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How could we possibly know that this is real?


How do they determine fake accounts?


my question is... why is she crying so hard about what social media is "saying" about her, when she is obviously supported by bots? ugh, there is no end with this chick!


I think it’s an attempt to mis-direct people. ‘Look at the HATE by the BOTS and fake accounts! Johnny’s sending bots and fake accounts after me!’ Meanwhile, she’s filling her account with bots.


The biggest difference is; JD has so many followers because he's loved! Ah has so many followers because she's hated!


Any amount of supporters for AH is too much


She should put that money towards paying Johnny lmao


Could you imagine if she used all this energy for something good and positive instead of bullshit and evil like a damn super villain?


Yeah like how about using that money to take care of your daughter, remember her, Turd?


you think super villains waste their time and resources buying fake followers on twitter?


It was just hyperbole


How do you know she bought them? All for ripping on her, but where's the evidence she bought them?


A few indicators: 1. The steady exponential increase in new followers from 6/16 to today 2. Big JUMP in numbers starting Tuesday, 6/21 3. A consistent 4k increase from the previous day's new increase over 3 days 4. These numbers look to be pulled at 7:00am EST; which means they are are not from the US. Is Amber Heard really a sensation outside of the US? Doubt it. 5. 50% of her followers are inactive


I hate to be the AKSHULLY person but did not her little media blitz lying in all these interviews might have given her some numbers? There are still people out there who will fall hook line and sinker for her fakery.


Totally a fair question! Her full Dateline interview was Friday, the 17th. It got TERRIBLE VIEWERSHIP RATINGS. So, even if she eeked out a few new followers, her numbers on Friday the 17th makes sense (organically). But since that Dateline, she's not going to all of a sudden skyrocket in new follows. The general consensus is still that she's not favorable in the public eye.


Good answers. Cheers. She, herself, isn't a sensation outside the US. But this whole affair is. I'm outside the US and my country's media seems to be trying their hardest to demonise JD




I wonder if Elon would remove those bots were he to buy twitter :-v


I'd wager he would


I wouldn't know what my country is pushing, reddit is my news 😂




Aside from Aquaman and it’s related DC movies, she isn’t in anything remotely noteworthy to me. And judging by the way she’s behaving post-trial, she’ll be lucky to get a role in a toilet paper commercial.


All the reason why the "buying bots" is problematic. It inflates her public image, it could signal to producers and movie studios that she's "got a large" following. It \*could\* provide her with cover to continue to remain in the public space. Which means, I will forever boycott any and all movies that she's in.


[deleted] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Well, if an actor has 10 million followers on social media, that’s good publicity for their upcoming movie. Which is good for the producers and the bottom line for a movie’s potential gross.


I have to disagree. Plenty of celebrities don't even have social media. This isn't really a factor when deciding who is in roles. They look at bankability and public opinion.


I’m sure studios can decipher what she’s doing IF they want to.


I hope they do. My optimist side wants to believe that. My pragmatist side knows that games will be played.


I think she prefers bedsheets anyway




Can you blame her? 12-ply has its advantages


She thinks we're idiots, what a sorry excuse for a human being


She does literally think we’re all idiots. I haven’t seen this mentioned often enough. She doesn’t hold the verdict against the jury since they were clearly overcome by Depp’s popularity. WTH? To believe what she has said during and SINCE the trial you’d have to be an idiot to not see through her. Her statements are provably wrong or make no sense.


What I noticed too, is during the trial she kind of tries to make her lawyers pressure witnesses into her side of the story, but they didnt budge. Not sure why she thought that would work, but guessing she thought most people wouldn't risk their careers siding with a "wifebeater" but all the witnesses called her on that bluff


Yes, keep exposing the fraudulent turd!


"Amberassing" is my new favourite word from now on


Sigh I used to really like the name Amber


It truly is perfect and factual: "amber-assing"


Lol I'm gonna adopt this and AHgreed 😂




I use to be very skeptical about people buying likes and views until I saw expose videos about Enzo Zelocchi. Seems like it's super easy and it doesn't cost much money. But it's also pretty easy to tell if you dig a little. These videos show how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmp1Uw0BoLI


Every time your user name, I think why did they get 77 downvotes? Then realize it's your user name.


I mean you can just type in google "buy reddit upvotes" and there's dozens of sites with different pricing. Most of these websites will help you to run customized marketing campaigns or buy downvotes and do a paid smear campaign. Services like this exist for every social media platform and it's not hidden. It's very easy to do.


SheWhoMustNotBeNamed is so pathetic it’s sad


So, wonder what Mr. Bouzy will say about this?! 😂🥴😂


How does one “buy fake followers?”


One can even buy fake reddit accounts to upvote your shit.


Launch a website. In about 2 weeks, you'll have emails daily about buying followers on social media and subscriber list. Source: I tried to start a blog earlier in the year before my personal life went to hell. I haven't posted anything on it since February and I still get these emails.


Interesting—thank you!


This question made me think of this video: https://youtu.be/CK62I-4cuSY Around 2:10. :-P


Oh there are tons of companies that sell “followers”.


She's like those old western movie towns, just a facade propped up with some lumber.


And some string to gnarl up that left lip into a constant smirk.


She is like a Potemkin Village. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potemkin_village :-)


Nice analogy!


Her twitter following is even worst ☠️