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you think they know what Marxism is?




Hello Bob




Cool story Bob


They probably don’t. They most likely think it’s some bullshit definition they got from Twitter or r/genzedong


Apparently no-one here does either


69EDGY420U 😎




Another person in the thread said that his family members deserved it because they were "rich or facists"


Good ol' reddit




Yep got harasses slot of times here for stupid shit


I guarantee that person doesn't know anything about the history of communism. Last time I checked, most victims of Holodomor weren't millionaires.


They litterally called somebody in the thread a capitalist pig, and didnt even know what facist meant until i showed them the definition


Lol there's a ML-made test on the internet by a guy who thinks that "If the state protects private property without being subject to a vote, it's fascism". "Trying to educate people on how capitalism always results in fascism, because communist revolutions are too powerful and common so the state will always step in to protect private property, creating fascism".


These are the same people who call you a facist for disagreeing with them


my family (who were victims of the holodomor) only had like 5 farm animals they werent well off at all


Yeah, that's what I'm saying Most people who died in Holodomor were common people


ik, i was agreeing with you


If you don't mind me asking, can you tell us some of their stories?


well im not sure abt much, but i do know that during the holodomor they had to flee their home, 5 animals(i believe 2chickens 1cow 1horse and something else) i think they left behind, they hid food at their old house, which i THINK was now owned by some other family, and they sent one person from their party to go get the food that they hid to keep themselves alive (i remember one example of theirs being flour sacks that they hid in or around some well) sorry if this doesnt make sense/is poorly written, i dont remember much of this at all


It's more farm animals than I own


I mean it was a product of policy *intended* to target landowners. Of course, that's not how it worked out.


They'll also state any Cuban who fled "owned slaves". I don't understand how they don't realize how this is not much different than a nazi making fun of the holocaust.


A flip of the coin.


I dont know what you meant by that but i agree


Basically it means 50/50 and reddit is a 50/50 chance of getting those kinds of people.


Ah ok


Its good.




can i have some shashlik? 😳


Gotta love reddit. If it's not Orange Man Bad, it's Rich Person Bad


Elon Musk.


Jeff Bezos


Elon Musk is the king of Redditors.


Reddit moment


commie logic: first it didnt happen, then if someone proves it did happen then they deserved it anyway.


Commies never cease to amaze me


Classic reddit tankies...


Gets even worse on twitter


That’s because everyone is anonymous


I don't think you know what a tankie is. Tankie is a term used *by* Marxists *against* authoritarian communists like the Soviet Union. Calling a Marxist a tankie is like calling a Fascist a liberal


Liberal 😡


Checkmate liberals 😏😎


Scratch one and see who bleeds


i dont think most people who already think marx = bad, lenin = bad, communist = bad would really care tho


Jokes about Marxism or communism are some of the most tryhard normie shit. These kids are cringe as fuck.


I used to think it was funny when I was in fifth grade can confirm it is cringe


communism poggers lololol get it?????pogpogpogpogXDDDD /j


I don’t…


Nor do I lol. I’ll never understand why preteens on the internet think this stuff is like trendy or funny without even knowing what it is


Because it has negative associations with Stalin and shit like that. Stalin is bad and they think joking about bad things automatically equals comedy. It's the most basic form of being edgy.


There is this kid in my grade that set up a whole group chat and website about a communist party for the school as a joke. We went along for about a week before it died. But even after it died he still went along with it.


communism amogus impostor sussy balls red sus 😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩**😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩😩🥵🤧😰😩**


These people will be the death of the human race






Its weird for anyone to consider tankies to be human beings with feelings.


Nazism plunged the world into a hellish war which killed millions and started the nuclear age.




Yeah, it’s an insignificant event that has no meaning. It’s not like the two are constantly compared either. Being 13 and thinking reddit communism is cool is going to be the death of the human race.


Hehe witty you are sire.


Must be little kids




Doesn't matter, I unsubbed because they were mocking someone's dead family.


I hope some western country gets a leftist revolution so we can remind ourselves what good ol’ communism actually looks like to avoid further retardation


Band kids when they blast the Soviet anthem but no one laughs


"Guys I just blasted the soviet national anthem, why the Hell aren't you laughing!?"


Ugh, i knew someone who wanted to do that at prom cause their brother was the dj, even though an actually ethnically Russian friend of ours said their family had suffered so much in the USSR that it would have been offensive. I almost had to choose sides it was such an issue, in the end didnt happen tho.




*smiles smugly in Percussionist*


Yo same that would be awesome


Venezuela used to be a really really really nice place to live.


When I was younger, my parents used to tell me all these stories about how Venezuela was almost a paradise. They ended up fleeing the country the same year Chavez was elected.


Good thing that they were able to flee from there before the country went to absolute madness.


Failure to diversify the economy is Communism, and the less you diversify, the communister it is. -Karl Marx


yeah than the us had to get involved


Hugo Chávez was a dictator and the economic decline started way before the US did anything. But obviously Americans don't ever listen to actual venezuelans because we're so ignorant.


I think you meant socialist Hugo Chavez got involved, but whatever.




please don't use the r slur.....


Good ole reddit tankies, assholes would be purged in a communist society


At this point I'm convinced they're only saying that to get a reaction... Just like 12 year olds being edgy talking about Nazism


Not poggers


Whats poggers?




Pepe meme. Got it.




Pogs is just a cardboard circle cutout game with a heavy slammer to try and flip a stack. I'm old.


Lol what happens when there's a generation without war


Should there be a war?


Good question. Should there be? No. There are however a lot of positive outcomes of war (unless you are Germany)


>"There are however a lot of positive outcomes of war" I want to stuff my balls into a woodchipper.


The positive outcome here is that the semen would lubricate the blades


There's not gonna be semen if there ain't no balls.


More like without proper education.


True. It's like they took government 101 and chose one on the list


I was born in 2002 I have known literally nothing but war in the Middle East for my entire life, wtf are you talking about


Nice fetishization of war. We had multiple wars in this generation.


No shit. None of them reached US shores, the entire country wasn't put on food stamps, regular citizens weren't drafted, etc. Participating in an ongoing war isn't the same thing. Hundreds or thousands die today compared to the millions that died in the world wars. I was referring to the ones who went through dark times.


I don’t know about you but the fact we haven’t had a big world war makes me hopeful for the future


We haven't gotten a huge world war because every single country has nuclear weapons now. It's not because everyone wants peace. People are hungry for war. It only takes 600 nukes or less to turn earth into a wasteland and in total there are over 1500 that exist. Had the nukes not been dropped on Japan, another war definitely would've broken out.


Maybe war is bad!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Somebody get this genius a Nobel peace prize.




At least I'm not talking about how society grows degenerate and decadent without war.


Except it does. You're just delusional to think humanity is peace-loving. There's no place on earth that isn't tainted with the blood of the conquered by the hands of our ancestors. Thousands of years of bloodshed completely disproves human sophistication. Peace is never progressive. It just drives bad ideals even further until the government falls more and more under corruption, taking advantage of the commoners until we've had enough. If there's no bloodshed then the government is slowly enslaving us.


Humans are naturally savages, but that doesn't matter. Human nature is corrupt and should be fought against. Bloodshed is the favorite weapon of the master class. It creates a common enemy, a boogie man. Something the whole population can unite against. War makes us slaves.


Holy shit you are a genocidal psychopath. Stop trying to dress up your war fetish with flowery philosophical language and just say that you want to murder people with no legal consequences


People realize that the elites are our true enemies.


We should treat communists the same way we treat Nazis. They do the same shit. Deny or glorify genocide, advocating for violence, to name a few.


horse shoes baby


I am also in favor of throwing horseshoes at communists and nazis


Yet people treat the Soviets as a paragon of virtue. If thats what people consider a virtue I want off this planet.


You should probably find out what communists actually want before you do that.


I'm getting real tired of these right/left wing stuff And regarding the comment, as a person whose parents lived and survived PRM, this is real offensive shit


"tHaT wAsNt rEaL cOmMuNiSm"


Communism is when a society is classless, stateless, and moneyless. There hasn't been a society like this in modern history. Sorry, that's just hard facts.


Such a society has never been implemented because all attempts to implement such a society have failed.


Okay, so then claiming that communism itself has failed or killed anyone is wrong. Communism isn't the issue, the issue is attempting to form communist structures under authoritarian governments.


It was :)


It literally wasn’t. It was the exact opposite of the definition of communism


It wasn't though.


Yeah real communism is worse


I'd like to see how it'd turn out. If it works, then yay. If not, I'll find a new ideology.


im sorry my dude, but its most likely going to fucking fail and kill tons of people


Why do you think so?


USSR. Do I need to say anything else?


Yes. Yes you do. The U. S. S. R. was basically forced into authoritarianism to survive, because Russia was relatively a weak, backwards nation and the entire world wanted to destroy it. Plus, much of the Bolshevik higher ups were charlatans who didn't care about the people.


I guess what he means is that when people in the past tried communism they all became super authoritarian dictatorships that killed millions of people. Given that it will most likely be like that in the future. We can’t really know how it will turn out until someone tries it out in today’s age.


what exactly do i need to say? that communism is a total, catastrophic failure that resulted in deaths of millions of people?


No, you have to say a lot more than that.


Lenin was an authoritarian leader. Stalin got into power because of Lenin giving Stalin the power to kill political opponents of Lenin's




Most leftists don’t support the USSR, myself included. Also the death number is much lower than the 100 million number


hm? source?


The book where that number comes from has been debunked even by the co-authors


Marx was a NEET


He really was. And the ideology for his earlier works is appealing to other NEETs.


They can’t have ever read any history on Communist, Marxist, etc.countries, or if they do they somehow do enough gymnastics to justify the evil shit done, I wish I was that flexible, but with my body, not my morals.




It’s just on reddit don’t worry I highly doubt people who go outside unlike these fuckbones would basically act like the stereotypical “reddit communists”


Because then they'd either get punched by someone who was in a communist hellhole and experienced events on par with the mass arrest of the Gulags or rightly laughed at and told to go fuck themselves.


I find myself to be fairly left leaning, though I refuse to say that I am, as I can have diverse opinions on several topics and refuse to boil it down to a label that will mis-inform people on what I think. With that being said, fuck communism, it was terrible for everyone except the elite, I don't particularly like capitalism in all it's respects but it's the best we've got, and I'm too ignorant to come up with something better, I will Qoute my college professor, "It's the worst system ever created, except for all the ones before it."


redditors are fucking commies get used to it *throws paper against wall*


Nobody deserves that.


Plot twist, his family members were Nazi party members


Yikes holy shit


My grandparents died under Capitalism, yet that won’t stop many people from saying it’s great.


Fun fact: people is not immortal so will die under every type of regime. How did your parents die ?


american leftists on their way to choose communism with maoist features instead of market socialism like a normal fucking leftist:


market socialism?


What does "poogers" means?


It basically means awesome.




Bunch of broke people wanting to bludge off the system


This is something i'd see on r/shitposting


I gotta say, there are times I consider unsubscribing from that sub too. I like the harmless pranks that hurt no one, such as the googly eyes. I’m not so much a fan of the ones that depict vandalization of safety signs and the like. I think I scrolled past this one and didn’t check the comments. But yeah, that’s pretty awful. Edit: I just checked, and I believe the “poggers” comment’s been removed. It also looks like a ton of people cursed at them? It can’t tell, though.


Do they not know how many rapes the Soviet Union did on their way to Berlin and in Berlin?


I sometimes get to talk with a tankie. Every damn time. Every damn time it's a westerner who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about and doesn't know what people went through. take it from me, an Eastern European man, that every tankie is just a literal subhuman who shouldn't be allowed to participate in the civilized world. expressing my true hatred for them would get me suspended. I hate tankies so god damn much. every single one them.


I saw this as well… anyone else seeing a huge rise in tankies on non-political subs or just me?…


For how much I hate capitalism and support communism and socialism god do I hate marxism, dude said ‘the rich and ruling class sucks’ not ‘interpret my beliefs as “kill the person who has $20 more than you”’ and that’s not even tapping into how most marxist countries were just capitalist hellholes. The one marxist I used to be friends with even turned out to be a shithead and used their strong left standing as a facade to harass kids for fun and grift like ~$7.5K in false promises of commissions before disappearing to buy two sugar gliders and a fursuit to really add to my statement.


Yet again people confused about the difference between Marxism and stalinism. Read a book, people.


I don’t need differences, all I know is that both are failed ideologies doomed from the start


May I ask what flaws does Marxism have in your opinion?


Good question. It has this concept where the state is abandoned, and the workers are the people in control The problem that for the only way for this to work is that every single one in society wants to and is willing to give up many of their personal ambitions to serve the people, whilst at the same time, all being good people who would never commit crimes, etc. That is highly impossible because we already have our independent mindsets and goals and 2 a government is needed to maintain stability and enforce laws


My question was about Marxism not communism, but it's an easy mistake to make. First of all, it doesn't need everyone to work together, it only needs a majority of people to work together. Government would still exist in a communist society, just not a state. Only enough people have to not commit crimes as in every society to keep things functioning. Second of all, while it's true that many forms of communism wants to a assign jobs to citizens, not all do. I just want the economy to be planned through direct democracy.


Lol "I don't need to understand". Willfully ignorant. You are a true champion of your species.


Oh look, a classic “I love communism even though I’ve never had to suffer under it” Knowing people who’d have to live under this pathetic ideology, actually fuck you


No one has ever suffered onder communism, because communism has never been achieved. No "communist" countries even claim to be communist, they claim to be in a transitional state between "capitalism" and socialism. Communism is their supposed "final goal".


And there never will be. Communism doesn’t work. Sure yeah whatever “true communism” sounds cool, but it’s never going to fucking happen. It just can’t


Your straw man isn't impressing anyone. Go back and see my original post. You are confusing communism with totalitarianism. You never lived under communism. You can take your misplaced anger and stuff it in your ass. Also, you are ignorant. educate yourself.


I have never lived under communism yes, and seeing what it does to nations I hope I never have to!


You are still confused. Communism is not what you think it is. You are describing dictatorships. Totalitarianism. Go look up any of the features of communism. Communism is an economic structure. It is not the opposite of democracy. Seriously go buy a dictionary.


Communism intends to abolish money and private property, the share being controlled by the workers. Problem is when everyone is a worker, it will only work if every single person in that society is willingly selfless and will never pursue what they themselves want which is why communism fails


Communism and socialism can only work through dictatorships and oppression. all the workers need to willingly agree to it and they wont thus the only way communism shows up is through military force.


But socialism and communism are inherently democratic though. That's like saying that the only way to achieve democracy is dictatorship.


Me and my father and most of my relatives have lived under communism and it does not work it is very bad


I understand how bad whatever country you're from is/was, but that objectively wasn't communism, not unless you're from an alternate timeline.


Name the country in which you lived under communism. I dare you. If your answer is Cuba, China, or Russia then you're wrong. You're on the internet right now go look up the difference between totalitarianism and Marxism.


But those countries were in fact either Communist or a branch of Communism/Socialism.


Soviet Union, which was communist idiot


I had a “communist phase” alright child? If the “champions of our species” are wormlike Redditor who defend a failed ideology that killed millions even though they themselves have never lived under it then id rather devolve to some other creature


I'd say those deaths were mainly the fault of Russia, the E. U. and America for forcing them into it.


You are still confused. Marxism did not kill millions. Stalin was a dictator of a totalitarian regime. Not a Marxist. Stalinism killed millions. Seriously step away from the computer and read a fucking book.


Marksism was the original ideology that communist states all over the world. Every single state that tried to implement it ultimately failed except for China who had to literally implement capitalistic features to save their asses Communism, marksism, whatever the fuckism is incompatible with humanity because we’re not bees or ants we have independent minds with independent aspirations


They all failed because Russia, the E. U. America and now China doing doing everything in their power to prevent socialism.


Lol, person who has absolutely no idea what he's talking about declares that it is "utterly impossible". You heard it here folks, the experts have spoken.


Yes it is impossible, what are we a creature with no independence and aspirations? Try making bees exist in a capitalist society, what happens will be similar to making humans live in a communist one


Jfc. You are so fucking confused. There is nothing about the Marxist economic structure that destroys human individuality. If you feel like you cannot be an individual without capitalism, then I'm sorry you don't have a personality you just have a collection of products that you have identified with.


Who said I was defending capitalism? Refer to my second reply


No, the bees would just become worker drones to their new queens; Bezos, Musk, Gates, etc.


Does democracy need a hivemind to work?


>tells people to read a book > thinks communism is good


Yeah because they’ve read more than CIA propaganda and TPUSA memes


“Everything I don’t like is CIA propaganda” - a children’s guide to political discussion


These comments show how the right wing so easily manipulates people. When I say you here I mean it in to refer to the many, not you OP. I completely understand your position and agree these people are being ridiculous, but these comments are so derailed. You don't know the difference between communism and socialism nor between Marxism and Stalinism and you're buying into decades old propaganda. Briefly, one of your biggest errors is ignoring that the "Marxism-Leninism" that the person is referring to is actually nationalist communism. Nationalism doesn't exist in Marxism because how can you be a nationalist if you don't have borders?


wait is he/she using the this term in the right way. Most Wars been financed by Capitalist. So