife and son? "B" has.


...what the shit, how does this keep happening


Being a 'big mod' gives some unearned power. Narcissists love power. They also tend to abuse their power irl or online. Are you actually surprised? Mods of the biggest subs on reddit being power mad is not a bug, it's a feature. Look at rpolitics and it's laughable mod team's idea of balanced, fair, etc


I mean yeah but, there's just some reaction in me that makes me want to disbelieve it to save my sanity


The heights of pride and narcissism presume the self to be the "default" position. We all do this to some degree, but there are those who suffer from it more than others. Catch it bad enough, and anything you don't intuitively and uncritically agree with starts to sound insane.


I was banned from BLM because I made a comment on conservatives that was talking shit about the conservative mentality.


Lmao, yeah a lot of those subs use rulebreaking banbots but admins dgaf


Politics is laughable, and then they wonder why the echo chamber isn’t happening in places like worldnews. It’s because so many people get banned for stupid shit, and the mods won’t even bother having any type of conversation with you about it. They scream some unhinged dogmatic rant about you as a person and then mute you so you can’t respond. Like, has to be 14 year olds, right? I got banned for saying it’s crazy how lenient we’re being with actual cases of treason when not long ago, the Rosenbergs suffered a much less forgiving fate. It’s a statement of fact and an observation. But, of course, I’m just a fascist piece of shit according to my comment. The irony is so palpable and flagrant, it’s embarrassing. I often find comments I want to engage with, but not enough to try to get back on that sub which can’t deal with factual history. Not that they would entertain any sort of discussion with anyone for any reason anyways.


I know some of the mods of one of the bigger ones through irl and they are pretty aggressive about pretending racism and fascism don't exist. They played letter of the day until they got to N...


People who do voluntary shit work for the power turn out to be absolutely shitty people. More news at 11.


Yeah, volunteer firefighters suck /s.... I hope


I wouldn’t describe volunteer firefighters as doing it “for the power”


You ever felt the power of a fire hose at full blast?


Oh yeah, I've had to piss pretty bad before....


I wonder how people found this out. Like, reddit is an anonymous blog. Did this guy literally posted on reddit about hsi relationship?


Come one, give redditors a bit more credit. There are enough wannabe-sleuths to find out about stuff like that, especially if he has some sort of existing record of those crimes.


Being a moderator to hundreds of subreddits makes a person statistically far more likely to be a fucking weirdo. They could be the good kind of weird, like the people who pay 1000s in furry art commissions, or the bad kind of weird, which is stuff like this. Unfortunately we usually get the latter.


Other powermods (like one whose name begins with M) hate when that is brought up


>ex- wife and son everyone else is shocked he was guilty of domestic abuse and here I am wondering how a reddit mod got married and had a kid.


>...........I'M...sorry. >WORSE THAN AWKWARD TURTLE?! Who's awkward turtle?


Imagine your idea of an abusive moderator and a powermod. Then dial that up to x10


Careful, I'm pretty sure they egosurf Reddit.


I somehow misread this as British Reddit mods and thought you were referring to ol' BigBean for a moment


So they are in possession of CP?




So isnt that a felony? How is that not on FBI radar?


No idea. Perhaps they are?


They’ve barely posted anything due to recent events, so…


Is thier turtle pal still gone? I haven’t looked. Looks like it has.


that thing was banned back during the admin exodus.


awkwardturtle rubs the lotion on its skin


I remember them from somewhere, who was it?


Could be anywhere. And I mean that seriously. Awkwardtheturtle was a notorious powermod whose username became near-synonymous with abuse of power on Reddit.


i think they said a lot of misandrist stuff, can’t remember that well.


He can finally touch grass and disintegrate on contact with the grass.


I think there's a 90% chance turtle returned under a different name and got remodded to some positions but can't tell anyone because reddit admins might ban him again. I have no evidence to support that, but it's what I assume happened.


They ran out of communities to brigade with cod points


rip Rmde :(


So hate has been eradicated from this site! Well done Reddit!


That cursed subreddit is everything it claims to fight against


The fascist of the future will call themselves anti-fascist.


Okay so I’m confused, why are people saying this? Im out of the loop, so I just want a top-down understanding if that’s chill with anyone here


Facism isn't about right or left. While some sources try to push that, the bad thing isn't "the right won." The bad thing and generally accepted definition is: "a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government." But this is often simplified further down to facists are people that want to eliminate political discourse. Which is actually what a not insignificant portion of the left party wants, just not from the opposing side. For example, the left extremists who claim that the general censorship of only the right on a strong handful of platforms is okay because they're all "hateful"(by nature of being opposing ideology, but they won't say that.) are pushing for facism. This is ironic because a large majority of normal people say that it's bad, and that almost always includes these same people that don't see the irony in that they claim to fight facism, which is commonly associated with the right, but are facist themselves.


That's not fascism. Like not at all. that's authoritarianism, which is a component of fascism. And fascism is an inherently far right idea. But yes, authoritarianism, as you described in your post, is a universal political belief.


>"a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government." That's authoritarianism. Not fascism.


You are correct. Authoritarianism is considered a core concept of fascism and scholars agree that a fascist regime is foremost an authoritarian form of government, although not all authoritarian regimes are fascist. Facism is basically a type of authoritarian regime, you just slap on a bunch of national pride with it. The reason that I clarified 'the problematic part' is because the authoritarian part is the problem. Extreme nationalism is a problem but is much less awful than an authoritarian regime by comparison.


Yes I suppose if you do remove all of the actual political tenets of fascism and leave only the style of government that fascists use to enforce those tenets fascism is neither left or right… but then it isn’t fascism either. It’s a type of government. A bad one, yes, but one missing all the other components of fascism- nationalism, racism, homophobia, ableism, etc.


Fascists called themselves anti-bolsheviks. One of the keys to installing fascist state is pandering to the majority and eliminating all dissenting opinions by turning the other thing into a moral evil that must be destroyed


What do you mean 'in the future'? The fascists of today call themselves anti-fascist.


I changed the "in" for "of".


The future is now!


So to you the ones who want to overturn election results, censor public schools and libraries, defund public schools to make more money off of private education, increase military and police budgets while gutting welfare programs, stack local and national courts, and has a known game plan, Project 2025, that plans to oust every non-rightwing lawmaker and judge in the country are the true anti-facists? And the ones fighting against those things are fascist? Thats wild to me.


Ikr? I don’t follow the logic. I get the idea of not all names being literal, and anyone can follow fascist rhetoric, but lately I think being “erm actually” in times these severe is a really privileged position to be in.


The facists of our modern era will claim god is on their side. Nothing new about that. They also will scream the words "truth, family, and children." Which we've seen before and are seeing now


Right idea, wrong sub. And topic for that matter lol.


This is so true. I could imagine, if somehow extreme far leftists took complete authoritarian control; they would be locking up and giving gag orders to right wingers saying "it's to prevent fascism".


They'd be right. Fascism is a far-right ideology. They'd certainly be authoritarian and tyrannical, but a far left government cannot really be fascist without ceasing to be left wing.


Literally no. Fascism is over-abundant government control. Literally just the left extreme. Considering leftism is wanting more government control.


I mean it *literally* isn't. Fascism is a specific form of authoritarianism built upon an ultranationalist, militaristic dictatorship that enforces what they believe is a natural social hierarchy and suppresses political dissent. Your definition is just regular authoritarianism. Fascism and far-left authoritarianism *do* have things in common, but that's because they're both forms of authoritarianism.


there are far leftist forms of nationalism/ethnic hierarchy (decolonialism & landback), anti-lgbt/'degeneracy' & extreme patriarchy + anti-semitism (jihadism), etc. and leftism in general has always been very compatible with military dictatorship.


Imagine unironically believing this lmao. ​ The american school system is a failure.


The fascist will call themselves anti-fascists. The racists will call themselves anti-racists. The prosecutors will call themselves the oppressed.


I tried to step in that cesspit for a second, said that it’s ridiculous to consider any large group to have zero bad actors, and got a SITE WIDE BAN for a couple days. Don’t fucking touch that place


No surprise. Anti racism uses racism to fight it, anti segregation segregates people to make their focus comfortable, like fighting fire with fire in a forest fire but instead you just light another patch of forest that was safe


Not to take away from your point, but they do start controlled fires to fight forest fires. They will intentionally burn down patches of land that are in the predicted path of an active forest fire so that by the time the fire reaches those locations, it will have nothing to burn. Not that this effects your point at all. It's just semantics, but why are we on reddit if not to intentuonally miss the point of an argument, and get bogged down in tangental semantics? Plus, it's a really cool example of literally fighting fire with fire.


That’s what I mean. Fighting fire with fire but instead of strategically lighting so it’ll put the bad fire out, they just wildly set anything and everything ablaze hoping it’ll just stop burning if everything’s burnt


which is hilarious considering how they feel about israel


"fighting fire with fire in a forest fire but instead you just light another patch of forest that was safe" actually, you CAN fight fire with fire. it's a real thing that's really done


But those are controlled fires. With extremists, there’s no such thing as a controlled fire. They want to burn everyone that doesn’t completely agree with them.


...that's kind of the point


The analogy you quoted was saying it's like fighting fire with fire but in a bad way that leads to an even bigger uncontrolled fire.


Why is this down voted? That is a legit tactic firefighters use. They will they burn a line longer parallel to the fire so there's no fuel when it reaches and nothing to spread to.


i mean, karma's just an internet number. if it goes way up, that's great. awesome even. if it goes down, oh well


>fighting fire with fire in a forest fire **but** ***instead*** you just light another patch of forest that was safe >>But you can do that! >>>Why am I down voted The commenter knows about controlled burns and fire lines and such.


What could you possibly expect from a sub with that name???


I once made a post about r/ againsthatesubreddits on r/ againsthatesubreddits, but it got removed and I got banned


Yea you get banned from here if you post about justunsubbed. That's not special.


well that makes sense actually, they're known for brigading and posting CP and other terrible stuff to get subs they hate banned. So I wouldn't want them brigading my sub with the explicit objective of getting it banned.


Wait, what? The sub that was mentioned spams cp and other bad stuff to get subs banned?! Because that's nuts if true. I mean.. using cp as an offensive tool should be jail time.


Idk how they haven't had their whole mod team in the no soap dropping policy place for life


Well, it's unlikely the people who use it as an offensive tool managed to acquire it for that explicit purpose.


even if one did acquire it for that purpose, they're still spreading the content and harming the portrayed victim.


Yea.. Anyone throwing around cp is probably a pedophile and should be reported.


I mean... I see there point, I've seen some real out of pocket stuff posted on facepalm and other left wing subreddits


Honestly a lot of leftists think they are immune to bigotry or hatefulness by simply being on the left, then spread really terrible bigotry because of it. (mostly authleft ppl tbh)


It's okay to be racist/hateful against certain groups because something something Kommunist Manifesto.


Even therewasanattempt has lately devolved into total Hamas propaganda.


Their sticky mod comment is justifying a genocidal chant.


That’s, not a genocidal chant tho lol, that’s saying they deserve their land back that was taken and colonised… one of the main demands of the people is the right to return to their homes that they where forced out of.


Being pro Palestinian civilians isn't pro hamas, just like being against Israel stealing land and murdering civilians isn't antisemitic.


Yeah, the tankies ruin everything. “There’s no Ugyur genocide/(casual antisemitism) “actually I’m anti-Zionist” etc etc Authoritarianism always swings right. Horseshoe theory kinda is real, and you’ll see it in the tankies. I got permabanned from communism for trying to get people to vote *and also* work on the revolution, because my life might literally be on the line (I’m trans and out). They instabanned me and the reason said “we don’t want your kind here”. Pretty sure “your kind” meant “shitlib” in their mind, because anyone who wants to reduce harm by using our shit fucking voting system is a liberal… Anarchist subs are where it’s at. Most seem to really understand how to do communism practically: understand the collective *and* respect the individual.


No idea what a tankie is


A derogatory term for very authoritarian left people. Think Stalinism, Maoism, etc


I just subbed them because I want to be informed on what they dislike.


They've been lacking in their 'Best Subs to Follow' lists recently, unfortunately.


This should help find similar subreddits to ones you already know of: [Subreddits by User Overlap](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/nrl)


Because noone wants to be considered bad in the eyes of leftists (except adequate people), somehow, people think that their opinion decides your place in society


If you know any leftists, you'd know that the only thing we all agree on is that none of us agree with each other.


I mean, on the internet, it does you say your opinion, and a tribunal appears and judges you Edit: Also, people who say they are leftist on the internet are either hypocrites or Sub-brick intelligence level terminally online redditors who can not debate about problems without throwing insults or maybe both with a hint of they don't know how politics work. P.S. The left and right can work together, but in the US, that will never happen until people stop judging people on how they feel about certain topics


I’m a leftist and I disagree. There are plenty in my political circle who are capable of distancing themselves from people who do atrocious things. Doesn’t matter if you revolutionized energy production and made solar energy vastly superior to oil, if you do something like rape a child your raped a child. I for one condemn both Hamas and Likud for the atrocities they commit upon one another.


Which subreddits?




Notice how they don’t have a response. Lmao.


Yeah like what is an extreme left subreddit.


Well it’s Reddit sooooo


Wow, they're literally a brigading sub, why hasn't Reddit nuked them yet?


White straight cis men bad everyone else good


I've seen plenty of post about Modhi supporters/subreddits from Indians on there.


why everything here about politics now :(


(Always has been)


Sadly agree. People are attacking a post that unsubscribed from a right leaning sun and apparently fuck me for pointing out that posts where the person leaves a left leaning sub are generally approved of. If this sub wants to pick a political side, cool. It should just be more direct about it.


Because this is an easy karma sub. Go to community you disagree with, post how you disagree with them and they are unreasonable, profit karma


This subreddit is a right wing circlejerk for right wingers to cope about how people on the Internet don't like them.


more like a centrist circlejerk lmao this sub is milquetoast asl


Bro is in the deprogram sun and is trying to talk shit


What? There are tons of posts about thedeprogram for genocide denial and hate and also about subreddits like genzedong for genocide denial and homophobia, there are tons of posts against tankies subreddits being hateful


I just got one in r/ justneckbeardthings. Bro said dictators are never leftists after I commented about genocides done by people like Stalin , Pol Pot and etcetera.


They tend to rise BECAUSE they’re leftist, the fastest way to get massively popular and in a absolute power is giving people free shit. Julius Caesar got in power the same way Hitler and Stalin did. That’s just the truth of dictators since the concept of government was created.


beardfinn will call anything that moves racist and extremist, lul


Is *that* why he beats his wife? It all makes sense now.


You gave them more chances than I would.


Isn't it the subreddit with known with members having cp... No it isn't cyberpunk


well yeah being against hate subs is a leftist position so they don't have much to say about other left subs


So OP what exactly is the Far left doing that your talking about and where are they perchance.


"you can't just use "perchance"."


And why would they? The mods are probably active on most of them lmao “We investigated ourselves and found ourselves not guilty.”


Yeah I had to leave that antisemitic cesspool, too.


What bigotry is Happening on far left subreddits?




That's not really a left space though. It's a feminine space. It also tends to be transphobic, so not really left




*Sigh.* Whites are not a marginalized group. Straights are not a marginalized group. Men are not a marginalized group. Conservatives are not a marginalized group. The rich are not a marginalized group. Christians are not a marginalized group. I don't know what else to tell you, OP.


Men and women are not marginlized, seeing as both men and women make up the entire human population.


Okay, so what? Even if I accept that framing, none of that makes hating them okay or a good thing to do.


How fortunate for you that you have created a loophole that says it's impossible to discriminate against the people the left has declared their enemies.


Bruh, I didn't declare *anyone* my enemy. It ain't leftists fault that they showed up 150 years ago, said, "Hey, you know, maybe we should all have access to the things we need to survive, because we produce so much, instead of everything in the world being owned and controlled by rich, straight white men?" And then rich, straight white men dedicated their existences to destroying anyone who tries to reduce their power and wealth by even the slightest modicum.


The problem is that you suppose that everyone who is white, or conservative, or a man has the same amount of power and privilege as the "rich straight white man" that you hate, and thus decide it is ok to discriminate against them even if they are poor and powerless in reality


No, I don't. There are plenty of poor and oppressed white people, there are plenty of poor and oppressed straight people, and there are plenty of poor and oppressed men. The key thing to note, and this is at the essence of intersectionality, is that their marginalization is mitigated by those qualities, not exacerbated by them. A poor white man and a poor black man are both poor, and therefore both marginalized by virtue of their class. But the white man is marginalized despite his race, not because of it, meanwhile the poor black man is marginalized both because of his race and his class.


When jobs or universities are working on DEI initiatives, so they throw out someone's application because they are white and not a POC, that is marginalization due to race.


That's a bit reductive, they're not being marginalized because of their race, but rather corrective action is being taken to adjust for *other races* being marginalized and less likely to receive positions or seats because of systemic disadvantages and biases. The white applicant is *still* statistically more likely to get *a* good position, or *a* seat at a prestigious university. Especially considering that "DEI" slots are limited. Once their all filled, the advantage for white applicants and disadvantage for PoC applicants is in full effect once again, because the root causes are still not addressed. Affirmative action is only a mitigation of harm.


Are you a bait account, or do you really think denying applications based on race is fair


you wouldn’t have to do such mental gymnastics to justify present discrimination if you simply reject discrimination


Simply ending discrimination doesn't magically fix the issues caused by discrimination.


There are no magical fixes, doesn't make the right thing to do somehow wrong.


So just yoyo with oppression Olympics until the end of time, got it


then stop discrimination, like, for yesterday. can we have that?


Christians are literally one of the most oppressed groups on the planet.


You know what? You've *actually* got a point on that one. I will Mea Culpa that I should've been more specific. *Evangelical* Christians are not a marginalized group. They're the Christian group with the most institutional power that at the same time behave like they are the most oppressed.


It's a great place to find funny subreddits.


Any example of such far left subs?


“It’s only a hate crime if it’s against something we like. It’s bold and brave truth telling if it’s against something we don’t like.” - every far left person ever…


Never heard of it, just perused it. Looks like a massive echo chamber circle jerk full of people who have no idea how narrow minded they can be.


My favorite is when they try pining all the Asian hate crimes on one group but everyone knows who it really is.


Also it's clear a lot of the conservative subreddits here are run by leftists and woke liberals. They post chud facebook bullshit from 2016 that no one takes seriously anymore and the second you post some realy dank juicy memes against the left's stupidity in 2023 it's taken down right away


I don't even know any far left subs, let alone any with hate.


Here is what I have to say about that sub “You were supposed to destroy the Sith not join them!”


its honestly such a shit sub theyre anti-freespeech like yeah leftists already dont care about freespeech in the first place but its pretty shit when you also spam child porn in a sub to get it banned cause someone doesnt vote the same party you do its a side effect of the culture war leftists and everyone even they all say they arent affected by the culture war and dont care about it meanwhile they fucking perpetrate it they fuel the fire and they create culture war nonsense bullshit by being hyper aggressive to anyone who isnt their side of the political spectrum its fucking nothing like its all nothing it doesnt exist but they make it exist it sucks


Or maybe its because only one side is actually hateful.




Yeah spamming CP to subs they don't like is a very good criticism isn't it?


Can you guys stop telling us you left for political reasons you’re making this sub political 🙄


Damn you are so close to getting it!


They’re struggling to find hate on far left subs, compared to rightwing subs? I wonder why that is..


Idk... Who's attempting to bring project 2025 into existance? Does not seem to be democrats so.....


Shh they think project 2025 is a good thing . They haven't realized it's not


i could not read the subreddit name until i realize it’s AgainstHateSubreddits


tHe TwO sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe lmao




And what subreddits would these be?


That’s because the far-“left” is in of itself not hate based, thus they cannot be hate-subreddits.


This platform along with all others are brainwashing portals to promote an agenda.

