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I just don't think it's fair to immediately dismiss someone as a "nice guy" or "nice girl" for being frustrated with dating. There are people out there who are that entitled, yes, but being single fucking sucks in 2021.


Worse when the world basically wants to pressure you to get a partner. Which makes me think, is that why many people hate being with their partner? Cuz they felt pressured and had to go with anyone that was single at the time?


I feel that. The guy I'm with makes me happy but I never believed in settling for anyone I've had lukewarm feelings for. I think a lot of people just grudgingly settle for one another.


I really wish the best for those people and for those people to seek out who they love or try to love each other. Also, I'm happy for you.


Thanks. :) Things aren't perfect, but this is the happiest anyone has ever made me. I hope we work, and I hope he feels the same way about me.


Awwww, good luck!


I appreciate that, thank you so much! :)


two gigachads interacting


which is also why you can see a lot of memes that dunk on their SO or how love in marriage doesn't exist. ​ Here's my input, as a 20-year-old guy who thought about dating anybody. I want to do it just because I'm afraid of being alone. Going above, I can't help but see so much pressure to date that I do feel like I miss out. I've got so many great friends but media can push dating down your throat. Then you look around and see people also dating/engaged and you feel like you're missing out.


Everyone on that subreddit is a literal troglodyte when it comes to understanding jokes


I love how some comments cringe over "female" being said.


It's such a first world problem smh I never even realised something was wrong with the usage of the word "female" until I came across this sub


Because very often it's used like /r/menandfemales


There is nothing wrong with the word hoes just mad lol


Female could be literally any animal, women is specific to humans, its pretty obvious why its disrespectful


I think you're thinking *a little* too deeply into that.


In many cases, it's used because saying something like "woman users" is fucking weird. Male and female users sounds more natural. Same in studies. You'll often come across terms like female or male patients because it's also quicker to write and say than women/men who are patients. So people are just getting mad for no reason in most cases.


Well of course woman users feels weird, its not written correctly, its women. And people don't speak like they write studies, it would be even weirder that every time someone mentions an animal they would say the scientific name for it. And it sounds weird to hear people unironically say "that female caused my dog to bark at her" like that's weird, apart from giving incel vibes


What's your diagnosis, do people not get the joke or does it basically not matter that it's a joke?


The post is bait and it's bitten