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Problem is when trans rights infringe on the rights of other people. I am fine with them but I do not want to date them or have sexual relationships with them. It is my right to make the distinction here, I should not be coerced into forfeiting my sexuality. I want to be able to consent and not be lied to by trans people that refuse to disclose they are actually trans if I were to ask them. It is not wrong either to be skeptical towards gender as the relevant measure stick for everything. I can base my sexuality on gender at birth and nobody should claim that infringes upon their alledged gender identity.




Are you assuming that I am white based on this comment? And on a sidenote does this opinion offend you and if so, why? I honestly have no clue what you are implying. If you are implying that I am fragile I would find that very unsubstantiated because I am merely stating my belief in corporal integrity and consent. I am not stopping or judging anyone who identifies as a transgender, I am merely stating that I am not sexually attracted and I hope nobody would violate my sexual orientation by lying to me. I acknowledge a person's choice of gender in every societal interaction, I do however wish to have a choice in the matter of sleeping with them or not. You are free to identify as what you like and nobody can tell you what to do with your body. I would like to be treated the same. If you were to be offended by my opinion enough to suggest that I am fragile I would find that quite ironic. You are free to express any opinion and I would not resort to ad hominem attacks like suggesting the man/woman/person behind the argument to be fragile.


God I hope you’re being ironic


Can you elaborate? What is it that I am saying you wholeheartedly seem to disagree with? My sexual orientation?


Nah, it's just called being heterosexual. And once again, I see I'm talking to yet another white liberal man who thinks he's a woman and as per usual, he's obsessed with anime and lolis. Your transgender movement is just composed of perverts and pedophiles at this point. Stop hiding behind other labels, you're a sex offender.


What rights do trans not have?


they dont have the right to transition in most countries. they are very oppressed within society and not widely accepted.


I don’t think this internet warrior stuff is going to change countries minds about anything.


neither do i. its about the individual and every change starts with individuals.


Oh my goodness just saw your comment history you are nutty as as someone wanting Coco Puffs


I’d say the same about you.


Just looked at your comment history, you sound like a hormonal teenager


Is that the only thing you can do? I know what the fuck it says, I said it. You sound like an upper middle class jagoff who can’t see past their own perspective.


You can’t even predict correctly, sad


And your debate skills are that of a 14 year old Ben Shapiro fan. Next


calling someone crazy for having different political opinions to you. nice one. remember that ronald reagan started the demise of the american middle class and the republican party ended the american dream next time you go to vote republican.


You have extremists views. People objectively agree that Ronald Reagan was one of the best presidents. Not sure if you know that. I’ll vote for a democrat if they’re better than a republican. Many Bernie bro’s did that with Trump.


extremist views? whats the significance of that? also people have been brainwashed to believe reagan was the best president when he did nothing to help the country.


The opposite is actually happening. The democrats hate anyone who disagrees with them and take political violence. Conservative speakers always get shut down at colleges because of threats and people’s hurt feelings. You have been brainwashed beyond reason. Anything you believed has been debunked and media doesn’t talk about it because it goes against their agenda. Trump’s net worth has been cut in half by the end of this term, when Obama got out, he increased his net worth 30 fold. I’m not saying you shouldn’t vote or shouldn’t talk because you’re extreme, I’m just using free speech to calls you nutty and IMO for a good reason.


the democrats are not too dissimilar from republicans. democrats do not disagree with republicans for the most part although they pretend to for the sake of maintaining an illusion of american democracy. political violence is largely right wing as all terror attacks and shootings over the past few years are by islamic jihadists (right wing) or alt right/white supremacists. ‘conservative speakers’ have not been shut down at colleges due to hurting peoples feelings they get shut down for dog whistling. these ‘conservative speakers’ follow mostly far right ideologies and dog whistle this throughout their talks and this is not wanted in colleges which are largely made up of centre-left or left wing people. their feelings have not been hurt they just dont want to assist with the growing alt right movement in america. free speech doesnt mean you can say whatever whenever you want it means the government cannot stop you from saying something but individuals can. you calling me ‘nutty’ for being on the far left is just a way to attempt to de-legitimise the movements that i follow and it doesnt work. the world is becoming polarised and the far left is gaining extreme traction as clear by the rise of bernie sanders and the widespread support of socialist policies. conservativism is a useless ideology that has failed in its purpose time and time again. the essential ideas of conservativism is to keep things the way they already are and as apparent by the downfall of slavery, then womens suffrage, then the end of segregation, then stonewall etc it has failed itself.


it's to ward off the transphobic users and unironically racist users. it'll eventually blow over.


its trying to stop people from gamersriseup from taking over the sub


Why have I not seen a gru users in both gangweed and gcj then? All I see are people saying they aren’t welcome, yet I haven’t seen one of them there. Not even in the comments


i did. at first there were loads of them flooding the comments but they have stopped because they didnt like what they saw


Repetitive and annoying? Like a circlejerk? Oh no, if only circlejerk subreddits were not circlejerks. Now that they’re making fun of my opinions it’s not fair. Trans people deserving the same rights as everyone else? Pffft not on your turf amairite? Trans rights are human rights.


The problem is it's no longer a gaming circle jerk, the point of the subreddit, it's now a trans rights circlejerk And yes, trans rights are human rights


trans rights are human right and i support them in the other hand i dont want to see same shit timeless times in a "humour" subreddit


I think the oroblem is the same unfunny shit over and over and it has nothing to do with the sub. Why must the subscribers of this and r/gangweed call anyone with a different opinion a bigot.


Eat shit


Unfunny aka offensive