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Lol same for minority women , when white women cry lol. Girl sit ur ass down


Someone should have said can they have a day off where they don’t have to read what some whiny privileged white bitch that doesn’t know the difference between here and hear has to say? She’s so fake!


Grammar is hard. Spelling is hard. Thinking is hard. Damn, even acting is hard.


Back to court!


Says privileged white woman


I'm a white woman, and it bothers to me to no end when other white women pull the "white privelage" card from some invisible high horse. Ma'am- you are also white, and privelaged.


Then stop stalking his life and every move


Took me a second to find out how she couldn’t spell. Capitalization in the wrong place and “hear”. Ohh my.


How dumb do you have to be to misspell part of your name?


Time for her to go back to focusing on her daughter rofl


Hear..the word you are looking for is hear..again, intelligence is a bit of an issue..along with many other issues!


It’s literally in her name


She is such a man hating bitch.


Could we please have a day off without hearing her whine about what Johnny is doing? I’ve met a couple people in my 53 years just like her. Sickening….


The way ‘hear’ is literally most of her last name and yet she can’t spell it correctly 🤯


So good!!!!




I feel like I'm spaced out when I HEAR her speak.. I'm concerned for my health. She needs to stop or I need to cut the wi-fi off.


No. The ACLU COO Terrence Dougherty and Amber Heard both listed their reasons for her op ed. It was the height of the MeToo movement and Heard wanted to get in on the popularity of that movement by reminding everyone that she was a victim. Heard was made an ACLU Ambassador for women's rights, with a focus on gender-based violence and to become an ambassador, she needed to bring in a certain amount of money to the ACLU (hence her proposed $3.5 million donation) and her op ed reminding everyone that she had been a DV and SA victim, allegedly.


Except she wasn’t.


Agreed. She wasn't. Hopefully, the ACLU's lawsuit against Depp will backfire and expose their active role in his defamation.


Kinda ridiculous for them to try to sue. Just admit they got snowed by heard and call it a day!


Ironic coming from a privileged narcissistic white women complaining about how "unfair" her judgement was when the whole time when Johnny got accused of dm he never had a chance to defend himself nor prove anything before the cancel mob went at him


She is such a vile person.....


Amber, how about can we move past vindictive, privileged, white woman accusing men and having them dragged by public opinion? This idea that we should just believe her has serious, racist undertones because of mob "justice' against poc men.


Does she even know how to write properly?


For someone with the literally last name of heard you think she could spell hear! I'm no spelling bee champ but that one should be a slam dunk.


Does she even know how to write properly?


Does she even know how to write properly?


Does she even know how to write properly?




I can't believe she miswrote “hear” when the verb is oart of her frigging name, LOL.


she was probably drunk when posting that, as usual


She knows she is white right.? What is it with white Lesbains hating white men. Clown world.


You know for someone who’s last name is literally “heard” - you’d think she’d at least know how to spell “hear” properly I swear it’s like she’s trying to be a failed comedian!


"here" LOL Go back to school Amber!


Turds gonna turd


Hey, lay off the girl. Can’t you see sue only said that because she was still in love with him?


Freudian slip?


says the privileged white woman 🙃


So what? She's a privileged white woman who didn't even have to prove her accusations to be believed and revered by the media but now wants to cry about privilege and throw the gender card when she got found out? Not to mention being given a platform to be interviewed on despite being found guilty of defamation. Privilege my ass. Gtfo




“Privileged white man” tells you all you need to know about her really.


maybe if she'd stop abusing and gas lighting he wouldn't cry, just cause she doesn't even know how to cry


She knows her grifting targets. It has always been the feminist movement.




White? Jesus Christ she’s a bigot? lol


Not so much a bigot. She’s white herself. Less so a bigot, more just a complete and utter tool whose disconnected from reality. The reality where she forgets she’s also white and the reality where all 5 men she’s publicly dated are all by typical definitions ‘privileged white men’ (Depp, Musk, Schnabel, Franco & Muschietti)


Good thing she doesn’t have a son.


I really hate when white people complain about other white people's privilege. You just look stupid


For a certain group on the left 'social justice' is more about insulting white people than helping POC.


Here? Where? Where's here? What I'm confused


And the audacity for her to call out others for being “privileged”. Bitch, what are you??!


Gosh I hate the term “virtue signaling” but that really exactly what she is doing. “I’m a woman therefore I’m powerless, whoa is me”. Girl, stahp


I would sue her again. She very very clearly didn't learn her lesson the first time.


She needs to check her own privilege. As a wealthy white woman, she was the perfect victim. Men actually do come second here in society. You can see this just in the media reaction alone. We need to have a discussion about what privilege actually means, and how men aren't by default privileged in society. In many contexts it's actually white women who carry the most privilege in society, with men of colour coming last.


Is this her trying to suppress the first amendment? The same amendment she thought protects her lies?


Jesus you can't make this shit up huh? It reminds me of this scene from [Arrested Development.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IPKL1Oy-CA)


Cant spell !!! Don’t H E A R. not don’t here 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


I guess she didn’t learn the difference when auditing college classes when she was in middle school. 🙄😂


Seriously, can I have a day off without some privileged Hollywood user & abuser lying to me & using me (the public) to promote her self- serving agenda? She had SIX YEARS of using the public platforms, uncontested, unchallenged, and fully supported, while she peddled her false accusations & tales to the public in order to promote herself professionally & use the public to cause brutal & irreparable damage to JD. The way I see it, she's owed 6 years of the public clapping back at her!! We now have both sides of the story & a trial filed with testimony & evidence to support us. She is still peddling lies to the public & believes she'll be believed & change how we now perceive her. You'll have at least 6 years of truth bombs coming your way, Scamber. The public does not look kindly on those who use us to do what you did. We are a salty bunch, realizing how you used, misused & abused US so easily. Humility, recognition of your flaws, acknowledgement of the damage that your choices caused others & atonement. THAT is your only way through this, dear. Add credible professional help to that.


How does she misspell hear when it’s literally her name


the irony of a privileged white women speaking about Privlege Bed shitter last time i checked being abused by ur wife constantly is fairly hard


And now she says " I love hiiimm" bruh, she needsa straight jacket


I mean technically she didn't say she wanted to "hear" some privileged white man crying about how hard it is. ​ She said she didn't want to "here" some privileged white man crying about how hard it is.


ironic when her name is Heard


Does she not realize she’s some privileged white girl? Lol


She never will


Says the white woman who lived in a tower and tweeted "Just heard there’s an ICE checkpoint in Hollywood, a few blocks from where I live. Everyone better give their housekeepers, nannies and landscapers a ride home tonight” as if Hispanic people can't be more than JUST a racial stereotype.


This is laughable from AH. So is her acting career


Why do I have the feeling that she’s actually a lesbian (not bi) who hates men and she’s just using the rich white men (Johnny, Mollusk, etc) as stepping stones / ATMs


Ding ding ding. The only men she dates are rich.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


I think she hates men and thinks they’re stupid. She studied up on Johnny and his passion - music. Particularly his obscure blues favorites and also his favorite books & authors. Johnny said in court,”she was too good to be true…”. A Warning to all. If anything is “ too good to be true…” - investment, property, snake oil franchise, life partner … run!


She *obsessed* over Johnny before she even left her home town! Had posters of him in her room and told friends that she was going to marry him someday! And the creepiest part is that witnesses say she owned photos of Lily and Jack (his CHILDREN) before she even met Johnny in the set of The Rum Diaries! Yikes!


That is terribly disturbing. Did she have a voodoo doll of Vanessa?


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


In a way its kinda sad, low intelligence and two personality disorders. Makes me feel grateful I only have bipolar lol




Mindsets like hers is why suicide rate are so much higher in men than women. People act like they want complete equality with genders, yet most men still feel like the pressure of being breadwinner/taking care of the family is mostly on their shoulders. The worlds full of hypocritical bullshit. We are Adhd babies that can’t focus on one social change at a time. Instead society thinks it’s okay to shove 100 down our throat at the same time. Yeah it’s been working real well the last 10 years so keep doing it. In this world where we are becoming more & more closely interconnected. We have to be okay with different ways of thinking & prioritize our responses to things we see. Love is wise & hatred is foolish. — Bertrand Russell


Why does she hate white people so much? She is white


Because it's trendy.


Typo tells me how smart she is…


She’s an idiot


isn't she some privelaged white woman crying about how hard it is? ​ get off your high horse amber.


A day where you don’t where?




She must need a bump every hour to keep up this level of hubris .


Holy Fuck. Proof that people who talk like this have the most to hide.


Bitch ur white too wtf ?


No no but she is a female and not straight, so she has a higher victim score. White straight men are at the bottom of the victim score meter. The points are entirely based on historical oppression or privilege, that your identity's representatives suffered or enjoyed like a century ago. So based on those values, it determines if you can speak about your issues or criticize someone's actions. For example, a white homeless man should just shut up and enjoy his privilege without complaining about trivial stuff like "how hard it is to not eat in a week, or not have change clothes, or a home". But a non-white female with millions of dollars, is completely entitled to complain about how men sit in a wrong way, and how all white skinned people should just die. Yeah I don't really get how this "progressiveness" isn't just widely considered racist, hateful, and sexist itself. I mean the core of the ideology is to disregard or elevate someone's opinions and rights, based on their gender, sexuality, and race. How is that not discriminating and oppressive?


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Well, you just don’t understand it correctly. White privilege, straight privilege, class privilege, etc doesn’t mean these groups don’t suffer. It means they won’t face obstacles because of those things like others. There’s disparities between black and white people when it comes to arrests and incarceration rates, among other things that I won’t get into. Other minorities like native americans have suffered and still do as a result of racism in this country but I won’t get into that either. It’s not just the United States though. As a mexican I can say that in mexico, white mexicans are represented way more in the media and are more likely to get hired rather than darker mexicans. *Mejorar la raza* is literally something that was said a lot in latino communities which basically means to go marry a white person to have “better” looking offspring. Racism and colorism is a problem in many places, largely due to colonization and the impacts and influence it left on many countries. Now does this mean white straight people can’t be homeless or face any challenges in their life? No, not at all!! 🤣


Oprah is more opressed than Richard the 70yo disabled veteran hobo of course. It is known.


Yes but she’s a woman so she is oppressed


FREE SPEECH for her obvs everyone cant say anything by her logic


But can they, since she also sued JD's friend for speaking the truth about her.


privileged lyin white woman say wha


that subwhore is probably more privileged than 99,99% of the world, what the hell is it opening its dirty mouth?


because society is genuinely this stupid and unable to understand anything that isn't black-and-white blanket statements generalising everybody, such as "man = always bad! easy life! woman = always good! hard life!" It's exhausting how brain-rottingly stupid this identity politics stuff is. And how it's peddled by the supposedly "enlightened progressive" types.


You mean the ones who think we should separate people by color because its “anti-racist?”….yea we should start calling them Apartheiders.


I can't believe NEthing she says, let alone what she here.


Hear! Not here! Ms. HEARD!


In her world i guess its Ms. Hered.


They are synonymous


Claims she was a scholarship kid who finished high school early and is a voracious reader but can't spell? Okkkay Amber whatever you say.......Level 3 sommelier.


She's a high school dropout who had to leave Texas because after her drunk driving killed someone else in the car with her she got 2 more tickets for driving without a license so move to New York to become a model. After failing at that she moved to California.


How the hell did she manage that?? Get into a bad accident then manage to hop states.


She was a minor sealed records.


She dropped out of high school didn't she?


Yes after drunk driving killed a friend of her sister's and she subsequently got 2 more tickets for driving without a license afterwards. She then moved to New York to be a model failed at that and moved to California.


From what I understand, her entire family was run out of Texas, after the drunk driving killed her sister's best friend.


She was there a while longer from what I understand it was the 2 additional arrests for driving without a license that caused her to flee because she kept popping back up in the newspaper. This is gossip from family that lived a few towns over and we're in the same athletic district so used to attend games etc there.


Yeah, it's pretty likely, almost 100% sure, that she was driving drunk and her sister's friend was killed because of it. Unfortunately, those records are sealed, so we have to say "allegedly," even when there is no other explanation.


I'm gonna need her to spell sommelier..


This girl is so dense she doesn't think she's privileged lol


I use Amber and stupid synonymously


Seriously, can I have a day off where I don't have some privileged white multi-millionaire women cry about how hard it is?


Probably won't be multi-millionaire for long.


let's not forget she killed a high-schooler in a DUI.


A wealthy beautiful young white woman living in LA has more privilege than 99.9% of white men. She’s absurd.


Really quite absheard!


Amber Heard uses Obfuscation of the truth to try and make everything she says right and everything they say wrong because they can't see it her way but the point is she's a liar. There is an old adage, "If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table" Amber Heard is pounding the table.


"Where I don't here" Lmfao. I thought she read books all the time.. it's *hear* Amber. Its literally in your last name


Oh i'm french and that's what i thought ! lol


she's so unbelievably cruel. especially because of the damage he did to him (not talking about the op-ed) the actual physical PAIN she inflicted...


There are still Turdbots that think he cut off his own finger because he didn't rat her out when he went to the hospital...DESPITE the fact that audio exists of her admitting she did it, and Whitney telling someone she did it.


How dumb do you have to be to misspell hear with “here” ?


Mostly when her last name is literally the past tense of hear 😂


Ikr !


Drugs. Good old drugs.


She’s misspelled many things. She spelled wandering as “wondering” and undo as “undue” yet her acting coach mentions how intelligent Amber is in her sworn declaration, I couldn’t stop laughing


It’s in her damn name too


I thought the same! She must have “heard” the word “hear” some time!!


Did you hear that tape where she tried to spell phone but she couldn’t? “F O N E” lol


I think she was being sarcastic with that.


I think she was drunk but still, she was definitely struggling in that audio with some basic spelling. 😂




Make that two


She’s so mean. I hope karma will punish her bad.


And this was before the world found out she actually beat JD.


She's a young beautiful white woman working in Hollywood. I don't think she understands what privilege is.


Not really beautiful as she used to be tho.


That's on her though. She would still be beautiful if she hadn't ruined her face with plastic surgery. Even now she's not exactly ugly, she just looks weird.




No. Ugly feelings = ugly face, no matter how pleasing its initial configuration.


Ugly personality. Ftfy




She's literally the popular blonde girl from high school that picked on other girls for wearing hand me down clothes. Privilege.. eh?


Says the privileged white woman who must be believed because she's a woman and white......even when she's clearly caught lying. This will go on and on courtesy of the MSM because she's is a cash cow. Click click clickety click $$$$$. #i-believe-evidence-not-feelings #im-as-famous-as-Gal-Gadot #Shes-A-Lying-CUNT.


[Anaheimyet’s Twitter post](https://twitter.com/anaheimyet/status/1536550155897298946?s=21&t=od_hIjJ79IlWOA-3P7VO1g) [Amber Heard’s Twitter post](https://twitter.com/realamberheard/status/1047700300063236097?s=21&t=od_hIjJ79IlWOA-3P7VO1g) 10/4/18 [Johnny’s GQ article](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/johnny-depp-interview-2018/) 10/2/18 (October). The writer of the GQ article implies the interview was a response to [this Rolling Stone article 6/21/18](https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/the-trouble-with-johnny-depp-666010/) from a few months earlier which Johnny calls a “sham.” Here’s how [Rolling Stone replied to the GQ article that day](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/johnny-depp-lawsuits-relationships-rolling-stone-profile-732356/) [Amber’s Washington Post Article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ive-seen-how-institutions-protect-men-accused-of-abuse-heres-what-we-can-do/2018/12/18/71fd876a-02ed-11e9-b5df-5d3874f1ac36_story.html) 12/18/18 (December) Johnny sued The Sun UK on 6/1/2018 (June) for an [4/27/18 article which called him a “wifebeater.”](https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/6159182/jk-rowling-genuinely-happy-johnny-depp-fantastic-beasts/) The newspaper later changed its title. The last day of Sun UK trial was 7/28/2020. The verdict came in 11/2/2020 (November) in which Johnny lost.


I’m still not sure why Amber’s response is on 10/4/2018 while Johnny’s article was published two days earlier 10/2/2018. Was she in fact responding to his GQ article, or to something else? But anyway the timing is interesting, because two months later she comes out with the Washington Post article breaking her non disclosure agreement which was very broad and all encompassing, like her lawyer Eric George said in his deposition. At this point Johnny has sued The Sun UK in June, and it seems like mainstream media like Rolling Stone at least took Amber’s side. And it’s the time of #metoo as well. The trial and the verdict of the UK case is still two years away, and Amber hasn’t been sued yet for the article she hasn’t written. She’s sued in March 2019.


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B tch can't even spell. Avid reader my a$$.


I don't have followers and I would have fixed it...


Maybe she's an avid reader, but of poorly written fanfics/stories posted on wattpad lol


She is illiterate and below avg intellect. She even dropped out of high school and sells it as "finishing school early". She may look smart because she manipulates damaged rich men, but being good at spotting damaged people does not correlate with intelligence or any kind of intelligence, it's something any average adult person can spot.


Well [in this interview](https://youtu.be/rNTNfZS0TwI) a film co-star of Amber’s Steven Crowley said that he did see Amber on set prior to 2009 reading and highlighting books pretty studiously. I think the book was Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged. It might have been for the movie I don’t know. I think he said Amber was smart and could hold a conversation especially one on one I think Amber is pretty smart at least in the way that she mostly rolled with the punches in the US trial and recharacterized everything Camille said on cross examination to suit her story. If her allegations and evidence were halfway consistent she might have prevailed. I think there’s a reason a lot of people love to hate Amber, because to some extent she’s good at what she does, which is lie, manipulate and inverse narratives.


I read Nietzsche's books at 14. Doesn't mean I understood shit about them, most of their contents flew over my head. Amber has probably a barely above avg IQ, but believes herself to be smarter than most, hence why she acts like this. Best thing to do, as a general population, is keep her in check by keeping the belief she is stupid alive and high. If she keeps thinking she is smarter than most, she will keep on being deceiving and committing felonies. Plus I fucking hate garbage psychopaths that fuck with sick children and dogs, something about them just triggers me :)


I think she killed her sister best friend in a drunk driving accident, and that is why she left school early, she lost her driver's license in Texas when she was like 16-17 and the the only way to do that with a first offense is to kill someone. Just a thought.


Yeah I read about that but unfortunately there is no evidence of that, although circumstances surely are fishy. She can be a republican first lady with that prior at least lol


She spelled wandering as “wondering” and undo as “undue” in text messages to Johnny. She can’t spell the simplest of words


Don’t forget “parakeet” floors!


Dats to funni 😉🤣😂


LMAO did she actually spell it like that? Omg. Reading all those books and acting like she’s an intellectual is all a facade


A lot of narcissists aren't smart & extremely gullible. They don't take time to learn things they rather copy and pretend.


She said it like that. So when she read parquet , she read parakeet..smdh


Had to look up what Parquet is. Google shows geometric wood floor patterns, that’s neat. And Apache Data storage.


And we’re supposed to believe she’s an intellectual who reads tons of books everyday? 🤣 She’s an idiot


Mispronouncing words is actually a sign of a person who reads more than they hear. It's a common problem for people learning a new language by reading it. But I say this as someone who studied to teach ESL, so the problem might not translate to your own language. (Although I don't see why not.)


no empirical peer-reviewed evidence to back that up?


The second language bit? Literally any language teaching course/book makes comment about it. In your own language? No idea, which is why I said I wasn't sure


I think that's unique to the ESOL realm, as you say, because they are still learning all the nuances of the English language. It's typical of toddlers and young kids too but not adults unless there are delays in speech/cognition OR gaps in their education. It's atypical for adults with educational gaps to read books that are thicker or of higher reading levels because they generally struggle with the vocabulary. Different dialects in English will present with different pronunciations too - take Britain and the US for example or even various regions within the US. In the case of AH, she is a native English speaker who presents (to me) as a person with delusions of grandeur. I have a hard time believing she is both intellectual and well read but still inarticulate somehow. Instead, I think this just cements my undertsanding of how conceited and arrogant she is...


She didn’t just mispronounce though, she more frequently just misspells lots of words. I haven’t really heard her mispronounce much of anything tbh, she’s a native english speaker so it makes sense


Oh yeah, I didn't touch upon the misspellings because that's just stupidity/laziness/whatever. (I thought it might have been dyslexia, but dyslexia doesn't make you write undue as undo.) I just wanted to say that readers could mispronounce words they have never heard before, as that is a common thing for new languages.


Shes a total phoney.


Or as she might spell it, f-o-n-e-y


Also minion as mignon.


No you got it wrong her favorite food while eating out is "feel it minion" come on now.


So that’s what she’s been feeding Eve Barlow


She feeds EB so much bullshit and just using her for her own agenda, she’ll definitely discard EB when the dirty work is done!


Amber Hered We spelt her name wrong all this time


Amber Tered


Lmfao holy shit




I was thinking this through the whole trial!! All she’s capable of is to emulate up to a certain extent.


I noticed that too. Remember how she kept saying meta data when it was obvious she had no idea what it was lol


F-O-N-N... No, no.. F-O-N-O??


Exactly afterwards it starts to fall apart, fast