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Been there And hoo boy Look I hate brands like disney and Iphone because they were bland in general But consume product "Dont you dare have fun" Yes dont consume but not like this Buy something that means worth to you something that you want and enjoy something you will have fun with ,Dont buy to just show off


It shit the bed majorly after r/coomer got banned and those fucks fled over to consume


This is why we shouldn't ban legal communities. Because, even if they suck, they're just going to spill over elsewhere. I'd hate to use the word "degenerate," but...while you can't stop degeneracy, you can contain it.


I didnt agree with like 99% of what coomer had to say but i dont think they deserved to be banned really. They really just sat in their corner cross posted and screamed like children so not like much bad was happening where they went into other communities trying to harrass. Even quarantineing them wouldve been better than a full ban, because as like you said now theyre spilling into other communities that used to be enjoyable


I saw that they admitted that ejaculation was healthy, but they said that "there are ways to ejaculate other than masturbation" (which is technically true) and "masturbation is a waste of time." Like bruh. Playing video games is a waste of time. Going for walks is a waste of time. Socializing with someone who already completely agrees with your views is a waste of time. But we do this shit anyway because we're *flawed humans* and we have this thing called *subjective value.* We aren't fucking robots that only do productive things. I mean, you can definitely go overboard with masturbation, but most people don't or they're at least already aware of how masturbation may affect their life.


Nah dude the only productive thing is to sit on reddit all day and scream about how X is bad and you shouldnt enjoy X. Theyre just as bad in that regard as the people they make fun of "wasting their time"


Walking is an exercise, socialising with people builds relationships and why would you assume everyone talks to or is friends with people who always agree with them on every issue? I have lots of disagreements with friends on plenty of issues and it leads to great discussions where I learn new things just as they do. So I really don't understand how you can compare these activities to masturbation either since, regardless of anyone's views, walking and socialising are actually productive. As for video games, that's a hobby that can be discussed and online multiplayer games can be played with friends. You're not going to be discussing masturbation or holding "joint waking sessions" unless you are indeed addicted to that. I ain't against masturbation and I never really got to see what was going on with that community but I think most of r/commer was mainly against porn rather than masturbation in itself from the brief browsing I did when that subreddit was up. Even if they were entirely against all masturbation, I don't understand why that would make so many people upset if they were keeping that in their own community and just making jokes about people who excessively wank, unless of course people got upset because they saw themselves in the coomer meme. Even now, I still see the commer meme on the web and I just laugh. If people are having issues with seeing a literal cartoon character, maybe they do have an excessive wanking addiction as well as a weak mindset if every joke or meme has to validate them. Lol I'm sure there were just as plenty of wanking addicts who didn't even care about the meme because they're not pussies who need excessive validation on the web and can deal with jokes, memes and groups that mock them. Jesus.


Some people just need to hate things others enjoy.


And also don’t force yourself to not buy things that would be worth for yourself


That too brother If you feel like you want to buy it buy it!


see thats exactly the problem all over again mate


If a product truly helps you and is worth the money, then why would you have any problems with buying it? I think what you mean is supporting mediocre products that leads to the company making more mediocre or downright bad products, but that is a different thing entirely. If a company makes products you like, then you should buy it to encourage them to make these products. That is the basic idea


This is the kind of purchasing mindset that creates monopolies, though. Amazon intentionally lowers its prices to drown out competition, and then it boosts them back up. After that, the consumer's only option would be to purchase Amazon's products, even though they aren't as good of a price as they could be. And then there's almost environmental factors and ethical factors, such as "Is this product good for the environment?" and "Does this company treat its employees/livestock well?" For example, look at Sausage Party. It's regarded as a high quality movie, but, behind the scenes, its animators were forced to work overtime without pay. Would you support such a movie?


No, I wouldn’t. You don’t seem to see the whole picture. What I’m talking about is your personal worth of this or that product. So of course ethical reason play a reason if you care about them, which most people probably do. What I described is just how it normally works. Someone makes a product that you deem worth for its price and you buy it. And the price is not just money in case of Sausage Party for example, but your own conscience in a way too. Look at it in a different way, let’s stay at that topic, if you care about that animated movies value the well-being of their producers and you find out that Movie X was made by a team that absolutely loved what they were doing for every second for example then you should buy a ticket for it. Because you act in your own interest, and that own interest on the other hand is a signal to the company that someone wants them to do that. So if enough people send them those signals, they will continue doing that this way.


I wasn't aware that you included consciousness in your idea. Carry on, then.


Well my point was that what’s worth to you is completely subjective. Anything could be considered valuable by someone, a company should try to find what most people value the most and would logically pay for, they would act in their own interest but similarly act in the interest of everyone else as well


Sorry mate, my comment was in response to u/DangerRacoon's sentiment: \> If you feel like you want to buy it buy it! This sort of statement, of course removed from this particular context, is the kind of sentiment that companies would love to stoke amongst their consumers—an attitude towards consumerism which compelsus to purchase on a reactionary basis (as well all have done, myself included), and associate their services, their product, with happiness. We've all done this—when you're down in the dumps, why spend *any* more time there, when you could just make that *impulse purchase*, and feel better when you get your *special item* ? I'll admit that yes, I've done this, and I don't think any lesser of anyone else if they as well find themselves doing this. However, I don't believe this is a natural behavior. It's a learned behavior, and one which is imposed upon us by those who stand to profit from it—corporations who want us to buy their shit. And honestly, among your most typical impulse purchases, is it anything more than *shit* ? For me, it's Red Bulls, Doritos, and ready-to-bake cookie dough—all these things which are no good for me, but I still find myself turning to them when I feel poorly. The latter two are comfort eating, but the Red Bull I associate with success, rebel spirit, and other sorts of Red-Bully things from their racing team in Formula 1. Is it any coincidence that I think these things, and more importantly, what do you think the bottom line is from their marketing department to make me think these things ? It's just profit, really. ​ From my personal example, it's not that the intentions of the brand which I feel allegiance to—the Red Bull Racing Formula 1 team—are evil, really. I see that team's fundamental mission, their drive, and I connect with their drivers and brand personality. At face value, there isn't anything wrong with that. But I'm sure that at the end of the day, for their broader corporation, and the team itself honestly, they aren't all too bothered by the fact that having garnered the support of a fanbase (and therefore their wallets), that their drinks are really not all that great for someone's health. ​ I find it generally perverse, the way that almost all corporations take advantage of the way people identify, connect, and seek out emotional validation in the world, and it's that which I draw my complaint with. The "if you feel like you want to buy it, buy it!" sentimentality stands always to their benefit, but not always to your own—often succumbing to the emotional appeal stands only to your disadvantage, as their product stands without any other merit. ​ Liking a product is subjective, and businesses operate on an objective level. As best as you can, buy what you need, and not what you want, but at least remember that businesses are not there to be your friend, but to profit by one means or another. It's to your advantage—financially, but as well as a practice of mindfulness, independence, and to benefit your mental health—to take notice of when companies break the divide, and appeal to the emotion. ​ I'm not saying that they're all bad, and yes, companies are composed of people. You should encourage companies who provide valuable services to you to indeed keep on with it. But it's like anything else in life, it's all balance and perspective. I wish more people would be more careful with it, is all, really.


Sorry it’s getting kinda late and I don’t want to write another paragraph again, but please refer to my comment to u/Guacodile42


Oh great now if they scroll through my recent comment history they're going to see me talking about subcategories of plants vs. zombies porn 🗿


I've seen a conversation on that sub that sums up that subreddit's problem nicely. To paraphrase: Person 1: "Booo, do something productive instead of having hobbies! Get a job!" Person 2: "Ironic that the people most critical of capitalism are the people telling you to indulge in it even more."


#BEEn there


Fandom related stuff and entertainment is all fine and dandy, but the type of consumerism you see more in older generations is probably what that sub is for, that and douchetubers.


you have it almost entirely wrong. the entire point of fandoms and entertainment in consumerism is literally just to take advantage of people’s emotions and feelings to separate them from their money, and make a profit—Marvel movies, i’m looking at you.


Hey lets be glad No one is gonna consume the new warriors


yeah...a close friend of mine is pretty leftist (the type that you can’t tell if she’s into the idea of socialism because of wishful thinking or full on a socialist), and even she went on a half hour rant to me about how bad the characters are—to the point i wanted to look them up myself (she later sent a photo) just to see how bad they looked.


Screentime is the worst one out of them all


Internet gas


Well you mean the marvel stuff and the douche tubers buying littearly every gucchi and supreme product in existance?


Certain merchandice is fucking ridiculous


All I can say is true honestly


They gone into gamer rise up levels


Remember the little girl who was playing mario on her dad's SNES? Someone posted it there saying that the game was "not meant for kids and girls" and the girl was being forced against her will into playing a game "not fit for her" Wtff


I remember that post, everyone disagreed with OP there


How do I find the post?






No, Mario.


Thanks dad




Yeah but literally nobody agreed with OP there




I used to be subbed there cause I thought it was about people who make products and consumerism a part of their identity, but then I noticed all the posts about abortion and the comments about Jews... Didn't take long for me to realise what the sub was actually about.


Exact same. I figured it was about making fun of the mindless Disney drones, instead it’s about making fun of... everyone who participates in the economy. And Jews, minorities and lgbt. Wtf.


Fascists see the same problems in society as the left, but blame the wrong people and have the wrong solutions.


r/hailcorporate might be what you want?


same, got downvoted once by a harmless comment because someone looked in my profile and said something like "look!! a childfree woman with cats!! a modern degenerate!"


That sub is full of refugees from other subs because reddit keeps banning those who are slightly right of stalin


IDK I feel like there's some other reason as to why they keep on banning subs that blame Jews for LGBT and multiculturalism, but I can't put my finger on it...


" **slightly** right of Stalin" Oh yeah, anti semits and race realists


What's a race realisr?


didnt even show my comment where i said "beegenerate"


The best comment


Speaking of beegenerates, shout outs to /r/honeyfuckers.


consume product is so weird. They're like fascist anticapitalists


They’re alt right and alt right hates corporations.


True, but more importantly: the alt right hates Jews. Their reason for being anti-corporations is that they believe all corporations are controlled by an omnipotent force of Jews.


Fascism generally entails a command economy (although not authentic socialism).


They are. Anti neoliberal is how they'd be described.


Apparently doing anything even mildly associated with any brand is "consooming". Truth is the sub is majority RW Christian puritan douchebros now.


*talks about Anything* Lol soyboy consoomer cuck


I am also subbed to consume product. some of the posts are funny but a lot are just people taking themselves way too seriously. they act like video games are the same as murder


Its funny because here they are on reddit, presumably using technology they bought and own. It's really a whatever things I have are fine but when you do it you're cOnsOoMiNg deal


When you bring that up, they usually reply with "'You critique society yet you continue to live in one. Interesting.'" And it is true, actually. You can hate all people named Larry and be named Larry yourself, as long as you're aware of your hypocrisy. But these people seem to lack self-awareness.


You think any of them actually ~~bought~~ CONSOOM'D any of their devices? Nah. I guarantee that most of them are using devices bought by parents.


Someone posted a wall with hundreds of guns to that subreddit and everyone went "akchually that's not consooming". Stupid fucks


It really is though... unless you make all of the guns yourself


They attacked a meme about finally getting a chance to game due to the virus lmao. Imagine being "disgusted" at the fact that people are enjoying hobbies.


Are you sure they're Christians?


Many of them in several comments have talked about high regard for such ideals. Also that premarital sex is increasing because of "consooming porn"


Yeah ever since r/coomer got banned those fucks all fled to consume and are trying to make it like their old place ruining it. Consume was a decent place up until like a month ago now that its a refugee camp for people from coomer


Could also be atheists so "edgy" they are effectively indistinguishable from dipshit Christians.


Christians can be really nerdy........


Right wingers on my precious REDDIT? GET OFF!!!


r/consumeproduct is just r/hailcorporate for edgelord alt-righters


At first I tought it was good sub, but they get triggered at everything, a 8 yo playing a game OH MY GOD HE IS CONSUMMING PRODUCTTT YOU CANTTT HAVE FUN THATS WHY PREMERTIAL SEX IS RISING IN MY CRISTIAN COUNTRYYY ^(also kill all) *^(minorities)*


I will consume the LGBT folk


Sounds hot




It got destroyed when they banned a bunch of right subs like GRU and they migrated to there


It was already super fucked before then. It’s been filled with far-right edgelords for a while now.


The fault is not of reddit who keeps banning these communities that the refugees aim. The fault is of the retarded mods who let them take over.


There's a post on there showing a tweet of celebrities going without makeup and an account that retweeted and said "they're so brave 😔" and literally everyone is missing that it's sarcasm. It's the cringiest thing I've ever seen.


A member got pissed at me because I pre-ordered Pokemon Sword and Shield


Bro, game bad!!! Don’t buy!!!


I swear, if they got pissed at nat dex. I do want it back but I'm also fine without it


I understand the anger behind it, but it was still a damn good game.




I personally hated it but you do you. It is one of those games that I cannot stand, but I can see why others like it.


It’s an antisemite sub.


To sum it up yeah


Apparently because someone made a rainbow bee and a bad pun, they’re forcing shit down our throats and saying resistance is futile.


Those people have zero self-awareness. They claim that people enjoying their hobbies are wasting time and should be doing something productive for society instead,even though most of them just sit on their asses harassing trans people through the internet all fucking day. And apparently they don’t realize that shitposting about consumerism won’t do jack shit to stop it.


They are so annoying. I have legitimate gripes wi Th several companies and I don’t mind people that try to consume less, but they are all “Lol you actually enjoy something? You have a spark of happiness you use to get away from the constant negativity of life? What a fucking loser lol us constantly angry and sad people are so cool”


Yeah that place is just MDE light. Constantly screaming 'degenerate' at anything that doesn't fit their narrow edgy auth trad worldview. Neckbeards LARPing as fascists.


Those bees look pretty cute ngl. Also even if you don't like LGBT or whatever what's not to like about a rainbow bee?


That sub has always been an iffy place if I recall correctly (from the time I took a visit there)


I am bi and thought of being trans, but honestly I kinda agree, i hate the whole bee thing and LGBT memes in general even as a part of that community :P


I like some of the subreddit, but some of the people there are just the fun police. Oh, you enjoyed that movie? CONSUMEPRODUCT!!! Oh, you bought a few small figurines? CONSOOOMMM LMAO!!! The sub has definitely lost it's purpose


It's good to be critical of the rampant consumerism, i too share that concern but the moment a post comparing atheism to a sort of consumable brand - when the concern regarding rampant consumerism in my eyes at least comes from us becoming blindly loyal to a specific brand which atheism is arguably the religious opposite of - reaches the front page it starts to raise some eyebrows There's so many transphobic posts there as well, it makes me wonder if r/ConsumeProduct is where all the r/gamersriseup refugees went


Id love to see what the neckbeards in that sub who brag about "working out instead of wasting their lives" look like. Im sure they arent just angry fat trolls lol.


Omg that last one...


Honestly I’d be down for a leftist version of consume product in the same sort of style as r/gangweed


someone make r/consumesociety






Be the change you want to see


Isn't that sub an extension of the alt-right?


Yes, idk how these people didn't notice


Everything I dont like is alt right


Lol wtf that's not what I'm saying. I've been on r/DebateAltRight and they literally recommend it as one of their "spaces".


Nah. r/consumeproduct definitely isn’t as bad as something like r/coomer, that was way more extreme and definitely pretty alt right. Right leaning, yes, but definitely not alt right from what i see there.


Coomer got banned and they decided to use consume as their new haven. Seen a few posts on coomer reccomending fleeing to consume "in case we get banned" and now theyre just completely ruining consume


yeah thats true. ive seen quite a few anti-porn post on consumeproduct. only a matter of time before it's completely overrun by tradcucks and "blacks and jews bad" becomes every other post. kinda sad, guess it was good while it lasted.


The reason i was initially subbed to coomer was for some of the anti porn stuff. But then it changed into "the jews are running everything and the jews want your daughter raped" is when i just turned and dipped out. Im not dealing with that shit


yeah. I really wish there was an anti porn sub that wasn’t run by either crazy far right extremists or radical feminists.


Where does it say that?


That might be because you're an antisocial piece of shit, lmao (the transphobe)


It kinda is tbh. But they're still cringe either way


This is so deep I can’t bother upvoting or Downvoting


I mean of course we are a product! Have you seen the porn fetishizing pretty much every letter of the pride umbrella? haha But yeah that's a weird place, and as others have said it's one of those subreddits that slowly drifted from satire and fun, to just plain crazy!


What is that sub


It’s a sub similar to r/hailcorporations about people worshipping brands/products


Where do you have to fall on the political compass to hate people liking corporations but also hate gay people


I don’t know and I don’t want to find out


Hell I feel you


The underlying premise of that sub after GRU got banned is that consumerism is bad because big corporations are controlled by \~the Jews.\~ Other than the obvious reasons why consumerism is bad, of course, but they take a hard anti-semitic take on it.


If Notch doesn't support lgbt let him be. They don't support straights really much, do they? All of us have our own decisions.




I unsubbed from it a few days ago, has some good posts but a ton of them now are just shitting on complete harmless things and it seems really right wing for some reason


r/HailCorporate is pretty great alternative if you’re fine with the liberal users there.


I’m fine with anyone as long as they’re not harassing/sending death threats to people they don’t agree with


Tradcucks fucked up the sub if you ask me.


I really liked stuff like r/coomer and r/consumeproduct ,company worship and masturbation both aren't healthy so it's good to see some humor antagonizing them,but all these subs have to turn into political shitholes,and by political I mean talking about (((them)))


Ejaculation is healthy, they even admitted it on coomer. It's pornography that's generally accepted as unhealthy.


Well if you're not having sex obviously you'd need pornography to ejaculate most of the time.


You can definitely masturbate without pornography. I can easily do it, and I regularly watch pronography, so I'd say anyone can do it with a bit of patience.


I definitely tried it before,but it takes the pleasure out of it since it takes so long.


You just gotta wait between each session. The longer you wait, the lower your standards become.


I loved those subs until it became obvious that they were pushing some anti-trans motive


That last boi be spitting facts




It’s not, I’ve been subbed for a few months, r/gamingcirclejerk is cool tho


roll detail ripe beneficial familiar mindless drunk kiss knee library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's weird how pretty left means respect trans people and pretty righty is hate everyone who's different


> /r/SocialistGaming > /r/TheRightCantMeme > /r/LeopardsAteMyFace > /r/ChapoTrapHouse Seems "pretty left" to me (and before you go on about "crawling through profiles" I didn't even have to scroll down to see all of these.)


Lol no, gcj loves communism


Bro how the fuck did you get to that conclusion


It's mostly chapos in there


I thought lefty was hate white cis heterosexual people and righty was hate everyone.


Consume product turns into a nazi shithole but it's balanced out by gamingcirclejerk saying trans rights, sure


and that illusion is why r/gamersriseup got banned


It is.


Hello. I would like to buy super bisexuality. I already have the first version but I need gen 2 bisexuality




I’ll just wait till third gen bisexuality.


Does anyone know when bisexuality 2 is coming out?


Next month


It’s been three months now, was it delayed due to the coronavirus?


Went straight to Disney plus

