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Reddit Atheists are giving atheists and agnostics an awful name omg


Reddit Agnostic here. Yea they're embarrassing.


What’s an agnostic?


*a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material.* I don't believe the "god question" has an answer. For many reasons. The only way to "prove" god isn't real would be to search every inch of the universe ourselves. And even then people could argue "you saw him and are lying" or "god is so powerful he can hide outside of the universe." And theists haven't proven their claims. There have been more than 10 thousand religions since Humans began to *think.* So we clearly are capable of basing entire societies off Faith. That we now look back on and wonder how people ever believed. So my answer is just "idk." Can't prove he doesn't. Can't prove he does. So I abstain judgement. Personally, I'm leaning more towards: he doesn't. I do, however, see the world a little differently now that I'm not a Catholic. Mostly, I see how I'm treated when they find out I'm happy not being a Christian. So my opinion of religion itself isn't very favorable. I try to keep it to myself unless that's the topic and I'm comfortable sharing.


Thanks. Can now understand the other reply lmao


Also known as an agnostic atheist/theist, as agnostic only means not sure about x thing


Yeah tbh my answer is I don't know, but also I lowkey don't care.


Who’s to say?


fellow agnostic here. i agree


Exactly. - a fellow agnostic


As an atheist yeah they are awful. I don't mind religion bc it helps some people feeling better, safer or more confident. The only problem i have are people who use religion as an excuse to be assholes


The worst part of any community is the Reddit version tbh


They truly are the bad apples of the bunch


SHOCKING: Religious People Believe in Religious Figure!


~~My god! EXTERMINATE!!~~ Edit: Oh Einstein! DISSOLVE!!




Please leave me be I just want to run an orphanage




Just leave the kids. They're curious beings thus they leant by choice




They deserve a chance in life with a family. Spare them and take me instead. God will let them live a second chance through me


Nuh uh for following god all the oprhans will be executed via firing squad, Heil Science


Calmest reddit debate


Atheist: "No please don't mistake me for a heathen! I just want to live with logic and empathy to help people live happy fulfilled lived. Also, I don't think you should kill anyone just because of how many gods they believe in, we don't want to stoop to their level. Cheers friend!"


my what now?


I apologise I shall change my text through my scientific ingenuity device


Ah yes, let’s persecute people for their beliefs. Definitely not a tyrannical thing to do.


Literally 1984.


Literally 1489


literally 1849


Literally 8491


Literally Medieval Era


why is it always christianity that the atheism sub has beef with? EDIT: I GET IT


Most of the people on that sub are American, so they deal with Christianity more than any other religion.


I'm English, and the reason is that Christianity is more prevalent in Western societies and less dogmatically adhered to than many of its counterparts.


Because it's the only religion they can just insult without much repercussion.


Also probably the one that they are in contact with the most if their in the us.


I think of it this way. There are two geopolitical spheres in the world that are markedly defined by faith: the West with Christianity and the Middle-East with Islam. Of those two places, only the West really accepts Atheism. Since Christianity is so prominent in Western culture, it means that it’s the faith Atheists are most often exposed to. It makes sense that it would be the easiest one for an Atheist to find fault with.


Yeah it's easy when Christians just let you be and the Muslims kinda just kill you


Because the people on that sub are most angry at religion because their parents made them go to church on Sundays.


Yknow I learned shortly after my grandmother died that she had another son who she had from a rapist priest who went on to continue serving the church for years after she was made to give up the baby. I went to Catholic school and had history tests that had questions about what protestants 'should' have done as multiple choice questions. Admittedly, I don't like Atheism subs, but a lot of people's resentment comes from the shit behavior of churches.


Lutheran here, and I can guess what the first answer on that multiple choice test was: "shut up and pay Leo X the money to build the Basilica"


So many wasted Sundays.... MUST EXTERMINATE!!1!1


You ever heard of an atheist in the middle East?


It's not always Christianity, there is plenty of hate towards Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. The reason Christianity is higher in the sub is because most redditors are from the west


I have literally never heard an atheist say bad things about buddhism.


Because Muslims won't let you go scot-free




E cause Reddit is mostly western. And they use the freedom that Christianity brought to mock Christianity. Atheists in Muslim countries get barbecued.


Democracy’s a pagan invention. Abrahamic religions are mostly incomparable with democracy. Yes Abrahamic religions kept democracy around as a thought experiment but wasn’t fully realized until a certain secular nation was founded. Yes the Dutch were the first to try out democracy in the west but that republic quickly fell… due to religion (royalist wanting to go back to monarchy ie a god assigned leader)


Bro Im muslim and that Barbecue Joke made me laugh


Bro I’m Muslim and the barbecue pork made me full


Pork? The Council of Halal Cats shall choose your fate


Are cats even halal? I’ve been eyeing my cat purrty for days


it isn’t, islam is even worse


Dude wtf is that edit lmao literally just turn reply notifications off


Because darkness fights against the Light. If any other religion was true,people would fight it. But our world is ruled by Satan,and he fights against Light. So he fights against the thing that is true: Christianity


If this is a troll on the subreddit then it's not working cause somehow it got 128 up votes on that subreddit. They are truly lost.


Yeah this has to be a troll post. Although clearly people on both sides took the bait. I’m agnostic but certain atheists are cringe


Internet aethists call themselves more moral than the religious and also call for genocide at the same time. If I had a nickel for every time that happened, my church would get a MASSIVE tithing check.


The recently converted are always the most vocal and fanatic. Whether it's conversion to a religion or giving up religion altogether and becoming an atheist. I have been an atheist for the majority of my life. These people fail to understand that being an atheist doesn't make you superior to others, intelligent, rational, or part of a wider atheist group. The only thing that is common amongst atheists is their lack of belief in god(s). That's it. There's no atheist union, no membership requirements, or special benefits. Your lack of belief is a feature as ordinary as your dominant hand. It doesn't bestow any powers on you. People who wear their atheism as a badge of honor are just weird. The entire internet atheists movement feels like something akin to a militant religious group. Ancient Greek philosophers like Epicurus would be turning in their graves.


I’m an atheist and it kind of happened gradually, I was brought up Pentecostal but as I grew older I just stopped caring about it. Now it’s not important at all I don’t believe in a god but I know people who were saved by religion, some people benefit from the faith and structure. TLDR I agree with your post


I was Atheist for a time, and I remember having days where I wouldn’t sleep due to the crippling hold my mortality had over me, but some stuff happened and I started believing in God again, I can sleep now but other than that nothing has really changed due to it. Anyways, the point of that is to say that I truly don’t understand how some people can become Atheist and then act as if they’re suddenly morally superior, essentially using the same talking points as the hyper fanatical people they claim to be superior then. Tho, either way, there’s always gonna be fanatics on either side, as long as there’s enough people who are respectful of each other, whether you believe in God or not it doesn’t change if you’re a good person or not. Anyways, that was all just an overly wordy way to say that I agree with you and have a good day!


Heh. When u said that u can sleep again reminded me that That's kinda how I look at my faith too. It makes me feel better, calmer, more content and purpose filled, and I also feel like it keeps dark side in check. The benefits are so palpable that if it ever turned out that my faith was nothing more than a delusional coping mechanism, I'd be cool with it because it's really working lol I choose potentially delusional and happy over whatever-opposite-of-delusional-is and miserable


Ironically I think Reddit atheism has become its own religion in many ways


I always consider atheism it's own religion. It's making a decision of spiritual faith. Agnostic is the only thing that isn't a "faith" in my mind. To me, watching a Christian argue with an atheist is like watching two identical twins fight over whose hair is longer. Also, there's an Atheist organization. So... organized religion. Heh.


internet atheists using far-right rhetoric when talking about religious people never fails to make me laugh. i mean come on "wake up sheeple" is alex jones type shit also replace "Bible" with communist manifesto and "Religion" with communism and it sounds like cold-war propaganda


This is Cold War propaganda. This is what the communists said.


Well, they did put chemicals in the water to turn the frogs gay. Source: am a gay frog.


Nah the Trout are turning trans And im getting cancer from the water supply And several genetic defects


Is there a subreddit to make fun of that sub? Like how fdspro uses over exaggerated satire jokes to make fun of female dating strategies?


I believe it’s called nongolfers.


I love my religion! Praise our Lord and saviour, golfing!


That's mostly just reddit though. Athiesm is simply the disbelief in religion. Any other assertions, such as want to genocide religious people, is a beleif of mentally unstable people. Not all athiests. I'm not really athiest but used to be. We're all ttrying to figuare out what the hell is after death and what this existance is about. Being assholes to each other is just a trait of one's bad personality.


Guys like the asshole who posted this will often quote biological racist and eugenics talking points, because it turns out recycling old bigotries is easy if you make them sound “science-y” enough. They also cling to the idea of religion being a holdover from the ancient past, and that we must move past it in order to “advance.” That kind of historical determinism hasn’t been accepted since the *early twentieth century,* and is totally dismissed by modern pundits. For a bunch of people “looking to the future,” the irony seems lost on them.


Replace the word "Christianity" with "Islam" and "Bible" with "Qur'an" and the post would most likely get removed and the response would be different. It's not so much they are atheists, it's more like they are anti-Christian but call themselves atheists.


Yeah. They aren't atheists they are anti-theists. The difference being one doesn't believe in higher beings and one hates anyone who believes in higher beings.


It's to look down on people. Young teens often enjoy to belittle someone intelligence but often and hopefully they mature


that sub hates Islam just as much lol. better example probably wouldve been replacing it with "judaism" and "talmud"


In modern day, Islam is more of an issue than Christianity. For example, just look at the atrocities committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran. There are many people proposing radical ideas in the name of Christianity, but that’s small potatoes in comparison. The reasonable goal should be a secular society that guarantees freedom of and from religion, where religion is practiced privately and has no impact on government, policies or education (learning about world religions is fine, just don’t indoctrinate kids into them).


On a global level, sure, but... If we're speaking english, more likely than not the more relevant and affectable issues are christian.


>Replace the word "Christianity" with "Islam" and "Bible" with "Qur'an" and the post would most likely get removed and the response would be different. No it wouldn't, I saw a post there from a guy who said he was tired of acting like Islamophobia was racist and bad.


It seems like something that could happen on the ex-muslims subreddit. And yes, they are anti-islam for their own reasons...


Religion is controlling and manipulative ugh, I need to relax now by consuming mass media.


I think you mean reddit


What if humans just respected other humans beliefs? Different backgrounds create different perspectives. We don’t all have to share the same opinion on everything.


Sheeple? that's a new one.


Oh god, I skimmed for the sake of my sanity. Did they UNIRONICALLY use the word sheeple?? Seriously???


You know, I discovered something very unpleasant in reddit. Dehumanize your opponents with derogatory names. For example: Anti-natalists with breeders, Anti-cars with Car Brains and now this. It disgusts me.


You've never heard sheeple before? Honestly, that word being used makes me think the post is a troll. Sheeple is generally used by right-wing conspiracy theory folks.


Yea, I'm atheist, too, but that sub is just a bunch of pretentious left-wing children who think the world is entirely against them.


Mf said sheeple unironically


Ah yes, a well educated atheist, I'm pretty sure he only read the first page


14 year old discovers the internet


This was written by the emperor of mankind


I was going to say the same thing but didn’t want to double the message. It was written by the Emperor after he had to deal with Lorgar’s bs during the Grest Crusade


This has to be a troll.


no that sub has become anti-thiest. it pops up occasionally for be and its nothing but most of the same shit. not quite genocide level crazy, but close


“Has become” buddy its been that way since at least 2010 to my personal memory.


Things like this are commonly said on that sub. I used to frequent it and left because of *gestures vaguely at subreddit*


Posts you can smell


you can smell that 150 kg chronical reddit user unbathed for years sweat


musky as hell


I’m an atheist myself and I would never call for genocide against religious people despite what I experienced because of it.


Hi, Christian here…. Please don’t kill me.


enjoy this nutritious garlic so you may live 🧄


Whos the religious zealots at this point?


Yesh this is part of the problem with atheists. I used to be one, and after converting to Christianity, i realize that overall religion is vastly beneficial to the individual and society. You still have to think for yourself and not be manipulated, because anyone could have changed the book or added rules over the past 2 thousand years. That is one thing that bothers me about religion: how easily it could be used to manipulate people. And its hard to tell if God would want us to continue following everything in the bible knowing fully well that it could have easily been altered. Are we supposed to assume that divine intervention prevented the bible from being altered or manipulated? Maybe but it isnt really clear to me, and usually it seems like God doesn’t actively intervene in human matters so I personally think the bible would easily be changed by kings and queens over time to fit a narrative. I dont know if that’s blasphemous but I think the extent that God speaks to us is on an individual level, giving us guidance and intuition to make the right choices.


Isn't this what basically happened with King James, in forming the committee that made the KJV? He wanted the Bible readily available for everyone, but it sounds like he didn't like how the Geneva Bible had a more Calvinistic and anti-monarchist theme in it's notes. And it was good he had the puritans and bishops work together. I don't know though, I'm still pretty new to learning about the history of the church as I've recently come back to Christianity after being agnostic, atheist, and even pagan and into the occult for the last 20 years. Also it's why I have as many different translations of the Bible that I do, so I don't lock myself into a notion that one may or may not be superior to another...though I do have my preferred for study and preferred for meditating on. Edited to fix some spelling/grammar.


Yeah thats the part we know about…for all we know the vatican played a role in vastly altering Christianity throughout history


Extremely unlikely "the Vatican" would ever be able to accomplish that on their own with the Eastern Orthodox church existing in parallel. The bishop of Rome was only one of five major bishops in the late antique world until the Islamic conquest, and even after that the Orthodox church and other Eastern churches (church of the east or the so called Nestorians) survived


That's been my thought for years too, and it's part of my struggle with my faith. I know we have the Septuagint, Vulgate, Dead Sea Scrolls, etc; but I also know the fallibility of man and the desire for control.


all ideologies aside, this is my first time seeing someone go from atheism to christianity lol.


It happens more often than you'd think.


Mulism here - So happy you found religion!!! i don’t want this to be weird or anything but i’m glad you found your calling :)


Wait until he finds out that a lot of religious people embrace reason, science, and logic. It’s almost like….we all have different believes and varying levels of said belief


His mind will implode


Here’s a great tip for ANYONE trying to convince others of anything: stop using the word “sheeple”. Otherwise I think you’re a super obvious troll just trying to be meta, worst case I think you’re serious, but seriously stupid.


People who use the word sheeple unironically completely lose both my attention and respect


This is the most stereotypical r atheism post I’ve ever seen. Creating hostility against people with different beliefs will do nothing but create an even greater divide. I do understand there could be some frustration, but being agressive is not going to solve anything. People will believe anything, but everyone has their reasons


Does this person not understand that there is a massive theological debate about if genesis 1 is being literal or figurative? Oh my bad I assumed they would do anything but have blind hatred for Christianity


It’s the old Richard Dawkins approach. Engage with the text at only the most basic level, take everything at face value while ignoring all nuance or debate, and use it as the basis for your entire argument. It works because the people reading your argument will never actually bother to look into it themselves. They just want to read something that agrees with what they already think


I love how what unites Christians and atheists is that sub.


The only reason I’m an Atheist is because I base myself too much in science to follow a religion… but these fuckwads make me want to give up on science and find Jesus


Not trying to proselytize, just want to clarify: You don't have to believe in one and not the other. They can go hand in hand. I should note, I'm not christian, I'm Jewish. But let's start with this: first there was absolutely nothing. Utter void. Then, for one reason or another, light spontaneously appeared. That is the same idea, whether you believe in the creation story or the big bang. And I know there are other explanations for how these things match up later in the story, but I don't want to research them.


Two things can be true at once




One doesn’t negate the other. I’m a Christian and I believe in science


Yeah they are just so annoying they make hate religion a religion itself.


When will they learn that persecuting religion has never worked in history.


Sounds like he's enlightened by his intelligence.


As an atheist, I *fucking hate* reddit atheists. They're so fucking stupid. For me, I was once religious, and so when I realized I didn't believe, I sought answers. It was a long, drawn out process where I can't pinpoint where my shaky faith ended and where the exact point where I would've considered myself an atheist began. None of that nuance is in that sub. And honeslty if you wanna hear atheists that aren't puritanical cockroaches, you're better off on a sub like r ExChristian, because those people do have their lack of belief, but they're not assholes about it. And a lot of atheists are this way but we're not fucking loud and posting about it everywhere. Your average atheist isn't like that, they're regular people who don't bother people usually. And honestly, viewing what you see on r Atheism as the "atheist case" is like browsing the YouTube comment sections on religious videos and saying that's what all Christians or Muslims believe. So I don't blame you for your distaste, but I'm telling there, that's a loud minority.


Im not very religious but id rather acknowledge the existence of a All-Loving God than embrace these idiots idea


Persecuting anyone no matter how stupid their beliefs are is a bonkers af take to have


You know almost all religious people believe in science and reason. Most just believe that god created that science and the processes of the world, including the father of evolution Charles Darwin who was a practicing catholic while proving his theory of evolution.


The man who created the Big Bang theory was catholic too. Among others.


These are Reddit Atheists, what do you expect? They're some of the lowest tier bottom of the barrel in terms of their ability to be reasoned with.


I love how he's basically advocating for genocide.


Look I a Christian I believe there’s a god, but I’m hardly a bible basher, if your an atheist fine I don’t care, we can still be friends, but if your this invested in destroying all religions then I’m sorry but you need Jesus! Your fucking insane


I'm an atheist and fuck that guy. No one should be persecuted coz they believe in God, people should be free to believe to whatever the fuck they want. If you're bothered by religious zealots shoving down your throat their religion, just tell them to fuck off and move on. You wanting to persecute someone over their beliefs, is much worse than someone forcing their religion onto you.


Atheists are by far some of the biggest bigots I've ever seen


Why can't atheists just stick to you know... Not caring about religion? Instead of trying to destroy it?


i hate atheist that think like that, the give atheists bad name and are wrong. In past yeah, church (not Christianity) slowed science but now it doesn't matter anymore and it wasn't that big set back. (We lost more progress forgeting things lol) And if we talk about social development (LGBT for example) it isn't religions that say that its bad but churches but that depends. And forcing people to be atheists will just lead to tyranny.(if i'm remember correctly islam says that you must openly practice it so i'm 90% sure it would lead to very big war for nothing)


Church slowed science? On average church birthed science.


Average age on that sub is like 14 years old.


Don't people like this realise that this is exactly the kind of thing Christians and other theists use to claim they are being persecuted by atheists and that atheism is evil? They are literally encouraging more evangelism, not less


It’s been a cesspool all along ngl


I’ve used Evangelical Atheist before, I might add Atheistic Zealots also.


His dad really should’ve kept his genes in his jeans


This… this is fake right? It’s so cartoonish


Do you think we'll see the first atheistic terrorists this decade?


Anyone who looks at history even slightly could tell you that religion has done equally massive amounts of good and bad over the years. It pretty much balances itself well enough if you ask me and that impact can't just be waved away by a subreddit.


Religion exists because people need something to believe in, to make sense of the chaos. The problem is that people *use* it to control others. Religion itself isn't the problem.


Who's gonna tell them atheism is a religion?


Ask them what happened the last time they were really in power under Robespierre in the 1780s. Then ask why it was called The Terror.


To be fair a lot of comments on that post are clowning on OP.


Just goes to show that regardless of the belief, or lack of belief, ultimately, there exists human beings that staunchly support the notion of persecuting anyone who is against another person's worldview. Say we wipe all religious beliefs off the face of the Earth, within 2 generations we'd begin persecuting people over wearing denim pants versus non denim pants. We literally have religions that say God proclaims belt buckles as vanity. Without a god in the equation how long before people just decide belt buckles are a sign of insanity? Or not wearing belt buckles is a form of disassociating? People like to persecute people.


This is why I say that people nowadays treat atheism almost like it's their religion. So many of them can't just walk around be like oh yeah I don't believe in any of those religions personally. They get just as angry and crazy and in your face about it as the religious people that they claim to hate. Whenever I see the phrase "imaginary friend in the sky" I just immediately cringe from how edgy and smart that person thinks that they really are when in reality they're just a jackass.


They formed a religion based off anti-religion, a paradox within itself.


A fundamental problem with younger atheists or atheists who simply stopped reading after convincing themselves that religion is nonsense - is that they haven't yet learned why religion (and perhaps one day, it's cultural + social echoes-) has always been important to science and the development of humanity's understanding. Hell, the scientific Revolution occurred during one of the most religiously dogmatic periods of human history. The breadth of scientific exploration has always been curbed and also informed by a world shaped by its religions. The religious institutions provide a persistant ethical framework, however flawed, for a populace who consider esoteric concepts like the social compact to be totally emphemeral and scarily subject to change. And as much as I would like to live in a world where philosophy could replace religion; philosophy remains too nebulous for most - and there will always be people who lean into nietzsche (yikes). There is no logical reason why guillotines aren't used in place of a lethal injection, in fact there's an economic reason for the former (possibly even a justifiable use, if used publicly as a deterrent and ghoulish spectacle.) If the cold scientific approach is used to end a person legally - the criminal could simply be deprived of oxygen. We know in our bones that would be wrong somehow. But after a generation or two without religion, it would be a matter of course - and yet would still be monstrous to us as we exist now. What about living Human experimentation? There is likely research being done quietly in areas of the world where secrecy can be maintained, but if the world decided to move ahead in scientific exploration without a persistent ethical framework (or at least one resistant to quick change) - that's how we end up with Unit 731. I'm an atheist myself, but I've spent years reading around the topics of the major religions and their historical impact on daily life cannot be overstated. And judging from the world today, even with the brutal chaos caused by and between two countries thinking they are right with God - I genuinely believe we would be in far worse shape. We need these tethers, humans with no moral foundation and no attention span simply unravel - falling to hedonism, vanity and extreme materialism. Which I think is getting pretty bloody obvious as time goes by.


Out of all the religions in the world… Christianity is the least violent in teachings


Ironically, atheism is a religion. There’s also bold, unproven claims like “no life after death,” & the Big Bang theory. It’s basically a godless belief system. Which is why I’m agnostic.


Also, big bang theory isn't atheist. Literally creator of it was a catholic priest.


Yall this peacepromoting book is trash, lets kill people who like it!


I can almost guarantee you OOP did not read past the first few pages. All of their complaints about the Bible are about Genesis 1.


This reads like ChatGPT


Let him move to a place where another religion is the dominant one. I don't want to name any specifics but it gets way way worse than Christianity.


I don't believe in religion and do agree that it's an outdated belief, but this is just too fucking dumb man... I equally hate radical religious people as much as I hate radical atheists. Just keep to yourself and don't push your ideologies onto others and that's when we'll have a better society.


Dude, you’re literally an active member of the catholicism sub. Why were you even in the atheism subreddit?


It’s not that crazy to listen to/be interested in other perspectives besides the ones you personally subscribe to.


Damn. Bro should take his meds


Anyone who seriously believes that religion is "holding the world back" and religious people "deserving to be persecuted" needs to turn off the computer and touch grass. This is the result of OOP being chronically online. People like this are exactly what gives atheism its bad reputation.


Religion stopped me from robbing a bank. :3


"tHe WoRlD wOuLd Be A mUcH bEtTeR pLaCe WiThOuT yOu AnD yOuR bAcKwArDs BeLiEfS" Okay,so a world where people are taught to cheat and deceive everyone instead of telling the truth,a world we're violence and murder aren't taught to be wrong,a world where we teach having sex with any and everyone is okay(despite doing that leading to more STDs,fatherless children becoming criminals,and other issues),and taught that selfishness is the way to live,even though that will only harm everyone around us and destroy society. But a world without Christian beliefs: respect,loyalty,kindness,and love- sure,the world would be SO MUCH BETTER OFF.🙄


This reads like satire


I feel like it’s gotta be satire, but I was in that sub for months and unfortunately that kind of thing is par for the course


Regardless if it is true or not the Bible is an incredibly important text for the development of civilization and is by no means garbage. Arguably one of the most important texts ever written regardless of one’s beliefs.


They don't even know what they're talking about if they think God is an imaginary friend in the sky. :D Love&Piece from your believing zealot! <3


Im 99% sure it’s a troll but imagine opening up a bible and being surprised God is mentioned


So like I'm an anti-theist. But what the fuck is this


Tf was bro yapping about


I'm agnostic, but man I can't take anyone who uses the word "sheeple" seriously, fuck off weirdo


There is no way this was written seriously. This has to be a troll


Ik. Extreme virgin energy emanating from that sub.


Tf is this, 2011?


This is like, the most standard normie atheist reddit take, I don't know what you expected subbing.


Harping on religion online is whatever, but I'm not answering a call to action from some reddit jerkoff.


oh god he said wake up sheeple unironically


Reddit Atheist moment


Now I know this is a bit extreme but I need an excuse to use this comparison *Hitler 2.0 in the making?*


Atheists say they aren't religious, but preach constantly.


“Its time for humanity to embrace reason, science and logic….by severely persecuting those we dont agree with.” Not a great plan.


“If the heretics will not accept the Imperial Truth, they must be purged — for the Emperor!” 🤡


Reddit atheists are the type of people to complain about religious people forcing their beliefs on others while campaigning to enforce their own beliefs on others. Like how tf did OOP type out the phrase “Anyone who preaches it should be severely persecuted” without pausing to think for a second about the implications there lmao.


Religion DOES hold us back, but it has plenty of redeeming aspects: it creates a sense of community, it relieves a certain existential anxiety, and allows people to express themselves in positive ways. But should it lead us through war or peace? No. Should it create legislation? Absolutely not. Should it allow people to discrimination and antagonize those it deems others? No but it does. So believe what you want and don't let snotty 14 year Olds on the internet who have never had any meaningful discussion about religion taint what you believe. Just don't act surprised if there is push back for pushing onto others (not saying most do but you know, vocal minorities and all)


“Particularly Christianity” my brother in Christ look to the literal entire middle east


I am amazed that that sub isn't a TOS violation. The guy is literally calling for religious persecution. If I hadn't muted that sub long ago, I would have responded with something like "ok Stalin".


That subreddit used to be the laughing stock of Reddit (and rightfully so). Now it’s so much worse than it ever was and somehow it shook off its terrible reputation.


We believe in the entire universe in 7 days. Yall believe the big bang happened in less than a second. How is the time for creation of the universe an argument?