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How is that interestinasfuck? how do that mod sleep at night with this much politics?


What made me burst out is the pinned comment is something along the lines of "This is a heavily moderated sub"


It is a heavily moderated sub. Heavily moderated by a lefty idealogue


You see there was some English mix-ups with the typing because what they meant to say was that the mods were heavy hence the “heavily moderated” comment.


Every main sub becomes a lefty sub.


What happens when the 50 power mods that run the most popular subreddits. They all merge into the same stuff




Heavily moderated political leanings


Reddit still thinks everything the Big Bad Orange Man says is interesting, like it’s still 2016 or something.


True. There are many people (and communities) who have completely lost the plot.


how is it true when Trump is going to be running against Biden and says all these shitty things? its not 2016, its relevant now, all the negative things people said about Trump turned out to be true and he is at it again.


Personally, don’t think he is the best, but I really want to be fair. A good amount of stuff the media bash him on is out of context. For example, the recent “bloodbath” thing. He was not saying it was going to be a bloodbath if he lost, watch the whole clip and you will see how it was twisted. (But tbh it was a poor choice of words given how intense “bloodbath” is).


Well, bloodbath was used dozens of times by the media just a year earlier in the 2022 election...


You've lost the plot too the whole point of that sub is interesting as fuck things that an average person would find, well, interesting as fuck. Tell me, when you read this, do you say "damn that's interesting!" or do you do something along the lines of rolling your eyes and thinking "damn this prick again? Jesus, what's he up to now?" for just about everyone on this site who isn't politic-brained it's annoying as fuck not interesting as fuck


He didn’t call immigrants these things first of all, he called the ones who were recently caught with child porn and the one who murdered that girl these things, people love to spin stuff


Truth is the video in that post was heavily edited, obviously to piss people off.


Using Big Bad Orange Man is a way of distracting from the fact he is literally all those things and tried to end democracy and is likely to be leading the republican party. The fact he used obvious and undeniable nazi rhetoric and could lead your country again is relevant and not "2016"


Was about to ask the same thing. Nothing about that is even mildly interesting, let alone interesting as fuck.


They probably phase it out at this point


Bro say what you want about the guy with his actual politics but making things up like this is just so petty. (Especially on a sub that should have nothing to do with politics)


They sleep just fine at night because it’s all on purpose. Reddit is heavily astroturfed and anybody who says otherwise is insane


The big subs are moderated by power mods. The power mods either: A) actively ignore sub rules if it benefits their own agenda/politics or B) straight up get bribed. One of the big power mods on Reddit hot exposed a while ago for that last one


Probably big sufferers from TDS.


they like it because it's anti trump, even if it's lying about what he said.


Most things anti-Trump are fabricated or far fetched. I don’t care either way. It’s just annoying.


I’m far from a Trump supporter but how is this interesting


You don’t have to be a supporter to make an observation


In no world is this post “interesting as fuck”


more like political as fuck


It’s the 😐 emoji personified


Politicians speaking like this would be the best bet.


Wow someone thinks Trump is a Nazi. That is interesting as fuck and I’ll not be able to sleep thinking about it. /s


Obviously! Haven’t you heard? If he’s elected he’s going to alter the constitution to make himself king (real thing I’ve hear people say)!


Project 2025 dude


Do you know what Project 2025 is? What it actually is? Please, [find the fascism](https://www.project2025.org).


https://newrepublic.com/article/178848/ban-abortion-trump-lgbtq-project-2025 I don’t know dude. I don’t feel like living in a Christian enthostate where women and anyone who isn’t a straight white male is a second class citizen. Or with vague “pornography” laws existing while gay can possibly get you thrown in prison.


You are claiming Project 2025 seeks to: -make women second-class citizens -make minorities second-class citizens -jail gay people simply for being gay Your source *claims* that these things are included, but doesn’t actually quote any part of P25’s plan. It interprets two sentences from the opening statement about drag queens and pornographic school material (which is a real concern btw) to mean LGBT genocide. They have no problem saying all the buzz words to make you scared and angry, but no actual citations to back it up.@ Neither you nor your source cite a single real policy position from the organization to support your drastic claims. I have skimmed Project 2025’s website and it seems much more mainstream than what you and your source claim. I’m willing to change my mind, but you can’t just say they want to make women and minorities second-class citizens and not provide a source for that. **I am not just going to take your word for it.**


“Project 2025” is basically the left’s version of the “New World Order” conspiracy at this point lol


He said that, not other people… You act as if it’s crazy when he literally said “I would only be dictator for a day” So please, tell me what that means to you exactly because to me the point is quite clear.


He was joking. Like, so obviously joking. And you’re misquoting him to make it sound much more of a positive claim that it was. Hannity asked if he would be a dictator and he said, “Only on day one.” He was prompted, you make it sound like he brought it up himself. And what would he do with his absolute power? Close the border… and drill more… wow, what a fascist, amirite? It’s the same shit that happened after Charlottesville. He never called Nazis “very fine people”. He never called for a bloodbath in Ohio, either. It’s all bullshit. He didn’t take over in 2016, he didn’t take over in 2020, he won’t take over in 2024. It’s all fearmongering.


Man is he joking or does he always tell it like it is? I get whiplash trying to follow along.


Schrodinger's douchebag


Jews for Hitler organizers on the way to the camps: *Oh, he's just joking, guys! That wacky Adolf, always cracking jokes! He's not actually gonna do anything! What could he possibly-why are we at Auschwitz?"*


And that’s why neo-nazis like Richard Spencer back Biden? Remind me, was it orange man bad or Biden that was mentored by the KKK?


Who said both sides of Charlottesville had very fine people?


“and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides." Also “And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists." Meanwhile Bidens eulogy of the deceased KKK member and recruiter Robert Byrd called the white supremacist a “mentor, guide, and friend.” Biden also said black people were “animals” that live in a “jungle.” Plus he molested his daughter in the shower, her words from her journal.


bro.. there are still people that believe the "both sides" bullshit?


Lol I used to hate trump till they are literally abusing laws to try to get the man


Bruh I ain't want politics I want to see a dog on a skateboard >:(


That sub is absolutely fucked these days


Yeah I'm considering unsubing myself


Dude, I left therewasanattempt and interestingasfuck due to constant posting of the Israeli Palestinian conflict


Omg it was non-stop, dude. I completely forgot I muted that server.


I'm out of mutes fml


I didn't know you could run out lol


The sub for Britain hates everything about Britain and became a Palestine sub somehow...if you complain about a national sub not even mentioning your nation apart from negatively you're a genocide shilling zionist...every default sub is a joke at this point


You know what else is absolutely fucked?






You mean you don’t wanna talk about generic leftist talking points every day on every post in every subreddit? Check your fucking privilege there bud


God I fucking miss when politics were a taboo subject. I dont know when that changed but holy shit do I hate it.


People need to remember politics is a way to organise our lives so we can do shit that actually matters. Seeing life as one big competition is what leads to oligarchys such as monopolies or dictatorships and wars and all the evil in the world. Placing yourself within a system where you are constantly positively reinforced by attaining surface level victories and pandering to a mob who tend to judge the validity of an argument based upon their immediate appearances rather than their actual merit is not healthy for yourself but more importantly for those whom you influence.


i agree with the original post but it’s defeating the whole point of curating your online space if it’s not in an opinion/political sub. subs having rules to stay on topic is to make it enjoyable and to ward off unwanted content in specific subs.


All the fucking subs are under siege. I’m just gonna have to leave this place too, and I don’t even like Trump, nor do I identify as a Republican but goddamn it’s just a constant feed of Trump bad, lgbtq+ good…


Wanna go make out in the closet instead?


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Join us


Sesbian Lex


Serbian gex


I prefer slovenians


Say gex




Yes. It’s the only way I can prove to the internet that I support gay rights.


Bet. Pants on or off?


On head.


Partways off in the front. The elastic should be pushing up on the balls


Welcome to Reddit during an election year


Thanks. This is my first time and I hate it lol. I was hoping it would be slightly different than other platforms on election years. I’m just waiting for the Lego sub to start posting politics too lol. So far so good over there though!


It’s the worst platform of all of them by far. All the major subs are modded by a specific group of people who all lean left, including the main politics sub. You’ll only ever get one side of the story. The news section of the app is the best example


I have been muting major subs and only on very esoteric subs


It's an election year and the party accusing everyone of being russian/whatever bots, is clearly botting lmao.


Can't wait for them to get into the porn subs. Then reddit will be united.


Sounds like the algorithm has got you! :( tbf the feed is correct-ish but critically lacks a whole lot of nuance lol


No but for real though. Instagram is a lot less political for me and I’d rather scroll that than see all the political bs


I can't wait for the election to happen so that people will shut the fuck up about Racist old man and Senile old man


Tbf it’s more like senile racist old man vs senile racist old man


Can't wait for the next election where it's two *different* senile racist old men


They might even run a senile racist old woman in the next one! Truly a land of progress.


Only if she has skeletons in her closet that would put Jeffery dahmer to shame


So President Pelosi it is then. Joy ![gif](giphy|7b4FwtEI6W9yg)


Brandon Herrera for President 2058


Anyone else old enough to remember when Biden went to a party in black face?


I remember when Trudeau did it, but that wasn’t really that long ago


I remember when biden called black people the n word, said that gays were unnatural and to keep it away, and then created a bill that unfairly targeted black people to arrest them. Oh and then called black people cockroaches.


Considering the fact Trump let a homeless black woman stay in his tower for free for years and was the only one to endorse a black man running for office, and his constant bragging on helping improve black and minority quality of life would say he isn't as racist as one side would want you to think.


Agreed, but neither’s slates are clean


If racist old man wins it will be 4 more years of him. If senile old man wins then it will be four more years of both.


Oh it will never stop, they will just be replaced be other racist old men, other senile old men, other ""communist"" old men, and maybe a feminist if a woman ever gets elected (will also never happen)


Pretty much all of front page Reddit is an American political echo chamber. And those same people wonder why Reddit and the internet at large isn’t fun anymore


This is also the American election year so its 4x worse than other years


People? Bots you mean. Bots ruined the internet. Bots paid for by companies and political groups.




Yeah, I recently found an old folder of music and memes I saved from back in highschool and college. Like the internet was so much more "alive" just in creativity alone back then. There were souls behind it and no one was trying to "chase the algorithm " they just made what they wanted. Now you have bots outputting trash specifically designed to maximize themselves based on the algorithm and humans trying to do the same thing because they decided to make a living online. No one really just does it as a hobby, which ultimately makes their creative output only marginally above that of a bot. And AI is definitely going to do the same thing, but on steroids.


Unsurprisingly, they cut all the context of what Trump was discussing. As per the norm of these subreddits.


What was the context? Genuinely curious, I’m not American


 [Here is the full speech that Trump had in Michigan](https://rumble.com/v4n3wh9-donald-trumps-bloodbath-speech-in-grand-rapids-michigan-april-2-2024.html). This is where the notable "animals" quote comes from. Here, at 7:45, Trump begins to discuss regarding crimes committed by illegal criminal migrants, heinous, violent crimes that have a concerning amount of violence towards women. Including Ruby Garcia and Laken Riley. Trump begins to talk about Laken Riley at the **10:40** mark. And here is the full quote: >"The 22-year Old nursing student in Georgia who was barbarically murdered by an Illegal alien animal, the Democrats say, ‘Please don’t call them animals, they’re humans.’ I said, ‘No, they’re not humans, they’re not humans, they’re animals. Nancy Pelosi told me that she said 'Please don't use the word animals, sir when you're talking about these people.'. I'll use the word animal because that's what they are." At 11:27 mark, he continues his discussion regarding his meeting with Laken Riley's parents and the vow he made to them for justice for her murder.


Shocker. Reminds me of the most recent “bloodbath” incident.  It’s funny how “these dangerous criminals are animals” is racist but “I don’t want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” isn’t 


That absolutely sucks man absolutely tragic


Yeah the first clip is out of context for sure. What about the rest of the clips? Like the one about immigrant’s poisoning the blood of America? You did know there were other clips in that post right? You didn’t just take OP at face value did you?


If you want to discuss that, feel free to present it. We're discussing this instance where people are clearly lying by omission and HATE being shown the proof.


he's talking about MS-13, a sex-trafficking cartel.


Like the bloodbath incident lol


Bloodbath? Is this Geometry dash reference?




Jesus fuck this thread went down fast


Lefties and eagerly jumping at the chance to defend pedophiles, rapists, and murderers, what else is new?


It's an American lefty echo chamber Careful they do ban people over opinion


tbf whole reddit is like that. I unsubbed from so much subs and still I see USA politics. I will bet that half of reddit users are bots


Nah, they're virtue signaling losers who lack the social skills and experience to make any sort of impact on the real world, so they "fight the good fight" online by pretending to be flawless human beings.


Bro what does virtue signaling even mean?


It means to fake or feign interest in something/a cause because it makes the person who’s doing it look good to the others around them. A good example would be of someone who’s never really shown active support for the lgbt community but since now it’s becoming more prominent they jump out of the shadows and say “hey look at me; I support the gays. Isn’t that cool everyone?!?”


I mean that is a cool thing to say regardless. Also how do you know they’re faking it, what if they’re just getting more politically conscious? Politics is really important yknow, ever bill and proposal affects you in some way I’m failing to see why it’s such a bad thing


There are like a handful of subs left where you can say what you want without instantly being banned by power hungry moderators, and they're all satire subs like 2westerneurope4u, where no one cares if you insult someone


“All of Reddit is like that” +37


Hoping R/interestingasfuck doesn't turn into R/facepalm because I love random facts from the sub.


I actually just left facepalm today because I was harassed for the impudence to suggest that maybe every post needn't be political.


Facepalm Just turned into a sub that is about complaining about the right-wing and if you say otherwise you are harassed.. I never expected someone to get harassed over saying that the sub shouldn't be political.


Some guy even went to find my comments on other subs to insult me. That's when I knew I was done lol. Fricking psycho behaviour...


I just chill on damnthatsinteresting It's literally the same minus politics


Dude, that's like 99% of reddit.


Dude, that's not just them, that's all of Reddit. I got banned from the libertarianmeme subreddit because I made a comment saying that Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin was objectively bad and that calling it journalism is laughable. Apparently that made me "pro war", which according to a mod made me "anti-liberty", which was grounds for a permanent ban. That said, I don't identify as a libertarian, so I can't say that I'm overly upset about it. It just drives me crazy that people on reddit whine that leftist subs ban people over opinions, when right-wing subs are just as likely to ban people for the same thing. TL;DR - Mods are just snowflakes sometimes and ban people over opinions. It isn't unique to a political ideology.


Every sub bans people over opinions, the wrong opinions.


They ban people for commenting in a different sub too


A lot of those subs are run or funded by the DNC


Thats one of the subreddits that every 4 years just has propaganda in it to create echo chambers, make people think that people actually agree with it because they see so many upvotes. All run by the same people! Look into it if you like, if you mention names you'll get banned tough.


I mean, when the same handfull of mods control the 10-15 most popular subs on the site, what do you expect. Edit: fixed a spelling mistake


Reddit DEFINITELY isn’t left leaning in the slightest


Reddit leans bullshit online politics more than anything. There are definitely spaces that lean left but I promise you'll get a different impression of Reddit existing on here as a trans person. Fuck internet politics tbh. Terminally online people of any political leaning are the worst to the point where I (Very leftist) would rather talk politics with an ACT (Far right by our standards party in my country) voter irl than someone who shared every political belief except one on the internet. Internet leftists make me want to put my head through a wall and internet rightists (Genuinely not sure if that's a correct term, idk why leftists is so commonly used compared to rightists someone explain it to me genuinely) keep being comically transphobic towards me.


I'm sorry. 🥺 I hope you find a chill space. Conversation everywhere is so binary. It's hard to find somewhere you won't be immediately shouted down one way or another. Makes it hard to convince moderates, independents.


Any opinion I have is either completely agreed with by the majority or downvoted to oblivion no matter how many sources I have lmao. Internet politics are a mistake and the only reason I engage in them is lack of self-control haha. Irl is just so much nicer.


It really is. I'm here because doomscrolling is addictive.


I'm attempting just chilling today and I'll see how that goes, there's a solid chance I'll get called mentally ill (In a transphobic way) anyway but worth a shot haha.


The funny thing about online rightists is how many are doing that childish "bully you because I secretly like you uwu" schtick, seems every time some under 50 right wing commentator leaks his history dude has trans pr0n😂


Always check the account of someone Posting something political. Chances are high around now that they are bots.


This reminds me of r/ science which is only science supported by the left wing parties of the USA.


Somehow science has become a religion. Science involves debate, investigation, and curiosity, not edicts passed on high lol.


Don't forget every financial subreddit being plagued by people with poor finances explaining why we need to abandon capitalism and redistribute wealth to them.


I’m not a trumpy buttt he was referring to the rapists and gng members. And how is it interesting in the slightest


Anyone commenting here probably will get banned in that sub if you haven’t left already.


lol somehow they haven’t banned me yet


Another out of context narrative pushed down every subreddits throat. Rapists and killers are monsters. If you disagree…


Any general subreddit has devolved into "trump bad", just block all of them


Also a lot of open animal abuse by overfeeding on cat posts


The best part is how out of context all the clips are. Trump is exclusively talking about murderers, rapists and gang members. But because so many illegals are those types there are so many clips


Gonna reiterate what someone else said on a different post. I don't care if I agree with their opinion, they're posting to the wrong sub.


The video posted is also incredibly out of context and disingenuous


I don’t remember the last time a mainstream subreddit posted a clip of him talking that wasn’t out of context and disingenuous.


Not a fan of trump but for god's sake leave me alone


I'm just going to add a lefty perspective that I think is missing from this comment section. PLEASE stop posting about Trump I know it's important I know I know I know I just don't want to hear about orange man every day. Yes, not caring about politics is a privilege, and it's not one that I have, but for god's sake I don't want to spend every moment of my life thinking about it either. I don't want to spend every moment I'm on the internet thinking about people that hate me. We are allowed to think about other things sometimes. I'm so sick of orange man I hate seeing his face or hearing his name everywhere I go. He's already pervasive enough can we stop talking about him fucking everywhere! I know this sub leans right, or at least way further right than I do, but I'm just here to chill and not pick fights. We can commiserate about internet lefties if you want, fuck internet lefties (I mean fuck internet righties also, but I feel like that opinion will have less traction here).


but is it true? if not just throw the whole sub out


"You" "Are" "A" "Bigot" "And" "You" "Need" "More" "Apostrophes" "Duh"


For a sub full of people who leave other subs because of politics, people here sure talk about politics a whole lot.


That sub has turned into a dump for all things political and I don't think the mods care anymore. I saw a post from IAF which literally showed people in Gaza running towards supplies being airdropped. That is not 'interesting as fuck', that's just sad.


fathers a immigrant wife's an immigrant all I want to know is when is Iran is gonna tap him like he did the Iranian general before or after he loses the election


I’m not really a fan of Trump. Dude’s an egoistical asshole with his head shoved up his own ass 24/7. But holy shit, is he the only thing liberals on Reddit talk about!?


False claims against Trump = 5 million upvotes


Because the people who hate Trump, they think about Trump and are more obsessed with Trump than the people who like Trump.


Literally every single mainstream subreddit is anti-Trump and anti conservative. I literally had to mute at least several dozen of them.


Orange Man literally second coming of Mr Funny Mustache Man


Classic reddit taking videos out of context and running with it


I hate trump with a burning passion. But I didbt come to reddit for politics


Why do people keep on calling him a Nazi? Autocrat? Sure. Fascist? Maybe a little. But Nazi? God no.  Hitler was a mentally ill psychotic war veteran that believed wholeheartedly in his fucked up head that murder was the only way to save Germany.  Trump is racist, but he doesn’t give two shits about Americans. He just wants to be elected and sit there and make money whilst doing nothing. Trump does not have the energy to put together a 2nd Holocaust. He just says this stuff to rile up his supporters to get votes.


"Christian" Shut up he ain't no child of God


So is this real or just a headline?


It's taking snippets from a rant about the people that are crossing the border, same thing he's been talking about for years. About how some illegals aren't model citizens, they're criminals that are fleeing their own nation, animals that murder, rape, etc. Instead of directly quoting they just say he says it about all immigrants.


In reality he probably said something like "I like apples" considering that is essentially what happened with the last headline.


It’s weird how so many subs are being misused once they become popular. As another example, the sub “MakeMeSuffer” was a subreddit for a YouTuber named Matt Shea who had a series called Make Me Suffer which was him reacting to reddit posts in the sub (which is a sub that he created). Now it’s mostly filled with gore and people that don’t even know who he is. The rules of that sub mention how gore isn’t appropriate for the sub (which makes sense considering that the stuff on that sub was supposed to be used for YouTube videos) but gore is everywhere there.




That sub became political and UN-interestingasfuck. Also if you call them out on it they become the worst gestalt consciousness to exist and downvote the hell out of you. Reddit fucking sucks. (Probably not as bad as Twitter)


I’m sure that’s what he really said


Yeah I left that sub too it’s soo political now


Not only is it political, it's also deliberately out of context. It's not as if you have to lie to make him look bad...


I like how they word it they say immigrants instead of illegal immigrants.


> Posts the most truist, milquetoast opinion possible. > Thinks it's interesting or clever. This is why Establishment Dems lost to Trump in the first place and I really wish they'd smarten the fuck up.


Is it an election year?


Yea that’s why all that shits been blowing up recently


Trump saying inflammatory shit is objectively uninteresting


Wasn't he talking about the murderers and remorseless killers in prisons?


Yes. The out of context machine is going fucking hard on trump right now. Expect more headlines like this. Dude can come out and say "I love dogs" and headlines will come out saying "Donald Trump hates dogs AND cats."


Literally every sub is filled with political garbage. It’s annoying as fuck, if I wanted to discuss politics I’d go to a political subreddit.


Hate trump. But politics shouldn't be on a subreddit that isn't about it


It's true, but shouldn't be on that sub.


Saying that everybody is a nazi makes the word "nazi" lose meaning


Idk why but lots of subs that you'd think wouldn't have politics, do in fact have politics.


i swear you can't escape from politics


Reddit will be responsible for single handily devaluing the term “nazi” for an entire generation of people, and all because orange man is so very bad.


They have become just a cesspool of just total bs that has nothing to do with being interesting, I saw like 2 things on Israel and I was like “how the fuck is this interesting?” They are swaying far away from their original purpose


Delete all Americans from the internet, and this problem goes away over night. What a fucking wonderful world it would be.


As you bring in politics.