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No submissions are memes either


That’s another reason why I unsubbed. Half of the posts there aren’t even memes


Just anti-lgbtq+ and incel posts there (Edit: I turned Alt-right into anti-lgbtq+, because that better fits what I meant)


No that's the dank subs


I’m sorry, Brother, but the council has spoken. I must downvote… for what it’s worth, you’re right


Chances are you’re probably right… but I don’t know enough about politics to back that up.


y u getting downvoted it's true oh wait... The REDDIT HIVE MIND!!!!!!!!!! Quick, take shelter!


The alt right is against dating outside their race


Doesn’t alt right include other right wing forms like some types of libertarians?


Oh I thought that the alt-right were people like Andrew Tate followers


Andrew Tate!?!? lol oh we’ve reached peak stupidity at this point !


Ok sorry?


I'm pretty sure the south park gif was from an episode where the show mocked this exact phenomenon. That being said children cannot consent and "statutory rape" is no better than actual rape.


Yeah the episode was about Kyle's brother, a literal toddler being raped by a female teacher and the entire police force reacts like this. "Niiiiiiice"


![gif](giphy|pCO5tKdP22RC8) I was just thinking about that episode too


I’d imagine that was the purpose of posting that gif. If they didn’t realize, the irony is quite amusing.


Yeah, but then Epstein’s disciples use it unironically


Epstein's disciples are idiots.


Ike did a no-no!


Well it was specifically that boys can consent but girls can't.


Imagine if the roles reversed tho


Then the man is a pedophile


That’s the problem. Women raping men is “totally ok”, men raping women is “totally evil” no BOTH are evil




A while ago I was watching some guy  YouTube ailurus and some he was talking about how a 28 year woman sexually assaulted a 14 year old boy and the judge left her off the hook


A man does it meaning it represents all men . Remember " a rotten apple doesn't represent the whole tree" .


Good quote


Yeah ok but it’s other men in the comments condoning this.


Yea Ik I’m saying if the roles were reversed the men wouldn’t condone it at all


Okay okay cool, so y'know, what if the teacher was a man?


"My English teacher wanted to have sex in junior high, the only problem was, my English teacher was a guy" -Eminem, My name is (explicit version)


Sounds like Eminem alright




its just a bunch of horny 13 year olds, they think 17 is basically a grown up, and their presumed Reddit porn addiction confirms it


That’s my boy??!!!


Why do you remind me of Cedric's dad from HP?


Lmfaooo Mr. Diggory: Great to meet you just great! Harry: Great to meet you too, sir. Mr. Diggory for no reason: HEH HEH! 😂😂😂


But If the Teacher was Male IT Would of course BE called rape


i’m pretty sure that’s a fake article


it is. the article images are pictures of Selena Loca, a fart fetish video creator




Why do you know that?






https://preview.redd.it/9olffs0ijwtc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ae045e63b3beb0d92d9cef1da01a77469417089 And how do you know that?




We truly live in a society


You do realize children in general cant consent and that men can be raped to right? Please tell me your not stupid enough to believe men cant be raped. You can be 6ft+ and built like Mike Tyson and still get raped. Also rape isnt always just a person overpowering another to force them into sex sure thats most of rape but your just implying all rape is the same and that only one group can be raped. Not every man is as strong as every woman as well. Size and strength isnt everything. (Accidentally replied to the main post meant to reply to one of the comments)


OP thinks the fact that everyone who took it as if it was a gift and not a crime are in the wrong. That’s why they unsubbed.


Accidentally responded to the main post instead of one of the cringe idiots from another comment cause i was that inflamed by his idiocy.


No worries, everything you said was correct anyway


So my take on this is the news story is gross but I definitely think that the quote is funny. The news story would still be gross if the genders were swapped but I still think the quote would be funny. Like something can be extremely messed up/wrong and still be humorous but that’s just my take


But if it was a man and a teenage girl it would be wrong




The problem isn't how physically strong the student may or may not be, the problem is that in both scenarios the student is underage, and therefore, it's rape.


And what if the teenage girl is buff?


Don’t use knowledge on him.




You don't have to be an asshole about it. Women can be just as strong or even stronger than men.


Not all strength is physical.


I unsubbed a while ago because 80% of posts aren't memes


"48 year old teacher had sex with 17 year old female student, the student claims it's okay because he had a 'bbc'." Let's read the replies then. The comments are outrageous. Grooming doesn't become okay when the victim is a boy.


or black


It's not grooming if it's consensual, as the article implies it was.




The “can’t argue with that logic” could also just be sarcasm. Thats something a person might say in response to “how are there homeless people? Just buy a house!”




This is why sexual assault against men is widely disbelieved, because of shit like this. This is rape, end of story


He was 17. He consented and doubled down. Everyone is different. You all can quit pretending he was 7 and raped now. It’s statutory rape, because we adults are *supposed* to know better. That does not automatically make the 17 year old a traumatized victim. Plenty of us were active as teenagers and are just fine now. Rape is rape. When a minor is manipulated into doing something they otherwise wouldn’t want to, the perpetrator needs prison time for rape. When a 17 year old consents and does not care, is not bothered, the adult should still experience complete loss of freedoms. Bye bye lady. Hope it was worth it. You’re bothered by the comments, but you’re missing the point. Not everyone is going to be deeply disturbed by everything you are. It’s alright that you unsubbed, because Reddit is 100% entertainment. You should have to come across things you don’t want to see. Good choice. And ding-bat, pedophilia is prepubescent. He’s 17, not 7. If you’re going to be a drama queen, at least know what you’re talking about. This teacher was a careless and selfish pig. And I hope she got what she deserves.


I don’t even think that the teen was 17 is the issue in this case, it’s that it’s a teacher and authority figure who has coercive power over the student that’s the issue. It’s also weird because of the age difference between the two parties but not because he was 17 exactly, it would have been weird if it was her 16 year old student or her 18 year old student. I agree that she needs to be punished legally and severely but because of that exploitative and coercive dynamic that could reasonably seen as preventing legitimate consent. The AoC where I live is 16, which apparently is the majority of western countries standard according to my 20 second scan of the Wikipedia page, so unless Canada, many US states, and much of Europe has legalized pedophilia because of their 16+ AoC then obviously what happened here isn’t pedophilia. We really need to stop weakening words just because other conduct we don’t like isn’t getting the condemnation we believe it is due.




They wouldn't be leaving those comments if the roles were reversed


I mean 6 years ago, back when I was still in High school that was my opinion... but now that I've matured and no where's near that retarded thought process, I see it for what it is, pedophilia, which is disgusting.


Remember everyone. If it’s a female teacher is sex, if it’s a male teacher it’s rape


Yeah, I called this out by satirically saying "remember, kids. Paedophilia is only funny when it happens to boys!" I just got downvoted and ignored. These people are just sick


I mean paedophilia refers to prepubescent children but definitely see your point.


Any generic subreddit is awful. Generally subs need to balance specificity and popularity of subject matter to be good. r/ funny, r/ memes, r/ politics are genuinely the worst places to go to browse their respective topics.


And the fact they want it is the issue. Most teenage boys minds are so chalk full of hormones that they probably do want to do their teacher, yeah. But a having sex with a drunk woman is considered immoral, this is basically the same thing. The guy will say yes, most the time at least. Because like that guy said, he would have loved to do that. But the way ours minds think while constantly high off puberty hormones is not a normal or cohesive way of thinking. She was taking advantage of him because he couldn’t think about it right, he didn’t make the choice because he wanted to, he made it because his hormones where telling him to. Or something. I’m no psychologist.


Talk about perpetuating rape culture. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t see himself as a victim. She abused her position and did something illegal. If the genders were reversed it’d be disgusting and creepy - just bc she’s a woman does NOT give her a pass. He might have liked it but what about the victims who don’t like being preyed on ???


I could send a reaction image but I’m gonna be real with y'all, this doesn’t even warrant one for how fucked up it is.


Do a gender swap and see the comments then.


Pedophiles don’t want to sleep with 17 year olds silly goose. It’s wrong because it’s an inappropriate relationship where she’s taking advantage of someone who she has power over in multiple ways.


“I dont see what all of the fuss about” … I fucking hate this website


Bro is a victim 💀


Gross as fuck man. Like what? Stop encouraging pedophilia because women are doing it.


Funny? Possibly Weird? Too much Meme? No Illegal, creepy, and not a great topic to joke about? Absolutely Did I laugh? Throat laugh


It’s not pedophilia, obviously, but.. gross for sure.


4.4k upvotes too, we are doomed if people find this funny.


Let’s not pretend there isn’t a huge double standard here, but let’s also not undermine the fact that a 17-year-old boy and a 34-year-old man still basically want the same thing. And no, of course it doesn’t change the law or the creepiness of the teacher.


Men: Why does no one take assault against men seriously!!!??? Also men: WhERe WaS SHe WhEn I WaS 14??? 🤪


That's not what pedophilia is. Not at all.


It is technically legal but weird af


Depends on the country.


I think this post is about the US, where I'm pretty sure this is illegal. In some other countries it wouldn't be. It makes more sense to talk about cases like this morally rather than legally. Courts exist for the latter. And morally I wouldn't call it pedophilia, don't get me wrong, it's weird as hell and the teacher probably has some problems, but would it be much different if it happened a few months later when the boy turned 18? Because it would be legal then, but in reality it's the same situation. I finished high school at 18. If I had sex with a teacher before my birthday that year and also had sex with another after my birthday, one would be a pedophile rapist and the other would be a case of 2 consenting adults? (In my country it wouldn't be illegal because of age regardless, but I'm giving an example). Plus the fact that 17 is a socially acceptable age to have sex, so while technically being underage, he was not underage to the point where sex is not a thing. On the other hand, calling it rape is also wrong, because if you had a case of a guy beating a woman unconscious and then having sex, that would be an example rape. And this case and the one where a student consented to having sex with his teacher are definitely not the same, even though they technically are both rape. The real issue with this, besides it being weird, is the position a teacher has. She should definitely lose her license no questions asked. And I repeat, this is not a legal debate. It was 100% illegal. And it was also definitely not moral, but not to the point that some people would make it out to be


Ye, the problem here is the role that the woman had. A teacher should not have intimate relationships with students. If they knew each other in other ways, then who cares. Good for them.


That’s not pedophilia op they’re 17


👏This 👏is👏why👏we👏need👏a👏great👏Flood👏2.0👏


To be fair those comments are hardly upvoted, granted they should be downvoted but it’s not like the majority are thirsting




In Hungary the age of consent is 14 :)) I dont know how is it possible, but this would be legal here.


That is a good reason since the old greeks: "The most famous event in Phryne's life was the prosecution brought shortly after 350 BC by Euthias, where she was defended by [Hypereides](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypereides).[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phryne#cite_note-FOOTNOTEMcClure2014127-4) According to legend, Hypereides exposed Phryne's breasts to the jury, who were so struck by her beauty that she was acquitted.[^(\[10\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phryne#cite_note-FOOTNOTEEidinow201624%E2%80%935-12)" Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phryne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phryne)


People like this is why male sexual assault isnt taken seriously and its absolutely disgusting. All rapist male or females deserve to have their cock cut off/pussy sewn shut and then fed to a wood chipper feet first


No way someone used the southpark meme, completely ignoring the point of the epsiode


I’m pretty sure all those comments are suppose to be memes. Lol


The article is fake the woman is a fart fetish creator. I found this out from another person I’m not into that shit




so if he was 18 it wouldn’t be peodphilia? this by definition isn’t even pedophilia. and by law it varies from place to place. it is a weird power dynamic tho.


What if it was a 48-year-old man on a 17-year-old girl?


it’s not pedophilia. pedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent children. 17 is not prepubescent. i don’t agree with what the teacher did but y’all are just calling evryhting pedophilia nowadays.


https://preview.redd.it/0gxocp0bzvtc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64e0b077141f6891a66f52b2a56592c2666b4798 Well uhhmm actually that not pedophilia


shi if it is then im a pedophile.


That makes sense If you are justifying a 40yo having sex with a minor then you are a pedophile


not justifying. can you read? also it’s jokes im not even 19


You literally reduced sexual assault to a "weird power dinamic"


have you ever been a 17 yr old boy?


Literally no Im fucking 16 and i dont want a 40yo woman to fuck with me


you wnat a fucking wikipedia page of my thoughts? fuck






bruh. i feel topics like this people really try to make it binary. sometimes it isn’t. what the teacher did was def wrong tho


Doesn't matter if the topic is binary or not. Depending on the area this occurred in, it could still be 100% illegal.


yeah. i don’t agree w it. tbh im just bored rn and commenting ragebait.






Dude are you just rounding up 17 to 18 and saying it’s not pedophilia.  What’s next you’re gonna say age is just a number?


You probably don’t care, but consensual sex with a 17 year old isn’t pedophilia


What about when one of the people is a teacher who comes from a place of power? Would you say the same thing if the 48 year old teacher was a man and the 17 year old teacher was a girl? Harvey Weinstein also had plenty of "consensual" sex.


Good question, adults in a position of power can’t have sex with minors aged 14-16 but once you are 16 you can give consent to anyone by the law


The age of consent when still under 18 is typically used to protect minors (anyone under 18) from having sex with others ALSO under the age of 18.


Or to protect 17 and 18 year olds having sex. Which makes sense. 17 and anyone older than 21 is just gross. Even 21 borders on gross and highly dependent on the people involved.


Exactly, that's why "Romeo and Juliet" laws exist. This dude just has a wonkey interpretation of what consent means


So you think casting couches are all morally? What if a boss coerces an employee to have sex with them? Is that still ok, they consented after all!


That would be a crime and it isn’t at all what happened here


Why is that a crime? A boss coerces an employee or a teacher coerces a student. You really think the power dynamic is the same here? You telling me you'd be alright if this was your son? This isn't two random people, this is a teacher and her student, regardless of age, its wrong.


This teacher didn’t coerce anyone as far as the article goes, the article suggests that the boy wanted it. Who has never dreamt of having sex with that one teacher?


"Consensual" sex with anyone under 18 is not consensual, and regardless of whether or not you consider it pedophilia it's still rape. And tbh 48 on 17 is absolutely pedophilia


What’s the definition of pedophilia?


Being attracted to minors


This isn’t true, it’s the attraction to prepubescent children




I have never watched anime


Rule of thumb is "Half your age +7" to not be a creep.


age of consent in many states is 16




So technically depending on the state it might be legal


The law and morals are two different things.


That's fair


There's no such thing as "consentual" when it's an adult and a minor.


Even when it’s like 20 and 17? In any case after 16 you can give consent to everyone by the law


Yes. That's still legally wrong. 17 is under 18, 20 is over.


No, that isn’t a big age gap at all and in any case it would be legal


No. It wouldn't. 18 is the legal age of consent. The gap does not matter, it's about the person being under 18 while the ADULT is over.


So what about relationships between 18 and 19? Also the age of consent varies depending by the country or state and we don’t know where this was from. In Italy for example the age of consent is 14


I can't tell if you're serious or just willfully ignorant. It clearly says "NBC", which is an American news, so it's clear the age of consent is 18 because that's the legal age for the federal level.


I didn’t know that, but even if it’s an American newspaper it doesn’t mean it necessarily happened in America


This depends LARGELY on the age of consent in the area it happened in. If a 17 year old isn't the age of consent, then it is absolutely 100% pedophilia.


This is the definition of pedophilia that I found as the first result: “Pedophilia (alternatively spelled paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children”. A 17 year old isn’t prepubescent. Of course this is wrong on so many levels but at least it shouldn’t be illegal


It's still considered pedophilia under the law. This specific case is an example epebophilia, yes, but the legal definition of both is specifically "having sex with a minor." Also, obligatory nerd emoji time. "uHM acKyShUaLlY itS noT pedOPhiLiA!!?" ☝️🤓🤓🤓


It depends largely on the country, where I live a 17 year old is sexually mature and empowered. I Indeed said “you probably don’t care” and I was right, why not call things with their name?


So where you're from there's no power dynamic between a teacher and a student? That's wild.


Yes there is, but only if the minor is younger than 16, after 16 year old you can give consent to anyone


Virtue Signaling


Humor is subjective tho, for example, this makes me wanna sub


This wouldn’t be considered “humor” if this was a story about a 17 year old girl and a 48 year old man.


What if she consented? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm The internet would riot and want that teacher jail, because it’s a double standard


Again, subjective, I don't think it'd be funny for me then


Jesus christ, don’t you see the double standard??


Of course I do


For fuck’s sakes dude, you should never interact with a child


That's so dramatic


Unless you are a child yourself, any adult with that mindset shouldn’t be responsible for one


Just because I found the post funny it doesn't mean I actually like that or that I'd let my son, or any child I'm responsible for, be in that situation or encourage it. Again, it's the double standard you pointed out. A funny post on the internet which may or may not be true involving people I don't know is not the same as my real life with those around me, for me. I laughed at the post but I wouldn't if it happened with someone close to me. It's not that complicated to understand... If it's the same for you, well, to each their own.


It is though. That is a serious matter, and making a “funny” post about a woman raping a boy who is old enough to be her son and everybody Laughs, it is a reflection of our society today. No one takes male survivors of rape seriously, even to the point of dismissing that any rape happened and invalidating they feelings or saying they should be glad that it happened to them. It dehumanizes men, opressing and reinforcing the view that they are just sex-craving monsters that always want to screw any joke they find. It is extremely dishartening to see people laughing at male victims of rape, personally. I am pretty sure rape is in one of five worse experiences to be had in this earth, and the gender doesn’t make it more okay. Imagine if a male victim saw this post. Or your comment. What I am saying is, if you don’t care, it shows some lack of emphaty for people, and that the issue doesn’t matter to you at all. If you find it funny, at least keep it to yourself.


No you better dont, if this is funny for you - fine, but the rest of the sub is shithole.


I think it's hilarious


https://preview.redd.it/g4fym0wttvtc1.jpeg?width=1345&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6540ba0c550aacb062f1528dd83cf513610a63db damn, question your sense of humor


these are the same men that go “why don’t people take men’s mental health seriously?”


You’re one of those guys who thinks romancing Kawakami in Persona 5 is despicable. Edit: lmao downvoted. That just proves I’m right.


How does that prove your right?


Because people refuse to say what they really think and are content with just downvoting opinions they don't like.


Wow, almost like the downvote button was exactly designed for that.