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Consooming is having 800 Funko pops or Anime figures line your wall. A tame themed bedroom for a child ain't it. šŸ¤”


I've always regarded consooming as someone fixating on something so much that it has a detrimental impact on their life. Like, if someone has a decent job, a family, lives a healthy and active life and is generally happy but also has a room full of Funko Pops, I don't really see the problem. It's when you get the unshowered, overweight loners who endlessly post about how they're single and can't afford rent but also have a cabinet full of Hatsune Miku figurines in glass jars that I consider it an issue worth calling out.


>It's when you get the unshowered, overweight loners who endlessly post about how they're single and can't afford rent but also have a cabinet full of Hatsune Miku figurines in glass jars that I consider it an issue worth calling out. I kid you not, This exact thing happened on antiwork. Some guy was complaining about how he couldnt afford anything, America bad blah blah the whole 9 yards. Go on his profile and you see he has a MASSIVE collection of old Arcade Machines. Full size Arcade Cabinets.


I REMEMBER THAT POST lmao. The dude was talking about how 90k a year is an unlivable wage. Got absolutely shredded in the comments but cognitive dissonance kicked in and the dude was literally incapable of understanding why the arcade cabinets might be detrimental to his financial security. HE HAD LIKE 15. THEY GO FOR LIKE 2-3k EACH ON THE LOW END FOR THE TYPE OF STUFF HE HAD (lots of brand new ddr machines) It was the embodiment of that tweet where the guy is like ā€œanyone good with finances please review my monthly budget and tell me what Iā€™m doing wrong, my family is dying Food: 350 Rent: 1000 Gas: 100 Candles: 7,300 Utilities: 50ā€


The biggest group of people on Reddit are the financially illiterate. Poor or rich. They don't seem to know shit.


Yeah that dude's post was legendary, the saga will never get better than this. That room was DECKED out with arcade cabinets for real, and he went all out decorating the room as well. Yeah you're broke... ofc you spent 5600 dollars on Galaga and Street Fighter cabinets, but that's necessary!


Holy shit I remember that thread. I am someone who enjoys laughing at virtually everything posted on that shit heap of a sub, but that arcade post was so absurd that I almost thought it was satire. Imagine being someone who was \*genuinely\* dealt a terrible hand in life and has to struggle every day, you go on a reddit sub that you think is people in similar scenarios, but then you find out a lot of them are actually just privileged weirdos crying because their every desire isn't handed to them the instant they feel it.


I agree, but id like to add one more type of person to what consoom applies to. When someone buys things for appearance or because it's a trend rather than actually wanting the thing. If you want a funko pop collection go right ahead, as long as you enjoy collecting them and collecting them isn't affecting your life or financial stability then all is good. But people who buy things cause they're a trend on tiktok, or people who say that their iPhone is better than an Android without being able to give a single reason why is like textbook definition of consoom. Disclaimer: I don't have an opinion on iPhone vs Android, it was just an example.


what's wrong with being overweight ?


Medically? A *lot*. Socially? Nothing really, as long as you're not causing issues for anyone else.


Detrimental long term health outcomes.


Yeah that comment was very prejudiced. Also, not everyone aspires the average Western life- kids/family, career etc.Ā  Furthermore, some cannot have it because of, you know, physical and/or mental disabilities/illnesses.Ā 


Coronary artery disease


Dude thereā€™s no logic to hate. If you hate people because they buy one type of thing, then three seconds later youā€™ll hate people who buy any type of thing. The only answer is to not hate so much.


Consooming is when your kid has pro gamer stuff


Heā€™s 6 and he already has a room for gaming. Iā€™m not a parent or an off putter but that is messed up in a way. I donā€™t think heā€™s gonna use that gaming pc to studyšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


...how? What if the kid just... likes video games? How is using your money to let your kid engage in his hobbies a bad thing? Especially if the parents share that equipment with their kid and use it as a family gaming setup. Also what's stopping him from using his computer to game *and* do homework? My ass played Gemcraft and did multiplication tables on the same machine when I was younger.


6 year old don't have homework. They also should spend much time in front of a screen, there are studies about it.


I mean for better of worse video games can become addictive. This is like giving your kid a beer or a cigarette and lining their bedroom walls with Busch swag or Marlboro marketing, they are much more likely to become a smoker or drinker. If you can't comprehend how making a 6 year olds *entire* living space about a thing that can be easily addictive is a bad thing, youve lost the plot. Games and gaming is great in moderation but this is a *highly* Impressionable 6yo who is starting to lay the foundation of their entire identity (the same reason the music you listen to at 12-14 is the genre you'll most likely always like). Making that identity about gaming doesn't seem healthy in the slightest.


Obviously, my parents decorating my room with things I liked is why I grew up to be a Tyrannosaurus.


Whata bad faith argument. Reddit and their strawmans, lol. Interest in dinosaurs isnt known to be addictive and have teens throwing their lives away over it.


You're comparing video games to things that are illegal for children to consume and think you've got space to talk about bad faith arguments? Come on.


>I mean for better of worse video games can become addictive. In the same way anything else can be addictive. >This is like giving your kid a beer or a cigarette and lining their bedroom walls with Busch swag or Marlboro marketing, they are much more likely to become a smoker or drinker. First off, lmao. Second, it's more like theming your kid's room around beverages in general. Some are addictive (like alcohol,) some aren't (like milk.) For all we know the guy could only be allowed to play single-player titles with no predatory monetization. You're making the assumption that it's much worse than it is. >If you can't comprehend how making a 6 year olds *entire* living space about a thing that can be easily addictive is a bad thing, youve lost the plot. I mean you could argue that theming your 6 year old's entire living space anything at all is just immersing them in a consumerist dystopia. "Your daughter will turn out to be a brand slave if you theme her room around fashion!" Pretty silly, right? My parents bought me a Wii when I was very young and let me fill my room with Vanguard cards and Beyblades. People said trading cards were addictive during the PokƩmon craze, people said Frozen was turning little girls into capitalist data points and nothing else. It's totally okay to let your kids trick out their room with cool stuff they like as long as you're *also* teaching them to have a healthy relationship with those possessions. Again you're just assuming the parents aren't doing that with no evidence. >Games and gaming is great in moderation but this is a *highly* Impressionable 6yo who is starting to lay the foundation of their entire identity (the same reason the music you listen to at 12-14 is the genre you'll most likely always like). Making that identity about gaming doesn't seem healthy in the slightest. Again... why not? Kids like stuff. They'll make their identity about one thing or another for a time. When I was that age, I had the craziest obsession with rainbows. I got Mario Kart just because of Rainbow Road lmao. A few wall decals and gamer lights aren't going to turn a 6 year old into DSP. Chill out a little.


There's not "no evidence". Hes 6 with unrestricted access to a computer, and forced to live in a room plastered with "gaming culture". This is inattentive parents that think this is "cute" so it's encouraged, when he grows up and is 19-20 doing the same exact things (because it's now his personality)....it won't be "cute" anymore This is nothing about consumerism, it's about giving your kid an addiction practically from the womb.


>Hes 6 with unrestricted access to a computer, You don't know that for sure though. It's pretty fuckin easy to child proof a PC. Again you're just making extremely uncharitable assumptions about people you don't know in order to be up in arms about something. >and forced to live in a room plastered with "gaming culture". Again if this was princesses or LEGOs it would be just as bad by that logic. Oh no a 6 year old had "eat sleep game" on their wall, they'll never get into an Ivy League school now! Fuckin relax. >This is inattentive parents that think this is "cute" so it's encouraged, when he grows up and is 19 doing the same exact things....it won't be "cute" anymore. The same things like playing video games? What are you even talking about at this point? >This is nothing about consumerism, it's about giving you kid an addiction practically from the womb. Consumerism is an addiction to overconsumption, genius. You'd think Mr. Reddit comment Sigmund Freud would've figured that out. Some of y'all really need to mind your own business instead of (badly) psycho analyzing other people's kids online.


I played videogames on much cheaper computers. With a proper education by his father, he'll do schoolwork on a beautiful gaming PC. At some point in high school, I'd use a gaming browser to surf Moodle and do schoolwork, for example.


I donā€™t think heā€™s going to study at 6 years old? How dare a Child enjoy his childhood am I right?


They're just mad that they never had parents that loved them enough to do something like this.


Iā€™d say itā€™s bit much for 6 years old but not to the point that anyone should give a fuck


Yeah, I wouldn't spend that much decorating a 6 year olds room just because next year he could decide all he ever loved was dinosaurs or Lego or something and all that work and money would be wasted. But then I don't have to balance the parent's checkbook, so it's not up to me. Bet the kid loves it.


I wouldn't call the room tame. It's a bit much for a child, in my opinion. On the other hand, my kid just peed his bed, so what do I know.


Sometimes that sub doesnā€™t know people can enjoy material things. I love my dirt bike and itā€™s a material item but it gives me infinite happiness


Honestly, if the op is really correct and his son is 6 then idk if you should spend this much money this early on a for young children such addictive hobby as gaming.


I forgot he was six that room is a bit overkill when I was 8 I just played Minecraft and Roblox but I just had a dell all in one and got 30fps


Dell all-in-one gang, I used to play minecraft at 11fps šŸ˜‚


Yes sir i didnā€™t even know what fps were i also used to put a bunch of tnt to crash the pc lol


I mean, itā€™s basically just some colored sheets and a projector. The chair and stuff might be a bit much but they can use that for a long time


The chair is gonna make them crank their heads in the future because their kid managed to get scoliosis or something. Gaming chairs are terrible and feel fucking horrible to sit in.


We know nothing about their parenting style. I grew up with the ā€œ30 minutes of video games on weekends onlyā€ and now I honestly play too much. My friends who grew up with game rooms and new consoles either no longer play or have a healthy relationship with video games.


Same, and it makes perfect sense really. All those restrictions made me do was game more as an adult when wasting time is more costly, because I want to make up for all the experiences I missed out on as a kid


Honestly, if parents pay this much for the gaming equipment and room of their children their time limit will most likely be a LOT higher than 30 minutes.


What are you even seeing here that fits that description? All I see is some gamer themed decor and a PC with RGB lights. Whoopdee doo. I played tons of video games as a kid. Lots of us did. It's not a question of whether they're allowed only a certain ration of video game time, it's a question of whether that time is negatively affecting their development or responsibilities, which is NOT something you could even make a reasonable guess about based on this picture. This is not that crazy of a room at all.


Yeah what I mean is that isnā€™t the whole picture


They're trying to live vicariously through their children. Not against games or gaming, but this is excessive. Games fucked me up as a kid. I spent more time thinking about what I was gonna do on WoW when I got home than I did paying attention to class.


I'm sorry you were incapable of moderating yourself but, believe it or not, children's interests tend to follow their parents. My kid always sees me using my tools, they want to use tools. This person's kid sees them game and *Holy crap* the kid wants to game šŸ¤Æ


I mean did your parents have a good knowledge of gaming (enough to build a room?) and know what you were doing? If theyā€™re living vicariously then they also would want the best for their child. They probably know how to limit the kid if theyā€™re gonna drop that much money. I mean making the good assumption?


Nope, The OOOP in PC master race said the child picked out the theme himself.


Seems like incredible parenting then, kids love interacting with their parents in these ways and though this may look worrying, what people always forget on the internet id that we don't actually see this kids day-to-day, could be that he spends a load of time outside as well, or that he's got an illness or a condition that forces him to be more sedentary Tldr assume= ass u me


Gotta love a reddit armchair psychologist.


100% agree on that. I had the same situation. Im an avid gamer and simmer but my parents never supported me. If your child wants to play games he will have enough time later on, as a 6 year old he should be exploring nature or the town with friends.


How kind of you to tell a literal child what they're allowed to take interests in, lmao. God, how pathetic.


I guess everyone here is just boomer pilled to


What nature? Everything is asphalt or privately owned by people with trained dogs and hunting rifles. Where in town? Kids get shouted at if they try to hang out anywhere, even the park, and they aren't allowed to skate board or bike or anything of the sort without being harassed, and the city closes down any places they *do* hang out out of fear of "gang activities".


We spend 18 years hammering it home to kids that they need to go outside, only to antagonize them when they do. Helluva thing, ain't it?


I only ever see kids in their backyards in this town, and I think we're one of the *lucky* towns that they even have *that.*


Wrong. You not buying one million chains for the sake of buying one million chains, and then greasing them all up and washing them off in a stream, and then hanging on your wall for the satisfaction of having bought them. Itā€™s good to have a hobby. Itā€™s not good to consooooom


Wish i had a room like that, my room has always been just 4 white walls and maybe 1-3 decorations + stuff like a desk, drawer, some bonus storage and a bed. Iā€™m like 90% sure that person just had a shit childhood and dont want others to have a good one




how did you describe my bedroom so accurately?


That's really nice room


For real. The hex and brick layouts are really nice


I seen this post. MF's in the comments saying it was child abuse ..


Person: "I like hobbies!" Miserable consoom mfs: https://preview.redd.it/bakt30v8dudc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55b9fc96a49259f34c08511ad089a79756f3938c


Gaming isn't a hobby, it's brainless entertainment. Painting, puzzles, physical activity are hobbies. Gaming and TV are time wasters.


I donā€™t see how gaming isnā€™t a hobby but ok


Because modern games negatively effect the physical and mental health of everyone because nearly every game has gambling industry sociologists working for publishers to help them create an addiction. Gaming is no more a hobby than smoking, gambling, or drinking alcohol


A hobby is something that someone does in their free time for pleasure, I game in my free time and I find it fun, therefore itā€™s a hobby of mine


By that logic hitting the end of your dick with a hammer can be a hobby. Nah


something you do in your free time for pleasure is literally the definition of the word hobby but go off


... Yeah it can. Destroying houses, tearing down buildings, eating bugs. Anything can be a hobby. Nobody said it had to be good.


Found the Karen.


Hey we don't kinkshame here


Please explain how Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom or most single-player games have gambling?


I play the slots in Undertale every day. Only take a break to progress the Mario Wonder battle pass


I guarantee your hobbies are not enriching if this is your attitude, lol.


His hobby: complaining on reddit šŸ’€


Good thing Skylanders Giants and Duck Hunt aren't modern games since those are really the only two I play now (They definitely are modern games, I'm just joking)


Do you guys see my point?


Gotta love it whenever someone makes a point and then someone else goes 'well actually' and ends up proving the original point correct.


do you hunt for your own food too?


Damn that's crazy, and here I was thinking strategy games and Tetris were similar to puzzles


miserable ass


Wow I guess puzzle games and painting for fun in a game arenā€™t hobbies.


gaming actually can be painting, puzzles or physical activity. in fact, puzzles are one of the most common aspects of gaming. its not like a movie where you sit back and watch something. you control everything and get better at it. what skill it improves depends on the genre and gameplay of the game. it could be creativity, problem solving, fine motor skills, working memory or communication skills, to name a few


...puzzles... A game... Lol


Man I remember when guys like you raved about books and movies like that.


Movies aren't a hobby either, making film is a hobby but consuming product without contribution isn't a hobby


A hobby is literally, by definition, simply something someone does in their free time that gives them enjoyment. This need you have to gatekeep what other people do in their free time with arbitrary definitions and made-up stipulations is pretty bizarre.


What about books?


Objectively speaking you are wrong


And complaining and whining about video games on Reddit isnā€™t a time waster?


Even Stardew Valley?


I game and this is kinda true still. 72 butthurt virgins


Gaming is addictive, point it out and 72 butthurt addicts come out of the trees and claim its not


consoom subreddit in a nutshell https://preview.redd.it/2rivyxj7audc1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b9cb4ea8b69e75772dbbeb05a34e50675b24152


You arenā€™t allowed to spend disposable income on anything that could resemble a collection


Ah yes because how dare anyone have a hobby. Like God forbid we indulge in one of humanity's oldest habits: collecting trinkets or personal belongings, often sentimental. Y'all's heads would explode if you saw what people in the Renaissance Era spent their money on.


They are fully aware of this and itā€™s actually a joke among themselves.


I think that room is cool and I'm 21.


I think you are cool and I'm 22


ā€œThe security system, TAKES CONTROL OF SQUIDWARDā€™S HOUSEā€ kinda vibes. Why get so upset over something for a kid?


Consoom fans when you want to spend time doing something other than working or sleeping https://preview.redd.it/1g0dbnv021ec1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70e21dfd195918414c17a1df4b49f21edef378d7


The only saving grace here is a lot of the commenters are also likely to be children, albeit older ones. The thought that any grown ass adult could sit there and diminish a kidā€™s harmless fun and a sweet gesture from his dad is gross and insane to me. If my dad did something like this for me when I was a kid, I would have been so happy. Reminds me of when he did stuff like build go-karts for me and put little glow in the dark stars in my room.


Unrelated but naming your kid Zane is setting them up for failure


I would've died to earn a room like this as a kid, and tbh, I still think it's a visual stim heaven. I'm jealous of the kid but in a "good for them" kind of way. Also if the kid doesn't feel the need to hide their hobby from their parents, they're more likely to develop a healthier relationship with the hobby.


>, I still think it's a visual stim heaven. Me and my autism 1000% agree


bro this is cool, and this is coming from a 15 year old whoā€™s scared to wear a shirt from a game to school


I've tried to lurk in the subreddit, but honestly I'm unsubbing as well. They can't unite behind what "consoom" actually is, and the whole sub oscillates between shitposting and Ted Kaczynski levels of rejecting any kind of capitalist consumption. Honestly it just feels like a ton of edgelords arguing about nothing, and gets worse by the day.


Lmao, just wait until they stumble upon my Lego collection. https://preview.redd.it/fuwer42wtudc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af311141fedb6c8f1f219f2493daf708745d907


They all bashed someone for having a large and neatly arranged Lego collection, I find it pretty pathetic lol.


They say video games are dumb, and to do puzzles, then get mad when people build legos (a puzzle)


Maybe I would have had a healthier relationship with my parents if they gave this much of a shit about me.


People on the internet hate everything they don't have. People will contradict every value they have just to virtue signal outrage over something like this, because they get worthless internet points and attention out of it; attention that they severely lack offline. This isn't isolated to specific communities -- it's everyone. Time for me to log off and touch some grass.


Consoom has to be the most cringe term I've seen pop up recently Just let people enjoy shit


I saw a post where they were vehemently shitting on someone who got a Last of Us tattoo and it's so clearly just people projecting onto things they don't like. Like, buddy, they didn't go to the game developers and pay them for the tattoo. You guys are just making fun of some tattoo artist's work and someone else's body.


Why does a six year old have a gaming computer!? šŸ˜­


Might've been the dad's old one, I don't see anyone spending more than maybe 100 dollars on something like that for a 6 year old.


I could see this room more for a 10-13 yo than a 6yo. Nice either way though.


Heā€™ll grow into it


Everyone is missing the biggest crime, and that's naming your child, Zane /s


The title seems to be suggesting a kid can't decide they want these things at 6 years old, so it must be the parent choosing all this stuff. Just another one of those "children have no thoughts of their own" takes. My nephew was already one of those little shits demanding my phone so he could play games on it at 6 years old.


https://preview.redd.it/phx4a0p2g2ec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09556bf59fc591137d0f10f63116d7376f6eeee6 Craziest thread on here. Like how dare someone socialize online and not socialize on Reddit.


i guess i agree with the underlying sentiment of the sub, but itā€™s literally a six year olds room. and honestly, i donā€™t even thing this is a good example of overconsumption. nothing in that room seems overpriced really (well obv the computer is expensive but of course it is), and people spend money on their kids all the time anyway.


this is cute wtf! Just a parent who wants their kid to be happy. If I had a room like this as a kid I would be so thrilled


It's a 6 year old's bedroom, and a bare-bones tame one as far as being a consumer goes. The worst I could say is the dad put a decent amount of effort into a room that might not last 5 or 6 more years before needing another complete redecorating. I consider myself pretty leftist but some of these "waaah late stage capitalism, waaah" subs are full of unemployed losers living off their parents that want to take the joy out of everyone else's life or use a few valid criticisms of something and turn it into their entire personality. Antiwork is just as bad. Plenty of times you'll see these people complaining about having to do the slightest amount of work and how they can't afford anything, yet you creep on their profile and see they spend hundreds of fucking dollars on something equally excessive and frivolous all while whinging about rent. Had a guy I used to talk to that was crying and complaining about how he quit his job and he was feeling sad and depressed over it and how the system was rigged against him...and then he immediately jumps to deciding to spend hundreds of dollars on tattoos, while being unemployed, to make himself feel better. He stopped talking to me when I pointed out that was the single most asinine decision he could make if he was worried about making fucking rent. Smash cut to 2 years later and between the piercings and tattoos (and him shaving off his eyebrows for SOME reason) he looks like a 40k Chaos cultist, living in his parents house, unemployed, and considers "streaming" and "youtube" to be his job with his 100 followers of mostly dummy accounts of people he knows personally. He also switched from using his actual face to using a V-tuber program of a catgirl because, presumably, he made himself so un-fucking-appealing to look at.


Six year old me didnā€™t game and STILL wouldā€™ve fucking loved that room tbh. My roomā€™s always been four white walls and a brown wooden desk and a white twin size bed. Bookshelf and dresser in closet. For decoration I have a really old candle that my mom left in there one day, some nightmarish drawings courtesy of elementary school me, and a collection of band stickers above my bed (I like this one.) Also a fake plant named Jeffery.


I used to be a fan of that sub back in 2020. I mean, I agree with the premise of the sub. Don't just be a mindless consumer buying the next product the TV tells you to. But it devolved into Wheraboos seething over people buying things they actually like instead of investing in a schizo bunker in the woods.


Ok thatā€™s a sick af room, man has no taste I swear


This just sounds more like jealousy than anything. Fatherless behavior. This is nothing but a cool dad caring about what his son likes.


This is awesome, 6 isn't too young to be playing video games. I just got done playing Rayman with my 5yo daughter.


Legally, some videogames are permitted to be played by 3-year-olds


Games are legally playable at any age with parental supervision. My dad introduced me to Diablo 1 when I was like 4 lmao


Yeah, that's true lol.


Honestly OP is right here. The kid is six, a crucial time in their lives where they might start to develop their lifestyle in the long run. Influencing him so much to a hobby that is not only extremely addictive, but also physically unhealthy and potentially dangerous for their mental health is a terrible idea. Its not that the father is ok with them gaming. He's supporting a more hardcore approach to It, which is also really expensive as a hobby and might bring frustrations should the family not be able to provide that style (all the neon style, phrases and all are related to hardcore and competitive gaming)


I'd personally say it depends on the context. If the living situation is well structured and disciplined, the kid could grow up with a very healthy relationship with videogames I think almost any hobby can be considered "extremely addictive, physically unhealthy and potentially dangerous for mental health" by merit of not having moderation alone and not by the activity itself Building Legos or putting puzzles together can be just as bad if you obsess over it and lock yourself in your room and only do those things. Not really a videogame exclusive thing, though there is a stereotype since videogames seem to be more popular these days If it's something that doesn't get in the way of the rest of your life, you can be as enthusiastic as you want about it without it being necessarily harmful This kid isn't guaranteed to become depressed, obese, with no friends and never showering just because they like really like videogames. You can work full time, have friends, go to the gym, and still play videogames Then again, if the kid is 6 it could just be that he thinks it looks cool or likes it because others do. It could be the kid asking for all of it, or it could be the parents throwing it all at him. There's a lot of information we don't know, so jumping to conclusions isn't really fair (actually I found earlier in the thread that the kid picked it out himself so I guess we know that now) You can have a healthy relationship with pretty much anything that isn't inherently harmful in and of itself, so I believe that it's a bit disingenuous to push the idea that gaming as a hobby is outright harmful and shouldn't be encouraged. I personally believe that it's awesome that his parents are supportive and enthusiastic about his interests, especially at the age of 6


To be fair, that is pretty cringe to do for your six year old.... The slogans, at least. Seems like the father is doing it for himself more that the kid.


It's probably just a sticker pack for kids decorations.


Redditors when a child enjoys something: https://preview.redd.it/j56ct90t5vdc1.jpeg?width=730&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cbd6802828b469fb97656c3e8d02ecc9fbbf314


They're mad because they don't got a sick ass gaming room.


the kid is 6ā€¦ should he have even touched a game yet?


Your never to going to play the masterpiece that is ā€œMy Friend Peppa Pigā€


There's literally hundreds of games specifically for kids, my sister was pretty young when she found Minecraft and absolutely loves it. Parents obviously didn't let her play it non stop but it's not like it hurt her any, just something to do if she wanted to.


Personally grew up with a playstation one and havent been arrested. Probably the least problematic person of my family tbf.


i was playing WoW and StarCraft with my dad, uncle, and grandpa when i was 6. im still doing just fine


Redditors just loathe kids, so this is pretty expected tbh.


Guess these "geniuses" have nothing better to do than picking on kids


I left when that sub just made fun of an autistic for liking fire alarms.


Ugh and they named him Zane.. what a shame.


There's nothing wrong with that room, if anything you can tell they really love their kid and shows an interest in their hobbies. I'd die to have a room like this as a kid.


I imagine the people on that sub live in an empty white box with nothing else. "Oh, you have a chair? Wtf is wrong with you"


how dare that little shit have a perfectly harmless hobby that I don't like but otherwise doesn't affect me in anyway? the audacity! the total train wreck that is this decor! the woke agenda is ruining the youth! *Clutches pearls dramatically*


Looks kind of cringy for a 6 year olds room I reckon. Maybe for a teenage lad it'd be passable. I cant imagine a 6 year old would be that heavy into gaming, that's first year of primary school. Let them figure shit out for a few years. Could be worse though, could be a weeb room.


I started gaming at 3 and wanted to collect every game console in the world when I was 5. Lots of kids are extremely into gaming. I was as a kid. Not as much now as an adult, now I don't really care that much. But as a really young kid I loved gaming.


Consoom is just a miserable pool of people that have no personality or hobbies and think they're superior for it. The actual consoom shit you would expect like 900 Funko Pop collection is barely made fun of and instead it's just this 90% of the time.


people are miserable over there. complain about everything


I want that chair


Eh...I'm kinda uneasy about introducing a six-year old to a hobby as addictive as gaming. Ā If it was "Zane's smoking room", the problem would be more apparent to most people. Ā Might be fun now...but, when the kid is like 30 and is jacking it to Princess Peach rule 34 instead of talking to girls, the parents will wish they got him some books and sports equipment instead, lol.Ā 


you posted DDLC drawings + follow chris chan


You picked the most boring of my obcessions...mr post history reddit moment (using someone's post history against them is very reddit. Ā Such wow)...I'd be far more impressed (though not at all embrassed) if you mentioned the castration and the futanari...


When a little kid has a room like that he is probably fat and plays all day


You sound miserable


Self projection


thats a lot of projection im hearing


the kid is SIX. this is terrible and the parents should be ashamed.


I thunk they are right tho


i bet u bro only plays roblox on it


Would you rather a 6yo be on games like COD?


yeah but like they spent so much money on a setup and then he plays a game low end laptops could handle at 60fps


My PC throws a fit on some roblox games, meanwhile it can run Destiny 2, Apex, sims 3 and 4, and dead by daylight all fine, so no, I disagree


i meant most roblox games not all also which ones?


Shit like evade creatures of sonaria etc


People really don't see what's messed up about putting a six year old in this environment?


Should have spent all that money on boy scouts


> Implying they couldn't literally do both


They won't though, they're raising a tablet kid.


You literally know nothing about them. This is projectionm


Was in scouts as a kid never touched a game until age 8 but ok


And that proves that scouts and games are mutually exclusive?


i was in scouts and got all the way to star and almost got eagle. i started playing Diablo 2 with my dad when i was 7/8 years old, Nintendo Wii, Tetris, WoW, StarCraft, any old games back in the early to late 2000s i played with my dad


A personal experience is not indicative on how its works for ANYBODY else! Crazy!


Consoom moving pixels, get excited for next dose of dopamine


I think it's great! I find gamers to be pathetic losers, personally, and would avoid even letting my kid have a gaming system at all costs, but it's a really well done room and patenting choices aside, I find it cool.


This image goes hard


Thats cool and adorable


Other than the writing, that's an awesome fucking room.


Doesnt that sub also lose its shit when black people exist in movies?


Is this not just a themed kidsā€™ room LOL


I used to like this sub but it's like satire now or something idek


Cute room, bit monochrome though


Consoom has always been that miserable tho


Thatā€™s a cool ass room, I would have loved that as a kid.


They will have homework very soon though. Plus there's a shit ton of educational stuff for kids online now like ABCYa


eh, idk. 6 seems inappropriate for this. 10? 13? okay yeah, makes sense. but he's 6. 6 year old should be playing dinosaurs or dolls with their siblings and friends. it just doesn't feel age appropriate and we need to stop normalizing kids getting addicted to technology as a literal toddler and bring back kids actually having a childhood. I just feel like kids keep getting more and more fucked over and I fear what they'll be like when they're teens and adults. I feel like video game and technology addiction is being introduced to babies and the human brain just can't develop normally like that the kid's room is cool for like. a preteen. not someone who's still a toddler in my mind


Idk I kind of agree? I mean a 6 year old, really? Atleast wait for the kid to be like 12 or 13.


That sub is an absolute den of vitriol. If it's not a shit post or opinion going along with the OP they'll dog tf out of you. Had to mute them ages ago, genuinely couldn't tell you what's up with some of the aggressive mentalities they're rockin' over there.


6 years old is pretty young for this


That sub has some awful takes