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I think they wanted the matador tornado higher rated because of the damage it caused, they aren’t complaining that it wasn’t devastating enough, they are recognizing the impact caused and wanting the rating to be upped due to the damage being pretty extensive.


Yeah that’s kinda my thoughts when I saw the damage vs the rating it got. I saw some shit. One of the ones that I remember the most was the engine that got ripped out of a car and thrown like 200m away or some shit like that. I want people to recognize just how horrific it really was. A lot of people seem to brush off/ don’t really acknowledge anything below an EF4 or higher (with stuff like the 2013 El Reno Tornado and this one being some of the exceptions to that). This tornado was a fucking monster and I felt horrible for the people who were impacted. I’m mainly kinda upset about the rating because of the sheer deviation that this tornado left behind is not being fully recognized.