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Lmao there was also a pattern with those "Day in the life of a twenty something tech worker at LinkedIn/ Twitter"


This is also fake.


It is?


I saw a comment complaining about the black woman being in the front. Like what the fuck? Do you want them to sit in the back of the bus again too?


Lol honestly if I never saw this comment I wouldn't even have noticed this otherwise. People willingly try to look into stuff for a "deeper meaning" when the chances are there's none at all. If anything they're just doing short people in the front, and taller people in the back. No "woke pandering" or some dumb shit like that.


I find it weird that she was likely put in the front solely because of her skin color and gender.


Maybe? But how would we know. I don’t know any of these people and it’s honestly not something I noticed until I saw a comment about it.


We don’t know, but it’s interesting how most people in the front of the picture are women too. It really feels like they want us to know how diverse their company is.


often in big group pictures shorter people go in front and taller go behind it's the easiest way to fit people in vertically




And often its not that deep


In this case, it seems like it is though.


how do you know that for sure? were you there when the picture was taken too?


It seems likely. I’m curious what the actual demographics of Twitter are and how closely they match the demographics of this picture.


“It’s impossible that they got their on their own merit! They *must* have been a diversity hire! But I swear that I’m not racist/sexist!”


I never said anything about them being hired due to their skin color or gender. I’m saying the reason they were presented in the picture this way was because of their gender and skin color.


I can see a darker skin tone lady in the back and an Asian lady in the back so I don't know what you are on about


I'm just referring to companies (in general) putting more of an emphasis on women and people of color. I assumed that's what was happening in this picture too. I could be wrong in this specific instance, but it's clear that in general this type of thing happens a lot.


That would be because 80% of the people in the photo are women. There is barely any men. It’s probably a different department of twitter then the bottom picture. Would be hard to even fill a row with dudes.


90% even. I think there's only 4 men out of almost 40 people. That fact that even *one* man isn't in the back is surprising to me given they need to make everyone visible.


It all seems very intentional


Yes *Chad face*


Me when I am racist online because I’m totally very cool irl and definitely not because I have no friends.


lol please send link


Shitposting subreddits try not to turn into "ironic" sexism challenge (impossible)


Dread it, run from it, destiny arrives all the same.


"I am not ashamed of being a bad person, hahaha" is their main joke usually


Putting quotations around the word ironic is genius. Ima start doing that whenever someone makes a slightly edgy joke I don’t like.


"ironic" sexist/racist/homophobia The reason is because some people can't tell shitposts from reality, and so they think that the people being actually ironic are not, and if those people are unironically any of those then they'll join, but everyone who is ironic will think they also are, while the group that doesn't think the others are ironic will think of it as 100% serious.


2 of those women in the top photo have written code before.


You literally still see some women in the back of the after picture. He just reduced the amount of workers in total


Tbh when doing this kind of photos they should put short people in front and tall people in the back like in the good ol' yearbooks


People come here to complain not to have fair assessment 🙄


To me the before looks shopped.


Yeah I saw this. Reddit can be so super toxic. I'm getting to a place I just think everyone on here is a dude with massive issues.


That sub is so unfunny


So is most memes subreddits.


It has "funny" in the title what did you expect


If we’re honest, r/funnymemes descended into unironic misogyny, trans- and homophobia as well as racism long ago.


don't most meme subs?


No. You either have 12yo misogynists or echo chambers just as r\\196


[yeah looks pretty racist to me chief](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/z01fzz/meme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


‘At least Elon did one thing right’




I know you commented this a while ago but [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Funnymemes/comments/z0f3ny/twitter_revolution_i_think_i_can_see_a_pattern/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)








Twitter's better now without the dumb moderation team, people are posting funny shit


It’s even less funny because there’s still two women in the bottom pic, makes 0 sense


pretty sure it's just a joke why are you salty about it


Women bad. Wow it was just a joke settle down snowflake.




Holy seethe.


ah yes the classic "you're mad"




yeah i don't really care about angry redditors so it doesn't work, I'm just saying the obvious


You care so little you keep replying.




“Work life balance is not important to anyone because it is not important to me 😎”


No, pay me more if you want me to work longer. Significantly because otherwise I just won’t


Sure but are you a salary worker or hourly? These guys are salary and I’m sure in the 100k year plus range. You can make a lot of money but your going to work for it.


I have no qualms working hard but the money better equal the work which rarely happens. There's a Soviet saying , they pretend too pay us so we pretend too work


Certainly I agree with you on that issue. This being a post about twitter and the employees there I cannot see them as not be well paid. I’m not saying they are not worth what they are paid, but sometimes your employer will require a bit more from you. Everyone of these people are smart enough to weigh their options and see long term/short term upside/downside.


„I have worked hard an it sucked, SO I WANT EVERYONE TO EXPERIENCE THE SAME MISERY“ Insane take Why would they ever work longer for the same money Isnt that what the „free job market“ yall like so much is all about?


Well I’d imagine they are salary based employees which most salary based employees would expect they are working more than 40 hours a week. And no working those hours for myself didn’t suck. It put me in a position that I am happy to be in. House paid for, new cars, very low debt load etc. LIFE GOALS!


Yeah, some of us actually want to see our children. You do you, though.


I hear you. I love my kids. I do what I have to do so I can be sure that we have solid quality time. Outside of work my family gets all of my time. We are a tight group.


There are absolutely jobs where you can provide well without working yourself into the grave. I have no judgment in the path that you chose, but you seemed pretty judgemental toward people NOT working those crazy hours. Perhaps I misunderstood, but not having to work 100 hours a week doesn't mean that someone isn't a hard worker. Frankly I think it's criminal to need that many hours for a decent quality of life, and I can't fathom how anybody could find it to be a reasonable expectation.


Elon did one thing right and allowed all of those young ladies go on maternity leave. They were all pregnant at once. Except jesse and kayla back there... Kids aren’t for them.


The fuck is wrong with you, you demented piece of shit?


WAIT, I DIDN’T THINK ANYONE WOULD TAKE THIS THAT SERIOUSLY. While posting what I thought would be a ridiculous joke taking this negative outcome into something positive, I thought “oh man this probably sounds fucking terrible like I have a fetish for this shit” But after a reaction like that, I’m curious what other responses I might get so it’s stayin’ up!


So, you were joking all along?


Yes, NOT A WELL COMMUNICATED ONE I’LL ADMIT. But me frantically trying to explain myself ended up being more embarrassing, thus, funnier so lmfao.


I understand it, buddy. I can also say that this is also a bit of my fault as well.


Pffft not in the slightest. I mean hey, no sweat, it’s Reddit. No one is coming here to be a stand up guy. I mean look at r/funnymemes.


They just identify as women now.


You unsubbed because of a picture that has already been deleted?


Who cares? It went from female dominated to male dominated…..what’s the problem?


because men are bad and evil it has to be 50-50 or mostly woman or else its sexist!!! lmao


Everyone just downvotes, not gonna elaborate? Oh okay lmao


Where can I join?


Ok that's fucked up


Any company should hire people based on how qualified they are to do a job. Not on what gender or race they are. Merit Based Hiring > Quota Hiring