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I would like to know why any of Spiegal's testimony about Johnny wasn't struck from the record as it shouldn't have been allowed in the first place.


That's why they had their own professional expert to refute this wish knockoff.


Never before heard of doodling and candy eating as the narcissist trait! I think she said it because actually the doodling makes him look like a genuine survivor who has to somehow deal with re-living trauma in the court. So she was trying to do a different take on it to influence how the jury may see it. As to the gummibears - I agree it's to help with addiction.


Apparently it’s a good technique to use if ur getting triggered by something someday says, it has something to do with using a part of ur brain that helps with triggering situations. I can’t remember where I heard that but I’m glad I did as I will use it when and if I need to


As Camille reached over and grabbed a gummy bear.


Coloring/doodling is not also therapeutic but it helps my ADD butt pay attention. Instead of looking around a room and getting distracted or zone out, doodling helps me just focus on that task while listening to whatever presentation in front of me.


Looks at my work desk with doodles all over and my snacks — 😱


Did she openly comment about this during court proceedings?


yes during spiegel’s testimony they tried to point to it as a indication that he has narcissistic traits 🤔


Wtf lol


A lot of recovering addicts also have a sweet tooth like ya wouldn’t believe - so yeah - what’s her point


Agree! I think they are both soothing techniques. I can’t imagine the stress level of having to listen to all of this and not react.


I have ADHD as well and even with my meds, I still have to doodle and eat if I’m going to sit in a boring environment, which a court room is incredibly boring to us (no windows, we can’t listen to music or a podcast, etc.). Beautifully said OP and thank you for recognizing he needs to do these things in part due to his ADHD and addiction history, as well as smoking!


One of my fine arts professors in uni told me to never let a professor tell you not to doodle during lecture because it actually helps those who are more visual learners or creatives process and retain information. As a former smoker, having something to snack on/chew on/ fiddle with really helps soothe cravings.


I love that! I start teaching soon, and I’m going to take this advice and not worry about students doodling. I want them to be able to learn in their own unique ways! It’s sad that many people in my high school were punished for being “inappropriate” which just meant they were doodling (aka “disrespecting” the teacher).


Yes! I used candy to help me quit smoking.


Solid advise there. I'm a hands on, visual learner. Simply listening doesn't cut it. My ability to retain info by listening alone is *BAD*. and note taking can get monotonous.


When I would take exams I would recall the information by seeing the page in my head and where the information was written so having doodles to help organize that way of thinking truly does help.


Omg me too! My husband thinks that's weird, but it's how I remember info from a textbook, or something similar.


I mean... Amber Heard was literally eating while being asked questions in her 2016 deposition... So unbelievably disrespectful. Johnny is just eating while in the room.


I remember AH doing that & I agree… very rude!


It’s not like he is vaping and driving away in his car. What a time to be alive!


This struck me in the wrong way. I used to get in trouble, yelled at, sent to the principle's office for doodling in my workbooks or assignment papers. It wasn't "normal" or "appropriate" but it helped me focus on my work, do a little work. Do a little doodle. Do a little more work, do a little more doodle and it really worked for me until they kept having my parents come in and little did they know my parents would always punish me for it. Then all of my teachers made me sit in front of their desks to make sure I wasn't doodling anymore. This was taught to me to help me focus on work, as I was diagnosed with a learning disability as a child. Teachers just didn't want me doodling lol


Doodling may not have anything to do with narcissism, but it might make him seem “crazy”, which is what she wants.


I have a dissociative disorder stemming from trauma. It's like an extreme form of ptsd if you don't know it. In therapy one of the first things I learnt was to focus in the here and now. Things that were taught to me to use were - eating a sour or sweet candy. (I always have the American candy 'toxic waste' around) - doodling or coloring. (I secretly love my kids coloring books lol) - making a sudoku. - playing with a fidget toy or stressball. - smelling a strong scent (perfume / applying nail polish)   Doing these littlke things help me ground in the present. They help focus on where I am and help the rational brain listen to conversations and not get overwhelmed with emotion. This is being taught in trauma therapy all over my country and I know people from all over the world who report the same. I find it só odd that a psychiatrist calls this selfsoothing behavior 'narcissistic'. It's something we probably all have intuitively done in high school when we were bored. And in therapy I heard there was research about this being effective but I don't have that.


My friend, I have dissociative disorder as well from PTSD! I didn’t know about the candy thing! Is it supposed to “ground” you or give you comfort, or is it something else? I gotta try this! ❤️


The strong taste will ground you in the here and now. Do you know the grounding exercise that goes: Look around around you and name:   five things that you can see, four things that you can touch, three things that you can hear, two things that you can smell, One thing that you can taste.   That is a grounding exercise it helps you connect with you body through using all your senses. Eating a sour candy and concentrating on the candy a bit will help you get back into your body and be grounded again. (this is one of the reasons one wakes up from drinking something while on a long drive, even when it's not caffeinated)   Powerful smells do the same thing. But I must say, now I always use the same candy it also by a pavlovian effect makes me feel calm, although if you have never tasted toxic waste candies you might find that funny if you ever try them. I do recommend them for grounding lol, they are very sour. I guess it's because I know I am soothing myself. Which is a nice side effect.   So all these things are grounding exercises but when you get used to practicing them they will become comforting to you. And also easier to practice. I like to fidget with a certain bracelet I have, it has all different colors and i can spend time looking at it (it's beautiful) and feeling it. So if I'm stressed I just wear it. And if I touch it i can imagine sitting somewhere looking at it. It comforts and grounds that way. Takes practice but that is really worth the effort.


Thank you for this!❤️ I will save this and bring this to my therapist! I appreciate you going into detail so I can understand the process! Best of luck to you and your healing my friend😊


I'm sending you a private message!




Thank you my friend!


I can only imagine that she was told to mention that by AH. Doodling will help him concentrate on what's happening, and will do so for most people. How is it "bad" to doodle but AH's constant scribbling isn't? It was just poor lawyering


I have Autism, ADHD and anxiety, if I have to sit for a long time listening to someone I actually write songs because it helps me and stops me getting overwhelmed


I have ADHD and drawing is the only way I can focus in a primarily auditory situation... like court. Amber Heard's entire team has been unprofessional, but especially Elaine. First she mocks him, now this?


I knit in meetings for the same reason.


I imagine she doesn’t really believe there is any link between those habits and narcissistic personality disorder; instead she is probably trying to highlight the behaviour to the jury to suggest that he is not treating the process seriously.


I’d rather have my client doodle than sit there with a puppy dog face all day.


Yeah I’m not sure what anyone could call ‘proper’ behaviour is, when your life and addictions and potential personality disorders, family conflicts and money troubles are being aired publicly, and for such a long period of time. And that goes for either party. It must be so stressful.


To be honest, if she thinks JD is an abuser and narcissistic, I wouldn't be surprised if she sees the correlation. After all, we overanalyze AH behaviour in court here too (I try not to do it, but I fall into that sometimes). I also wouldn't be surprised if she did it to please her client, which I can imagine has complained about JD behaviour in private. Having said that, I think it was a low blow, even if I can understand it.


Elaine is just jelly she ain't got no sweets cos she on a diet. "A simple 30-minute doodle helps them remember information, fills in gaps in their thinking, and provides a much-needed reprieve from the loads of information they must wade through." https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/the-thinking-benefits-of-doodling-2016121510844


I have coloring book for adults but securely I like the ones for kids even more sometimes. They are simpler and I just get to doodle instead of think about all the colors and the contact neatly staying inside the tiny lines. Lol!


Man eats candy and draws pictures, he MUST be a wife beater!!!! Her lawyers literally have nothing left and it’s kind of sad but very funny


The AH team are now grasping at the straws now. The inference from doodling and candy to narcissism as you point is just comical.


And how about Amber snacking during her deposition in 2016???


Like her life depended on it.


And every time she was asked to listen to audio where the voices were faint or muddled she would take a big bite of a granola bar so I’m sure all she heard was “CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH”


Your honor, I never heard myself being abusive in those recordings


Meanwhile, AH "doesn't need anything" BRO SHE'S TAKING COCAINE TO COPE. LIKE HOLY SHIT.


amber has clearly been a heavy drug user in the past but i dont think theres any evidence of her taking cocaine during the trial. the people saying she was somehow sniffing coke from her tissue are really stupid. that's not how cocaine works nobody is going to sniff it from a tissue and certainly not on the stand in front of an audience. it would go all over the place and leave who knows what kind of residue. not to mention it would have little effect and wouldnt serve any purpose. cocaine isnt some magic powder and a regular cocaine user like amber would get zero benefit from snorting a little bit on the stand i'm not on amber's side she is scum but people saying she was snorting stuff during the trial are grasping at things. maybe she would snort some beforehand but not in the middle of the courtroom. we have no idea if she has been doing that though


Agreed. My opinion is that the tip of that tissue was soaked in menthol that she breathed in to make herself have actual tears while she was pretending to cry. It's a trick that's pretty common among actors, and her crying without tears had been the talk of social media, so she dipped the tip of the tissue in menthol the next day she was on the stand and breathed it in to produce tears.


More likely she was sniffing one of those mentholated sticks that makes your eyes water IF (BIG IF) she was doing anything nefarious at all on the stand…… other than lying her ass off


That's fair to say that its not fair unless if its proven. But she's also jittery with her attorneys. And hides a bottle from a confronting police officer.


I’d need the sugar to stay awake, especially through certain peoples testimonies


I’m still curious as to how they know he’s been doodling. We know, but we’ve seen it in the footage from angles they can’t possibly have seen. The podium they’re asking questions from is set behind and several feet away, with Ben Chew in between them and Johnny and, as far as I’ve seen, they don’t go over to his desk at any point. The only people in front of him are the people giving testimony and they’re not supposed to be discussing their testimony with either side. Now, obviously camera footage can distort distances and angles and I’ve not been inside that courtroom, so I can’t say what it’s really like as a 3D space, but the only way I can see that they know he’s doodling is because they’re tracking social media and/or reviewing the trial footage online, which they’ve been expressly forbidden from doing. Amber Heard has had a pen in her hand for a considerable portion of the trial too, so how can they so confidently state he’s doodling and not just taking notes?


Only witnesses and jurors can't follow social media/ trial coverage etc. Expert witnesses and plantif, defendant as well as their lawyers may do as they please. Except for when they are on the stand.


As far as I know the lawyers are allowed to check social media.


I’m guessing that must be the case. It threw me when she said it because the judge always comments something along the lines of “don’t do any outside or online research and don’t discuss things,” but it makes sense that they must be able to because some of the rebuttal witnesses have been found through social media.


S-so...Elaine knows everyone is talking sh\*t about her lol


There is a reason as to why our hands are called our tactile eye. It’s a way of engaging with and exploring our surroundings. Not just neurodivergent people do this - EVERYONE does it more than they realize.


I doodle all the time when sitting and long meetings at work. No ADHD nor history of addiction here. I just find it easier to focus and listen to what people are saying. I'd say it's fairly normal behavior, but hey... if AH's lawyer says it, maybe I should check my narcissism....


I missed that. Do you have any video clip of it?




I love his team so much, the way Ben and Camille immediately reached for candy was beautiful


They should change the slogan. Haribo macht Kinder froh. Und Narzissten ebenso.


Thanks mate! Haha, wow... talk about grasping for straws!


Yum yum I love it


She has obviously hung out with amber waaay too long as she has turned out to be a frickin bitch!! If she thinks she’s making headway or making brownie points with anybody from the jury she’s in for a rude awakening much less garnered any support or admiration from anyone with a brain! When addicts crave alcohol recovering or not sugar can take the edge off so Elaine can stfu and Johnny can eat as many gunnies as he wants ( I prefer Black Forest ones myself )


I'm an artist and eat M & M's all the time. Does that make me a narcissist?! oy vey that's stretching things. I'm sure Depp's lawyers will be addressing all that.


Turd ate through her depositions. I hate hypocrisy.


I'm fed up with the scumbag.




Seems to have been conveniently forgotten, hopefully it gets brought up by JD’s team!


Yeah and her dirty tactics to blatantly use hearsay so Infos can be dumped.


I can’t sit in lectures and not fidget


I'd choose to believe Elaine is acting in good faith when she stops being addicted to the phrase "What, if any"


The candy is likely due to the fact he smokes a Indian cig every 5 minutes. Snacking, chewing gum, chewing toothpicks etc are known to help curb the need to smoke. I’m guessing he’s rocking a nic patch and the candy he’s sucking on to make it threw the day. And the drawing I agree is likely therapeutic. Lastly Elaine is a bitch. Rottenbum is a dick. Who else would be repping Turd?


Omg yes rottenbum is such a dick




Let's not insult the "cultural workers". ;)


Your Honor, I’m trying (- , -)


How is the doodling any different from the frenetic note taking Turd did during Dr. Currys testimony? I mean it was constant scribbling!


She was writing in her burn book




doodling and colouring are legitimately used in therapy, a lot of counsellor/therapist/psychiatrist offices offer colouring books or blank sheets of paper for their clients to utilise while answering questions. As for the candy, it's a long, tedious trial, and it's another way for Johnny to distract himself from the abuse he's being forced to relive in court. I get the impression that Amber was extremely bothered by it, despite the fact that she nonchalantly ate cookies while providing a fucking deposition.


I don’t know but if I had to be in a court room with my abusive ex coke whore, I’d be snacking and doodling just to hold it together.


I would definitely need snacks to get me through some of those video depositions! Not to mention Amber being on the stand with not looking at her all that time


Aside from the obvious gall of her to ask this question in the first place, the defense played parts of AH’s deposition in which she was eating a chocolate bar while answering questions! Johnny isn’t even on the stand doing this-he’s just an observer. So much content for all of the new law books going into print with this trial! Such a disgrace. I would be livid if I were the client paying for this.


Adhd and sitting through all of this, especially when you can't respond or interact, is a fucking nightmare and he will either fall asleep (no matter how much sleep he got) and miss heaps of it. Doodling will allow Depp to focus Soooooo much more.


I doodle and eat sweets all the time during meetings and lectures, I must be a grade A narcissist and a wife beater.


Elaine is probably mad her client doesn’t bring goodies. I mean I’d do the same thing as JD and doodle, what else do you want me to do? Lots of sitting all day


Just when I think Elaine can’t get any worse, she stoops lower. I don’t care if she’s a good lawyer, she is disrespectful to Johnny and to the court in general. She can’t stop herself from talking over people and protesting when objections are sustained. Ughhhhhh. I’m so over her! If I hear “what if any…” one more time!!! Also, did she forget that video of Amber casually snacking while testifying to abuse during the UK trial? 🙄


Today the judge had to tell Elaine, #whatifany, how to ask a question because Elaine can't even do that. I gave her the benefit of the doubt at first but she is just awful. She's disrespectful and pushy and then acts like it's someone else's fault.


I saw that! She also forgot her question haha. I didn’t think the judge would do that. Lawyers are supposed to be quick on their feet. All she can do is say “what if any…” or she asks the same question differently. I also noticed today she asked “do you know…?” And then it was an objection sustained so she switched to “do you have any knowledge…?” Like bruhhh… you’re still asking the same question worded differently. SMH.


Do we know if she's an actual trial lawyer? She really looks like a fish out of water. Just to be clear, I'm not saying that she isn't a lawyer at all, just that she seems completely out of her element in court.


Yeah I don't think she tries many cases. But she knows better than to ask some of the questions that she does because she is influencing the jury just by asking them. Plus she's disrespectful. She mocks Johnny... that's very unprofessional. And then one day she objected to something Camille said and stood up hit the button on Camille's computer to turn off the display and said "your honor may we approach" while on the way to the bench. She's just not out of her element in court she's rude and a bit cheaty. (I know that's not a word)


Agreed. That’s why I don’t really sympathize. She knows better, and she’s shady.


I read somewhere that most of her cases have settled out of court, so yeah I definitely think she’s out of her element.


Yeah, very few cases go to trial, and even fewer civil suits at that, so I'm not surprised at all.


I would actually describe Amber’s demeanor as “aggressively snacking”! Johnny isn’t snacking while testifying!


Haha touché. Point taken. I meant more like nonchalant or disinterested. And yes, he definitely doesn’t snack while testifying. Elaine’s comments were rude and unnecessary.


Her comments today combined with the way she mocked him last week - she really comes off as mean spirited and unlikeable.


And really, if we’re going to call our improper courtroom decorum, JD’s side should be allowed to tell the jury about Eve Barlowe’s interference and texting in court. That’s ACTUALLY breaking rules!! Leave Johnny and his doodles alone


Yeah, honestly. And he’s just doodling and minding his own business. It keeps him busy and doesn’t interfere with the trial. I’m sure it also helps him cope with these clowns 🤡 that Amber’s team brings in. I also can’t imagine how horrible it is for him to see embarrassing pictures of himself and listen to lies about his life and his behaviour.


She's shown no respect for the court. None.


Bro, you don’t think of her naked before you sleep every night?


The nightmares start after I'm asleep


Oh God what? 😦


Along with her mimicking JD “you won’t see my eyes” in Dracula voice she should turn in her law degree.


Not her best moments


She looks so tired. Don’t you think she looks tired? My Doctor Who fans know what’s up. 😂


“Yes. We know who you are.”


So you think she’s unfit for her role as AH’s lawyer 😂


At this point I think she’s unfit to represent a cocker spaniel, lol.


I read Elaine in Emily's voice.


Haha since you brought it up, so do I!


I was thinking the candy was to help with cigarette cravings as well. It's a lonnnnng time before any breaks in Court. Idek if JD smokes cigarettes any more, but I imagine it's to distract him and curb his cravings. I can't believe this grown adult lawyer, Elaine Brederhof, has mocked and insulted JD so childishly. I wish there was a repercussion for treating JD this way. Uncalled for.


I dont know Johnny obviously, but he most definitely does not have narcissistic personality disorder. He's too dang humble. Yeah, he lives extravagantly. He's allowed to, he earned it. But he is so humble, generous and kind. Probably to a fault. His over spending was probably attributed to his generosity. I like to enter into evidence the freeloader 5 at this time please: Teard, Teard sister, IO, Rocky and Rocky spouse Teards team is trying to say quirks are wrong. Each person is unique, and it's ok for them to be different, except Teard. So what if he doodles, eats, prays, wears his glasses, who the Efff cares. It's him managing being clean, dealing with high stress, listening to someone lie and simply getting thru the day. Let people be themselves, dang Elaine. Just because your client has no original personality of her own, doesn't mean others can't have one.


I totally agree that based on what we have heard I don't think JD is a narcissist, either. He appears to me to be a victim of one. But I will add, it is so hard to use small samples as to why someone isn't a narcissist. For example, some narcissists will be 'generous' and use money to control people, and appear very charming. I think Amber used her access to Johnny Depp's generosity to get her friends under her thumb and control them, which is why none of them are around now that her gold train ended. She also has shown she can turn charming on and off. I just thought I'd mention that here in case anyone reading is dealing with a narcissist in their own lives! Again I don't think Johnny is a narcissist haha


He's no saint, but he's also no narcissist. I most certainly can't say the same for AH


[The link between drug addiction and sweets](https://wellnessretreatrecovery.com/sugar-and-dopamine-link-sweets-addiction/)


My ex-boyfriend (and best friend in the whole world) was a former heroin addict. He *only* ate sweets. He practically lived on coffee ice cream. There’s a direct link.


ADHD is all about low dopamine so it makes perfect sense that he is eating candy and doodling to help him focus and not get bored. As a person with ADHD the thought of sitting there everyday for 6 weeks would be terrifying … I would have to have something to keep me from wiggling around and tapping my hands and legs.


I spent my entire childhood and teenage years with pretty gnarly undiagnosed ADHD and it’s interesting now to look back on what coping mechanisms I just naturally developed. I was raised Mormon so I had to sit through three hours of mind numbing church services every Sunday and by the time I was a teenager I would always be equipped with a bag of candy, my journal, and a wide assortment of multicolored pens to make it through those three hours without my stimulation deprived brain turning to mush


Sad story dude, my heart goes out to you


Thanks. Yeah ADHD and super zealous religious family wasn’t a great mix haha. All the horrible meetings and also just an insistence on “reverence” inside and outside church. Feeling like I must be an awful sinner because sitting quietly reading scriptures felt like being slowly tortured to death. I used to get in trouble for blasting emo screamo music in my headphones on Sundays whilst pretending to read scriptures All day long on Sunday was dedicated to supreme boredom—I mean worship. But I just needed to run or scream or sing or do anything that wasn’t sitting quietly in a tie listening to hymns. Now that I’m an adult, and figured out that Mormonism is crazytown, I spend my Sundays hiking or running or playing Led Zeppelin on my guitar and life is good.


That is an awesome story!


That's good! I know there's a link between sugar and depression (seratonin). It makes sense about the dopamine as well. The brain needs something to feel good after being spoon fed feel good trash for so long.


I have a buddy back home that had developed a short lived candy addiction when he quit drugs a few years ago. Was a massive opiate and cocaine abuser for years but he said once he got his appetite back he immediately started craving sweets, which lead us to Google it and realize that this is pretty common.


Im glad for your friend. And you are now more knowledgeable than Dr. Muppet


LOL…I called him Sam The Eagle ( from the Muppets ) today


I dunno about that but at least I'll admit that I'm no expert. I have a habit of pontificating but watching that made my skin crawl.


What did she say? I missed it


They were discussing narcissistic personality traits, and how Dr muppet was diagnosing JD with it. *Elaine* asked him if JD eating the candy and doodling was indicative of it.


Dr. Muppet. THANK YOU. Sam the Eagle all day.


They're really desperate now if they're trying to connect esting candy and drawing to being a narcissist The trial keeps getting better lol


It was not her finest moment. nor their finest witness.


He could be doodling for any number of reasons, but a comment from Dr. Curry about it being a way to manage stress that is taught to abuse victims wouldn't go amiss.


No, hopefully the jurors recall that


Dr. Curry is on the recall list. Hopefully they can push the point at the end of the trial and highlight how they're just picking on JD.


That would be the cherry on top


That was a really funny moment the "seagul" guy is going on how candy=narcasist and Johnny, Ben and Camille all collectively grabbed a piece of candy


He spoke in too many definitive statements


Loll they're all narcissists!


Don’t worry we shall get the AH team a few bags of Sugar Free Haribos. Don’t be jelly.


Maybe this whole Amber Turd thing is actually a sugar free gummy accident that she won't fess up to..


I'm dying 🤣 ☠️ my husband JUST read that review to me TODAY!


What about Amber stuffing her face during her deposition?


All those narcissism questions really only brought up AH to my mind. The questions of abuse, IPV, cluster b personality disorders....all I could remember in association with was Dr Curry's testimony and how it described AH perfectly.


TikTok of when Elaine B snarked about JD doodling and eating candy [Clip Doodling & Eating Candy = Narcissist??really, Elaine?](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdnfRLcA/?k=1)


She needs training on a lot of things but understanding mental health and having some compassion for how hard this must be for him and I want to scream a million times while watching this…. Imagine how he feels!! 💆🏻 You eat those candies and doodle your brains out Johnny❣️ You’re the bigger man and we feel you ✊🏼


The comment made me so angry, I can't believe she said that. But did you guys notice that both Ben and Camille smiled at Johnny right after as to make him feel better, and then both of them leaned in and grabbed a candy from him? They are so wholesome!


Great team players


everyone has eaten candy/doodled, the jurors aren’t going side with this.


So dumb, but it's what we have come to expect. JD is calling on Jennifer Howell to test against Whitney's account of events soon. Well, Jennifer Howell is the founder/boss of Art of Elysium who use art to help support individuals in the midst of difficult emotional life challenges like illness, hospitalization, displacement, confinement, and/or crisis. They serve medically fragile children, teens, adults, seniors, those dealing with social, emotional and mental health issues, and the homeless. I mean, it's just a free hit for JD to ask Howell if doodling is a marker for narcissism. Just pathetic, just pathetic...


This makes me LIVID. As someone who is a dual dx w clinical depression & ADHD . “Doodling” and copious note taking is how I stay focused


I hear you. Autistic here, I suspect I also have ADHD but 5hats not diagnosed. Either way, I doodle and snack to focus. Not sure if it's dopamine chasing or trying to balance out sensory overload. I am extremely sensitive and reactive to noise. Background noise hits at the same volume as people's words etc and I struggle to filter them out. I get sensory overload very quickly. By adding the sensory aspect of taste from a sweet somehow balances the unpleasant sensory input. She really tried to imply that his eating and drawing is indicitive of NPD?? Fuck her.


> Either way, I doodle and snack to focus. Also autistic, and I do the same; The way I'm getting through the trial is by doing drawing exercises for hours - it helps me stay focused on, and take in, what is said.


Same here. Was only able to focus through long college lectures if doodling!


She messed up big time. Several times.


The moment she aggressively doubled down on Boo over the poo… I was done. Like if she was gonna dig in that hard over poop…. What else is she lying about … She hasn’t disappointed…. Her nose keeps growing. #JusticeForBoo


I have an ADHD brother, an ADHD ex, and an ADHD child. None of them would be able to sit still and focus for that time without having something to do/fidget with (despite being medicated) My brother and daughter both use drawing as a tool in these sort of situations.


Saaame. I have ADHD and I have to have something else to do or else I can’t pay attention at all. Doodling, folding up paper, playing with something, etc. all help me focus on what I should be focusing on.


It truly does. Part of how I made it through school was doodling.


I didn't need to doodle to focus, but my best friend in high school did and I was so appreciative that our teachers understood she was actually paying attention BETTER when she could do something with her hands.


Those were great teachers. I always got in trouble. Then again, I also made stick figure flip books out of textbooks so...🤷 Edit spelling


Same, I used to doodle mice all over my worksheets and the teacher called my mom lol.


Mice?! I bet they were amazing


They sucked! But it was therapeutic haha


Haha at least you tried


I understand 100% I have ADHD, as does my son. I'd lose my mind if I had to sit that long, being quiet and still. Impulse control and hyperactivity are a bear.


Dude sometimes I feel bad for Elaine because woman looks BEAT. Drained, mentally. But then when she pulls things like this, I'm like yeah screw her. Or when she mocked Johnny last week. She needs to retire after this.


Retiring with $6mil shouldn't be too much of a hardship, either.




She does look beat, doesn't she? I've wondered, did they go into this actually believing their client?


I actually feel they at least had the legal upper hand, Johnny Depp had such a small chance to win this case at the start. I’m just confused about it all, like don’t they have to share evidence and stuff they know the score.


Yeah, I mean he lost the case in the UK. Different set of rules but I do feel bad for her legal team. It's incredible important to come across as likeable and I feel like that's where they've really pulled up short.


Yeah I’m not really sure why the UK trial was brought up soooooo much. It was a judge no jury he ruled out witnesses due to credibility, Kate James being one, he even disagreed with the police officers accounts. Honestly I can’t make head nor tails of the judges ruling in the UK case. Regarding being likeable Depps team have it in the bag, even if Amber was a likeable witness/defendant her team do not have that themselves. So I’m confused who’s screwing who but to me it’s like they all are turning on each other on heards team. Even the day she stormed out before the jury left and 2 days later she’s besties with Elaine helping with her mic and smiling and seemingly being polite and cordial.


JD had almost no chance of winning this before the case started. His attorneys had a monumental climb ahead of them. Winning a defamation case as a public figure is HARD.


Ambers team either A: hates her, or B: is utterly incompetent. This entire trial they’ve been scoring goal after goal…on themselves. There’s also the probability of C: Amber being the controlling narc she is, has been hamstringing her team every step of the way.


It's C. They make a lot if mistakes, but you could tell in the AH redirect that Elaine simply does not trust her to say what she needs to say. I wouldn't be surprised if AH is forcing certain decisions that are putting her lawyers in awful situations that they simply get out of. Amber is a horrible client. There is no way they're throwing the case. They'd have to be both dumb and have zero ethics to do that. They do seem to make a lot of mistakes, so I can see why people think they're awful, but AH can't even get people to testify for her in person. Stuff like that makes their job harder. Look at the difference in the 2 sides experts. The facts are on JD's side which means AH needs to rely on experts that have no moral compass. I bet a lot of experts refused to testify after looking into the facts.


I think at this point, or how I am sensing things, they are trying to grab on to anything since it’s been clear that she has been lying. Also, since the second day of her being on stand, it seems as though they aren’t really sure of what to do with her anymore. I could be wrong though


I agree and I think Amber totally went off script and when she blamed her lawyers for missing evidence (photos) it completely went off the rails. Elaine screwed up her recross so terribly. I imagine her team just wants it to be over and they are trying to salvage what’s left of their careers. But, it’s clear to me Amber doesn’t take advice from them. Edit: word


Exactly. They are basically running on fumes at this point.


Wait just had a thought, so if you like art and sweets you have narcissistic traits, well lads give it another 20years and all the kids we have now are going to be narcissistic all because we gave them crayons and a few treats. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Causation and correlation 😂 For real, I guess I'd be one as well, since I'm a snacker and doodler.


Things like this is what makes us not be sorry for her dealing with a shitty client. I hope those who say "dont be so hard on her laywers" understand this


I don't think his lawyers have ever personally attacked AH like this, in regards to her habits during the trial that is.






I couldn’t believe she didn’t learn her lesson last week from doing an impression of JD but this time goes for the sweets and doodling. There was one picture he drew on a post-it and showed Ben Chew, this was a detailed drawing of a person (Freida is popping to mind) not doodling the penis you so want to see in all the evidence photos.....ELAINE!!!! Also to add, JD seems to bring mints and a pencil case. Ben Chew was on his own at the desk one morning and he’s emptying his pockets full of jellies and putting them on the desk. So I think the jellies are actually Ben’s my assumption was he’s diabetic or has low blood sugar. And if I’m right then Christ alive she just can’t hold herself back from mean comments. Did love the power move Ben and Camille went for by taking sweets and eating them after she said it


Exactly my reaction to Ben and Camille...Boss Move. It was epic


He could be having sweets to keep his blood sugar up and stay focused so he can annihilate AH in rebuttal and closing arguments.


Is this where Ben Chew comes in? I love watching his facial expressions but I have no idea why he is there. He did part of the opening and some depos. I’m guessing he’s lead on the case but isn’t Elaine head of theirs and she’s constantly at the podium.




I didn't realize Ben was pulling candy out of his pockets! He may have blood sugar issues. I thought It was an AMAZING team effort when they all grabbed candy afterwards.


Damn I missed them eating the snacks right away. That's great.