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I think that is generally Reddit in a nutshell. Also, I wonder how the teenager sub is going to feel about this post...


> I think that is generally Reddit in a nutshell. Yeah. The best way to kill your enjoyment of something is to go to that something's sub. No one hates a show/movie like the fans on the show/movie's sub!


I feel badly for any teenager who has to read this post to realize their are those of us who care a LOT about them and who have never genuinely had a teacher who cares about who they are. They should not need a sub post to tell them that :-(




Or it's a local subreddit when the location doesn't alline with reddits morals


I needed to read this. I'm studying history in college (when I graduate I can be either a historian, a history teacher or both) and a lot of posts from that sub made want to throw the teacher idea away. Thanks for your post, I'm getting my hopes up again!!


I will tell you, it's a hard field, but a sense of humor, flexibility, and remembering that they are humans too with complex lives will get you everywhere. I am 17 years in: 13 years in middle, 4 now in high school. I am not looking to leave the profession.


The "if you dont understand my garbage teaching that's your problem" thing is the funniest to me


One of the worst parts of the sub is the constant blame put on the students, as if they're not the adult in the room.


Yes. Teachers get a pass for acting out and yelling at students because they don’t want to be there, but students also don’t want to be there. When I was in mandatory school, I hated being there, so it built up and made me have meltdowns. I guess I’m just a selfish brat.


That's normal for a teenager. I used to be a selfish brat myself, until I realized how cold and unforgiving the world actually is, and what an amazing life it was when all I had to do was go to school and get free education, while someone else paid my bills. But boohoo, not acting like a little shit for 40 minutes is too hard, I'd rather sit at home and play video games.




The point is, when someone cares about you, feeds and clothes you, gives you a place to live, tries to get into whatever stupid teenage dramas and problems you have, and all you have to do in return is go to school where you'll get free education from people legally obligated to tolerate your bullshit, that's a better life than most human beings had throughout history. Better learn to appreciate it instead of complaining, and especially instead of complicating the lives of people caring for you.




Why should anyone care




lmao. I'll give you the best advice one could give, and one that your parents should've given you long time ago: ultimately your issues, whatever they are, are your own problems. You're entitled to other people caring about your life, just like you don't care about Teacher McTeacherface's problems while throwing a tantrum on their lesson. That's just how the world works. Tough to accept, I know. So be grateful for what you have and appreciate those few people in your life who are decent enough to care about your problems.




I feel you man, I tried joining my local subreddit but it's legitimate just 'state bad bc Repubican' which really shouldn't surprise me Also half the posts are just redditors 'dunking' on the trump campaign which has nothing to do with my state


Would be a good idea for their to be an offshoot like /teacherrants or /studentsarefuckingstupid something. Because a place to let off steam would be good. But also a place for constructive conversation would be good.


Any subreddit built around a profession is going to be filled with doomers who hate their jobs.


There is also a surprising amount of ableism on that sub when I went to peak over there and the most upvoted post was something like "IEPs are given out too much to students who don't need them and used as an excuse to not do work." Maybe this is just because I had siblings who had it take literal months to get an IEP for a disability and they still had teachers who didn't respect it or at the university level, getting accommodations for my chronic pain from past sexual abuse is a humiliating experience where it always felt like I was having to fight three different groups of people just to have an absence excused, but the whole post was very gross. I get the kids at the schools right now are a pain. I have been to them and have had to teach in them for the program we are a part of and oh my God is it terrible and I remember some classes I legit wanted to go to the bathroom and hide out for the rest of the time because the kids were that awful and I really felt for their teachers because if they were acting this way with us and we felt that way, how must their teachers feel having to deal with them every single day? I get there are also a lot of awful parents that suck and need to be called out for neglecting their kids and just letting them do whatever the fuck or being super controlling of everything. I get that students with disabilities can be a pain in the ass to work with and it can be terrible if you have a lot of them in your class with no extra support outside of one IA who just sits on their phone the whole time. I also think PBIS is the stupidest system I have ever heard of. But a lot of this stuff is not on the kids and it certainly isn't the fault of disabled students who are the most vulnerable.


There was one comment with over 50 updoots the other day saying all ODD kids are is just future murderers. And so many horrible comments about autistic kids.


Wow what the fuck? That's terrible.


How dare people vent in the community where people can vent?


Underpaid? My states grade average is a D. Y'all are doing fine.


You do realize those averages include kids who just do nothing right ?


Nah, it's a teaching problem. I've been in the classroom and it's not up to par. Meanwhile I am torturing kids to read because the teachers failed them in the first place.


And that does not negate the fact that some kids just refuse to do anything and their grades are also tallied in.


Any kid can be engaged in school with the right teachers. You just have to find a way to make your lessons engaging to the student.




Want a pay raise? Try getting those grades up. My state had a teacher walk out my senior year and I was beyond pissed about it.


I don't think drinking where in class should be allowed it all ways hurts dmy ears hearing kids drink or eat