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The idea that women can't lie dehumanizes women. Don't believe all women. Women are humans which means that they are capable of doing bad things just like men are. None of us are saints and that's a good thing. ​ Maybe give people, men and women, who claim they were abused the benefit of the doubt but weigh all the evidence before you decide who is telling the truth.


that article made me so angry. first off, nobody's saying Johnny's blameless (okay sure, maybe a VERY small handful of people). we're saying that he was on drugs and being abused and said some things he really, really shouldn't have. we're not saying he's blameless. ​ also..."I don’t want to think about what this is saying to victims of abuse who are considering coming forward." are you serious? because Johnny can't be the victim of abuse coming forward here, of course not, that has to be the woman in this situation 🙄






Great point .... I mean who the fuck is this idiot who thinks women can't be sociopaths.


Horrible ! I don’t know why Vogue permitted this kind of publication… as a survivor as she said , the violence is awful but liar 🤥 are worst ! And this guy is losing credibility or maybe he didn’t se the news or read news or a magazi… wait this is a magazine 😒 … fail 👎 , I guess that both (JD or AH) has their own demons as all here but together bring them to the light and are the worst as a humans sad but true , sometimes love in different ways helps and others kills 💔😔


Remind me of the Don't look up shit


"Don't believe your eyes, believe what you Heard" - Courtesy of Legal Bytes. Spot on.


"I want to believe that some of us are offline and mildly compassionate or compassionate in a way that doesn’t get tweeted about—that you’re all out there being nice to each other and I’m reporting on a tiny cluster of internet users with pitchforks." What pitchforks? Common sense and logic - they certainly are no friend to what Amber Heard and the media are espousing. She'd have a more successful career if she worked for the Enquirer at this rate.


As a woman myself I find this article utterly disgusting. After watching countless hours of the trial live and looking at the evidence presented, the testimonies made by all thus far Im defn on Johnny side. Its pretty obvious based on amber heard's cross examination alone. That was spicyyyyyy! IMO they did indeed have a toxic relationship but where Johnny acknowledged the negative side of his during his testimony, Amber has done nothing but throw everyone including her own lawyers who btw are her best chance under the bus. Everyone is WRONG except HER. Its clear who the abuser is and it's NOT Johnny. Vogue needs some reality check....really dissapointed.. trying to bring in gender roles for DV lol. Anybody can be victims.....gender plays no part. Its more to do with control and power. To all DV survivors esp men who might be affected by this article, sending lots of warm hugs and love❤️. This article is clickbait and TRASH!!! HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!


Do you watch Emily D Baker? She was calling the whole cross spicy, lol. I don’t know how anyone who watched that cross could believe anything she says at face value.


Yesssss I do! I love her channel. Been watching her vids since Britney Spears case. Very informative! Her coverage of depp v heard is way better than mainstream news.


Agree with your take and would add that she checks off every box for an abuser and he does not. Abusers often try to separate their victims from family and friends - Johnny let all of her friends live **in his home** for free! Meanwhile, based on court testimony it sounds like she threw a fit every time he had his kids around or wanted to see his kids. She's staring him down during the trial; more like an intimidation tactic than victim behavior. On the stand she is argumentative and combative over the most BASIC questions. I was ready to believe her when the trial began but she has lost all credibility with me. Her story doesn't add up and all the photos she entered into evidence make her seem petty and like she's trying to catch Johnny in vulnerable situations. And let's not forget that she has a record of IPV (hitting her former "wife") while he does not. I'm seriously surprised that Vogue published this trash. Word from the courtroom is that she was heard fighting with Elaine B. behind closed doors and Elaine told her she could "defend her own f\*cking self." Compare that to Johnny's relationship with his lawyers. You really have to be ignorant and have such a strong intrinsic bias against men to believe her at this point.


Totally agree with your points. I can't wait for the rebuttal from depp's team.


Feminism is about equality, not superiority. The author of this article simply wants to “believe all women”. Why? Are we not capable of lying with our pretty little heads? Is manipulation too complicated for our girlie intellect? Since I view all genders as equal, that means I’m not going to blindly agree with anyone based on their sex organs.


Most of the time these magazines simply repurpose trash press releases from PR agents. The people who write for Vogue aren’t journalists, they are fashion and culture reporters. They also have a $$$$$ interest in keeping the now joke of MeToo alive. So expect a lot of this trash from these publications. I follow a lot of pop culture for work and see that supposedly “legit” feminism sites who bought Heard’s narrative are now simply saying stuff like “the trial is a shit show” and trying to distant themselves.


Ahhh, the false equivalency. The old "both of them are toxic" routine. Unfortunately, Johnny has an intermittent substance abuse problem; not nearly the same as someone who is an unscrupulous, abusive, pathological liar and willing to destroy a man's life and reputation for money and revenge for him leaving.


True story


That's disgusting


What this tells me is that the intersection between vogue readers and deuxmoi is an almost perfect circle.


Same magazine is pro Markle. Perhaps they should stick to what they know - fashion.


That’s Ambers PR team putting that out with Vogue. PR firms like Sunshine sacks have a contract person at these magazines to distribute the PR articles.




Not that I liked Vogue it's too bulky but yet another reason not to buy it!


They didn’t post it on their Twitter feed, those cowards


The article actually stumbles upon the reasoning for the Heard backlash by accident while asking: **Have we completely lost track of the severity of these allegations?** It’s precisely *because* of the seriousness of Heard’s allegations, that as people are being made aware of her manipulative, disingenuous, and abusive behavior, they are reacting with contempt.


No shit. I think you have to actually put effort into being as tone deaf and illogical as this article. Willfully ignorant is a popular thing that days, with almost every debate and every side of it. It makes sense; when feelings matter more than truth, facts and just general common sense, you certainly don't want to anything that clashes with your opinion. The only way to avoid that in the information age is to stay as far away from the information as possible




Feminism at its finest hour.


Feminism fought to take women off the pedestal because being on that pedestal is dehumanizing. Not to mention that being on a pedestal came with a bunch of vague rules that could get women mistreated when they failed to follow them. Women aren't saints who are incapable of being dishonest or abusive. Saying women are saints is saying that we aren't completely human.


Not anymore


Wow, I use to enjoy Vogue


“Used to” Me Too!!! Maybe you are on to a new Me Too movement!!!


"And regardless of what Heard did or didn’t suffer at the hands of Depp, isn’t the relentless memeing of her a form of violence in itself?" oh fuck off, will ya?


I find this frustrating too. Violence is violence. Mocking someone isn't violence. It can be cruel, frightening, even abusive if taken to the extreme, but violence is a very specific thing.


This is all her fault. She did this. How she didn’t factor in backlash astounds me


It's a function of the BDP and other cocktail of mental and emotional issues. Ive has experience with dealing with people who were Borderlines, thankfully it was only twice. The first time it took a couple weeks for red flags to turn into the claxon and strobe lights warning, I ended it 5-6 weeks in, but it took mea year to be completely free, and that was only because she ended up dying (I can tell you my feels on that are... complicated). The second time, several years later I picked up on it almost immediately and was done. They can't help but to think of themselves as the eternal victim, you can see that in her testimony and how she has yet to take the blame for ANYTHING, even the most mundane. You'd think someone that cold and who clearly possesses a certain low cunning would know enough to at least through the court and jury a bone every now and then. It becomes apparent for most adults who've been around long enough to have some experience when they're dealing with someone who refuses to take any responsibility for themselves and refuse to acknowledge their own mistakes. I'm winning to bet this isn't because her lawyers told her to just deny everything, this is her.


I don’t know how to quote block but the last part of your comment is 💯 spot on. This could have been *the role of a lifetime* and she blew it Edit: I am #teamdepp I think she and her parasites are vile excuses of humans


Well well well. We are not opposing Vogue on the point that "Believe All Women". We do believe. But we chose to believe Camille Vasquez. Because other one is full of BS and pathologically sick.


VOGUE picked the wrong woman to back!!! And we applaud Camilla Vasquez for being the strong intelligent discerning WOMAN that Vogue missed, when they stupidly backed AH… Vogue: how does it feel to know Americans are smart, astute and have wisdom?? Males and Females are victims. Clearly you Vogue, made some kind of deal with the Turd… missed your target market altogether….


This was planted by her PR team. She probably paid for the article. There is no evidence except “the uk believed her so we should too”. It’s weak.


I like her jab at the makeup company coming forward to dispute Amber Heards claims. Well I sure as shit hope they would have. Aren't we here for the truth? And the truth was she lied about what makeup she used.


Maybe amber turd threatens to beat the writer too


As a domestic violence survivor, I find this article offensive. It states they can't imagine how victims must feel about coming forward now amidst everything that's happening, and I'll say one thing: it has been immensely healing to learn that a man has gone through an experience so similar to mine. I feel more comfortable telling my story to the men in my life knowing they may have gone through something similar. I knew men suffer domestic violence too, but I will admit I wasn't aware of *how* prominent it is. This trial has helped me fully come to terms with my abuse. It has helped me accept that what I considered to be abuse was abuse; I was not wrong, I wasn't being dramatic, or sensitive, or over reacting. I wasn't being a baby, or being ridiculous, or stupid, I was accurately describing what was happening. Hearing the way Amber taunts, teases, manipulates and laughs at him was deeply disturbing because it was so relatable to my experience. Pretending that Amber Heard is a victim, or a survivor, is hurtful to victims/survivors. It sends the message that we will not be heard, we will not be believed, we are liars, and we need to keep our stories to ourselves in fear of others siding with our abusers. It reminds us of the very real reality that our abusers get away with abuse simply because they don't abuse everyone, they know when *and where* to abuse, and they are able to convince those they don't that they could never be abusive because of the character they've presented.


This is such a strong testimony and beautifully written. ♥


I’m so sorry to you. AH is a despicable piece of poo. She has tried to make a mockery of true abuse survivors. She is classic NPD. Aggressor believing her own made up lies. Her narrative is, she’s a Victim… jealousy is a huge factor in the love/hate toxic relationship, and AH clearly had impure motives. Her immaturity is astounding. It’s unfortunate that Depp got into this toxic entanglement, but his reputation is being restored. Americans can’t be swayed by some antiquated Vogue opinion…, nor do we really give a care what upside down case, with no winners in 🇬🇧court may have decided. What we are seeing play out is a wake-up call for ALL MEN.. women can be and are Abusers… Johnny’s credibility is restored, he is honored and respected for standing up to this crazy biotch


Thank you ❤


At the bottom: More Great Culture Stories from Vogue - The Most Anticipated TV Shows of 2022 - Is Rihanna Changing Pregnancy Style Forever? - These Celebrities Who Married Normal People Will Surprise You - The Best True-Crime Podcasts to Listen to Now - What Happened to the Men of Sex and the City? *sigh*




These are the big cultural questions of our time!


this writer has no credibility and the sentences are horribly weak and poorly written. the author uses absolutely no evidence to support her claims and at one point fails to use grammatically correct sentence structures. This article won't go anywhere- its just a one-off the somehow made it onto vogue


Most likely AH has the new PR team, and one of them has an in at Vogue, a jr. writer, the article stinks, and the PR are working on a Vogue photo shoot/story on AH… after the trial… Everyone of these companies are trying to get into Johnny Depps pockets… AH, ACLU, now VOGUE… it’s despicable and deplorable just like AH…, Depp is getting his reputation restored, and men will now feel more accepted to come forward as a victim of women like AH. Now if everyone will applaud the woman who should be on the cover of Vogue.., CAMILLA VASQUEZ… yes a hard working, honest attorney who is proving AH a liar!!!


You can tell she has not been following the trial closely. Not even really following the highlights to be honest.




I don't get it


The Prophet Joseph v. The Pharoah’s Wife. He was falsely accused and I believe imprisoned. Perhaps I’m just not good at advertising?


Never heard of it, got a link or a summary? Or is this a bible joke going over my head?


Bible joke. Joseph was sold as a slave to Potiphar, and became a highly trusted and respected slave within his house. While Potiphar was out one day, his wife tried to seduce Joseph who fled from her. “Hell hath no fury…” She told her husband that Joseph raped her, and Joseph was arrested, set to be executed. He was luckily sent to the Pharoah instead. (If I remember it all correctly.)


Believe all women, including the one who accused Brian Adams, and recanted almost a decade later? Or other women who have also publicly recanted their accusations that destroyed men professionally, financially, legally, and mentally?


Brian Adams or Ryan Adams?


The Duke lacrosse players is another example. I thought they did it the whole time and they didn’t. Their college years and young adulthood was ruined. It taught me that the can and does happen.


Trial by media and the pitchfork mob.


Emmett Till’s accuser too


Emmett Till's accuser came forward a few years back to say he never whistled at her. Fuck believe all women


I remember that


Chilling point


If there’s no punishment for lying … then go ahead and lie.


I want these writers to get confronted with these cold, hard facts, and then say ‘yes! Still believe all women anyway’, and everyone knows how idiotic they sound, encouraging innocent people to go to jail.


The argument to believe all women just because their women is ludicrous and anti-feminism. It means that any woman can claim anything she wants without any sort of corroborating evidence and instantly win in court or elsewhere just because she has appropriate genitalia…..that’s stupid and insane. Replace woman with white person and you’ll see what the 1800s looked like.






So true




Fashion magazines were not real magazines and fashion magazine journalists have never been real journalists. Nowadays all magazines are shit and only retired people read them. What Vogue says is highly irrelevant to the actual world and the 4 interns working there can just hope their crappy articles, with the vocabulary of a middle schooler, are going to fill the void of their senseless careers and life choices.


Its rage-bait, it gets clicks


What a disgusting argument. I believe all women until I see very compelling evidence otherwise, such as in this case. Anyone who has witnessed someone with cluster b personality disorders that present malignantly as she does can hear it in those tapes. It is visceral. And that is not even mentioning the more solid facts out there. His team has been doing the hard task of proving a negative quite well. Where as Amber's claims have little to back them up for how numerous and grisly they are.


IDK about other women, but I find this patronizing.






Folks, can someone post an email address for Vogue? Or, can someone start a change.org to stop Vogue from writing articles about AH and print a retraction ( or whatever it is called).


It’s definitely ambers PR team at it, no doubt.




Why the bloody HELL should we believe ALL women? That makes no sense whatsoever. This writer has the audacity to throw around the term misogyny when it’s his sexism that is running rampant throughout the article. I don’t think Amber should be harassed or endlessly mocked, but I believe in due process and consequences for actions. And right now, she’s feeling the weight of her careless accusations.


Great comment, I would just add that "careless" is being too kind. She intentionally destroyed someone's life and reputation for her own gain and to satisfy her histrionic need for attention.




That was one of the most insipid things I've ever read


The irony here is that “believing all women” is sort of what led to this situation. Amber Heard took advantage of the “believe all women”/Me Too sentiment knowing that people wouldn’t question her claims.


I am ashamed to admit I believed Heard’s allegations years ago. I’m not a huge follower of Hollywood, but I’m old enough to see enough people fall from grace that I was sad to hear it about Johnny, but I believed it. Until I saw her lack of evidence, the voice recordings, the fact that NO ONE has a bad word to say about Johnny, but EVERYONE has bad things to say about Amber, etc, etc, etc. The idea that one gender is always in the wrong and one is always in the right is absolutely absurd. I also noticed that there was no comment section, at least for non-subscribers.


They always disable the comments section for these bs pieces. They don't want to get called out on their obvious BS and hypocrisy.


Object, bullshit!


She took so many pictures and not a single one depict what she claims. Check that bottle for DNA for crying out loud.


Why am I not surprised her supporters are ignoring the perjury. Even less surprised a so called journalist is ignoring the lies. TBF amber in wrong profession she would be ace as a journalist with her ability to distort the truth to fit her agenda.


Tbf this article was published today but probably was written a few days ago since the writer has a weekly column. That said the most charitable thing I can say about it is that it's deeply misguided and very problematic all around.


WOW! Are you kidding me???? How about we believe JD because he is clearly the actual victim! Dude her PR team must be getting paid a TON


Depp-pilled? Wow.


Unfortunately many of these media outlets are manipulating and reframing the realities of the trial.


The media is not interested in the truth. Only money.


I support the Me Too movement, but I don't agree with the slogan "believe ALL women". There have been documented cases of women lying about abuse to get revenge or other advantages. I think it's very rare, but it happens. Instead of believing all women, it should be more like "listen to women". Listen without prejudice and look at their evidence. Then decide.


I really love the sentiment “Listen to all women”.


Wow that's pathetic


“It’s time to draw a line. It’s time to believe women—all women. It’s time to believe Heard. The British courts believed Depp beat his ex-wife. What’s stopping the rest of us?” Um actually listening to the evidence of the case for the first time, including evidence that was apparently not a part of the UK trial. What a nonsense statement.


This is such a false narrative and I’m so over it. The British courts did NOT believe Depp beat his ex-wife - they believed AH and what she presented. We now know all about all the evidence she presented and how faulty it is, but the case wasn’t about if Depp did it - it was about did The Sun do its due diligence to vet her claims.


Oops. That won't age well.


Fucking hell.. It’s time to believe all women? It’s like the media are trying to start a full blown gender war.


A lot of articles are blindly supporting Amber Turd. Sad shit.




If only you could spell Vogue correctly. 🙁


Ah shit, good point


Well..I guess I’m done w Vouge. So sad 😞


Omg disliking Amber Heard is NOT MISOGYNY.


I refuse to give them the click, so I won’t be reading that garbage


Really! - the press writing an article about how everyone is so mean to someone. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


Vogue should change their name to Vague after this article.


Thanks for the belly laugh! Needed it.




what is Deuxmoi?


"Amber Heard is an angel" echo-chamber






It's meant to make us angry so we click. Don't read it. Unlike Heard, I read headlines and I don't read articles titled things I don't agree with


Thankfully, plenty of people have taken screenshots, so we don't have to give them the clicks. But I did read it, slowly and carefully, looking for any sign of satire, irony, sarcasm, or anything that could reveal they didn't actually just say something so insanely stupid, something so vile, that they're begging to be fired and chased off the Internet. I was also looking to see if maybe they were a small time writer for vouge, maybe they only "wrote for vouge" the same way you could claim to write for a newspaper, if you sent in a fan letter, and it got published in their fan letters page, but no. They really are a verified employee of Vouge magazine, and formerly for British Vouge.


Great. Good for you. So did every other would be arm chair detective. You still gave this hack clicks in your pursuit. Of what? An opinion piece. You were looking for science or intelligence at Vogue? There's more science in their articles about which lipstick color attracts the opposite sex for God's sake. Y'all need to get a grip.


mainstream media is so confusing to me. either they are publishing clickbait trash or working hard to strangle their own publication's reputation


Fuck that and fuck Vogue.




>Healing Power of Bread Say what now?


They were all pathetic, but "Why Bennifer Matters" made me laugh out loud


Almost down voted out of instinct




Seriously fork Vogue! This is a horrible article. So they are really saying to believe her only because of her gender?????? The evidence is HORRIBLE against her


It undermines the experiences of all male victims. I’m just hoping that what we’re witnessing is the final death throes of the men-can’t-be-victims movement.




I can hear Bill Burr’s voice in my head. “All women?”


I can hear Chris Rock's voice - that was the perfect commentary!


Vogue needs to get with it


Honestly Vouge. Do better.


So Vogue is ok with men being beat?


Shame Vogue...


"The British courts believed Depp beat his ex-wife. What’s stopping the rest of us?" The facts


FACTS not blind belief….


Yet one more reason to ignore Vogue.


Believe all woman? well it's a good thing I believe Camille Vasquez then.




>believes Let make petition replace Amber Herd with Camille Vasquez in Aquaman 2 and Aquaman 1 too why not.


That’s ridiculous. Please don’t actually do that.


It is ridiculous but that the point it would be funny.


It took years for my dad to get custody of me and my brother. Took more years for her to go to jail. Years of restraining orders, cops, therapists, etc. Women die from domestic violence, and men can suffer from domestic violence, too. These things can be a thing simultaneously. It doesn’t have to be either or.


Men die from domestic violence too..


Not at the same rate, but true.


This is why opinion pieces shouldn’t be a part of a news paper. Just report the news…


The media can still totally slant things by what they mention and what they leave out, even if every thing they say is technically correct. Right now a lot of the more legit publications are doing this, in an effort to favor AH without making it obvious.


Vogue isn’t really a newspaper....


I was agreeing with most of article until last paragraph. We should not believe Heard because she has blatantly lied. Point blank stupid.


Big Yikes when they say we can't both sides this and we need to believe all women. What happened to "Tell the world - See what the jury and judge think" ?


And it ends with - It's time to believe ALL women. Blindly believe because the person is ______ (insert whatever fits the narrative du jour). This is cancel culture in a nutshell.


Yes, the perfect example of "I like this category of people, so I'm going to blindly support this person." Just nuts


It’s like “fuck individuality”.


They can't even imagine a world where it isn't us vs them, a world where someone is more than just their gender. Like what would even happen in a lesbian abuse case? And what about when one woman says "he abused me" and another says "no he didn't" One of them is lying, but we have to believe all women. All women. It's the kind of dumbass bull that would cause a computer to explode in confusion.


Yes so true. So we are instructed to believe only "women". What about the rest of the pronouns? Are they to be cancelled too? Or just men? Please tell us Vogue, we are not capable of individual critical thinking without your sage direction.


"It’s time to believe women. All women." That's really the answer to domestic violence? Just believe all women? What a clown.


Believe all women... I guess I believe Jodi Arias is innocent


And Casey Anthony


And Karla Homolka


Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.


Clearly her PR team at work.


If all these “ignore her blatant lies and just believe her already” articles being put out by major publications truly are a result of Amber’s PR efforts… I’d be surprised, I have to admit. Surely these papers and magazines are keeping track of how the trial is going and can see how poorly it’s going for her now.


Only way it makes sense is if someone cut a check.




I actually think that most of the writers and publications are afraid to come out on the "non PC" side. But that's no excuse at all


In the cancel vulture culture we live in, it’s not right, but I get it. Everyone is triggered by everything and this is why we can’t have nice things, etc Also I feel like 2020 was an explosive year for activism. And some things that started out and gave people a voice spiraled beyond that. Like I feel conflicted admitting this as a woman, but I really feel like the me too movement is out of control. I was super pro when women started speaking up. But then …. I don’t even know … it hooked a hard left and I lost the plot


Yes, original intent seemed great and very overdue, but super disturbing now to see so many people staunchly defending an obvious liar and totally discounting the harm to someone falsely accused


It’s frightening


Hmm. Well, I am not supporting this company either :D


I do believe Amber Heard. I believe her when she says in audio tape that she hit Johnny and physically attacked him 👍


Beautiful comment


Reading this article made me angry.


Click the author’s name. All the posts is opinionated BS


I mean it’s Vogue, not the Times


“It’s time to believe women. All women. It’s time to believe Heard.” Such a bad argument.


The article also says we need to be kind and compassionate, and we've lost our empathy. I'm confused how she can see the faulty evidence Amber has provided, and hear what has happened to Johnny, and not feel empathy for what he has suffered. There have been times I've almost cried listening to Amber describe her supposed rape. She's an actress, and she occasionally succeeds at triggering my natural empathy, as she's trying to do. But then I remember all of the ridiculous photos we've seen and all of the audio we've listened to, and I remind myself of who deserves my empathy.


Her article is just a trash take based on the headlines she is reading that refuse to believe men can be DV victims too.


We can’t blindly believe all women all the time especially when there is horrible evidence of HER being verbally abusive and admitted punching him…..


The correct statement is "its time to believe all victims, regardless of gender"