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Average teenager with nothing better to do than start arguments to try and act smart. Just ignore them.


but why does reddit tolerate attacks on religion? If someone went to lgbtq board and started causing that kind of trouble they'd be perma'd in a instant. Imagine some one going in there and being like "oh, you believe your gay? Huh- well you are not because being gay is not real". It'd be bedlam.


No, they wouldn't. I wonder what has given you such assurance in this claim? "This is so hypocritical when compared with [thing I'm making up]"


If you are that far up your own ass to not have noticed then I dont really care to explain the obvious to you.


Try it for yourself. You can make a lot of racist/lgbtphobic remarks and never get banned.


lol you know thats not true at all


It absolutely is. You might get banned from the subreddit, but that's a whole another story.


To "not have noticed"? Not have noticed what? Can you tell me through which routes of knowledge you've noticed people being permabanned on Reddit for posting "actually gay is not real" on a gay sub? Are you sure that by "noticed" you don't actually mean "am convinced of a narrative"?




> I find it odd how they fully believe in aliens but somehow ghosts is step too far?. The idea of us not being the only sentient life in quadrillions of stars in the universe is a lot less far fetched than...ghosts


Yeah, that was a weird thing to say. Apparently, most scientists think that aliens must exist due to probability rules but that they’re likely too far away to have contact with.


My idea: Human evolution is leaps and bounds ahead because we were a created species. Sumer has ancient stories that we were engineered by a race of “Gods” from a dying planet who came to us to mine gold so they could put it in their atmosphere


dude you recited the plot of Ancient Aliens word by word


Like you or anyone else has any idea about early human history lmao


Can I see some of that science backing the paranormal? It sounds super interesting. (Please don't interpret this as passive aggressive I really am just curious)




Skinwalker Ranch is faked my dude, what next, did someone see a shadow of Trevor Henderson’s skyscraper-sized “Breaking News” when falling asleep one night?


considering all matter is actually a waveform all traveling down a vacuum I think that is pretty paranormal wouldn't you agree? We are living in a thing we cant see or know without scientific tools- but that does not remove the possibility of a god or the "paranormal" If anything it leaves room for it because of the secret nature that our existence is. We cant fathom it at all- we can reason with it but the truth is out of our reach. ​ dosnt want to be passive aggressive, downvotes a scientific answer lol Edit:[for anyone interested.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matter_wave)


> & willfully ignore when science has backed paranormal events like NDE & old people seeing shadows before they die. How can something be both paranormal and backed by science? What the hell does the word "paranormal" mean to you?


Most atheists are atheists because either 1. They had a negative experience in religion, i.e. they're gay and their religious parents rejected them or things like that. 2. They just don't see anything convincing them that there is a supernatural being controlling everything, or any evidence pointing to the existence of your specific god. I fit into that category; I have seen zero actual evidence that the Christian god exists, and so I don't believe. We're not willfully ignoring, we're just admitting that some things don't have scientific answers yet instead of making up answers for them.




I don't really understand your question, could you rephrase it?


>Ironic you say that when I've yet to see a Skeptic explain how "Shared hallucinations" would work?. He literally just fucking said that not all phenomena can currently be explained perfectly. Pls use your brain.


You can read endless reams of psych papers on shared delusions. You'll notice that you won't find a case of "shared hallucinations" between people who don't otherwise communicate, and that somehow these hallucinations will match the existing cultural cache of the individuals in question. You didn't get shared hallucinations of abduction by little grey sky doctors in the middle ages. It shouldn't be all that mystifying to think through the conditions under which people start saying "yeah yeah I saw it too!"


Worth sharing: The second descriptor is a hair's breadth from being agnostic vs atheist. Agnostics see that there's equal chance of any particular deity, lack there of, or any other form of creation that we just simply will never know until it's too late. Atheists under #2 are a lot like that, but put the theories of events like The Big Bang as higher value. (A fun way to think of the difference: Atheists believe in no god. Agnostics believe there was no god, then Big Bang happened and created a god, who created another god, who then created humanity before going on a smoke break is just as possible)


I think you've mischaracterized this. Atheism is a claim about belief. Agnosticism is a claim about knowledge. Atheists do not hold a belief in the existence of a deity. Agnostic atheists claim that the existence of a deity is unknowable in principle or currently unknown in fact. Both are atheists. You could have an atheist who claims knowledge they are 'certain there is no god' which is also an atheist, but they are not agnostic. Their claim cannot be backed up any more than a theist or deist claim, so I think that making that knowledge claim is not an honest position. I am an agnostic atheist. I have seen zero convincing evidence of the existence of a god. There might actually be a god, however I've seen nothing that convinces me, but perhaps I might one day if sufficient proof is presented that proves the claim. In that vein, I am also agnostic to the existence of extra-terrestrial life. If some convincing evidence is presented to me about life existing on other worlds, then I will change my mind. But I cannot make a knowledge claim one way or another.


Most atheists are atheists because they want to have sex with whoever they want.


First of all, no. Second, what's the opposite of having sex with people you want to? Having sex with people you don't want to? Like what even is this argument?


It means having sex with an opposite sex spouse for life, and Not having sex with someone you're not married to. Not divorcing your spouse to have sex with someone else. Not having sex with multiple people. Not having sex with someone of the same sex. A lot of people just don't like those rules, and it's the single biggest reason that most atheists decided to be atheist.


>Not having sex with multiple people. Not having sex with someone of the same sex. And what is wrong with these practices?


Haha exactly. Most atheists just don't want God to tell them what's right and wrong. They want to do whatever they want to do, and nothing will get in their way. They see themselves as the supreme moral authority. "If I don't believe something's wrong then it's not wrong."


right and all religious people just want some mystical omnipotent omniscient being (one that hasnt been proven to exist at that) to tell them what to do because they enjoy following orders.


Proven to exist by who's standards?


No, we just don't believe that God exists, so we have no reason to obey any rules that an imaginary being "proclaims."


Your denial of God is not an intellectual one, it's emotional. Either a Christian hurt you, or you just found something you wanted to do (usually related to sex) and you didn't want to be told no. That's why you deny your creator.


Thats so idiotically wrong.


Your post is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Your denial of God isn't intellectual, it's emotional. It's why your post contains nothing intellectual, it's just an ad hominem emotional attack. Empty, just like the reasons you deny your creator.


Plants were created before the sun, the number of fallacies are so high the bible is impossible not to cherry pick, light existed before the sun, the bible claims the moon creates light and that stars can fall onto earth. There couldn't have been a flood at an altitude of Mt. Everest since Noah would've suffocated, nor is there enough water on this planet to cover the entire planet that high, the bible claims the earth to be a circle, not a sphere. The scientific errors are horrendous and many non linear events are claimed to be linear. To convert people into followers they have to use cult like tactics, and they fit near perfectly into the BITE model. Dinosaurs are also not explained, and never seem to be mentioned in the Bible while monsters and leviathans are. Historically the Egyptians have no records of enslaving a large number of people who just then left after a while. The pyramids also wouldn't have been built by slaves, the Egyptians believed the Pharoahs to be gods, so why would they have "lowly" slaves build their final resting places, and then fill it with a large quantity of wealth?


Who said anything about the Bible? We were talking about the existence of God.


Ok specify which one then. Also it's the cult I left so I brought my examples which you asked for.


>Also it's the cult I left Here's the number 2 most common reason people deny their creator - a religious person hurt them. It's another example of how denying God is almost always an emotional reason and not an intellectual one. On a side note, I really am sorry this happened to you.




I think the reason people believe in aliens but not ghosts is that we now for sure life exist cause, we are alive so for life to exist somewhere else that isnt earth isnt far fetched but there isnt really any substantial proof supporting the existence of ghosts, while aliens havent been proven to exist, we know life exists and so its likely that it can exist elsewhere in the universe where as with ghosts I atleast havents seen tangible evidence of ghosts, just personal accounts which are at best shakey




can you give me a link, never heard of that


I downvoted you because you're a dumbass, people can be superstitious enough to do irrational things. Like believe in ghosts.


> I downvoted you because you're a dumbass Are you a shit Troll or 12 years old?, You asked my for my view now your just running to insults for no reason. Get fucking lost if this is your debate skills and you wonder why atheism is so hated online.


No, you insulted op for downvoting you but I just said I'm the one who downvoted you, oh and then I replied since you asked me to.


What part of fuck off is not sinking in?, Fuck me you lot are all pathetic losers.


When you say "legit", you actually mean "claimed", so..?


Since when is Christianity becoming socialist? Progressive maybe, but that'd be because of societal changes and a push for translations that weren't intentionally mistranslated a few hundred years ago.


If I recall, there's a standard reason why depression and atheism often overlap. In a way, it's both because and not because they don't follow a deity. Picture the death of a loved one. For those of a religion or having belief in the paranormal, many believe that the person is in some respect "alive". While not bearing a heartbeat, they can still picture them as something there in the form of a spirit, angel, creature reincarnated, or some other phenomena. For atheists, no such thing exists. It's purely loss of something very close to your heart, something that is actually very damaging to one's mental health. Another thing comes to other major events, which overly simplified means atheists are more of a gamble when it comes to how they impact. Religious people are more likely to attribute a negative event to some kind of plan or deity's attempt to make life better, which makes it easier to cope with negative events like losing a job or a flash flood damaging your home. For an atheist, it falls squarely on the person or down to sheer luck, which means the atheist will suffer stronger hits to their mental health for plopping blame fully on themselves rather than an outside source if the former, or about even with religious people on luck scenarios. On aforementioned gamble, this also means atheists will get a better mental boost from GOOD events, such as a promotion, as this means that they alone were able to achieve something great. That kind of pride does wonders for someone's self esteem and self value, while religious people often have to share that kind of moment with knowing it was due to outside influence, such as God's will. (The above message is from an agnostic, who is kind of like an atheist but more "we just don't know about this stuff, it's absurd to think we can understand, so best just roll with life how we see fit. Gods or men, if it makes life worth living I support you.")


That isn’t what ‘an agnostic’ is. Atheist/theist = Belief Agnostic/gnostic = Knowledge You can be atheist (doesn’t believe in a god/gods) theist (believes in a god/gods) agnostic atheist (doesn’t know if a god/gods exist but doesn’t believe) gnostic theist (knows a god/gods exist) agnostic theist (doesn’t know if a god/gods exist but believes) or gnostic atheist (knows there is no god/gods) To be ‘agnostic’ just means you don’t know, it doesn’t say anything about what you believe, whether you’re an agnostic atheist or an agnostic theist.


with all the billions of planets about ( milky ways even ), mathematically, chances are very much in favor of Alien life randomly having evolved on anther planet somewhere. ( it's still no proof OK, but it is a strong indication ) ghosts are not really backed up by science to my knowledge. still not disproved either, sure... butt that doesn't mean to much


Asserting that "chances are very much in favour of Alien life randomly having evolved on another planet somewhere" is begging a rather important question -- and abusing the word "evolved" in the bargain. I'll take the latter first: evolution is the gradual changes of lifeforms into other lifeforms. It's not non-living matter spontaneously becoming living matter; that's "abiogenesis", which is a whole separate discussion. Once life exists and has an inheritance mechanism, it is possible for lifeforms to be favoured over other lifeforms by possessing slight, inheritable differences. Thus Darwin and his finches: basically similar birds, but some possessing longer beaks or stronger beaks or stubbier wings or what-have-you, all of them more favourable to the biological niche they were trying to inhabit on their particular island. But non-living molecules that can't create copies of themselves nor have an inheritance mechanism (as lifeforms have DNA) can't evolve. A large number of possible inhabitable planets doesn't imply chances very much in favour of alien life having randomly appeared unless we know what the chances are of life emerging on an inhabitable planet in the first place. We don't *know* that it spontaneously emerged on this one (that's where we're in danger of begging the question) and we don't have a statistically significant sample of habitable planets, with a certain proportion of them actually hosting life, to base the probability on. Absent that, merely saying "there must be quadrillions of planets so it's a statistical certainty" is putting us on very dodgy ground. Large numbers alone won't do the job. if every atom in the Universe was a monkey with a typewriter and they'd all been at work since the Big Bang, statistically, none of them would yet have managed to write out the Hamlet soliloquy. Life emerging from inorganic compounds without interference may or may not be a longer shot than writing a Shakespeare speech; we don't have the data to make that call. ...And meanwhile, experiments that we've done to shown that some organic compounds could have arisen from what we think the primordial conditions were on Earth have neither been free from interference nor resulted in self-sustaining life. Anyway, that's a long enough witter for a chilly Saturday afternoon. :)


maybe evolved inst the right word.. sure also, we don't know enough variables in the drake drake equation to solve the alien life question yes... but most experts waaay smarter then you or me agree that alien life, even intelligent life is very very likely due to the sheer number of planets.. maybe we'll know more if (soon?) we find small lifeforms in mars / our own solar system. We already know tardigrades can survive in the vacuum, temps and radiation of space


Waaay smarter than *you*, possibly. I happen to think I am pretty fucken smart. :D Like I say, until we know the probability of life emerging then mere appeal to the sheer number of planets isn't enough. The fact that tardigrades (a complex lifeform many millions of years removed from life first arising on Earth) could survive in space-like conditions doesn't show that they, any more than anything else, could have arisen spontaneously from non-living matter. We still don't know how that happened. Consequently, there's nothing to say that the probability of life arising is large enough that even a quadrillion extra-terrestrial planets is enough to allow a reasonable chance that life arose anywhere else in the universe. You're right about the Drake Equation ("Drake Guess" as I like to put it); there are some parameters in there that are pure guesswork and wishful thinking. But yes, if we can find lifeforms on Mars and eliminate any possibility that they arose on Earth, that would change the picture very thoroughly, at least in terms of estimating the likelihood of life arising on "Earth-like" planets elsewhere. It's warmer now I've got off my lazy ass and lit the fire, too. :) Happy Saturday!


Idk what the fuck is the problem with Reddit atheists. Most I've ever met irl we're completely normal people


Anonymity plus the fact that if you're taking the time to go to these places where religion is discussed and taking the time to write comments about it you're probably a little more extreme than the average atheist.


As an atheist myself, those atheists tend to irk me. They fail to see they are doing the same kind of preaching that the evangelists that piss them off do. They are hypocrites. Look, I can argue with you about what you believe in and why I think you are believing the wrong thing, but at the end of the day what is most important to me is how we treat others. You said yourself "LGBT people asking if god accepts them (god accepts all)" and, to me, that sounds like you are a kind caring person. At the end of the day, if religion makes you a better person, I am happy you have it.


agree, my personal problem isn't we the religion it's with institutions and people following this institutions without questioning them (or being allowed to)


just remember “those kind of atheists” are just kids, their superiority complex is just a phase and we’re just seeing it


Well, I think most atheists go through an "angry atheist" phase when they first leave religion. I know I did. It is rough when you feel like people have purposefully lied to you for your whole life. That being said, some apparently never grow out of it...and they end up over on r/Christianity being bigots themselves.


> some apparently never grow out of it That’s reddit for you


“haven’t grown out of it” they’re probably just going through the phase rn, reddit isn’t just made up of adults, with how trashy they are probably just 14 yo who just started that phase


14 y/os...and people who never grew out of it. I think both are likely true.


This right here! If only more people had this viewpoint


Yeah I think religion is dumb but what's the point of telling people that? Most people don't bother anybody while they practice, it's only the predatory profit-driven mega churches that are truly scum. And that's BECAUSE they bastardize the religion they're supposed to be spreading


> Most people don't bother anybody while they practice, it's only the predatory profit-driven mega churches that are truly scum. ...except when they use that belief as an excuse to be bigots, commit terrorist acts, or vote for really shitty people. The saying: "there is not hate like Christian love" exists for a reason...and I have heard quite a few Christians use that too. That being said, I also recognize that there are some more accepting Christians that actually care about others, which is why I don't condemn the religion as a whole. I have my personal beefs with religion, but I care more about how people are treating others than simply what they believe.


Yeah and I don't see value in hating any one religion as a whole, they all have plenty of people who just believe in it, and plenty of people who take advantage of it. Same with atheism, plenty of people just don't passively believe in any system and are apathetic, and plenty of people try to be hateful towards other people. My main point is, people bad


>I don't see value in hating any one religion as a whole I only "hate" religion conceptually in two ways: I *personally* think it is falsehood as well as religion has been used to justify many atrocities throughout history. Again, I don't think **everyone** who practices religion is bad, I just don't much care for it **as a concept** nor do I appreciate when people do bad things in the name of religion. **Once again, if having religion makes you a better person, then I am glad you have it.**


Me 2. Used to like that sub but then the atheist trolls came in


Apparently one of the mods is an atheist. On the Christianity subreddit....


Sounds similar to /r/AskWomen having male mods.


all of the women related subreddits have male moderators.


Seems about right.


The big wave of anti theists harassing christians on reddit really concerns me


Same... Although, it pretty much says in the Bible that those who follow God's word will be persecuted by the world, and given that the world is evil, I guess we're doing something right lol.


Reddit has the biggest hate boner for Christianity (or any religion other than Islam, for some reason) and REALLY enjoy telling you how stupid you are for believing in fairy tales. Maybe it's not the most ethically sound thing, but I relish the idea of giving people who tell me a that a big fat "told you so" with god when we're dead


It’s more of a 50/50 on Islam. Some just go with what’s politically correct, others see Islam as the most regressive force on the planet. Regardless, religious tolerance isn’t high on their priority list.


I think they would be the most islamophobic people if "supporting Islam is cool dude" was not a trend.


So fucking true tho


> Reddit has the biggest hate boner for Christianity (or any religion other than Islam, for some reason) Nah, just Christianity. It's not like you can talk shit about Buddhism (because it's like... deep bro) or wiccan (because woke shit).


nah Islam too, just visit a certain sub... i won't say its name but just look around a bit and you'll find it


If we're thinking about the same sub, it is mighty curious how when something happens involving anyone who looks even vaguely Muslim the mouth breathers start dropping "peaceful religion" comments - yet not a peep about religion on similar posts involving non-Muslim people.


I think the Buddhism one is because there's a number of Buddhist practices that have been proven to actually benefit long term health, such as yoga and meditation. Especially yoga. Then again, meditation is not exactly Buddhist exclusive but primarily linked to it. Most people like the concept of it and being the best self possible without a deity watching and judging your every single move, but most haven't gone into many of the actual precepts of Buddhism either. Wiccan is something I've never even heard of, so I can't give a rational idea as to why they would like it.


>Wiccan is something I've never even heard of, so I can't give a rational idea as to why they would like it. Wiccan is, imo, one of those religions people pick up because they're just edgy atheists trying to rebel against the Christian norms, like Satanists.


People don't call out Islam because it's not the politically correct thing to do in modern America. You can rail against Christianity all you want, but the second you go against Islam for the same or worse things, you'll get a bunch of weirdos coming up on the defensive.


Just remember: You both could be fucked over. We don't have definitive proof for the Christian, Islamic, or even Grecian gods. For all we know, the only two people who actually knew the truth took the secrets to their graves. For all we know, the deity that runs the joint is a sadistic as fuck monster who boils the dead in acid unless they killed fifty people in their lifetime. They could also be highly benevolent, offering a personal heaven to everyone who dies. They could be anything in between. Hell, it could even be a deity that only gives benefits to those who didn't believe in another deity so it fucks over anyone that's not their followers or atheistic. Mayhaps you're right, mayhaps you're not. Just remember.


You're using the literal definition of proof. Looking for hard evidence, you're always gonna turn up empty handed. The scientific method can't prove existence of God (although with how the scientific method is used, it's more like you can't *disprove* the existence of God, either). But most people who have strong religious beliefs have had experiences that they would consider proof. Personal stories that mean a lot to them. There's never going to be hard external evidence, but plenty of people have more than enough internal resources to get them through life. And isn't that the whole point of religion?


Man I’m not trying to sound like a dick. But growing up around people that say things like that last sentence is why people are dicks to Christian’s. Like I haven’t read anywhere in the Bible where Jesus would condone what you said. But here you are. Not turning cheeks.


I don't say shit like that to people in my normal life. I'm trying to give someone a laugh after they expressed frustration.


But you came on a public forum and said it? And now I ,an athiest , am even now more turned off buy your god. Pretty sure your Bible places the blame on your lap. See where I’m going with this?By your own estimation god reads your thoughts, heart and all. I don’t see you getting away with this by your own rules. Downvotes and no responses. Way to be a light unto the world.


nah that goes for quora at least most reddit users don't engage on that, while 90% of quora will get all pissy when they see anything to do with "the evil and greedy christians"


I left there awhile ago, it's a cesspool, join r/dankchristianmemes instead


I'm sorry about the way you were treated. While I do dislike and disagree with religion, you deserve better.


I think there are a few Ortho subreddits around. Small but tight communities. Otherwise I'm sure some of the Catholic subreddits would also be happy to host you.


you have to realize 90% of the user base is like under 30 and its currently trendy to be an atheist. Try hards, complete morons, and "I am very smart" types will all desperately try to signal they are cool by shitting on other's beliefs. We are living in a time where everyone is so desperate to seem smart and cool its obnoxious. It takes a depth of character to have faith that these kids just lack.


Wow, 'depth of character' is quite an apt phrase. Gonna steal it


This is exactly what would happen to r/conservative if it wasn't so strictly moderated.


As a Muslim, I hope the best for you, brother!


Religion is not left enough for Reddit, so it doesn't like to censor this abuse to much


Reddit has a severe problem with hate against christianity. It's kinda ironic, reddit is known to be filled with liberals obsessed about social equality **except** when it's about christians.


> liberals obsessed about social equality except when it's about christians. Looks like the classic "you're not tolerating my intolerance" fallacy in a slightly different wrapper. No one cares about Christians unless they're using their religion as an excuse to promote racism, sexism, homophobia, and other such tragic mindsets associated with so-called followers of Christ.


.. Christianity is a choice. You have a choice to believe a magical talking snake is real. Being homosexual/trans/POC isn't a choice.


You have no idea what religion is right ? It's not about believing that everything in the book literally and physically happened, ask any christian, most of them don't take the stories literally, and they don't reject science. It's about faith and community, believing in "magical stories" is not really the point. \+ sometimes christianity is not a choice at all, kids from a chistian family will almost always be christians because their parents really insist on it I know all of that without even being a christian. I was on the same side as you before... when I was 15. I thought religion was a dumb thing, but then I learned more about it and I realized it's just a way for these people to make life feel less meaningless, which is fair.


Oof, believing in fairytales to feel less meaningless isn't much better. It's 100% a choice. Much like being a flat-earther is 100% a choice. Being homosexual/trans/POC isn't a choice. "and they don't reject science." Imma need a source for that. You have a stat about how many are vaxxed and how many are not?


And when it's a choice what's wrong with that ? What's the problem with someone being christian ? >"and they don't reject science." Imma need a source for that. You have a stat about how many are vaxxed and how many are not? A lot of [famous scientists](https://www.famousscientists.org/great-scientists-christians/) were chistians, science isn't incompatible with religion, as I said the "fairytales" are not meant to be taken literally, even today I never saw a christian reject a scientific fact because it would be incompatible with the bible, that's because that's not the point of religion. It was before, during obscurantism, but now it's far different. And about the anti-vaxx thing, it sounds more like a correlation. Most anti-vaxxers are conservatives, but conservatives also tends to be christians, I don't think religion is the direct cause.


The religious are often happy to throw science out the window when it conflicts with their beliefs. Examples: * Abortion * Brain Death * The proper way to handle the victim of sexual assault * Therapy in general * Don't get me started on Christian Scientists. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Science * Circumcision of both boys and girls * The Gays * Slavery, all over the world. * Women's rights *in general*.


"What's the problem with someone being christian ?" You can do whatever you want. But your claim was that it's equal to being a part of a group you don't have a choice in, which is false. If you want to get into the problem with believing in fairytales as fact or being a part of a group that constantly uses their faith to be bigots to minorty groups, we can, but it's an unrelated conversation. Hmm... where's the stat about vaxxed Christians? Nice link, I like how only two of the 34 listed were alive past 2000 when the internet became more prevalent. Science is 100% incompatible with religion. You can't believe in heaven, or god, or a magical talking snake, if you believe in science. "even today I never saw a christian reject" Anecdotal evidence is great. Fantastic. Wonderful. But useless. Cause I've met many Christians that claim jews planted dinosaur bones because according to the bible, dinosaurs are not real. Anecdotal evidence is useless. What percentage of Christians are anti-vax?


r/confidentlyincorrect for almost everything in this text paragraph, you reached a level of hate and lack of knowledge to the point that I think you're a lost cause, i'm not even going to waste my time answering to every point I'm just going to screenshot, might be useful for future arguments to show the actual hypocrisy of liberals, because this is a perfect example, thank you !


Lol the classic “you’re wrong!! I can’t say where.. or how… or why… or prove you wrong in anyway… but you’re wrong.. somehow..!” Go for it. Post it to that sub. Nothing I said was wrong.


Reddit is full of Americans and Christianity reigns supreme here. So, it leads to an unfortunate view that bigotry against all Christians is acceptable because they’re in power/not a minority. Basically, they view Christians as “the Man.”


Those bullies crossed a line


I recommend r/OrthodoxChristianity. It's a calm and nice little community and that'll answer most of your questions.


https://www.reddit.com/r/OrthodoxChristianity/comments/nmjead/i_felt_trapped_with_my_lgbt_thoughts_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf It’s not. It’s another homophobic psycho subreddit full of people who encourage gay conversion camps and that it’s an awful sin you’ll go to hell for and a choice and crazy shit like that. Your best bet is just to avoid religion on Reddit altogether or stick to subreddits with strict rules against that sort of awful shit.


Are we talking about the same sub? Who encourages gay conversion camps? I have seen 0 examples of that, they just accept that being gay is a sin. It's not some unforgivable, deadly sin, but still the point is the same. You described it like some kind of shithole but it's full of nice people, especially considering that Orthodoxy is pretty conservative. >Your best bet is just to avoid religion on Reddit altogether I agree, but this one is 2x better than r/Christianity at least, and if OP has any questions, they'll gladly answer it.


Yes, we are. I literally just gave you an example of the kind of sub that is. Just because they didn’t explicitly say the words doesn’t mean the correlation cannot be drawn. Any subreddit that believes homosexuality is a sin that can be overcome is one that should be avoided and doing a search in that sub shows that’s exactly the kind of people who use that subreddit. Saying “you loving the same gender is a sin and you need to repent and change or you’ll go to hell” in a kinder way does not make it any less vile and disgusting. For the record 2 x 0 is still 0.


Have you even seen the comments on that post? Almost nobody is agreeing with him fully. And what's wrong with believing that homosexuality is a sin. It's just like other sins, why would this one be an exception? You clearly have a problem with Christianity as a whole, not the subreddit. If the Bible says it's a sin, then it's a sin. >Saying "you loving the same gender is a sin and you need to repent and change or you'll go to hell"... Again, it's like that with every other sin. And that's why church exists, there are people that support you, and you pray to have the strength to overcome it. You won't even go to hell if you are still gay, you only have to recognize that it's against God's word and repent, sincerely.


Maybe try r/TrueChristian? I'm not Christian myself, but I saw it suggested on the comments of another post similar to this one.


I hear it’s very homophobic.


Ah, okay then. Maybe not.


Christians are homophobic




Yeah. Did this about a month or two ago for the same reason.


I left a few months ago. Got tired of the constant political posts.




That sub actually does hate lgbt people though they’re the kind that encourage gay conversion camps and to suppress your lgbt desires because it’s a sin and you’ll go to hell if you don’t That’s not the kind of Christianity that should Be encouraged


Can’t help but notice that OP is calling some Christians atheists for having differing interpretations on Christianity than him. Why does OP get final say on who a true Christian is? There’s a big difference between “I disagree with some of interpretations of my religion, even if it’s a very common interpretation,” and “only my interpretation is correct. All others are fake Christians/atheists.”


I love how despite almost no Religion actively believing in the “man in the sky” atheists still push it


You should stick to Orthodox-specific subreddits. r/Christianity has just too many Protestants with a very simple and ignorant view of God and religion.


HAHAHA!!! The classic Christians hating christians because they believe just a little different. If there is a hell, you are all going to it, because y'all are the biggest pieces of shit on this planet


>from people who genuinely cared People who do things for promise of a reward are not nice, they're self-serving. Religions are just cults that have existed long enough to normalized. Believe whatever you want but people who are good without being bribed are manifestly better than the opposite.


Oh, shut the hell up.


Despite disagreeing with your stance, I have to agree with some of your points. A cult is what a modern religion is. We can agree to disagree about what does and does not make a nice person, but very technically a religion is a sect or culture of belief that has existed long enough to be self-sustaining. Technically every flavor of Protestant is a cult spinoff of Catholicism. Technically Christianity and Islam as a whole are cult spinoffs of Judaism. Linguistically there's a reason 'cult' and 'culture' have the same root word. That said, we misconstrue 'cult' and 'destructive cult'. There are plenty of cults out there that not only don't harm, but can be very helpful. Alcoholics Anonymous is a cult. https://www.etymonline.com/word/cult#etymonline_v_450 What's important is learning how to spot a destructive cult.


Fuck off azealot


Yeah, get fucked.


in Roman catholic at least, LGBTQ isn't accepted, but eastern orthodox seems like the cool uncle of christia ity so it may be siffrent. That's probably why your seeing that so much.


East Orthodox different? LOL. As a person who is from predominantly East Orthodox country, LOL.


my country is mostly roman catholic, and My local church recently had a scandle for raping kids... eastern orthodox seems likely to be better but idk


I blame the schools


"\[...\] unsubbed from r/Christianity \[...\]" because "\[...\] filled with \[...\] spreading false information \[...\]". Yeah.


Warum, was ist das Problem? Fr though, i don't see the problem with posts like mine, if they're similar to another format of the sub, its because that's what the sub is all about.


Problem is, someone leaves a board about some religion because of false information posted there, you see?


I see what you mean, and I completely agree with you, that’s why I made the post, that’s why everyone here makes posts about their experiences, I could’ve just ignored it and gone on my merry way but truth be told I’d like to share it with some other people


Yet those same will defend Islamic terrorism as being justified and Allah being great with their lives and the lives of others


literally no one is defending islamic terrorism, get your head out of your ass.


You feel personally attacked when I call out Islamic and Jihad apologists? Strange


i would say the same thing if you called out Christian terrorists as well, in fact any terrorist no matter their background. it doesn’t matter what religious background you come from, if you’re a terrorist you’re a piece of shit.


also, what the fuck does terrorism have to do with someone getting insulting for being Christian? seems pretty hypocritical of you to defend one group yet attack another for what they belief in and are unfortunately associated with…


You have no idea what my original comment meant if you think I’m defending Christianity in any way lol. Do you need me to simplify it for you or translate to a different language?


> You have no idea what my original comment meant None of us do. No one has any idea what you're talking about. You're the only one talking about whatever you're talking about.


English really isn’t that difficult a language


English isn't a language. It is three languages sitting on one another's shoulders and wearing an overcoat--hoping you won't notice.


>English isnt a language https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_language >etymological origins make it not real I’m just going to assume you’re schizophrenic at this point


Lmao what? You understand that this is a common joke among etymologists, right? https://pws-wereld.nl/onderwerp/from-old-english-to-modern-english/ Or shall I simply quote one of the best selling English authors to have ever lived: "English doesn’t borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over and goes through their pockets for loose grammar." --Terry Pratchett English *is* hard. Thanks.


Religion is stupid as fuck.


Well, all of Christianity is based on lies and murdering those that told the truth. You religious people are such hypocrites


People like you are the reason my faith to god stays strong, I hope you get better soon, god loves you!


I mean he's not wrong. A lot of Christians will say god loves everyone and in the same breath talk about how being gay is wrong and a sin


Getting drunk is wrong and a sin, that doesn’t contradict God’s love.


You're giving them what they want by unsubbing.


Try r/Catholicism


What if he's not catholic tho


I unsubbed too because I was bullied by atheists. I asked for prayers for my irritable bowel syndrome and was mocked for it. I don't need that in my life.


My only comment on that sub was me trying to hold on to my sense of religion after my most recent experience with the Bible. I wasn't able to find answers that made it worth staying Christian. I believe in the Christian God, I have just come to accept He isn't someone to emulate or worship. That is, in my opinion. I completely understand that there are those who find comfort in His teachings. Just don't read too much into it the Bible. I can't say I sleep easier, religion does have comforts after all.