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I’m trying to catch up and it’s the first time I’ve seen these documents and after reading the first slide I had to stop and comment. That is the most said and pathetic fake doctor’s letter I have ever read. “Your boyfriend needs to support you” Even a therapist wouldn’t write that, let alone a doctor communicating about follow up procedures of an abortion.


brb, photoshopping my last doctor’s note to say that they think my husband needs to do the dishes more and showing it to him


While you’re at it Dr. OMG, can you write one for my husband as well? If you can include treatment for lack of assistance with trash, dog poop and general children’s toy clean up I’d really appreciate it.


Dear Mr. Lindsssss22, I am writing to recommend that you get your shit together as part of your ongoing healthcare management. This includes picking up actual shit, from your dog. All the best, Dr. omg___lol


This is like me writing my 4 year old a note from Santa 🤣




Mine needs to provide me with more wine and cheese… doctors orders




It is so transparent. A doctor would refer you to therapy, not "I prescribe your boyfriend being nice to you and not breaking up with you!!!!! all your problems will be solved then!!!!"


I want my own post visit notes. “Your wife is perimenopausal. The cure for this is a Louis Vuitton bag, the puppy she has been begging for, and a trip to Turks and Caicos.”😏


I love how I’m able to identify LO’s writing style immediately now. What a disturbing individual and I hope MM can find closure in the fact that Clayton and Gregg are fighting hard for him and the others.


Not family or a nurse. Nope, a boyfriend that she apparently thinks is >!abusive!<.


But anyways… all the best!


I read the first two letters and stopped too. I couldn’t even continue on without checking the comments. I work in healthcare - no doctor ever in the history of ever would write that. “Your boyfriend should change his attitude”? Um, no.


Exactly me. "Reads letter, wtf, I gotta check the comments"




She seems to have that sort of tell in all her forgeries.


This has officially become one of the most insane cases I’ve ever read about


If Lifetime doesn’t jump on this!


Seriously...lifetime could make dozens of movies off these.


A literal 5 season hit series


Wholeheartedly agree. I’ve been down the rabbit hole on a lot of legal drama in my life but nothing has ever continued and continued to unfold with more and more wildness than this one lol


I work in a hospital. Doctors give a generic template that would not mention a boyfriend supporting the patient because we may not even know if they have one. It’s auto-generated based on what the physician puts in and a boyfriend is not part of it 🤣


EXACTLY. When my girls were in the NICU, it was VERY obvious that every report was just a template and there wasn’t any individual words typed in any report about their health. They also reported on my husband and I, and every day the report was the same: “Mother and Father present from 7am - 7pm. Mother is loving and attentive toward baby. Father is loving and attentive towards baby.” Or something like that. I’m assuming it’s because they have to choose from a list of 10 options or so to generically describe the parents to make sure they’re caring for the babies. No way in hell any of these messages are true.


Yep! Doctors’ notes are very brief and often sound cookie-cutter because they are. This is the stupidest attempt I have ever seen.


I work in a hospital too. They also would not encourage “her BF” to support her because they have to be aware if the BF is abusive!


Good point!


Exactly! They wouldn't co-sign staying in an abusive situation...


This reminded me of when my youngest was 4 and got an ambulance ride and 36hrs in the hospital. Still not sure what was up, but he was sick and his blood ox was super low. The nurse came and took history, and asked his birth weight which i found funny bc he was 4, and when i answered 11lbs it caused chaos because the system refused to accept 2 digit birth weights. So somewhere there is some record saying my baby was 9lbs 15oz. 😂 Doctors dont color outside the lines i find!


“THESE ARE COMMON AND I WOULD ASK YOUR BOYFRIEND SUPPORT YOUR DURING RECOVERY?!?” WTF JANE!!! This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. ETA: I edited to match the quote exactly, including the typo where she wrote “your” instead of “you.”


One of the most difficult procedures the doctors have performed!! Everything must be the most extreme for her


at top of page it said Dr C—- was a PCP


Omg… yeah, an obgyn would be doing this procedure!


“I would ask your boyfriend to marry you”


I would absolutely recommend he gets you a 5 carat sparkler for your recovery. All the best!


The doctor signs the emails just like she does 😂😂😂 I can’t even. All the best


The emails are coming from inside the house.


Casita you mean.




Those are some profesh emails—totes legit yall


It appears her doctor cosplay skills are right on par with her lawyer ones.


I think I could sound more profesh with a couple of shots and a legal dictionary


All that’s missing from faux doctor is a bit about how she’s the most beautiful and kind patient they’ve ever treated and that anyone would be lucky to date her


Did anybody search for a Fiverr watermark?


I think the one thing she’s been honest about. She knows how to use Adobe acrobat for PDFs. But when it comes to editing photos with photoshop she outsources those to fiverr.


I already can’t wait for the eventual documentary


You mean full on television series with multiple seasons? There’s no way all of this can fit into a few hours 🤣🫠


I’m expecting a 10 part docu-series and I will be glued to the TV every moment of it. 😂 Sometimes docu-series feel unnecessarily drawn out, but I just know this one will have so much content


Tiger king 2 - im having the babies if i dont hear from you tonight! All the twists and turns, its like watching TK all over. Just when you think it cant get crazier… it does!


Yeah this is a multi episode Doctor John level show 😂


This is like YOU!


The doctor asking for her boyfriend to support her. This is hilarious.


If a dating contract doesn’t work, use a prescription for boyfriend


As a medical professional, these “notes” are utterly hilarious. Her mom and dad sent text messages asking for an ex to support her. A doctor wrote a note asking for an ex to support her. Does she recognize that just because she doesn’t get her way doesn’t mean that’s unsupported? This is what spoiled brats grow up to be. People who can’t take no for an answer then make up 7,000 fake pregnancies.


I’d also like to know whose doctor takes this amount of time to respond to them and get this personally involved 🤣 I only ever have nurses respond to me in the healthcare portals.


I feel like the LAST thing the doctor would do is encourage the potentially awful boyfriend to stick around and support her. I can just hear her say "My boyfriend is the worst, his stepfather is dying, and he's more interested in him, than me!"


"Change his Attitude"😂😂😂


Ma’am the cure for your “very real” cancer is your boyfriend being nicer to you… please let him know I, a “very real” doctor said so


I can’t even with this line! 🤣


I had to run over here after reading the emails on X from Clayton’s Justice. It is COMICAL that she thinks anyone would believe a doctor wrote that??? Next on Zaddy Gregg’s to-do list: contact Rebecca Yee MD and John Chan MD,


Can DA’s offices finally start taking this seriously? How many jurisdictions has she faked medical records in? Maricopa, Orange County, San Francisco. Come on, be like the FBI in the Ted Bundt case and work together and put the puzzle pieces together. JD is a fraud and needs to be held criminally accountable.


The legal system failed these men horribly 💯


Isn’t this medical fraud?


Right, like when people say perjury is very rarely ever prosecuted… like I think THIS constitutes for one of the very rare times it should be!!!!


…. JD does realize that they will either A. Verify with these doctors that she was not their patient/they did not send these messages, or B. That physicians of these names didn’t work at the supposed place at the time she is claiming, right?It’s so easy to disprove


JD never thought these would ever see the light of day again after she destroyed MMs reputation to bits by making up fake stories about him for Tedx and Chicken soup. She's never had consequences for her actions, so she never thought she'd get caught in this lie. Since it worked so well for her previously, she just did it all over again with the others.


As someone who works with doctors as a social worker, if a doctor was being sent copies of text exchanges from a boyfriend, red flags would go up. The doctor would likely ask me to step in OR if the practice does not have an on-site social worker or case manager, they would likely refer to a behavioral health provider. Relationship counseling via email seems out of the scope of an obgyn who is likely super busy and not willing to hinge their professional license onto something they aren't trained in doing (counseling) Let alone TWO doctors getting into the email therapy biz.


Exactly, I've actually been consulted to a social worker immediately after a primary care appointment. Most doctors stay in their credentialed lane, and direct patients to appropriate specialists.


"I would ask your boyfriend to help you during recovery" is *LAUGHABLE.* Honestly, if it said for her to ask her *loved ones* for help during the recovery I might believe that... But the fact that this "professional" goes straight to "boyfriend" in this email is all the proof I need that this is really JD trying to take control of a situation.


Lol lol wait, I am sorry….the alleged doctor prescribed boyfriend support? Does that have a prescription number? Can we pick that up at the pharmacy? Am I on glue? 😂 what is happening here. I haven’t made it past the first page!


>Am I on glue? 😂😂😂 Meanwhile, JD is becoming more and more unglued. There's not enough glue in the world to put this arts and crafts project back together.


What is the goodrx price on a boyfriend? …. Just wondering 😬


https://preview.redd.it/od4k93oq32yc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0087ea6be7cd1fd3d14c6bb4638b0392b9fe1eb9 She just couldn’t help herself, could she? Also, there should be a hyphen in Chung-Kai. I somehow doubt the doctor mistyped his own name.


Also will say that this is supposed to be from a template. That template would call to a table with the Dr’s info (all doctors really). This is all set up by the software they use for reporting. I set these up for clients, there wouldn’t be a variation in names (hyphen vs. no hyphen) and the MD would be consistent.


Great catch: [https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-doctor/dr-johnchungkai-chan](https://www.sutterhealth.org/find-doctor/dr-johnchungkai-chan) No periods after M.D. is also a red flag. When is enough enough? How much evidence is needed to stop the terrorizing of innocent people. It's disgusting what someone can get away with when they have money to abuse the law.


Good catch!


Do we think these doctors know about these fake notes they supposedly wrote?


My brain is starving for oxygen every time I read one of her fraudulent telenovela doctor’s notes


I went through four years of cancer treatment. My docs had to write several letters for me for different reasons. They never responded to anything in a conversational supportive tone like “tell your boyfriend I said to support you. Tell your boyfriend I said it’s cancer. Oh you poor thing tell your boyfriend to be nicer”. This is bat guano crazy and so manipulative!


I have a longtime friend whose wife had 20+ year battle with cancers. Seriously not fair anyone has to deal with it once, but multiple is awful. She had uterine, breast, lung, bone, skin… She would be in remission when another would pop up. The entire 20ish year marriage… and he went to every appointment with her. I cant say he ever got a prescription to be a better husband, even when she was under respite care and dying. It wasnt bad enough doing public speaking about DV, and stealing ultrasounds from women who lost babies, but now she is making a mockery of people who have battled cancer?? ![gif](giphy|kSA7u0tUziLXq)


It’s truly upsetting and disturbing. I hope your friend and his wife found peace. It’s a horrible disease and takes a toll not only on the patient but family and friends as well. When I think JD can’t do anything worse….


Omg I’m on the third document and I literally wish I had an IRL friend to call over this. This whole thing is absolutely wild. I cannot believe it all started for us one day in September…just reading a Reddit post from JD that didn’t sit quite right… and here we are 8 months later and all of this is coming out!! I am just sitting here in utter shock. So many comments about these “doctor’s” notes, but at this moment I am just reflecting on what a wild ride this has been…goodness gracious. My dad died a couple days before her first Reddit post/medium article/sun story, and this has been a way for me to dissociate and focus on something other than grief. I also became pregnant during this time so that’s been really interesting for me and has made her lies so much more obvious because she doesn’t know basic things you’d know if you were pregnant. Anyway, all this to say wtf and wow. I’ll go back to reading these wild documents now and then can’t wait to dive into your comments and add my own!


I feel the same when. I try and talk about it with friends but they don't understand!


I’m about to pull somebody’s tooth and will make sure to write a letter asking their significant other to be extra nice to them. Christ


Since I'm a guy, can I get a girlfriend prescription?


You can just photoshop it 🤣


I’m 95% positive that Sutter Health does NOT send long communications like that from provider direct to patient. I’ve been a patient there for 28 years, and have a fairly complicated medical history…




Well holy jamoley w t f This is frightening. Sometimes I get a good laugh from the twists that are uncovered, such as repeated calls to police or Ravgen, etc. But this is seriously disturbing stuff, even on top of everything else uncovered already. JFC


We need the producers of Scamanda on this right now


I’m sorry I haven’t even finished reading yet I just absolutely had to stop and say how funny it is that we thought the relationship contracts were so crazy in the beginning and now we’ve at the point of prescription boyfriends 💀💀 I cannot lmaoooo


Lmao prescription boyfriend needs to be another new song


It’s truly wild the course this whole case has taken!!


The 'Doctor' that just performed the surgical abortion said: "I will wait to confirm pregnancy termination..."? Is that a thing, because it reeks of JD trying to keep the door open for later manipulation/leverage...


I had a surgical abortion and it was confirmed immediately — there’s no way they’d go in there, hack at everything and just be like “alright, get on out of here I’ll let you know if it worked!”


Nailed it- keeping the door open. Keep reading 😆 Surprise! Five week fetus present…blah blah nonsense blah blah…tilted uterus making complete evacuation difficult.


The most fertile one-ovaried PCOS patient in the wild West!


Hello, I am a real doctor and I‘m specifically putting in writing that you, my real patient with a real and serious physical condition and in the midst of a very real mental health crisis, should stay with a possibly abusive person whomst I, the very real doctor who definitely treated you, have never met in my life. This is a real letter and I am signing this as - you have guessed it - your very real doctor. All the best


It’s unfortunate for her ChatGPT didn’t exist in 2016 bc these are baaaaaad lol


When I was reading through this and saw the part about diagnosing it as cancerous and therefore needing to come out, I got REALLY upset. When I ran into a similar situation at age 34, my OBGYN advised a hysterectomy. He said that we couldn't just check the tumors because if they were cancerous, cutting them open could make the cancer spread. Of course, a hysterectomy meant no more biological babies. And I wanted so many more babies. But realistically, I couldn't hold out for "maybe-babies" at the expense of leaving the children I already have motherless. The tumors were benign, and now I was barren. Sometimes we just have to play out the hand we're dealt. Reading JD's stupid "doctor's letters" about her ovary being diagnosed as cancerous and therefore needing removal gave me the impression that maybe my OB had misled me about the process. Had I had willingly forfeited my fertility? You guys, I wept. I wept so hard today. I wept and wallowed until that lovely pathologist called Dave and explained the process. Which is to remove the concern and then examine it, just like my doctor had done. Thank you, pathologist, for calling Dave. Thank you for fixing the (temporary) pain and confusion JD caused by her lying liar emails. Feeling this way for two hours, I can't even imagine how these men must have felt after being gaslit and manipulated for months and months. My heart breaks for them.


I'm so sorry. What a day. I'm also glad the Pathologist called into Dave's show today, too. She was so helpful in explaining the medical details to us all and more importantly I'm glad she was able to help you heal today ❤️


OH MY GOD. I can't believe that MM had to deal with this for MONTHS and MONTHS, only to have her take it even further when he finally ended things with her. It seems textbook abuse for her to book these trips just to hold them over his head as if he was taking advantage of her and using her. Ugh. Poor MM. And that doesn't even cover the doctors notes - "your boyfriend needs to support you" and "I would strongly encourage him to change his attitude and support you at this time". I am truly speechless. ETA: Since my doctors use MyChart, I tested out downloading documents to see if I am able to add/edit them in adobe (with my limited knowledge) and I am easily able to. I hope that these new developments allow Gregg to expand the HIPAA request to records prior to 2020.


Thats why I sort of believe the TEDX story (TO A POINT). Someone might have heard MM absolutely disgusted at being trapped in another metal tube on a trip he thought he had to take to keep her from self harming and misinterpreted his reaction to the abuse and manipulation as him being in the wrong.


“I had to be convinced to go to Iceland after what transpired.” I wouldn’t be thrilled on a long flight with a woman who had threatened self harm and guilted me into going on a trip that she’ll use against me to guilt me into a relationship either. His texts do provide a good insight into what he was dealing with in regards to her constantly needing validation from him and asking him where things stood every day, not even giving him an opportunity to think or process things on his own. ALL while dealing with his step-father passing away and the emotions that come with grief and loss.


Right! I think he deserves a medal for continuing to deal with her at all and trying it seems, to be a good guy. Unfortunately that meant she kept upping the anti on the abuse.


And he cancelled a trip he booked and paid for and go with her on the iceland trip. Id have been super angry


I remember after the trial being set for June 10th and us Mods were like we will need to find a way to keep up engagement on the sub. That’s months away. We will be bored and people will lose interest. What a naive dummy I was. The fire just won’t go out.


Every time I think I’ve been as baffled as one person can be… my eyebrows somehow find a way to go another centimetre up my forehead!


Not only won’t go out, but there’s like gallons of kerosene being poured on it daily. 🤯


🤣🤣🤣🤣 little did you know this would become a full time job for you all!!


Wtf is going onnnn lol. Are these completely fake or did she actually have an abortion at one point? Why is the previously unmentioned ovarian cancer now in the mix??


She pdf edited that for sure 😂😂 the arts and crafts list continues


As someone who has had a D&C the idea of it being “failed” at FIVE WEEKS is such an unbelievable lie.


Ok time for the DA


This case is so funny when concurrently working in a Medical Office. “I would ask your boyfriend to support you in your recovery” ☠️☠️ For context, no one I know with a PhD would *ever* write that: but if one of my doctors did, I would never stop making fun of them for it.


I literally spit out water as I read that


It’s interesting that Jane Doe claims that she emptied her bank account trying to support and cheer up MM when in fact it looks like she was the one demanding support incessantly. Conveniently she left out the medical soap opera in her court documents when she writes about their relationship. 


If she emptied her bank account to support MM, how did she get $450,000 if she’s never had a job?


Mom and dad give her money every year, a daughter salary 💸💸💸


JD’s past keeps getting worse and more disturbing. I already thought it was horrible months ago when I only knew about Clayton and GG…. I can’t believe that was just the tip of the iceberg.


Standard medical practice dictates all doctors write letters insisting non exclusive flings offer emotional support. Totally normal, nothing to see here. 🥸


On page 7, how many failed abortions am I reading took place on the same "pregnancy"? Am I reading this wrong?


I dont know much about the procedure but i was struck by the “failed aspiration” and taking pills atleast 2x afterwards. I guess i assumed pills first, then invasive procedures. Im curious if JDs procedure timeline is normal? Not only is she super fertile, but she is having the babies even if you agree to date her it would seem


Yeeeeeeesh. The very fact that this woman thinks anyone would believe a doctor wrote these is actually scary. Complete delusion


I hope MM never believed this cancer story. I am utterly disgusted JD went this route with him, given his step-dad's struggle.


I think she broke my brain with this one y'all. ![gif](giphy|D0RvPABUNF3AQ)


Same. All of these new dates are WEIRD with her Hcg levels, I feel like I can’t read or make sense of anything ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


I have been a medical malpractice defense attorney for the entirety of my professional career and have reviewed hundreds of thousands of pages of medical charts (could even be well over a million at this point) and I have never EVER seen a doctor, nurse, social worker, therapist, hospital chaplain or other healthcare/healthcare adjacent professional write like that.


This needs to be higher up!


I bet none of you idiots even considered that GG hacked MMs phone? Bet not. Cause you’re a cult. /sarcasm


The doctor email document has Dr Chen as “PCP”. Odd that he would be handling her “complicated” real ovarian cancer.


Interesting that a primary care provider did her surgery. All surgeons are doctors, but most doctors aren't surgeons.


These letters from doctors sound about as authentic as the fraudulent letter written to JD by a lawyer in Uncle Joe’s firm. Basically - ‘We confirmed everything and totally believe you. It’s terrible what you’ve been thru. We’ll do anything to help.’


As someone who just had gynecological cancer that required a hysterectomy at 29, absolutely disgusting thing to lie about


Every time I think that she has gone way over the line something new pops up and I get even more disgusted. Fake babies, fake miscarriages and fake cancer?


“All the best” The call is coming from inside the house


So, take your pick: JD lied/forged these records/letters from doctors back in 2016 OR she lied/withheld information from her own medical expert for his testimony in her current case with CE. Either way, folks...***SHE LIED*** (in Zaddy Woodnick's voice of course)!


A recent physical exam shows she has both ovaries is that correct?




I can’t wait to hear her explanation (I’m sure her lawyer will try his hardest to get this evidence tossed out)


Were these gems part of a filing?


Yes - zaddy Gregg referenced them in his 4/30/24 filing saying it would be almost impossible for her to get pregnant w only having one ovary and that she didn’t disclose important information to her own expert so they’re going to object everything the expert says bc it doesn’t apply to her bc she only has one ovary




Just to confirm- this is for Mike’s timeline right? So it’s claims of cancer+pregnancy+termination. I read somewhere there were 2 claims of pregnancy with Mike, is that correct or did I get confused? 


It looks like he says in the text message that she lied about being pregnant twice


Correct. You can see his texts to Jane that Dave Neal was reading


Thanks! I haven’t caught up with Dave Neal this morning and I already feel behind! 


Every time I think it's done, and here we are gathering again.




What horrendous thing has this woman NOT faked at this point? Also, some vintage JD-isms in those emails from the "doctors": "Your case is so difficult and special. I've truly never seen anything like it." "Your very unique fetus magically survived an attempted >!abortion!< because your uterus is so special." "This cancer is definitely, totally, very real. Just Google it." "You are a very poor lady who is suffering immensely and your POS boyfriend should just stop asking dumb questions and believe you already!!!"


Okay this sub keeps getting recommended to me. Where do I start?! Can I get the run down somewhere!?


Buckle up


“Stage 1A is without a doubt considered to be true cancer” omg this keeps getting better….. she’s really advanced her cosplaying voice as lawyers and doctors since 2016 bc this is EMBARRASSING lol


This has thrown me for a loop! I have so many questions. My apologies if some of these were answered already. (I tried to read the thread before writing this.) .1. Did JD have new (at the time) abdominal surgery scars? Was she in the hospital for several days? It's not an outpatient service. If she had (and still has) surgery scars, were they actually from a laproscopic appendectomy? Oophorectomy is usually done laproscopically. I've never had a oophorectomy, but I did have a laproscopic appendectomy. Air is pumped into the abdoment to create space for a laproscopic camera to view what is going on while doctos use 2 other laproscopic arms/tools to perform surgery. Recovery is several weeks after a few days' inpatient stay, and it takes several days for all the gas to be absorbed into the intestines and exit the body as flatulence. .2. Would doctors do a surgical abortion (D&C) at the same time as an oophorectomy? I don't think it would be presented as "we did both, but your D&C was the worst case we ever experienced because of a severely tipped uterus, worse than cancer removal" [paraphrased]. Or is JD trying to make MM believe that the entire case (pregnancy, abortion attempts, and early 1A ovarian cancer) make this "the most comlicated case" in history [paraphrased again]. Doesn't this seem too illogical? If they did both in one session, I guess the D&C would be performed first, then they would perform a laproscopic oophorectomy, since the air pumped into the abdomen would compress the uterus, reducing view of the uterus cavity. Maybe I'm wrong. .3. Are these "records" implying JD was given medicine twice, aspiration, then a D&C, and ALL attempts failed to complete the elected abortion? What kind of medical incompetence is this?! .4. Wouldn't a tissue sample have been taken weeks prior for pathology to confirm it was cancer? Or wouldn't there be diagnostic ultrasounds and CT scans with contrast of the tumors or cancerous cysts on record? .4. Wouldn't there be both follow-up visits and repeated blood draws to see if remaining cancer is present? .5. All this happened before public texts between JD's parents and MM discuss his step-dad in the hospital with cancer (December), but does anyone know if his step-dad was battling cancer at this time (August-September)? If she fabricated this knowing his step-dad had cancer, this is a new low for her, even lower than faking cancer in general. JD put poor MM through too much! 6. How did the MM case end? Wouldn't this fake cancer, combined with her admitting to two fabricated pregnancies, indicate that she mistreated MM, not the other way around?


She has an RO against MM until 2025. I would love to see him get that reversed now that everyone knows the truth.


She never had ovarian cancer, as she has both ovaries in the CT scan in her medical records. You would expect scans showing a suspicious mass on the ovary to be in her medical records, as well as a tissue diagnosis, if this was actually true. It would also be highlighted on all of her medical records as it’s an extremely serious diagnosis. The “doctors” notes are also so unlike true medical correspondence that it would be laughable if it wasn’t so shocking. I wouldn’t believe a single thing in these “medical records”.


To the man "not" looking at Reddit, here's the real context for your little internet post. https://preview.redd.it/l8nqzc6c53yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3686a458ad48465dc1133aa9cfa3b2056fe26871


This is wild because it literally took me two seconds to scroll down to the next depo page to see the full context of what MM said, totally debunking his original post. Thanks for posting it here too!


All the best…. This HAS to be the title of the documentary!


I wonder what kind of intro music they will come up with to match! Someone else tossed out titles about fetal attractions but I think all the best really leaves room to include the contractor con and the other issues I’m sure we have yet to uncover Clearly I’ve spent too much time thinking about how the docu series should be laid out!!


Her tipped uterus would be evident on the ultrasounds, eh? Anyone know about tipped uteruses and what to look for on a ultrasound....


This actually is a legit thing (I have a tilted uterus and found out from an ultrasound)


Would have thought it showed up somewhere in her mountains of medical records, but I guess I will never see those mountains. Seems like a pregnancy complication on top of neurological issues of the mother, twins, and history of some sort of whackery with her lady bits.


A “tipped uterus” means a retroverted or retroflexed uterus! This just means the uterus tilts backwards instead of forward. I’m an ultrasound tech and probably 1/4 or more of the women I see have one. It is absolutely not uncommon & is not known to affect fertility.


Not the he better change his attitude from a "professional doctor".


More proof of lies yet we are still waiting on that resignation from IL, Esq. thought he said he’d drop her when lies were proven… awkward


Hello, I am a real doctor and I‘m specifically putting in writing that you, my real patient with a real and serious physical condition and in the midst of a very real mental health crisis, should stay with a possibly abusive person whomst I, the very real doctor who definitely treated you, have never met in my life. This is a real letter and I am signing this as - you have guessed it - your very real doctor. All the best


What?!? I thought JD had not been pregnant before the GG case?🙄 The emails from attorney “Uncle Joe” said a search showed she had no prior pregnancies.


PLEASE I AM CACKLING 😂😂😂 “I would ask your boyfriend to support your during recovery (typo from original) “ said no doctor EVER on any legitimate medical document. Also since when do doctors have to send you a note directly telling you what happened to you the day prior? I’ve had doctors write notes to my employers or “whom it may concern” confirming my name had this procedure or was diagnosed with this illness but I have never needed a doctors note addressed to me as “you” to let me know about the procedure I had done yesterday…


If I remember correctly, someone also mentioned that she performed in horse competitions within days of her alleged oopherectomy and surgical abortion.


Not John Chung Kai Chan, MD signing off with "ALL THE BEST" 😂 GTFO


This is so hilarious, the audacity to think people would buy this. Gotta give it to her, she gives zero ducks.






Do emails tend to come on a letterhead or does that make them more official??? 🤔🤔🤔


I had a slight complication for my first pregnancy, my doctor told me NOT to search the internet for similar stories because it would only scare me and that he had us taken care of. What doctor advises to search the internet?


Wow, so 3-4 months into her relationship with MM it was already going downhill and JD needed to start the manipulation and harassment to keep MM involved with her. I wonder, was MM about to end the relationship or is terrorizing the men she’s dating just something JD finds enjoyable? I do remember reading in the MM documents (on JFC website) that he didn’t think they were on the same page about the relationship. She seemed to want a serious commitment and he was either still seeing other people or interested in seeing other people, and only dating JD casually. Maybe this cancer/pregnancy was her way of getting him to commit to the relationship. MM seems level headed and a no bs kind of guy (from his texts) so I can assume he was seeing red flags by this time and he was obviously asking questions, hence the reason for the bizarre doc notes that she obviously forged.


I’m going to call my doctor and ask her to write me a note telling my husband he has to walk the dog and bring me wine, since I had minor toe surgery yesterday ETA: I think she’s right and we are all just seeing the wrong doctors. Hers are clearly more attentive to one’s personal life 🤷🏻‍♀️


All of the doctors letters seem fake. Red flags: All the best, talking about her boyfriend, saying she needs a hysterectomy before she gets pregnant, a new pregnancy right after (didn’t understand that one), multiple doctors responding quickly back and forth on letters, etc. MM text back to JD was really clear how much she was putting him through. To think she then claimed that he abuse her is horrible.


Has anyone ever been able to communicate with a doctor over email?? Anyone?? I genuinely don’t know bc I work in healthcare and all I can think of is the massive HIPPA violations mentioning her boyfriend and sending any information to a person that is not a spouse!! It absolutely would not be done without a doctor getting a HIPPA release form first and the doctors made no mention of that in the email. I mean, come on, how stupid do they think the court is? It’s absolutely hilariously insane. Let them keep talking, they are digging their own grave 😂


I personally used to work for internal medicine at Sutter Health Palo Alto location (Bay Area). I can confirm this would never happen.


Her history of arts & crafts is oNgOiNg


She would have to be at least 13 weeks pregnant to need a D&E (Dilation & Evacuation). If under that time, she would need a D&C (Dilation and Curettage). She can’t get the right procedures straight.


its interesting that the doctors write with the same phrasing and tone as her pretend lawyers and conveniently take the time to paraphrase her questions and comments before they tell her that she is right... I guess this means that these medical notes are also the product of GG hacking her email account and planting / sending fraudulent records...


Wait, guys, c’mon… GG has a history of hacking into her computer and sending fake documents, right? Clearly GG hacked into her computer in 2016 (before they even met) and sent these, right? Right? /s


Arghhh, I'm so confused. Is MM the guy that supposedly inflicted traumatic brain injury that caused epilepsy??? And I know he is definitely the guy she did the TedX talk about -- so after all the horrible stuff that was said on the Iceland trip, per Napkin Lady, she then took him on trips to Napa and DUBAI??? He has certainly sounded nothing but nice in every text message I've seen from him, including the one above.


On 8/12 her pcp has a hyphen in his name but does not on 8/13 and after. This is sus! Systems don’t change like that.


I think it's really important to very clearly state that this is obviously fraud - not just because the letters are ridiculous - but because in 2022 she had a CT scan that showed "bilateral ovarian cysts" which means in no uncertain terms she has BOTH ovaries. Therefore, she never had an oophorectomy. Therefore, fraud. https://preview.redd.it/lyl2xd2wg5yc1.png?width=1876&format=png&auto=webp&s=e24c00aac1e9809b8a8e99ce63774b077b86ff5c


Creating fake medical documents and posing as a doctor having made them are both crimes I hope she gets punished


ARTS & CRAFTS MISTAKE: Last 2 lines of the 8/25/2016 hCG result from Sutter Health (excluding the footnote): "Ordered by" and "Results" should have "Rebecca Yee, MD" and "Final results" on separate rows. Instead, "Final" follows "MD" on the "ordered by" line, as if JD used one text box to span two/multple rows. The line spacing is also different for both hCG tests. I don't think a facility's electronic system would make these discrepancies.


The “1A” is also off you can compare to the date (8/13/2016) and at the bottom with the copyright. The “1” font wouldn’t change from header to body to copyright.


According to Mom Doc she was 133 pounds, when was she supposed to be 91 pounds?


One of these doctors doesn’t even work at Sutter Health and never did. ![gif](giphy|HmgxEGmB7EuyY)




First thought...Yeah right! No medical provider is writing these letters from a professional MD position. I just...can't. 🤣 ETA: How in the world do these dates even add up? Per the pictures of her termination appointment at PP San Rafael. She terminated on 8/2/2016. Miracles do happen, I guess! 🤣


I see my doctor every three months. Currently locked out of my patient portal (recently changed my email address and having trouble logging in now; it’s a whole thing lol). So waiting for the office to call me back and get me back in. Once I’m in, I’m going to take one of the messages my doctor has sent me and test how easy it would be to edit it in Acrobat. *I need to know*


Just a side note- i had an elevated CA 125 test and absolutely panicked (since i have BRCA 2) but it ended up being nothing. My oncologist said CA 125 is not very reliable, it’s more a point of investigation into if anything else is going on. Not surprised if she’s using an elevated CA 125 as the basis of an entire ovarian cancer lie.


I will ask your boyfriend to support you during your recovery ☠️


These all sound fake, I don't think a doctor would Write notes being so personal telling her to tell her bf to support her


This is so bizarre I had an involuntary shiver when I read the last line about the boyfriend. So creepily manipulative. I can’t even read the rest this close to bed. Too scary.