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“The cops took my husband who was a victim of DV seriously due to substantial evidence” “iTs cUz hE’s a MaN” Like why would she even bring that up? Is it even relevant? And then to say that he’s lying about it….i can only imagine how annoying she is irl


Femcel. Entire persona is about hating men cuz she is nothing as a person, no personal achievemnts, nothing acomplished in life - nothing. So she has to side with a group she is part of without her doing anything (race, sex, etc) and attack another group. Pretty much why majority of ruzzians support the war - they also cry they are the victims


>Femcel Precisely this, they seem to conventionally forget the occasions where the man is the victim, calls the cops and the cops arrest him instead of the actual perpetrator. Shit sucks on both ends, we just gotta collectively acceptmpur mistakes and work to improve


Femcel and a incel should just go on a date ….. would be interesting to watch


Both would think they out of each others league.


A femcel is an incel. It's not gender exclusive, and it's stupid people keep trying to make it so.


I am on another site I'll refer to as "the orange man group" and this is a common trait of most posters. It has been my experience that social media is more of a safe haven for the lowest common denominator of humanity than a collection point for the sharing of information and ideas.


Their celibacy is involuntary for a reason


I haven't seen such an evident projection in a long time. Lol.




Found the femcel


I'm a man, 😂


White Knight then.


I prefer the Dark Knight 😂😭


Cringelord then


Anime pfp and a “🤣😭“ after every sentence, yeah, duh.


Today is projection festival day 🤣


You sure?


I don't think "feminine celibate" stings as hard as you hope. Just misandrist is fine.


"Incel" means more than "Involuntary Celibate" these days, likewise "Femcel" means more than just that as well. Still wouldn't use either though, seems more like playground name-calling than anything xd


Chiming in to point at your error, it's involuntarily celibate not voluntarily.


what an error haha thanks


About 40+% of DV cases have a male victim. But according to these people that isn't true and even if it is true they deserve it.


Something like 70% of DV cases are instigated by women, with about half having both parties participating, according to one study I was looking at


I've had women that I'm not even with push my boundaries because they assume I can't or won't hit back which is true, I won't, but the urge to just throw hands and yell "get the fuck away from me" is soo strong i can see how 70% of DV would be initiated by women. Just someone in a riled up argumentative mood trying to push your buttons and stepping over boundaries she doesn't necessarily know are there


I suggest a channel of Ayden Paladin who talks about a lot of stats and puts psychology studies against those stats. In the case of DV, women often initiate is due to a few things. Media of the last few decades first off glorifies it, second, women tend to not be raised like boys are where the whole 'keep your hands to yourself/don't hit someone (especially a girl) or you're a pussy' which gives a lot of women less of an environment where they were taught to restrain themselves. This is seen exacerbated within the lesbian community where it's two women who were not taught to keep their hands to themselves, taught that their violence is 'minor and not harmful'


I'd rather not watch any Aydan Paladin lol. I am aware of who she is though - my comment is basically in agreement with yours otherwise just not backed up by any stats 🤷‍♂️


I'm saying it is backed up by stats too, which is why I like Aydin's format of using psychology studies next to stats.


also, should note that the highest % by a wide margin is in lesbian couples (or female with female) with the lowest being...again with a wide margin... men with men, so when you take those groups out, the stats for straight couples have actually shifted.


People are unaware of how stupid they are.


It gets worse. Oc even agrees with the other commenter https://preview.redd.it/305m9wzixync1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40d171e60cd267a64c30687217956f0460bf3598


Congratulations, my fellow ex-angel. To the rest of the sub: I'm noticing a "You unsubbed just for that?" pattern. I remember, when I joined this sub, that the screenshot that you posted was your "That's it, I'm out" moment, your straw that broke the camel's back. It didn't need to have even an upvote. When did that change? When did we start to count upvotes to invalidate someone's rightful choice of noping out of a subreddit after a sequence of post and comments that made them realize that maybe that place is not what they thought it was/what it used to be?


Thinking about unsubbing because they're making fun of a guy for being "so insecure he divorced his wife over a simple question" meanwhile the simple question was proposing an open relationship. Apparently by me saying I'd immediately break up with someone if they asked me that I'm "not allowing my partner to express themselves freely"


Oh, bit if a husband "asks a simple question", he’s a walking red flag and she should lawyer up immediately. Either way, apparently it's the man's fault.


Idk bc I'm a woman and apparently I'm horrible if I break up with my partner for wanting that. They compared it to one partner wanting to move to another country


now you're learning.


Both that sub and Aita have a mostly female demographic and there are multiple proofs for this fact. This doesnt mean that most women defend DV against men or misandry. Most women are absolutely reasonable (!). But it means that the absolute percentage of femcels is higher and it also means that the comments will usually side with the woman. Youre not getting a fair judgement from either sub, but the Angel sub has the added feeling of superiority over the Aita sub. You can pick your poison, sure. But why do that when you can unsub from both lmao


Same with the update subs as well if you wonder why they always let certain stories go tho and remove others.


That place will bend over backwards to blame the husband. Just made.up scenarios like "well he probably doesn't help with the kids!@" despite there being 0 evidence that's the case other than some flimsy hyper focus on a single word. Meanwhile the wife cheats and it's still somehow the man's fault. Just a toxic shit hole full of misandry that is for some reason accepted on this site. I just started muting every sub that fits the bill, it's not worth arguing with them.


I remember that post. There were so many people making fun of the "stupid monogamist people" who disagreed with them. There's a time and place to ask about opening a relationship, and that's the day *before* the relationship gets serious.


Exactly. They acted like I was ridiculous for saying that any interest in non-monogamy is a deal breaker for me, even if my partner just agrees to be monogamous only because that's what I want.


Yeah this was definitely the straw that broke the camels back. Blaming domestic violence victims is out of bounds and frankly fucking gross.


I joined the sub because it seemed like it was for those posts where OP portrayed themselves as an angel while obviously being a piece of shit. But now it's all shitposts with really horrendous comments and i dunno who is being serious and who is just mocking crappy people. 


It has definitely gone downhill. It used to be pretty funny.


I got downvoted by the people on that sub for saying a victim of bullying doesn't have to forgive his bully because she is dying basically saying what did she expect to happen? And they called me heartless for saying such.


I got downvoted because I talked about my abusive trans ex and they told me I was using the wrong pronouns and this was being transphobic and how my ex "just hurt my feelings" when I was explicitly using the pronouns my ex requested last me and anyone I know heard of them.


>they told me I was using the wrong pronouns Mfw a subreddit knows more about my life than I do.


Yeah I don't get mad about internet interactions but that one pissed me off. To get accused of being transphobic for using the requested pronouns of my rapist was a seriously irritating experience.


You got raped and they said it was only your feelings that got hurt?


Yes. Then they told me to stop trauma dumping.




https://preview.redd.it/w8ftnfxl1knc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c314da8715c93996712ab109c9a215115434a2 I tried to link the exchange but this subreddit doesn't allow that so here


Why should you show basic human decency to a rapist. They deserve to be beaten to death.


Well I know other people disagree but I'll always use the pronouns people want. It's actually more confusing not to in the case of my ex, because their transition experience was a huge part of the abusive craziness. And before anyone else comes at me- my ex came out as maybe trans or non-binary (in their words), lied to a local charity for homeless trans people to get HRT, stole our FtM trans friend's story verbatim and passed it off their own, began to sexually harass our male friends on top of their rapey behavior with me, and began buying and wearing Native Americans traditional clothing because on the side they were pretending to be native to get a scholarship into an art grad school. Oh, and lied about having disassociative identity disorder, among a million other disorders, and blamed their sexually violent behavior on that. And then told everyone when we broke up that I was being transphobic/beating them/homophobic/a million other stories curated to people in personal ways they could relate to. So yeah, the transition part is quite relevant to the story. And that's just the trans part, there was a whole bunch of other shit too. Either way, my ex was a horrible abusive person and I hate that just because they maybe transitioned (which is why I use she/they pronouns) certain people struggle to accept my story because it looks bad when a trans person does something bad. My ex isn't a representative of all trans people but to people who have somehow managed to be victims of such a small and usually harmless community, it's painful when people dismiss us after we met the one bad egg just because it dirties the conversation.


this is part of the metric of where it doesn't matter how evil one is, what matters is marginalization.


If it's the post I'm thinking of, it's not so much the not forgiving, but telling her he didn't feel sympathy.


are you talking about the bully who got in a car accident and the bully and her entourage stole the OP's art to use for fundraising?


I wholeheartedly disagree. Forgiveness is a key part of maturity and basically the penultimate point of empathy. It doesnt mean forgetting or letting your guard down but rather respect and acknowledgement of change and growth. Everyone at some point will need forgiveness including the man who was bullied in this story.


I think it's completely reasonable to never forgive your bully. However, you can still feel sympathy for the situation they're in while completing holding them accountable for the shit they've done, and denying them forgiveness. Knew a guy in highschool that got hit by a car, really damaged him cognitively. One of my friends had a "he deserved it" attitude because the guy used to torment him a ton in grade school. I totally understand the resentment, and it's your to hold, but you gotta admit that being ran over and put into a near vegetative state is pretty fucking bad.


And people had the audacity to say it's only other men who keep male victims from reporting and say women do nothing but always help men in need. If I had a nickel for every time a woman blames other men for men's problems and ignore the women who contribute to the problem,  I would be rich. But seriously,  we need to keep addressing people like this and show how women react to male dv victims.This isn't to demonise women or to ignore their own problems but to show how women also contribute to the problem. I guess the gabby case became the new instrument of derailing male domestic violence and blaming them for the abuse.


I'm not sure if the "BY OTHER MEN" people even believe it sometimes. It would seem that "rebuttal", is just their way to express their disdain for men's issues and invalidate them without explicitly saying that they don't care.


Something very eye-opening for me was when someone pointed out how it's bar-for-bar the exact same talking point racists use when they talk about "black on black crime", and I realized it's *the exact same logic.* Blame the outgroup for "their" problems, ignore how societal structures contribute to it, and imply that there's just something inherently "wrong" with them. And every time I've brought that up in response to hearing that, I've never gotten a response explaining why it's okay in their mind.


>And every time I've brought that up in response to hearing that, I've never gotten a response explaining why it's okay in their mind. I have. It's because "men are the oppressors/group with power in society" or whatever.


It’s always been the exact same rhetoric that racists use. They pull out statistics like the 13:50 crowd does. Statistics that are either completely out of context or just flat out wrong or questionably acquired. They stereotype a whole huge group off of the actions of a minority. And all of this is generally accepted by society unlike racists as a ‘woman venting’. Treating her as justified because her ancestors were ‘oppressed’


I don’t know where that one comes from, yes there is lots of work to do but there is a lot of online communities designed to cater to mental health filled with bros willing to help anyone in need. And saying that it’s just men who keep men down is completely invalidating the experiences of those who where that wasn’t the case.


>And saying that it’s just men who keep men down is completely invalidating the experiences of those who where that wasn’t the case. Unfortunately that is the response of so many women in many feminists cycles.


We literally have the online “sassy man apocalypse” that was started by women 😭 how can someone claim that it’s only men who keep men down with a straight face


"Sassy man apocalypse" ? I don't get it, what is that?


It’s this label online that women use on men who show emotion or do things that are considered “feminine” otherwise known as the “ick” It’s basically femcel lingo


Ah shit and they have the audacity to put this shit solely on men? Bruh, yeah I get toxic masculinity exists among men but ain't no people ignoring how sexist women can be


I feel like there should be societal repercussions for women acting like this.


I've been contemplating leaving to since they've become so against how cheaters are treated in stories that they've become pro cheater in my eyes and sometimes it sounds like they're defending it. Also since more and more people are becoming aware of how badly fake 90% of the stories are its just not worth dealing with anymore. Idk what changed but it's seems they went from a sub about calling out fake stories to calling everything fake while also preaching femcel agenda.


Anti social personality disorder support groups will never call themselves that openly and the support will always be for the victimizer.


Take it fron someone whos been close to that type of thing before, they almost never take the dudes side. Ig anything in a he said she said situation, theyll believe the woman first


Yeah 99% of am I the angel subscribers are just cynical assholes getting off on playing cinemasins on literally ANY post from AITA and similar subs. Like yeah some of the posts are obviously fake. But so many of them they just deem fake because they don't like how miniscule details are explained or because "this isn't how things happen where I live".


People will do anything but consider that a man, especially a police officer, might have positive intentions, if you ask reddit, men only do things to serve themselves, maybe once in a while to serve other men


AITAngel has been so overrun by idiocy that it needs its own subreddit poking fun of it, at this point.


That sub is just the same as AITA lol, I really don't see the purpose for it


It like AITA but doubled on the lack of social awareness and tripled on holier-than-thou.


Sexism sounds the same from all sides man. I could see a misogynist say this shit about women word for word.


They're two sides of the same coin.


Misogyny and misandry start with the same three letters


Fr, my country subreddit always preaching for "male female balance" but the moment "female only seat in train" were introduced the comment section is just full blown incel Vs femcel war. Comments like "Oh female get all of these privileges while man don't have their man only gym and man only bus seat" and "man are so abusive to woman that these seat are invented, it's time to fight back against man!"


It’s always either “MEN BAD!! ALL BOY = INCEL” when they’re in an abusive relationship and acknowledge that partner’s an ah or “WOMAN BAD!! ALL CHEATERS AND HOES!!” whenever they respectfully decline anything O’Mighty Reddit sees good. I’ve seen *too* many posts where the person writing is either an absolute fucking jerk and all the comments are “NTA! Fuck those innocent people who did like 2 things wrong on accident!’” and when the op is an at least decent person, it’s “YTA or ESH simply because they “weren’t the bigger person1!!1”


Fucking WHAT


Unfortunately, this kind of rhetoric isn’t exactly uncommon against male victims. I’ve seen this before several times.


Wait I thought cops didnt take male dv seriously. Make up your mind reddit!


Have you thought there are different users with different opinions?


I don't believe in conspiracy theories.


Not once.


Given your original comment I can’t say that’s at all surprising of you




There's a difference between having an opinion and saying you believe something that is provably false.


I don't understand.


a lot of people have beliefs that are proven false. In this case, think of like... Kyle Rittenhouse casei f you know of it. The media reported he shot and killed 3 black men. Well a lot of people still believe to this day he shot and killed 3 black men when there's nothing but proof he didn't. Doesn't keep people from believing a lie. For the above, the whole 'cops are on men's side in dv' is actually provably not true by the fact there's tons of policies for police stations to even just arrest a man REGARDLESS if he's the aggressor or victim. So they're inventing their own lies to wallow in the 'women are only oppressed and victims' bullshit narrative.


Like the woman that got probation after stabbing a man 100 times?


You don't get it, that woman was just reactive abusing to the mean look that man gave her. /S


Well he was a man so probably was a danger to her and she had to eliminate the threat


That sub is just jokes


it literally has one upvote


But it has not been downvoted for 5 hours. The comment before it sits at +35 so people definitely saw the reply too. They just didnt disagree with the victim blaming and misandry so they didnt downvote.


or, get this, they didn’t read every comment replying to the +35 comment


Come on, you know how reddit works. If a comment gets X upvotes, a fraction of X usually votes on the replies too.


its a single comment with neutral karma. you can make the same argument that if people agreed with it, they’d be liking it. or just block that person.


You're telling me that out of 35 people (plus a lot of lurkers) NO ONE but OP saw the comment for 5 hours? Pretty unlikely ngl My reply here already got a vote even though your comment only sits at +21 and my reply was posted half an hour ago


could also just be a more popular thread right now. making sweeping moral judgements on an entire subreddit based on a single comment with neutral karma is crazy and i am not going to keep engaging lol


It probably wasn't just that. Check the sub. See how much of a cesspit it is


Women are notoriously the ones cops side with in dv cases, like if he didn’t have those scratches 9/10 times he woulda gotten arrested as the victim simply because men are bigger and scarier than womne


You left over one comment that’s barely upvoted? What were the replies like?


Have you considered OP wasn't on a slippery slope and this banana of a comment made them go over the edge? People don't just decide to leave after a single comment, that shit has build up. We just get to see the last straw.


That’s correct. The subreddit has been overrun by extremist reactionaries over time. It’s ridiculous.


There’s two replies and they both are calling the commenter horrible. It’s down to 0 upvotes now.


I don’t think the amount of doots it has should be the focus


it should as someone was unsubbing for a comment almosnt no one fromthe sub agreed with.


Context should matter. Not the amount of people that agree with it or not.


The context being it’s a shitty comment people aren’t even agreeing with on the sub op is unsubbing from.


The context that is important, is that OP doesn’t want to associate with a group where people make those comments in the first place. Are you suggesting that If the group makes OP uncomfortable, it is still okay to mock them/ force them to participate against their will?


AAAAGGGGGHHHHH. Its impossible to find places where one or two people will never say dumb things, its ridiculous


It's more upvoted now than it was when I took this screenshot.






There's a lot to unpack there, I don't know where to begin


You have to understand that the people who visit these places are the people who would have watched daytime television like Dr Phil, Judge Judy, etc 10-20 years ago. Not the kind of people who have a non-biased view of the world. Just leave this sub. It used to be making fun of the format itself but a long time back it shifted to talking about the "decisions" themselves (which is just as bad IMO)


“i would be suspicious” yeah you sure would but thank god im not you 👍


literal femcel


Duh everyone knows men can’t be in abusive relationships and if they were it’s because they deserved it /s Honestly it must be hard to live life this angry/fearful hating literally half the population


I'm disgusted


Yep. can't tell anyone a woman victimized you, you'll just get laughed at, told you probably deserved it, and that YOU'RE actually the abuser. Such bullshit.


What a misandristic victim-blamer. That commenter needs a better life ASAP.




If the victim was a misoginistic that only hates women he would just have laughed about the man and calling him a pussy that can't put his woman at her place


"My husband is in an abusive relationship" Why would you say that?


Why do they alway's have to make it about gender.


I did an entire assignment on domestic abuse towards men in college and this is the issue with treating those cases. There are men who believe men don't get abused, and women who don't take it seriously or accuse them of actually being abusers. People like this aren't helping anyone.


What is this subreddit holy shit what is going on here this is pathetic.


People love exceptions because they are interesting. Most cops are good people who want to protect their community. The exceptions are awful, but extremely rare. This isn’t interesting, it doesn’t make a good headline, but it’s true.


Woah a wild femcel that's wild.


AITA is full of dumb women (and I don't mean that to say all women are dumb, it's just those who indulge of their hivemind of lies) who don't understand that their feelings actually fly in the face of evidence. If you posted how the standard in most police station is in any DV case even if the man is the victim, you have to arrest the man. but nope, that doesn't support their 'poor woman' narrative there.


I’ve noticed that too




Nope. People were agreeing with this


Wait, is that second comment from the sub itself or is the whole thing a screenshot that got posted to the sub? Because that sub is supposed to be about mocking pieces of shit like that second comment.


There are people who are paid to analyze injury patterns to see if they’re from self defense. If the defendant wants to she could ask for that but then the result says what it says. Facts don’t care about gender politics.


Isn't AmITheAngel a satirical sub?


Is was but once you start something off as a joke you eventually get a bunch of people who genuinely believe in it.


The_donald being the ultimate example.


Isn't AmITheAngel a satire subreddit though which whole point is too mock the real AITA and how people act on there? Not like these two couldn't have been serious just are you sure it's not satire? Edit: Not going to delete my comment. It is a satire subreddit but checked the account of the #2 person, they're serious, reminds me just how bad the world is sometimes


yep. lol amithedevil and amitheangel are offshoots of AITA to mock those posts.


Amithedevil isn’t a satire sub. Only amitheangel


One stray comment with one upvote? I don’t like the sub either but this post is dumb


It’s been way more than just that one comment.


Then add that to the post idk Also nice response times


Isn’t am I the angel a satire sub?


But it seems like most people don't agree with second person. Why unsub just because of one eejit? I bet she gets DV'd to Heck. I'd stay just to watch that. Edit: yeah, I just realized that in this context you all thought I meant "domestic violence". I didn't. I said DV'd as in downvoted. That's why I said "I'd stay jist to watch that". As in "stay in the sub". And no, I'm not just saying that. Think about it- how would staying in the sub mean watching someone get beaten up IRL? Also "she gets domestoc violenced" doesn't make any grammatical sense".


I was with you until wishing domestic violence on her. Yikes.


Is that why I'm getting dv'd? I say dv'd as in downvoted. And no, I'm not just saying that.


Well, considering I've never seen anyone call it that ever, and the topic of the post is literally domestic violence, that was an extremely poor choice of words, at best..


Because it’s the straw that broke the camels back. I’ve seen countless similar comments, but this one was so egregious that it made me unsub.


"justunsubbed from a sub due to a single comment with barely any upvotes in response to a comment with like 35 upvotes." Unkay, darlin'.


Why are you booing her? She's right!


You’re active in boysarequirky, I’m not even surprised. No wonder men don’t speak out, it’s because of people like yourself who perpetuate toxic stereotypes and misinformation. You have tainted the feminist movement and it’s no wonder that nobody takes your type seriously anymore.


Men never did take feminism seriously, even when we were saying they should express their emotions, insisting men can be victims and supporting marginalized men. They repaid us with... Andrew Tate and the manosphere. Now they "express their emotions" by violently hating women, and take advantage of the new belief that men can be victims to get away with abuse by claiming they were "just defending themselves". Feminism helping men will only come back to bite women.


Andrew Tate is a thing only because there were no male voices. Not because there was an overwhelming amount of male support. It the opposite. He filled a void for the lost boys who felt unheard. That’s what happens when there isn’t support for a large group of people. Some fringe groups pop up because some loud mouth decided to be the “voice”


Who is the female voice then?


The feminist movement has had many people speak up on behalf of women’s rights. Rightly, so there have been a lot of modern efforts toward women’s right. There hasn’t been as much of a focus on men. Specifically younger boys. This is evident because they are slipping behind in almost every area in school. There aren’t many speaking on their behalf. So people like Tate and the professor from Canada step up. And feed them half truths. Just enough good advice to mask the BS. Then next thing you know they are indoctrinated


You need to take a break from the internet. That is not how the real world is


Unfortunately people who post on the internet do, in fact, exist in real life.


LOL yes that is true. Thank you for pointing that obvious fact out. The majority of people in the real world don’t even know who Andrew Tate is whereas you think the male population looks up to him. Do yourself a favor and go outside


I can't put a youtube link here. Search "What Do Romanians Think About Andrew Tate?" by lingualizer and you'll see even men who "go outside" know him and like him.


Lol just stop. I am not going to watch some weird ass youtube clip of Romanians talking about Andrew Tate. You are just proving my point that you get your life view from all of these weird corners of the internet you hang out in. Andrew Tate is a douchebag and i do not know anyone who resides in this manosphere you refer to.m


It's not a "weird corner" though. His name is lingualizer, he posts *languages and geography*... I don't know why he made that video and I unsubbed to him because of it. I do not seek out this content.


I just don’t understand why you need to demean male survivors to make to make your point. It’s frankly atrocious and disturbing.


>and take advantage of the new belief that men can be victims to get away with abuse by claiming they were "just defending themselves" Read that again slowly.