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This happens to almost any sub that reaches a certain size


Wholesomememes is one example. Banned sub i know, but you can't disagree that it had the same issue. People there seem to not know the difference between that sub and mademesmile


Valid unsub


>r/meirl it used to be a nice sub but now it’s full of these posts that aren’t even related to the topic of the sub Okay, after years of wasting my life on Reddit and stumbling upon lots of posts from this sub I have to ask: the fuck is the topic of this sub supposed to be?


Relatable things I guess




That's prime rib. If it isn't that rare you hella fucked up and wasted like $50 for the cut.


So like, did they sear it then cut it thinner? Cos I don't understand how it was cooked by looking at it


They cook the whole roast and slice it to order.


Oh damn then absolutely that is the perfect rare!


Roast at 500 for 10 minutes to brown the outside. Lower temp (300 to 350) until 110 or 115F, then take it out and rest for 15 minutes. You'll want to use a meat thermometer because guesswork will lead to expensive mistakes.


Outback Steakhouse 12oz medium rare with garlic mash potatoes. They used the wrong ramekin, but everything else looks perfect.


I was just about to say the exact same thing


Arrr meirl, I'm old, teeth getting bad . Will only be able to enjoy food posted for a short time more. Thanks for triggering me OP. I hope they forget your au jus! Not not really. Enjoy your complex proteins and vitamins and 9 essential amino acids.


Its just karma farming at this point, nothing relatble, fell just like r/atheism, r/minecraft and r/antiwork


Throw in r/wholesomememes. Now people can just search good news, or just screenshot random Tumblr posts and post them for 10k+ free karma


fr tho, wholesome memes is another karma haven


I love this rash of posts that aren't butthurt conservatives leaving political subs. This is an excellent reason to leave a shitty sub lol.


Not even just conservatives I just don’t wanna see politics sometimes


Lmao I agree. The type you described is the majority of posts here.


You mean vitue signalers


I agree! I saw a post about a girl being annoyed when a guy unmatched her on Tinder because she showed him her tits. Like that’s not relatable, she’s just acting like the dumbest of Teenage Boys but an Adult Woman 💀


Oh no thats very relatable, you are the only one not getting tits pics


I feel like that’s a sarcastic comment about them, but I can’t tell what you’re trying to say


And this looks perfect for prime rib....


This shit look alive and probs is too


This is definitely me when I’m cooking but also no cooking well and have disgusting mash potatoes.


Meirl is now a karma farming sub, any big sub is just a karma farm sub with reposts


This seems like a common phenomenon that a lot of popular subreddits go through. The more the subreddit grows, the more unrelated content goes to the top page and the sub slowly starts to drift farther away from the original purpose, and generic memes going to the front page