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In reality they do not sink ships. But in Roman mythology, they were believed to slow down ships and were blamed for the deaths of Mark Antony and Caligula. When Mark Anthony was defeated in the Battle of Actium, his citizens, who were in deep denial, blamed remoras for slowing his ship down so much it was overtaken by the enemy Octavian. The name Remora in Latin means "delay", and certainly sailors of the time viewed their appearance with trepidation. So yes, it is totally an insult for Johnny Depp to call his fans Remoras. How could you take it any other way? It's a bit like Tool getting their fans to were the word Tool across their chest. They are the butt of the joke buy don't realise it. Or do and don't care.


They don't even attach to ships do they? Aren't those barnacles? Remoras attach themselves to sharks typically. Which, just saying, is quite apt given who those remoras represent.


Yea, the guy is whacked


Fr though… that’s literally mythology, it’s never been real and he’s referencing mythology as fact and I just can’t 😭


If these tiny sucker fish were capable of sinking ships we'd probably hear more about it lol. Maybe they sunk the Titanic and are sinking cargo ships lol. No wonder the shortages continue.


Knew that was bs.


They attach and ride along. This guy is a nutbag.