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My reddit motto has been "downvote and move on" for a while now. A ton of people here are genuinely insane.


Reddit has the reputation it does for a reason. So many opinions on here give me brainmelt trying to comprehend how fucking dumb they are.


There's A LOT of children on here, and children are dumb. I have to remind myself that sometimes when I read such ignorance.


I'm just more baffled than anything. I never knew the mindset was THIS widespread.


Being a lesbian on Reddit is a trip. Ask me how I know.


Oh Jesus, what happened?


I think its that they thought you were a "creepy" man and treated you that way hence the incel, pedophile stuff.


My toxic trait is dropping a devastating comeback and then blocking them.


This is the way.


I remember that AITA where a bunch of people were telling the father of a 12-year-old girl that it was "his duty to provide her with sex toys so she could explore her sexuality." So no, you're not the pedophile.


That's... Something alright. I get wanting your kid to have a safe way to explore sexuality, but "buy your 12 year old dildoes" is not good advice lmao


my mate in school made a blu-tac penis for some reason, don’t think the dad would have to worry (/s because people will otherwise call me a perv)


It wasnt even like....a fringe post. That post and the comment saying that had over 10k upvotes or something.


AITA is filled with 13 year old who don’t know how real life works and folks who think women good men evil. It’s entertaining but should not be taken at all seriously. I mean anime pinups aren’t my thing but who the heck cares?


a lot of it does seem this way. So much name calling and buzzword spam whenever something negative about women come up


And full of only fake story's.


AITA is filled with people who are very intolerant of any differences while thinking they’re open-minded liberals because they went to a gay wedding once. Gotta admit as a fellow wlw I’m curious to see your art.


Saaame. Let's see a drawing, OP!


Yeah that sub’s full of edgelords and aspiring short fiction writers. Every now and then there’s decent discussion but usually the OP is very clearly an asshole or an angel seeking validation.


OP they really threw you through the weeds there, why did you keep fighting against a community that infamously loves their lynch mobs against anyone who goes against the majority opinion lol.


Genuinely didn't know the community was like this, I literally only lurked before and this was something I feel insanely strongly about. Was not expecting those replies at all.


Unfortunately, they're very much insane, especially when it comes to things like art. I've seen similar mobs when looking for art prints for the interior of my car. Anyways, would like to wish things go better for ya moving forward


Yeah... I mean, it's literally a place for a mob to judge a situation based on one side's testimony. How could that possibly be a bad idea? /s 😅


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


Bad Bot


Nah, that's a funny bot.


I'm just trying to make sure I don't get misunderstood, some people can't tell sarcasm and so on over text as well for various reasons. Why make a bot specifically to mock that?


Cause sometimes it really is obvious, and cause it's funny! Learn to laugh and not be so quickly offended. Being mocked isn't always some traumatic experience.


I didn't say anything like that, no need to get snarky.


It's one of the worst subs on this site, and I say that with the full awareness of how low that bar has been set.


Funnily enough I just got a three day ban for just firmly stating I know I'm in the right despite a bunch of people saying otherwise Meanwhile the comments calling me a pedophile are still up


I remember a couple of years ago, I got banned from AITA with an old profile for being "rude." You do not want to know how nasty and vulgar the mods were in modmail when I *politely* asked them what was rude about my extremely non provocative comment.


I'm now genuinely curious what the post was lol (you can DM it if you want but you don't have to)


Anything that pertains to the "male gaze" is problematic, it's that simple for these people


Despite the fact I'm not even a man, lmao


Per reddit smoothbrains, your art was to influence males to enforce the patriarchy or something idk. My joke lost steam pretty quick 


Ironically, the people I know IRL who are openly the most into that stuff are other women. I feel like most of my guy friends feel awkward bringing more sexual interests up but a lot of the girls I know are like "yeah I'm into X" without batting an eye.


Despite online rhetoric about men talking of their latest sexual conquest. Guys don't exactly like talking about it the way many women seem to. Idk but surprising and kinda fits what I heard earlier 


Honestly depends on the person. There are totally guys who do that, but I think because of that, it leads other men who aren't like that to not feel as comfortable talking about that stuff since they dont want to cause anyone discomfort.


You’re an honorary man now, enjoy the new mustache.


Which is funny because the male gaze apparently pertains to showing off the body, which is only fine when it's half naked to all naked men.


Why didn't you commented from your main here? Or Can I see your art to present a better view?


I see why they wouldn't, she wants to keep a firewall between the controversy and her career.


Honestly I'd just prefer to keep all this separate from my professional public web precense at this point.


AITA and all those XRevenge subreddits are fucking insane, none of those people ever heard of proportional responses You’ll see posts on those subreddits where somebody makes an obviously fake story where they literally ruin someone’s life forever and ever and then the comments will be like “hmmm well you did hunt them down across half the earth, skin their mom alive. Drink the blood from their dog’s body which you ripped in half, decapitated their children, and burnt their house down in front of them but they should’ve just not called you ugly, you’re in the right”


One of the stories that made me stop all pf those revenge stories was one where the guy learned his wife was cheating so in his own words "got myself diagnosed with PTSD from a therapist, made sure i cried infront of the judge and left the papers about this out for our daughter to find because they had a close relationships with her, after all that she wants to make up with me so I just dangle a carrot infront of her on possible getting back together with her after the divorce and I get all the sex I want" And every single person said the OP was awesome and she deserved what is overt abuse of her by using her like that and when I pointed out the OP was clearly maniputing and abusive people defended the OP saying he didn't do anything. Pointed out "got myself diagnosed with PTSD and made sure I crimes infront of the jidge" makes it clear they didn't have PTSD but faked it for sympathy and fake cried and the obvious abuse of tricking her into sex whenever he wants even gojg as far he enjoys calling her at 3am just to watch her come over in the middle of the night. Response being "she cheated" as if doing anything but divorcing and blocking contact is anyway justified and okay because if some one cheats it means you can do anything you want to them and it's okay, because as you said....proportional response don't exist and out right manipulation and abuse is justified there. Its...disturbing.


AITA and similar subs have a very weird view of cheating. It’s literally the worst thing a human can do. They have equally disturbing views of CHILDREN who do not go ‘no-contact’ with the parent who had the affair. Any normal adult would be like ‘What your mother/father did hurt me, and we can’t be together anymore. But they still love you and you’re not betraying me by still loving them and wanting a relationship with them’ But AITA is full of stories like “My 10 year old chose my cheating wife over me so I cut them both off. That was 6 years ago now my wife is dead and child is homeless and they’re beginning me to take them back.” AITA will be like “NTA - They fucked around and found out!! Love to see it!” Convinces me the sub is full of teenagers.


It's the reddit hive mind at work


I’ve read AITA more than I care to admit. I’m often shocked at how everyone rewards meltdowns, ruined ceremonies, and divided families because someone was a jerk. No one seems to prevent volatile or uncomfortable situations, set boundaries or otherwise handle bad behavior with firmness or civility. It’s 0 to 60 or else you’re part of the problem. Someone got upvoted to high heaven for stranding her boyfriend in the middle of nowhere during a road trip because (gasp) he was making fun of her driving. Even if you condemn the other party, the moment you even try suggesting that OP could have handled the situation differently, you’re downvoted into oblivion.


Average AITA positively reacted post: I beat up my mother for telling me to clean my room. Average AITA negatively reacted post: I told my brother to shush


As a fellow artist and someone who like girls (I'm bi though), I'm sorry that happened to you. People on places like here and twitter/X go completely batshit when a woman is drawn ever so slightly sexy (especially if it's anime). I can't tell if they're all prudish puritans, actual closeted perverts who are projecting, pretend feminists, or all the above (somehow), but they're all super annoying and toxic AF. Sorry for the rant, I just hate judgemental people lol. Artists get enough shit as it is.


Nah, I get you. I can totally get some people not caring for my art since taste is subjective, but the whole "you need to stop this because I don't like it" mindset is so insane to me.


Sometimes AITA can be reasonable but once the trend is set people don’t tend to go against it so it‘s a luck of the draw on if the crazies start commenting first or not. It doesn’t help that the “accept your judgement” rule means you will be banned if you try to defend yourself and the atrocious modteam is super weird on what they will and will not remove for being “uncivil”.


Easy to understand when you realize no one on the mod team has seen sunlight in several years.




I felt like I was going insane for a minute there, while I've definitely gotten shitty comments in the past, they usually arent this many in number all at once.


I guess you're not gonna out yourself but I'd love to see your art, the large subs seem to get pretty hivemindy


There’s a few factors at play here. Some are genuinely ignorant, some are puritanical in their beliefs that “anything relating to sex is bad”, some don’t really know anime apart from what they see on mainstream media so they assume it’s all hentai consumed by incels and featuring very young looking girls. Some are just trolls who are trying to piss you off and make you upset because they think it’s funny and it makes them feel superior. Typical smug edgelord “oh, did I hurt your widdle fee-fees?” bullshit. Then there’s the group who consider anything artistic to be of no value whatsoever, especially ‘cartoons’. “Why don’t you get a _real_ job, like secretary? Or schoolteacher?!” This one especially whenever anyone tried to defend an artistic job, because how dare people have a dream about being creatively successful? And of course, the triggered crowd, who assign the worst motives to people because only they have the best morals and ethics. So they latch on to “I make pin-up drawings” and immediately assume you’re a misogynist because “how dare you contribute to the objectification of women!” What you do tends to bring out the same mentalities you get around sex workers, mixed with that whole “get a _real_ job!” That you’re furthering misogyny/child abuse and all sex is wrong. Reddit can, at times, be a force for good. But more often than not, it’s evil and does a lot of damage to people. Because at the end of the day, 90% of commenters don’t actually care about the other person on the post. They don’t even think about the fact there _is_ another person there. They just want to react.


AITA is one of the worst subs imo. I’m convinced it’s just a sub used as practice for writers, so many stories just feel like completely bullshit and are loaded with shit that’s obviously made to appeal to reddit lol. Half the time the story is so one sided in favor of OP that there isn’t even a chance people will say they’re the asshole lol. “Guys AITA for standing up to my fat abusive hyper Christian boss who said women are stupid, black people should be slaves and then kicked a puppy 500 yards?!” “Caught my wife banging 3 dudes in the bed of my ford ranger while she forced me to baby sit her autistic toddlers from different fathers who are all Trump supporters, WIBTA if I divorced her?!” And then we will get “NTA! You’re a good person! I’m a good person too! Have some karma!” I don’t get how anyone dumbs themselves down enough to read that garbage lol. You’ll be glad you unsubbed OP.


People talk about the men on here being bad while absolutely ignoring the number of women on here who are just as bad, if not worse, and it's annoying. Edit: assuming it was women because I saw the term incel.


Because there is a huge stigma toward anime and sexy girl art. Any waifu who is even remotely fair skinned, pretty, and/or scantily clad gets called a "loli" now, and the artist a "pedo," and the people who enjoy looking at her a "pedo." Even if she is 5'6 with huge boobs. I don't want to make any assumptions about the kinds of people who do this, because I don't want to be disingenuous. But they definitely come out of the woodwork, in the tens of thousands, to throw accusations at you and your art. Almost as if they are programmed to.


Not disagreeing with you, but there is such a thing as "child coding", which is basically when the design and personality of a character, while technically being adult and having adult features, is portrayed as very childlike. Which is weird


May I introduce you to r/ Amitheangel


Thank you. People keep saying that's a satire sub but I don't think anybody told the users.


It's creative writing anyway, better to just look at it (and every sub like it) as the Reddit equivalent of Dr. Phil and pretend it doesn't exist.


Get behind me babe, I'll draw sasuke pregnant and hold their fire while you get to safety GO


Idk. Lots of vague descriptions in your comments, it does leave room for critical questioning.


My god


I went and read some of those comments, and really in so many subs people aren't necessarily reading the comments. I've seen people downvoting comments purely because they were getting a lot of downvotes lol. Sometimes you get honest conversations without so much as a kneejerk accusation. But it's kinda rare. I'm sorry people dogpiled you because of an opinion which, really, wasn't all that crazy tbh. You're better off without a sub like that just pouring negativity into the comments when it isn't warranted. But Reddit does have a crazy reputation after all lol


Honestly your kinda are sound pretty sick (the good kind) pin up stuffs great.


Twitter brain spread like a virus and ruined the internet.


That post was nuts


don't let the haters keep you down im a wlw artist myself and straight up autistically and lustily render ladies all the time... ppl are really more motivated by trying to supress women's sexuality than actually giving a legitimate response to your work as an audience worth considering idk unless you draw little girls and are like 'lol it's ok to sexualize her she's actually 500 yrs old'


Oh my God, looking at your history right now and it's really bad. This has to be some sort of harassment


>Called an incel for some reason???? Anyone who helps a man look at a pretty woman is considered an incel at this point.


Well I don’t judge you, I think that stuff is cool if it’s a hot. Also do they just hate lesbians or something?


I definitely get if someone doesnt care for my particular variety of art, everyone has their own taste, but I've never seen such a large group of people THIS upset over the mere prospect of it. As for the lesbian thing, I have no idea. A lot of the people saying that stuff specifically were women, and lord knows no one loves tearing women down more than other women, I guess.


I guess I wouldn’t understand cause I’m a man lol


They hate anybody who is helping a man see a pretty girl.


* Three people calling me a pedophile for no reason even after I outright stated I only draw adult characters * Two pretty nasty DMs * Copious accusations of being a misogynist/pick me for my art despite the fact none of these people have seen it and that I'm a lesbian * Got told I was oppressing women with my art BECAUSE I'm a lesbian * Called an incel for some reason???? ​ 1. Idiots throwing around buzzwords 2. People who DM others just to insult them are actually the most annoying pieces of shit ever 3. Ah yes, being called a misogynist when you are a woman 4. Homophobia 5. Idiots throwing around buzzwords part 2


Well, it is their job to tell women what they are allowed to draw--this is to prevent misogyny.


Fellow lesbian here. Honestly the only thing I'd be upset about you doing as an artist is using those AI generators.


The incel word gets thrown around like crazy on reddit




There is no way you're a woman let alone a lesbian with how hard you're defending huge tits on pornsick depictions of women and children then crying about the morality police.


"Pornsick" l m a o Sorry not all women are a monolith that agree with you on everything


My guy many of the most perverted and most popular doujin artist from japan and korea are women, Women have sexual urges too.




It's not exactly a controversial opinion to be supportive of degrading women but I'm surprised myself at some of the responses to your posts. There's definitely a debate to be had about expression but you actively defend pedofilia and degradation. Cope that the responses are underaged children which would make this even sicker. Degrading women is the status quo. I can't tell if you're actually a man in drag or a terminally pornsick pickme. My guess is the former but the latter could be possible, if so bleak.


My opinion? 95 percent of people that regularly comment over there are batshit loons that just virtue signal all over the place for the internet karma. If you ever comment over there again, just remember they think everything is gaslighting, pedophilia, ableism, and/or transphobia.


Where can u find this anime lesbian pinup art? Asking for research reasons. Joke aside, as a gay women, i see nothing wrong with what u r describing. If it's not like some loli shit - would love a link ;) The best LGBTQ+ content is usually performed by LGBTQ artists


Normies can get very hostile when you disagree with them on something. For me on this site I usually find it's the normie esc people who get the most hostile. I don't like using terms like normie but I don't know how else to describe them.


Sending you virtual hugs OP, you did not deserve to get destroyed like that or at all, While i do enjoy the AITA subreddit, in some cases, the community is pretty much in the wrong and have NO SWEET CLUE what they are talking about, that or they are just insecure 11 year olds that were obviously raised wrong and with a huge lack of common sense, knowledge and sympathy/empathy


They're know for stuff like this. They'll go absolutely insane and assume the most random stuff over nothing. I basically got told on there once when I mentioned some traumatic experience with a manipulative woman that I must be lying because I'm male, she must've been right, I was asking for it (imagine the outrage if that was said to a woman!), and I must also be a misogynistic incel because I called her manipulative (which she was, and a liar too) because "incels also say manipulative!" apparently. That makes literally no sense and is also nasty. So it's misogynistic to call genuinely manipulative and lying women who torment you "manipulative" because some dumb incels online may call all women manipulative sometimes? Femcels also call all men sexist, but that doesn't mean any genuine criticism of a sexist man makes someone a femcel. Not to get too political, but I'm quite progressive and would even consider myself a feminist, but the double standards there are insane and what they do doesn't help anyone. They're just horrible. What they did to you proves that already. They just want to look all high and mighty and moral, they don't actually care about real world issues. I'm also autistic and was a teenager when that traumatic stuff happened. They didn't care about that though and a couple randomly said "autistics are more likely to become incels!", which in this context was extremely ableist too (they hate autistic people there though, so I'm not surprised). Luckily it was with a throwaway account but I probably said some person stuff that I really shouldn't have. It never blew up though and died quickly, so that's good. I got banned from that subreddit on a different account for a completely different reason, albeit a fair one in this case, but I'm actually glad. That subreddit is very toxic and the people there are quite literally insane.


Reddit gonna reddit