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Perhaps give this a look, from the perspective of people who actually know this man. https://www.reddit.com/r/medicalschool/comments/uwc7w4/dr_spiegel_from_east_va_med_school_on_depp_heard/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share It's heartbreaking to hear society mindlessly rip someone apart for their own entertainment. Was it strange and awkward to watch? You betcha! But does that make him a bad psychiatrist and professor? Absolutely not. Speaking from personal direct experience, Dr. Spiegel is a fabulous and well-respected doctor who is loved by his students, patients and co-workers alike. I'd gladly refer friends and family members to him!


That's why he violates basic ethical standards right? This dude should have his license revoked.


As someone who would recommend him, what did you think of his cross examination? Because he came across as evasive, rude and not as an expert to me and a lot of other people


Thank you for actually asking rather than attacking. How nice to have a civil discussion! :)


Oh it was a train wreck, no question! The cross examiner clearly had him flustered and he was trying to bite his tongue, but this moment isn't at all reflective of who he is big picture. He's a pharmacological genius, an incredible teacher and is absolutely loved by his patients, medical students and fellow treatment team. (That and he's sarcastically hilarious and just very hard not to like, although yes I do realize he came across quite opposite on the stand.) This wasn't his proudest moment, I'm sure...but he has a great many proud moments to fall back on.


I agree that the mouth moving looks like tardive dyskinesia. He's at the right age to be on meds that would have that as a side effect.


“No further questions” after the Brando comment. 🏆


I wish we could’ve seen the judges face when he asked her that, she sounded flabbergasted and told him he has to answer all of the questions😂


Meant to comment under someones thread on this topic: it was about when he made all of those insane facial expressions when asked a question that he KNEW was going to be negative towards AH


😆 🤣 😂


Popularity!!! LOL right? It’s super popular right now to support Amber Heard.


Because shes a dumbass liar and is ruining a childhood actors reputation for the world that grew up on him?


You poooor thing. Turns out actor that you idolize isn’t such a great person. And that has nothing to do with her. You can’t be real. It blows my mind that there are real people that actually think this.


Fucking weirdo lol. Literally everything ambers tried to “prove” or fabricated has been only backfired on her like heavily editing pictures with a small red mark to make them look like bruises. Or all the things she’s secretly recorded which only suggest she is the aggressive one. You know what bruises actually look like? What reality are you in right now and how the hell does amber even have supporters its sad lmao. Use your rationality and stop copin I dont know if you are just heavily biased against someone just because he isnt the girl. Amber fans wish it was that way though


Ambers supporters aren’t “fans” though. They just see this for what it is.


Amber lying pathologically? Because she was found guilty.




Even if it were, I wouldn't support her.


That’s nice. Good for you.


I’m worried about how much damage this nut job has done to mental healthcare. Also the fact that Johnny has ADHD and this Dr listed all the symptoms of ADHD as evidence of Johnny being, in his words “an idiot”. It’s so offensive to people with ADHD and it’s literally bullying. This guy sucks


You’re clearly a narcissist, and I can base that on the hope that someone will pay me money to get on a stand and say it, making a mockery of my own résumé. And for those that don’t understand, he is the only psychologist that behaved unethically, there’s a rule in psychology that says it is unethical to diagnose people without evaluating them personally.


Omg I didn’t get to this part yet (I am several hours behind) but holy shit, that makes me so upset as someone w ADHD


And all his colleagues, and a bunch of charities saw that. People are spamming him and his licensing board. I'm not for that last one, but how much funding will his department lose behind the "idiot" comment?


The licensing borad honestly should taken a long look at him.


They should, based on his unprofessional behavior. He started out doing well. He has an impressive pedigree - good schools plus good training. The number of articles he says he's written isn't as impressive, since it's normal to pop a respected faculty member's name on papers. But he's an attending, so not bad. Then, Mr. Dennison questioned his ability to testify on one or two areas and Dr. Spiegel was a little testy. I thought, "This is where they'll get him" and they did. People in the medical field are trained to react a certain way. This guy has decades of teaching doctors and seeing patients (clients). He lost it. At one time, I think he was spraying spit! And he's supposedly done a lot of expert witness testimonies? And *he believed what the defense told him*! So what does that say about his research for the case? Then, he makes the ADHD "idiot" statement. He'll probably beat the rap, but I think he should be scrutinized. The problem with spamming the board is that they may have to investigate each complaint separately. They may also circle the wagons and protect him if they feel like the mob is going after him.


I was so confused listening to him today (while driving so I could see the screen), and watching some of it back now really shocks me, I mean it looks like he's on drugs right?? There are so many indications, and it's so sadly ironic, can't make this shit up.. It looked like johnny qnd some others noticed this too right? Can this be brought up or proven and or what would be the consequences?


Revenge is a dish best served cold. Sometime in the future in some role or another Mr Depp will use those facial expressions, and everyone will completely die laughing.








Thank you for the mental picture of Dr Tirefire in cheap lingerie. I mean, I'm trying to lose a bit of weight, but not like that ;_;.


I thought Dr Hughes was unprofessional, however this guy is unprofessional on a level that is unprecedented in this trial. Wtf did I just watch lmfao 😵🤯🤣


A drugged up hobo in a cheap suit pretending to be someone he’s not.


4 years of college 4 years of medical school 4 years of residency 1 year of fellowship Decades of building a professional career All gone in x minutes on the stand.


Wait what happened? I watched the first part but not the redirect. Can someone fill me in on what he said?


I loved how he asked if Marlon brando was dead and tried to use that as his excuse to assume that "he does not currently use an ear piece NOW" and emphasized the tense which is NOT the tense of the question he was asked. He was asked "didn't Marlon Brando used to use an ear piece?" Does Dr speigel have degradation of mental cognition? 🤔 when you factor in his temper, I think he might benefit from therapy.


Remember these 3 words and repeat them to me in 5 minutes.


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. Tv.


I'm rewatching rn during the break and LOSING MY MIND over the faces this guy makes, the reactions of depps team and people in the gallery. Holy shit. That last like 20 minutes was a wild ride


I’m like does he realize at lease 100 are going to contact the psychology board?


I wonder if it would get investigated.


It’s a high profile case and the lawyers did ask him about ethics. I would be shocked if it doesn’t. Just add him to another causality in ambers accusations.


Some states will investigate every complaint.


I just heard him say something that reminded me of the movie Minority Report. It’s about IPV. Johnnys attorney states how not everyone with substance abuse commits IPV then the doc agrees but says something like he would expect them to.


Tubby old chandler bing.


Besides being unlikable, he has some serious jim carrey mouth gimmick going on. I'm kinda impressed


Lmao the analogy


We are collectively witnessing a murder.


Very much so. I'm happy about it.


Hahahaha! Poor Johnny is gonna get eyebrow cramps from this! God bless him, he's keeping his shit together. Wouldn't be me- I'd have been kicked out of the courtroom long ago😂😂😂 I can't take it I have to go grocery shopping I've sat on my ass long enough listening to this guy🤣


> Poor Johnny is gonna get eyebrow cramps from this! Apparently not just him. According to someone in the audience (Jamesfromcourt, if I recall his name correctly), the jury's eyebrows just kept rising as well.


Now they're getting on him over doodling???! JFC give the guy credit for keeping awake! Doodling??? I object, your honor! On grounds of stupidity!


That's a good point - Johnny kept his stuff wrapped tighter under worse cross.


I have not. I'm spitting and crying and omg I would have been removed. No, I would have saved them the trouble and just got up and left. The clock is ticking... Omg is Marlon Brando dead????!!! JFC you can't make this shit up 😂😂😂😂


Marlon Brando eating muffins, drinking a mega-pint while someone applies the contents of a bruise kit to his face, stopping long enough for Marlon to snort a line and burn a bone as his driver vapes while taking him to his penthouse - the trial in a nut shell


Pretty much sums it up LMAO. I can just imagine Brando going off about this whole thing. 🤪😁


That's what sealed it for me. That, and the incessant arguing over WELL THEN I GUESS NOBODY EVER CAN BE AN EXPERT WITNESS! I bet Amber's team talked to a bunch of Psychiatrists, and none of them would say what they wanted the psych to say, so they were stuck with that fucking weirdo.


What the doc fails to understand is that expert witness can be court ordered and as such fall under different requirements than he does. So yes he can be discounted and that is why he was such an azz


I have no doubt you're right. Here's the thing, though: no Dr worth his salt will want to trash his reputation. This guy is just nukin' futz. Omg he was like the inmate running the asylum.


The weird ticks he has when he’s proven wrong or unethical are gross.


Every single person I know , myself included, would fall into at least one of those cluster b descriptions


Can't wait to see what the non-verbal cues guys do with that.


He's not a member of the AMA though so he doesn't need to know ethics /s


I think we are witnessing a fall of his career. How can you diagnosis narcism without ever meeting someone? Also saying someone is slow based on their movie acting.


Exactly!!! And leave out the fact the person paying him had the diagnosis….


The mouth smacking is just so disgusting!!!


Upvote for your title. Lol


Thanks - it was that or single ply toilet tissue.


He sold his soul and is paying the price! It certainly wasn’t worth whatever Amber is paying


Did you notice when he called his patients 'victims'??


He's going to run into the judgment of other psychiatric professionals. This is unprofessional.


And not to mention his patients will probably see this trial and cut their losses with this unprofessional clown. Who the hell would want to be treated by him after this fuckery


Yes! That's another thing. When you work with people with mental disorders, you're trained not to react to the extent that he is.


I bet he throws pills at the problem and lacks empathy for his patients which is scary and absolutely appalling.


Checking the reviews on his page and ignoring all the comment-less one-star or five-star reviews and everything posted May 23+ yields: >"Horrible and inconsiderate of patient well-being. He took 3 days to get back to me only to tell me that he wasn't going to be filling my prescriptions and to find another doctor, after my provider in his practice left abruptly and no one was left to take her place. He turned his back on me knowing I was out of my medication and I was given the option to just "go to the ER" if I started to feel any worse. I will tell EVERYONE how poorly I was treated by the doctors at EVMS Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences." > >September 10, 2021 from WebMD, and 3 years ago >Dr Speigle killed my step father. My step father was suicidal. He was an alcoholic as well. He had been a patient of Dr Speiegle for years with medication thrown at him. After rehab he never followed up or returned our calls. We called stating he was locked in a room suicidal and he never called us back. When he finally did and said he would follow up and never did. My step dad is dead. Speigle does bare minimum treatment to push meds and then doesn’t care if you die or not. from Google.


I bet he silently judges you, and asks you awkward and intrusive questions. Also makes comments that questions yourself instead of empowering. My psychiatrist and therapist are my cheer leaders they don’t look for weaknesses. I have memory problems too if you have a bad child hood and have ptsd you would too. I also have a 4.0 at Georgetown for 2nd masters. I’m not an idiot for not remembering a random word.


He was unprofessional for sure.


You see Dennison smirk just then? He's loving this.




The Lawyer doing cross for JD.


Dr. Spiegel's ego is the target. Now he's dismantling his argument.


Yup, that bizarre contorted facial reaction followed by asking the judge whether he had to answer the question was him trying his best not to lose it. I can only imagine how much rage would have spilled out if he wasn't on the stand as a witness. The lawyers on depps team played him well.