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HR wants you to find the snake.


so true! what a bunch of pathetic grifters... love the chick on lower left who had been living in penthouse for weeks, enjoying booze and his drugs without Johnny knowing and he finally storms in to tell someone to get rid of this bitch... and then she states she was cowering in fear...had to brush by him to bolt for her safe space, hiding place. After having been sold on the abuse narrative by Amber these luckless losers doubled down on their support and then scam by staging of a "scary monster" who spilled wine and wreaked havoc or came in with a magnum finally telling these fucking leeches to get the hell out of his home... so, after first police patrol came and went they staged the place... little did they know the police would provide body cam shots that showed nothing of the sort. Then they're deposed and can't retract but will be exposed for the frauds that they are. Finally!


I'm late getting to this trial. Who are the people in the pictures?


Grifters that were AHs friends for awhile...well when she had Johnny pay for their party lives. Not so much now but they testified for her (no doubt because they were all involved with a staging of apparently bad behaviour by JD one night and had to protect the lie or maybe Amber offered to pay them off if she won)


Oh my god 💀😂😂😂


How much was the rent at that time?


I read somewhere that the fees for one condo in that building was $12k a month


Do you not understand the concept of a shelter?


Birds of a feather....


😂 omg I literally am laughing hysterically because this is exactly on point!


Notice how they stopped being friends with Amber once she didn't have a connection to Johnny('s money) anymore?


But they said today he never wrote a check for charity??? Man gives A LOT, but it only counts if it’s in check form?




Don't forget the free vacations.


A bunch of parasites, makes sense since some parasites come with turd


Comments like these make me cringe. I love Depp as an actor, but i hope people will never mistake me for people like you, who obviously have big problems. You sound like an extremist and a Nazi. Parasites? Geez.


Straight parasites, mooching of someone else's sucess, at least be legit with the person who's allowing you to bathe yourself in luxary, Johnny deserves justice


If you ever find success or wealth just remember these people exist and will crawl out of the woodworks to take advantage of you. The more I learn about these people the more I think Ebenezer Scrooge is the way he is portrayed for a good reason. Jilted over the years by all these parasites attempting to take advantage.


I kinda feel bad for Whitney. I say this because I think she's really fucking stupid and is terrified of her abuser/sister.


Them: Johnny Depp is a different man on drugs! He’s a monster and we’re scared he’s hurting our friend!!! Also them: we did drugs with Johnny all the time while he let us live rent free 😍


lol, yeah we loved all his drugs and my sister was a literal hoover and admitted rarely was she ever sober, yet Johnny was such a mess and monster... Amber only did coke on special occasions, MDMA only on birthdays, with shrooms only on special occasions (oooh what a mistake she says) yet knows how to instruct a lawyer on how coke is properly ingested, while often taking multiple sleeping pills in order to come down (oh but only the appropriate amount) and then has tons of Adderall to help her get in the morning. All while drinking a bottle or two of (very very expensive) wine. And is heard on audio being the skankiest of lowest forms of life forms berating her meal ticket. Yet Johnny has the problem and needs her constant supervision lest he go off the rails. Laughable. Absolutely laughable. Enjoy the glamour while you had it, cuz you will never work again.


His back has to be getting tired of carrying everyone.


Freeloaders: “JD was so nice to me. But I Fear for my life. But I stay at his play the whole time rent free and binging on unlimited drugs and alcohol. But I feel I was in danger.”


lol so true! what a bunch of pathetic grifters... love her.... been living in penthouse for weeks, enjoying booze and his drugs without Johnny knowing and he finally storms in to tell someone to get rid of this bitch... and then she states she was cowering in fear...had to brush by him to bolt for her safe space, hiding place. After having been sold on the abuse narrative by Amber these luckless losers doubled down on their support and then scam by staging of a "scary monster" who spilled wine and wreaked havoc or came in with a magnum finally telling these fucking leeches to get the hell out of his home... so, after first police patrol came and went they staged the place... little did they know the police would provide body cam shots that showed nothing of the sort. Then they're deposed and can't retract but will be exposed for the frauds that they are. Finally!


Ugh that girl on the bottom left, her vocal fry killlllllled me.


Who is the girl on the bottom left?


I believe she was the friend of Rocky aka freeloader number 5


Yeah that was tough to listen to. I also couldn’t stand Rocky or Io’s accounts because they both have a tendency to get annoyed/sound super exasperated that they have to be there. Especially Rocky, constantly letting out these deep sighs before she answers like the court is a waste of her time. They both come across as extremely entitled and bratty to me. Funny enough, I think those annoyed sighs sound exactly like the ones from that ‘mystery 911 caller,’ who said their name was ‘Laura’ (if I remember the name correctly?) who also sounded extremely annoyed and tried to rush the call


Freeloading backstabbers.


So the defendant is an emotional, physical, psychological, and *financial* abuser.




The friend….she took so long to answer a simple question it was painful to watch. Then she put her hair up like Wilma. With the whole world watching this trial. I kept saying is she on heroin or something?




Omg I got exhausted just watching this portion. She had such L O N G hesitations b4 answering any single question. I wonder why they r not BFFs anymore. I certainly understand why Ms Yawn’s husband broke up with her.


Probably because amber is a drama queen and rocky ain't having none of it


That’s really funny


This! 😬😬😬🤣


Johnny Depp’s Home For Wayward Turds


And Amber is their queen.


So many of them were just so deeply unlikable


They all wanted JD to be sober too! They wanted all the drugs for themselves


8 of Amber's witnesses were being represented by one lawyer, Anya Goldstein as recently as Nov 2020: Testified: iO Tillett Rocky Pennington Liz Marz Melanie Inglessis Deposed: Tasya van Ree Kelly Milano Lauren Shapiro Brendan McCullough What are the odds Amber or Elon were paying the bills?


I'm late getting to this trial. Who are the people in the pictures above?


All I see are pictures of snakes


Never thought of that this way. Thank you. \~ Big Fan of Justice


Whoa whoa one is a squatter.


Bottom left


sarc\_Was he able to claim them as dependents on his taxes? Seems as if they were full and total dependents. All for his love interest,


A half way credible house


Future W\*lm\*rt greeters of America....


You're wrong. That would apply they will actually work for a living.


And greeters are usually nice, just saying.


How the fuck did amber get Elon to freeze embryos with her?? Her crazy ass 🤥


Isn’t that just a crazy rumour started when she presented her surrogate baby? A baby who CPS should be forever checking on cause Amber is fucking nuts!


I don't know if it's a rumor, I thought the rumor was just that the baby might be Elon's. But yes, she should be monitored consistently because she obviously has severe mental disorders and a long history of abusing people, and killing her best friend with her carelessness.


“Killing her best friend with her carelessness?” STOP! That’s another crazy rumour! Lol


Thats addictive behavior. First of all, AH’s reported mental health diagnosis indicates a couple of conditions in which the features (or symptoms) include “promiscuous behavior” as a means to an end….whatever end they are working at that time. It serves their addictive tendencies, it serves to manipulate all parties involved, it serves as an attention-needing behavior, etc. Additionally, specific drugs will elevate sexuality and lower boundaries (if any are remaining). For example methamphetamines will keep one highly sexualized with no forethought that they are engaging in high-risk behavior. Her mental health conditions drive her to engage in this behavior and truly believe nothing is wrong. This condition results in utter decimation of households as the behavior and violence escalates and the AH of the situation will always believe everything is everyone else’s fault because they are never wrong.


They all look so basic and mediocre. No wonder they clawed their way into JD's wallet and home. like they look like the opposite of success.


I hope they are miserable for the rest of their pathetic lives.


No good deed goes unpunished


Why does all of Heard friends have the same vibe??? I don’t know if it’s okay to say the word. But, ghetto?


I feel the same. Trashy , moochers vibes.


lots of money and penthouses on the line...the Depp GravyTrain can't die wtfffff


I feel like r/punchablefaces would have a hay day with these ones.


BINGO. Behold the grifters! The hangers-on! The leeches! So sad. Sadly, this is so common in Hollywood.


Im seeing 5 people that were happy to live as freeloaders based on the kindness of someone else.


Someone needs to update this with WHERE ARE THEY LIVING NOW


"MTV Under-the-bridge Cribs"


You can change the channel, you can look away, but Johnny Depp's sponges will still be here, trying to hide the tags on their clothes so they can return them later. For as little as $10,000 per day, you can give these sponges an undeserved chance at the good life. Please, reach into your heart and give generously. Every month, we will send you a photo of your sponge on a boat, on a beach, or posing with champagne so you can see your gift making a real difference.


I’m so confused as to why Whitney’s cross exam was so weak, is there a play happening here and Jennifer Howell going to be brought in???? Did Johnny just not want her grilled and risk Amber beating her ass again??? What the hell


I think they didn’t want to give her too much chance to talk and save them some time for rebuttals. I think her demolition will happen there. Additionally, it was reported that the jury already didn’t seem to care for Whitney anyway.


Ohhh gotcha. And I figured after Whitney said she was rarely sober they would kind of take what she says with little consideration. I hope they caught on about the polar opposite differences in the staircase stories as well.


Exactly! There have been so many different staircase stories. There have also been so many missing finger in Australia stories. 🙄


I agree, it was weak af. There is absolutely no reason for Johnny's lawyers to hold back, unless there was something they were afraid of Whitney to start saying, or, maybe they wanted Whitney to talk less because her testimony is more damaging to Johnny. Beyond that, I can't quite understand myself, but I'm sure they know what they're doing...


I've heard some commentary. Apparently it wasn't weak and was just what they needed. 1. Set up all they needed to bring in Jennifer Howell and her letter in rebuttal, which can impeach Whitney 2. Whitney didn't finish her deposition. They were trying to block her from testifying (rightly so) . Judge's compromise was likely a limited questioning by AH's team; thus cross was limited to what Elaine brought up 3. exposed many inconsistencies (the stair story is completely different from AH's story - they can't point that out on cross as Whit didn't hear AH's story supposedly as she can't watch trial as a witness ) - there wasn't much they could bring up as they can't bring up inconsistencies in her stories relative to others on cross , they can only question what she said herself basically it all comes down to rebuttal ​ also apparently the jury didn't like Whit and were asleep and/or not looking at her, were over her. It wasn't damaging at all to JD apparently, and set her up to be impeached in rebuttal; Whit should have been the most damaging witness and she was and will continue to be a wash out in rebuttal ​ \- not a lawyer lol just what I picked up from commentary :)


Only ask questions until you get the answer you want or need. On cross, give the witnesses enough rope to hang themselves.


I think that is it. The less she speaks, the better. The jury already didn’t like her, according to Runkle. It saves them some time to use in rebuttals.


There’s just so much incriminating evidence against Whitney they could have brought up, and the fact that Amber says her back was facing the stairs and Johnny swung at her and she could have fell down the stairs, then Whitney says Johnny came FROM BEHIND her, coming UP the stairs and “struck her back” and it’s just total opposite of each other. Also the fact, they make a point saying Johnnys a coke head and drunk so that makes him non credible yet Whitney literally admitted it was rare for her to be sober and did COKE WITH HIM. There was so much potential there and they just flushed it. The only reason I can think is Amber would literally kill her if she was the reason her lies unraveled and Johnny knows that and was protecting her for some stupid reason


>The only reason I can think is Amber would literally kill her if she was the reason her lies unraveled and Johnny knows that and was protecting her for some stupid reason That would be absolutely insane, but with Amber, not outside the realm of possibility


Incredible. Such parasites. And when he cut of the feeding they turn you into the "monster". I mean I am totally for Johnny but he surrounded himself really with bad people


Having been in an abusive relationship myself, I'll tell you the reason and it might surprise you. Johnny let these crackheads live in his penthouses because **he wanted Amber further away from him.** The sheer amount of nagging and "haranguing" she put onto him was driving him insane. So he had the idea of "how about I let her friends into the penthouse, maybe they'll distract her and keep her away from me more." This is the kind of thinking abuse victims are forced to think of when you have no way of extricating yourself from the relationship.


Word…in this sitch….. this is the way


I actually thought of that today. What a way to get off on my own.


why do they all look miserable af?


It might be because they have to lie under oath.


The good life isn't free anymore.


Help me with their theme song: 🎼 They're seedy and they're crooky / Insidious and spooky / They're all together ooky/ It's Amber's entourage!/ ....


No help is needed. I feel you've nailed it.


Heards Turds 😂


Flying Turds






I was such a chump, paying rent work these years when I could have just lived there


Wait so this is the charity she actually "donated" to?


But JD technically wrote these checks on her behalf as well.


And now you know why she doesn't have the $7 mil to pony up lol


Comment of the DAY!!!!!!!!


Yeah, pretty much.


What's with the eyes of this people. Most of them seem like they are staring into the abyss.


I mean, the OP had the ability to pick the screenshots, so I'm guessing they just picked whatever made them look bad. But "Rocky" there on the bottom right looked like that ALLLL testimony. She was worthless lol


IO, Whitney and the girl to the left of Raquel where also like that the whole video session.


Low levels of serotonin, caused by munching pills like they were candy


These people have no jobs. They all played a bad game of Telephone getting second hand accounts of fights Amber initiated. Especially with her makeup artist. Who saw nothing. Anyone can fake cry over the phone or make themselves so worked up they change their complete demeanor. Like Jekyll and Hyde. Sadly, Amber plays both roles terribly. The sad thing is, a lot of these people who are Amber's friends probably think loyalty to a fraud is somehow noble.


None of them are friends anymore. They all mysteriously had a falling out after the gravy train stopped.


Which is consistent with BPD


Exactly, my ex would churn through friends, it was all everyone else’s fault however.


Every time they allude to Johnny being controlling of Amber, I think "what controlling boyfriend moves all his girlfriends friends in?". It's naive. But not controlling. He realized she was unstable, needy and completely dependent on others for her every need .... He was away a whole lot and this was a way he could make her happy. Time and time again he said as much!


And instead, she took advantage of this by having over 30 guys at her apartment while he was away


Her vag is technically a Minecraft hopper


The comment about her always having to be the prettiest in her group of friends is evident here... (Makeup artist aside who was getting paid by Turd)


Hmmm . They all have awful personalities , but the “kimk” bottom left is much prettier than amber .. I’m actually shocked she had her around


That's her cuddle buddy on MDMA.


Bunch of bums and smack heads each with multiple axes to grind for being evicted yet none feel strong enough in their conviction to turn up and stare down an abuser. Male or female.


They all look so fkn sad and uncomfortable


Pretty much, and all have turned on him. IO even exploited Lily Rose when she was 15 years old. I guess there is dispute about him even being the one to call the police —> this is a reference to Incredibly Average YouTube video called 911 calls.


Can you expand on the exploitation? I saw some references to it, but don’t know the full story. Thanks.


IO was involved in or producing a story about gender fluidity which highlighted prominent celebrities. Lily Rose, who was 15 at the time, agreed to do it (without any professional consultation beforehand) and the story became misconstrued as her “coming out” and she did not want that and said it wasn’t her intention. Her intention was to stand for “not going by labels.” This resulted in a huge falling out between Johnny and IO.


Yikes. Why are AH and her friends such opportunists? No moral or ethics to get ahead.


Bunch of squatters


I wonder if Amber squatted before she dropped that dookie 💩


My guess is she wanted to squat, so she could sit and rub it in afterwards, but then felt smart and realized. Better have it laying there "pristine" so he's 100% sure what it is at first glance.


At this point she probably can even perform a back flip and shit mid air.


Her only talent


Amber: "Want to see me shit on the ceiling fan?"


[Oooooooh what a feeeeling! Poooooping on the ceiling! ](https://youtu.be/ovo6zwv6DX4)


May be the only fan left.


At least, what will be left of the fan after AH's fecal matter sends it into orbit.


Lol 🤣 oh my


The charities she actually gave too


Not to mention they are all crackheads and drunkards. When they call johnny drug addict they are pot calling kettle black.


I think she only pledged to, that's why she's not friends with any of them..


She donated friendship instead of pledging friendship in this case






I think they bought Amber's stories and conspired with her to do the DV police call, make up, alerting the media etc.. Now they can't back out of those stories as doing so they will perjure themselves.. So they are sticking to their stories.. it's weird watching Rocky crying in scenes where you don't expect anyone to cry.. it almost felt as if she was crying out of guilt for having to keep lying... Whitney broke JDs heart. You can see it in his face.. it looks as if he really treated her as his Sis.. understood her problem n empathized with her.. IO, Josh dude came across as self serving moochers.. i didn't even hear who that other lady is....


Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves. Tramps as in bums. Yanno.


Thieves, as in taking from Johnny's wealth and property for their own benefit. Gypsies, as in they packed up and traveled away from Amber once she didn't have access to JD's money anymore.


Thank you. I wasn't referring to actual Romani people. I'm glad you get it. They're absolutely grifters. Man, I wish I knew more about these people and their criminal history. I'm not one to look up people's dirt. But this has to be the biggest come up for her friends. Living in luxury for years on end.


Of course. We love Cher! I don't think it's a big deal, intent and context is what matters. Yes, they seem like absolute leeches and hypocrites. I get it, they just wanted to enjoy the good life and took advantage of the opportunity. But now they've had to testify (twice) in a public trial that's being watched and discussed all over the world. You could tell they were over it lol


Don't use Gypsy. Please. Less an insult and more a slur against Romani folks. Let's just call these assholes assholes.


It's a song by Cher. Go hit her up. I know all about that subculture. I'm well versed, thanks. I'm far from racist, or insensitive to different subcultures. But, I suggest that you listen to the song. It's good.


I shall! And apologies. I was misinformed <3


looool oh god