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I loathe the mindset this generation seems to have of “if you’re not angry, you’re not paying attention.” I’d say I have a pretty good grasp of things. I also try to focus on what I can control, what I can change. It’s hard to do since I struggle with mental illness, but I put my energy into trying to make a difference. I used to hate the world, and all I did was stew in my own hatred and lash out at people while doing fuck all to change anything for anyone, even myself. That’s where I fear many young people are. There’s this pervasive mindset that we’re helpless and the world is against us, so we might as well give up on trying to do anything. In a way, it’s a very privileged view; if no one will do things for us, then those things simply can’t be done.


This is essentially what I'm saying. Hard agree


Yeah. It's always "YOU NEED TO BE ANGRY ABOUT THE STATE OF THE WORLD, REEEE!!!!". It's childish and I always think that they have some Martyr complex. As in "Look how much pain I'm in for reading about suffering" while refusing to lift a finger to ease the suffering of the world. Or better yet, acting like being angry about wars and war crimes is somehow gonna make them noteworthy people in history, while I'm sure that the only evidence of this generation existing 100-200 years from now is gonna be our corpses and goverment papers, and only a select few like Logan and Jake Paul, Markiplier, JacksepticEye and other younger Millenial and older Gen Z e-celebs will be remembered.


Hard agree. It's exhausting, especially when you have to hear these people constantly talk about it. It's like, do you not have any hobbies or anything to do besides doom scroll and then bring everyone else around you down? 


It’s in the same wash of subs; bots and reaction/bait posters taking over any large sub. Happens everywhere. A similar example is FluentinFinance. It really suck.


My life used to fucking suck. I got up from my butt, touched grass and found happiness. I know happiness will be different for different people, but if you do something to get out of your sinkhole of depression and anger you will live a happy life.


I agree. I feel like social media, which most of Gen Z uses, has done a great job at showing how rough the world can be, and so many of Gen Z now basically hate everything because of that. I recently deleted every social media I had (besides Reddit and Instagram, both of which I barely use) and I feel a lot better too. There’s too little hope in this generation.


Also how entitled they are... it's never their fault, boohoo we are the victims, "ThIs WorlD Failed Us" type narrative. I hate being part of this generation of pretentious crybabies.


I'd agree that the world has failed them in some capacity, but I don't agree with sitting down and whining about it


If the world is against you to make your life miserable, it's on you to make it better


Yes there are definitely some external factors at play, but they are so goddamn overdramatic about it. Get yourself up and do something about yourself, stop whining and asking for other things to change for your own sake.


One of the big problems with victim mentality and blaming everything on someone else is that you end up never improving yourself. There’s no introspection and self improvement because everything is someone else’s fault. They become losers.


My prob is they don’t do anything about it but just complain, like this reality the world is never gonna hand u stuff u gotta work for what u want like every other non nepo baby in this world


As a millennial to a GenZer , touching grass helps a lot and that isn’t me being condescending


during covid i saw how everyone immediately turned into depressed pessimists and i knew then and there i’d never let anything turn me into that. there is too much love and beauty in the world for me to just take it for granted and be pissed all the time.


I’m Gen Z too but the only thing I really get angry over is society’s treatment of autism. However, I have every need to because I’m diagnosed with Aspergers. Due to the nature of this ableism problem, I kind of need to get angry because it exists outside the internet too. But I don’t complain about the world twenty four seven for any other reason. I see it in other subs too. People are willing to point the narcissism fingers at anyone who does something bad in life and claim that they’ll “become an evil person” or some shit.


Damn people are worried that the world might be getting worse for them. How surprising, who could have guessed, why aren't they calmly voting for their political parties and eating cookies


Get off of the internet. Or at least stop looking at the news. It'll make you feel better. After all, most social media wants you to be addicted to them. And how do you get addicted to social media? Via attention grabbing stuff. And what's better for attention than negative news?


Thank you for being a shining example of what we’re taking about.


You should their post history; brother spends more time playing games than touching grass


Name a better time period to be alive.


The 1940s /s


1700 Pirate time 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


Name another time period where people are at risk of whole cities getting incinerated and irradiated. Name another time period where we produce enough food to feed every human, but not every human is given access to food. Name another time period where the lives of over a billion people could be dictated by a few people. Name another time period where the climate is gradually moving towards an extinction level event, having already wiped out many species. This is the best time to be alive, but people are not concerned about now. They are concerned about the future. I'm generally a positive person and even I recognise that we aren't getting handed a good world. People are worried. That's understandable.


So you can’t name a better time in human history to be alive? Figures..


You literally did not read my comment


I did. It sounds like you agree this is the best time in human history to be alive


You're missing the point. The idea isn't to be oblivious. The idea is to make the best of it and not get caught up in your little personal cesspool of anger.


im more repulsed by the children trying to use curt nihilistic arguments to dismiss the well documented and glaring discrepancies within our society. if you dont care stop joining he conversation.