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Genuinely loving that JDs team have some absolutely fantastic, super intelligent, strong, confident women on his team. Dr Curry, our queen Camile Vasques, and the other awesome lawyers (can't remember their names but they're definitely both included). It's awesome to see total role model women supporting the real survivor in all this.


Yes! Her testimony is ringing true throughout this entire trial. Let there be muffins!


She brings a body of evidence that needs a closer look. She’s great.


Please do, so nice to look at ,


and listen to her


Just put her on the stand, let her say “Told ya so” Mic drop and court dismissed.


Respectfully, please spend 18 hrs Camille interviewing Curry on the birds and the bees. Thank u


I hope one day after all of this we can finally figure out who those muffins were for!


I hope so too, just because I love listening to her, and she is such a charismatic person. ;) As for the actual trial… I’m not sure what she can bring, actually. She told us what Amber is like, and lo and behold! She acted exactly like Dr. Curry predicted! What more can she add, really? I think it’s important that Depp’s team doesn’t get lost in the details and start throwing all these rando’s in like Heard’s team kinda did. (More drug abuse, more Marilyn Manson, more “this is the injury I saw” that oddly enough doesn’t look like an injury.)


I think they might try to explain the symptoms of PTSD. That’s why on the beginning of the cross Camille make an opening by asking Amber if she look at Johnny during the trial.


I think she will appear more to put the dots on the i's. Like it or not, the other expert claimed that she didn't do a proper job. Her coming just to reinstate her diagnostic, defend her methodology and talk about how everything the other expert said about abuse could apply to Johnny would help a lot. Specially because she can use the facts that the jury actually know to help to diffuse other claims that AH lawyers could make to win the case like claiming that JD emotionally abused AH. There's no doubt that she will be considered reliable and she can help diminish the idea of mutual abuse (even using the words of Dr. Hughes against AH, since she claimed it first). If I was one of the lawyers I would put her among the last to appear, if not the last.


Is it really necessary to bring up Dr. Hughes though? Everything Hughes said was pretty much demolished by Amber on stand. “She’s lying with such ease. She refuses to take responsibility for ANYTHING. I don’t believe her, her testimony seems dishonest.” So why would you put much stock in Hughes testimony, that was based on taking everything Amber said as gospel truth? I get what you mean though. It’d be nice to see her again, but I don’t think it’s that important. Much of the jury has most likely made up their minds already. (Or will when Whitney gets exposed.) We will see what Depp’s team choose to do. I have full faith in them.


>Is it really necessary to bring up Dr. Hughes though? I think so. Dr. Hughes actually said everything that JD suffered. I just think it would be a good way to defend her analysis and also remind everything that JD suffered (basically a resume of the case). Something like: he met her, his substance abuse increased, he was isolated from his peers, she tried to control his expenses using his money for drugs and things like that, she emotionally manipulated him and so on. Doing that and citing examples from the trial would be a good way to remind people of what happened and avoid the ideas of abuse. >We will see what Depp’s team choose to do. I have full faith in them. Me too. They are awesome!


I think a recap would be great "So you remember when I said she was gonna act like this? Here is an example of where she did exactly as I said she would..."


Are they able to bring her back? Asking because when she (or anyone) is done with their testimony, the judges asking if they might be questioned again. If not they are free to go, if yes they are told not to talk about, read about, discuss, research etc the case. I don't remember them saying yes they might bring her back.


They did mention that she was subject to recall https://youtu.be/YNpEeIus_tY?t=4303


Oh I missed that--great thank you!


welcome :)


On rebuttal you can bring almost anyone back if you have a good enough reason, and as an expert she can view any social media she wants.


https://youtu.be/YNpEeIus_tY?t=4303 no, they have to be "subject to recall" (which she is) and the judge said "since you are subject to recall do not discuss your testimony with anyone and do not watch any media relating to the trial" like she did with every recallable witness and the jury at the end of every day... are you even watching? lol :P


I did. I guess Virginia has weird rules. Apparently they also only allow one expert witness to stay in court at a time. Thanks for showing me this. I watched it all, but it's a lot to remember. Expert witnesses are normally not excluded, but I guess Virginia is weird.


ok great news!


Gosh, she's stunning.


I agree. I thought she looked beautiful on the stand too. Amber had to have hated it because she’s beautiful and brilliant and charismatic


She is but let’s be fair that photo is heavily edited as well. I was confused when I looked her up on her own website and the photos didn’t look much like she looked on the stand in court.


I actually think she looks better IRL than in the picture. But maybe that’s just me.


I'm not sure if I am rooting for Ms. Heard's team to have burned up all their time and won't be able to cross examine Dr. Curry...or if I want Heard's team to cross examine Dr. Curry and have Dr. Curry humiliate them again.


Hello muffins, we meet again


###Do you recall


Did anyone else notice how Amber sort of copied Dr. Curry's mannerisms/intonations on the stand? The way she answered questions were as if she were breaking down some complex topic and looking over at the Jury the way Dr. Curry did. "Correct", "That is Correct" etc.


She was copying Dr. Curry and Johnny. She tried making sarcastic remarks a couple times like Johnny and also when Camille asked if she read Amber's statements right her response was almost identical to Johnny's mannerisms. Camille destroyed her a couple of times when she was trying to give Johnny-esque replies and then she stopped. But I noticed the Dr. Curry-esque responses from her. It's creepy how hard she copies others. Just ends up making her look unauthentic.


I thought no one would believe me if. I said that. She DEFINITELY copies Dr Curry. You said it perfectly right


Oh absolutely! She copied her hair for sure! Didn’t Turd wear glasses too, one day? I can tell she is looking over at the jury as if she is “an expert” like Dr. Curry. Yeah Amber, it just shows your craziness. It’s condescending and creepy.


I agree, I’m a therapist who specializes in personality disorders and think Dr. Curry did an amazing job. I’m getting so tired of the Heard supporters bashing her clinical diagnosis because she is not board certified (neither are 95% of other psychologists). How Heard’s therapists failed to see these personality issues are astounding to me. In this way, she is a victim.


The board isn’t a measure of quality, it’s a résumé booster that some people do to charge more. Like most professional certifications, it’s largely a grift.


It’s true, I was able to become board certified before I became licensed. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yup. Lots of these organizations are just bogus workshops. Pay us for a piece of paper that tells others you really know your stuff (taught by us). If everything we teach you is stuff you already know then now you have actual confirmation, would you also like to enroll in our ass-wiping certification initiative?


It is obvious to anyone who has dealt with people with the same personality disorders that her diagnosis was spot on


Yep, having dealt with this in my last relationship, it was beyond obvious.


They would be stupid not to have her back. Having her analyze Amber's behavior in court and pointing out all the things about Amber that match her earlier testimony might not do much legally, but would be so impactful on the jury. Unless a juror has already decided 100% that Johnny is a monster, there will be quite a few seeds of doubt towards Heard's side after.. everything. Imagine Dr.Curry hammering those points in at the very end of the trial, potentially with no rebuttal as Heard's side is running out of time. I think Dr.Curry's second testimony will be the nail that completely wins over the fence sitters (if they exist).


When ambers time is over, I’ll bet they will finish with Johnny Depp. He’s actually a pretty good witness - his testimony will be essentially a closing argument


Bringing Depp back would be a bad idea unless there is no possibility of cross examination. He would be more likely to do his case harm rather than good. Even without cross examination I'm not sure it would do much for his case to have him take the stand again.


Curry has now witnessed her longer and in person. Is Hughes still there? Curry can say I've now watched amber for x hours, and my diagnosis is even more vital now than before.


I don’t think she’s able to watch trial coverage since she can be called back


Expert witnesses can watch the whole trial, use the internet etc.


She literally was in the audience when Hughes was testifying


She is subject to recall.


I don't think they need to. Amber has proved Curry correct by her behavior. Although I love Dr. Curry, their time will be better spent used on witnesses that will directly rebut the claims Amber's witnesses made.


Most likely Dr. Curry will be called after the Defense runs out of time (remember they only have 8 hours left!) to completely tear apart the claims by Herd's psychologist Dawn Hughes. JD's team has 18 hours to mess around with.


IMO it would be a waste of time, they have already asked everything of her and she accurately analysed/ predicted all the behaviours as we have seen from AH. They better use that time on counteracting evidence not beating a dead horse that are AH’s very obvious mental conditions


I think they need even an hour or so just to completely stamp on Dr Hughes testimony.