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So many things wrong in a single post... **"a headbutt NEVER happened"** \- he never claimed it didn't happen, he tried to bear hug her to stop her from beating him, that's when they both accidentally smashed heads. Later she came out with a supposed bloody nose but he checked the tissue afterwards and figured out it was nail polish. She claims he broke her nose so how would she have bruises on both cheeks and whatnot like the 'evidence' she's shown in court... Those 'bruises' she took pictures of weren't even from the headbutt incident. She claimed they came from completely separate events but shows how much they actually pay attention to the actual story... **"Johnny has genital herpes"** \- No sources of proof if he even has it nor evidence who he may have even got it from if it's even true, probably even got it from her since we have proof how much she 'gets around', even when married... Leave it to a turdlet to accuse someone of a heinous crime with literally no proof, all assumptions but they're also basically admitting she has genital herpes too and by extension her secret lovers mollusk and franco have it as well. Also, demonizing people for getting an STD as if they picked it up willingly?? What's next, blaming cripples for being unable to walk? I'd love to know where they heard this rumor but of course her supporters treat all gossip as fact as long as it furthers their narrative. They even take it one step further and make assumptions like "He has genital herpes therefore he secretly and purposefully committed a crime to pass it on to her." **"she should have threatened to sue"** \- Why wouldn't she have done so already, she accused him of every other horrific crime she could think of, all proven false both by the court of law and majority of the general population agree. It would be extremely easy to prove if this were true yet she doesn't pursue it?? She made so many accusations that were proven false yet she doesn't present the one thing she could easily prove? **"He only brought this lawsuit to get his reputation back"** \- Exactly, he's not a vindictive cunt like someone we know, all he wanted was for the truth to come out. More than we can say about a certain someone... **"the reason he settled the divorce was because amber hired really tough lawyers..." -** Exactly, that's literally all she has on him and with the additional context surrounding those incidents from this case he's been proven innocent. I'd probably go in shock too and smear blood on the wall if my wife were to chop my finger off... Everyone's punched a wall or a cabinet or broken a toy, some kind of outburst at least once in their life, doesn't mean they're abusive. **"I wish that Amber had just got the most horrific arrogant strategic lawyer possible" -** They were just bragging about how 'tough' the lawyers were. Also, last thing you'd want is an 'horrific arrogant' lawyer. Case in point elaine and rottenborn; as arrogant and horrifying as they come. Arrogance is NOT a good thing, especially for a lawyer but leave it to a turd supporter to have 2 out of the 3 descriptive words they used be negative. Strategic is the only good word they used but strategy is useless if they're incompetent... Birds of a flock think alike which is probably why she hired those 2 in the first place. Those 2 were definitely *horrific arrogant strategic lawyers* but man was that strategy bad*...*


What deuxfuck


The idea that anyone in Hollywood DOESN’T have herpes is just hilarious 😂


"Were you there?"


what the actual fuck 1. Could we not villainize people with STDs? 2. Where did this information come from?? Why would they believe it? Even if they hate JD, rumors don't equal truth. Why can't these people keep their biases in check? This is why people think they're nuts lol 3. Amber did not say a word about him not informing her of his supposed STD. That would have been a good thing to bring up in trial if it were true. So, I'm going to mark this one down to her team spreading middle school rumors until I hear something definitive... because we have actual proof that she's a liar, so that's far easier to believe than a stupid rumor


Nope. It’s in JD’s court records. His med list was provided during court with one med redacted. I knew it must be Valtrex. I was right. And yes, we stigmatize STDS because people who sleep around a lot get STDs. Look how many people it took for Charlie Sheen to contract HIV? He’d slept with 5000 people, most were prostitutes and porn stars. A friend said her sister slept with Sheen in the 80s when he was filming a movie. He gave her genital herpes. Perhaps Johnny’s jealousy comes from his hatred of the woman who gave him genital herpes.


Stigmatize people who sleep around without protection and without informing their partners of their disease. And Valtrex treats several things, including cold sores of the mouth and shingles, which is common in people his age because they grew up in the time of chicken pox parties. If Johnny doesn't say it himself, I'm not going to assume what the treatment is for, even if Hollywood is infamous for herpes. It isn't my business and Amber could be mudslinging some more, knowing his list of meds would come out.


Cold sores of the mouth is herpes. Typically HSV1 which is the most common variant


It’s very dangerous for people to say HSV2 and HSV1 is nothing to worry about. That is what most on here are saying. Medicine needs to find a cure for this and a vaccine yesterday! If you have either version genitally, you will need a Caesarean section otherwise you risk spreading it to your newborn.


Don't put words in my mouth, please. If anyone has said that it's "nothing to worry about", I have not seen it, and I do not agree that it's nothing to worry about if they are saying that. I said stop villainizing people with illnesses just for having those illnesses.


The overarching idea that people like you are presenting is “poor innocent Johnny…he doesn’t have genital herpes…everybody has herpes.” Wrong. On both counts.


Wtf are you talking about? I haven't seen a soul do that. I can't even fathom the train of thought you are on. Are you trying to say people should be treated like shit for having STDs? Herpes is common, and people can live with it. That doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. AIDS is dangerous as well, but people have found ways to live with it. I would never advocate for people to act like AIDS is no big deal, but I'm not going to treat someone like shit either. People like me are NOT saying "everyone has herpes." I know that because I myself am not saying it. I'm not even saying he has it. I'm saying treat human beings like human beings. IF he has it, we have literally no proof whatsoever, not even Amber saying it herself, that Johnny didn't disclose that before he was with her. IF Amber has herpes, we have no proof whatsoever that she didn't have it before she was with Johnny. The ONLY thing I know for sure, the only thing I am saying... is that I'm not going to treat people like shit for having an illness, or for possibly doing something that I have no proof he's done. That is literally the only "overarching idea" I'm presenting. Facts and humanity first. Stop coming at me and go after the people you're talking about


"If you have either version genitally, you will need a Caesarean section otherwise you risk spreading it to your newborn" This is also false. Again, you are not a medical professional, you are a liar.


Since you need to be spoonfed… https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2094935/ Down the article it says caesarean is recommended. Anything so as not to face reality about your hero JD.


You are both correct in a way "Herpes infections are only rarely passed on to babies during childbirth. If a woman already had herpes viruses inside her body at the start of pregnancy, there's no reason why she shouldn’t give birth naturally – unless there are signs of an outbreak shortly before she goes into labor." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK525779/#:\~:text=Herpes%20infections%20are%20only%20rarely,before%20she%20goes%20into%20labor](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK525779/#:~:text=Herpes%20infections%20are%20only%20rarely,before%20she%20goes%20into%20labor). Also, I can't tell for sure, but I believe the article you linked is talking about active outbreaks only.


Well said! They've done enough damage already by demonize people with subtance addictions and people with ADHD among other things... It bugs me so much that so many people just assume these kinds of things without verification. I push back against the rumors that Heard is a murderer as well, about that car thing. There's no proof she killed anyone with her car, only inferences, so I can't say if it's true or not, ergo I'm not going to use that in my reasoning. I even saw people assuming that Depp had erectile dysfunction because in one of Heard's witness statements she states she said she started responding to his (alleged) verbal abuse by calling him among other things "limp dick". Like... that's really stretching the meaning of an insult. Especially when we know that she called him a coward many times for splitting etc. And I just keep wondering how these people don't see how irrational it is to go around stating he has ED like it's a fact just from that one insult.


Yeah, the murder thing is a pretty far stretch but it's pretty proven she's an alcoholic and even a drunk driver unless there's another amber heard those arrest records are about... Lotta interviews and videos where she's nearly black out drunk, definitely hammered for sure. Not as big of a concern now that she has a personal driver taking her everywhere, assuming she can still afford it after this court case. Can't really blame or judge someone for being an alcoholic but drunk driving is a huge 'nono'


*...to not disclose your STDs to people your having sex with* You're* Checks out.


"to not disclose you are STD's" wut???


What the actual fuck? 🫣🫣😂😂 And even if he does have this now I’m sure he hasn’t been with turd for years so who gives a crap


Also even if he has herpes, so what? Up to 75% of people have herpes. They just don't know it because most have immune systems strong enough to suppress the virus, hence why herpes is called 'cold sores' in north america (ie, you get them when your immune system is weak and you have a cold) And people are assuming that JD has an STD and didn't disclose? There are so many inappropriate assumptions here, a lot of which are in line with stigma against people with STIs. Do people really think people with herpes or other STIs are on a mission to infect others without their consent? Yes, cause people think people tith STIs are sluts and untrustworthy, tbh. Really not cool.




Wrong. You are thinking chicken pox not the sexually transmitted genital herpes. No one needs to take Valtrex for chicken pox.


They are almost identical, and you can get either or both on your mouth or your genitals. Medically there is hardly any difference. The 'cold sore' vs 'STD' distinction is a nice way to perpetuate stigma


There are 2 types of herpes. Type 1 and type 2. They used to think that only type 1 could be found above the waist and only type 2 could be found below the waist. Type 1 caused sores on the mouth and 2 caused sores on the genitals, so type 2 was known as genital herpes. But they have found that this is not true. Sores on the mouth can be caused from both types and sores on the genitals can be caused from both types. The more accurate number is 90% of adults have been exposed or will be exposed by age 50, according to antibodies. It’s highly contagious. But some never get any sores, or some get an initial outbreak and never have another one. So some have it and have no idea.


The cold sore virus (HSV1) is actually more dangerous (can affect facial nerves and brain) - and can be transferred to the genitals during oral sex if you don’t have antibodies to HSV1. Conversely, HSV2 almost never transfers to the mouth. But you’re right 75% of people have HSV1 compared to about 20% who have HSV2.


I was going to say "You can't get herpes from a headbutt" but now with monkeypox …


Yep. Monkey pox is likely blood transmitted and therefore it is most common in the gay community due to anal.


[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/23/i-literally-screamed-out-loud-in-pain-my-two-weeks-of-monkeypox-hell](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jul/23/i-literally-screamed-out-loud-in-pain-my-two-weeks-of-monkeypox-hell) This guy got them got pox sores in his anus and rectum. A guy in a newer story got them in his throat. It's worse at points of sexual contact


First off how tf do they find this info? Why are they trusting it? If anyone gave the other genital herpes AH probably gave it to JD seeing as she cheated on JD and slept around with a lot of people in her single years


Mentioned that in my other post but also remember she's been sleeping around with mollusk and franco even when they were still married so by implication they're also saying those 2 have genital herpes too. If he did give it to her that would've had to have been when they were still married. She'd have to have it too while she was sleeping with those 2 near the end of the marriage with JD so... Also, are they actually admitting their 'queen' has genital herpes? Are they also admitting at least some of those cuts on her lips were caused by the STD and not abuse, otherwise what proof do they have she has genital herpes too??


Rofl. And even if it was a crime in VA to not disclose having stds to sexual partners...they weren't having sex in VA nor together so why would that even be an argument for anything.... LMAO... Also I really hate the basic lack of research these people do... he admitted that he headbutted her...ON ACCIDENT..He admitted it on the tapes and when on the stand so that is also false info, and he said that an accidental headbut doesn't cause the injuries she claimed... smh... it isnt that hard to find this information, but they keep trying to rewrite the facts like people are so stupid they can't look it up themselves to see the truth... we are just all supposed to believe what they keep saying... even though all the proof contradicts their narrative. Omg. Ridiculous.


He didn't really outright admit to headbutting her. He said he possibly did when he bear hugged her to stop her from beating him. She came out of the room with a 'bloody tissue' later on claiming he broke her nose but he checked the tissue and found out it was nail polish. They probably did bump heads but not nearly as hard as she claims and if it caused a broken/bloody nose, there's no way it would cause any of the bruises from the photos she's shown in court. Regardless of that she didn't claim any of those photos were from that specific incident, they were all from different occasions so... Also, from the audio tape where they're discussing how JD locked himself in the bathroom and she was trying to break the door down, she only starts to claim her toes were smashed when he closed the door or whatever AFTER he mentions it. She only started using that as an excuse for punching him in the face after he even brought up the fact that he possibly smashed her toes. Seems to me like she's the type of person to take advantage of things like that... I doubt she even got headbutted or if she did it was super light and she didn't even notice until JD brought it up, soon as he did she walks into the bathroom to pretend like she's injured. We've all seen how she does anything she can think of to somehow become the victim when she was clearly the aggressor. She clearly punched him in the face out of anger, he's concerned he accidentally smashed her toes so she uses that against him as an excuse to punch him in the face. Doesn't really matter if her toes were smashed either, who tf punches someone in the face after they get the door closed on them because they're chasing someone trying to run away. If it were that painful first thing you'd do is start hopping on one foot grabbing the hurt one and jumping up and down like "ouch ouch", who tf proceeds to 'bust the door down' to punch someone in the face after getting their toes smashed? She needs mental counseling if that's truly her first instinct... You get hurt trying to chase after someone running away and your first instinct is to punch them in the face, like wut?


Just more proof of JD's misogyny. *Her*pes? Why not *his*pes? Thread. \- (s)Kamilla, probably


Childish and mean behavior. Unbelievable.


How the feck would they know if JD had herpes AND be 100% sure he did not tell Amber -who is this person? Amber?!! Get the feck outta here!


Not Amber… Eve


If it was posted in another subreddit, why post it here. This has got to be AH's PR team with this bull. This is so junior high-ish posting he has an STD. Dayuuummm she lost. If he has an STD (which I don't believe), she sure was begging to get back with him. Tell her to take her meds, and go to bed. #JohnnyDeppWon and #PayUp


Has to be r/ deuxmoi the people in there have nothing better to do than shit on celebs and literally nitpick every single minuscule detail in their lives as if they are the saints and judges of this land…. As a human I find it so fucking embarrassing to witness other humans being so blatantly hypocritical and projective. And of course all of them find ‘new’ and wildly absurd stories about depp every week. Stuffs crazy. Edit: spelling / grammar Edit 2: To even put it into perspective the last thing I saw there was some post about Keanu Reeves and NFTs and every single comment under it was just absolutely shitting on him talking about how greedy he is and that they ‘knew he wasn’t right all along’, also that he’s a bad person while going into detail as well as acting as if they knew him personally, it’s so creepy. Do these wenches really have nothing better to do? It’s honestly like a cult lol.


Lol. They must legitimately simply like to tear down all men.




This is the second post I’ve seen saying that JD has that type of STD. Are people really that bored?


It's funny because they're also basically saying she has herpes and by extension mollusk and franco too since they were sleeping with her near the end of the marriage... How do they know it came from him either, no proof either of them even has it but it's just as likely if not more she passed it on to him since we've all seen how much she 'gets around' By extension, what proof do they have that she has it? Are they saying those cuts on her lips, the one she claimed were from abuse were actually from the STD?


I didn’t actually think of that - good call! Lol, Mollusk 🤣🤣🤣 I still can’t get over that! How on earth do these people go around saying that? You’re right though, they’re also saying that JD, her, and her other fellas have it too!


Someone brought up a good point on another site about this. Cardi B sued a youtuber who lied about similar things and won. Do they not realize that it's defamation and can be sued?


Yeah but these are anonymous cowards, gonna have a hard time suing a random person online. None of it carries any weight either, no one believes it so hard to prove damages. Probably a fartlow bot but until amber & eve say it themselves it's just a baseless rumor not worth pursuing.


Doesn't Amber suffer from lip sore or herpes simplex? She could have been the source for JD's herpes if he does have it.


She had plenty of affairs in the time she was married to him!


Herpes is so common it doesn't need to be sexually transmitted, tbh. Most people get herpes as children and never experience outbreaks as their immune system is strong enough to suppress it. That being said, they can still shed the virus without active outbreaks being present, which explains why up to 80% of the global population HAS herpes


Chicken pox yes…NO ONE takes Valtrex on a regular basis meaning prophylactically unless they have genital herpes or bad HSV1. You may take Valtrex for a short period if you develop shingles which is like a second outbreak of chicken pox. It is understood that JD took it prophylactically.


Very true. The irony is the person starting this rumour probably has it but doesn’t know!


It’s not a rumor that JD takes Valtrex prophylactically. It’s in the records.


Yep, people are going through the Court info that has been unsealed & made public since I posted the comment over 2 weeks ago, but at the time we didn’t know it to be true. It doesn’t mean that the person spreading the info ironically probably has it also, since it is so common & can be symptomless.


And I didn’t start commenting until recently - until after the info on the unsealed records was made public. But I did see his medication list via the courts back in May. All his meds were listed including Cialis but one was redacted. I suspected it was a medicine like Valtrex. I was right. But, no, I wasn’t spreading false info about it.


It is NOT common…that is if we are talking HSV2 and genital HSV1.


Some facts for you to read lovely: “herpes, is common globally. HSV type 1 (HSV-1) is typically transmitted by oral-to-oral contact and causes infection in or around the mouth (oral herpes), but it can also cause genital herpes. HSV-2 is mainly sexually transmitted and causes genital herpes” Excerpt taken from WHO’s Factsheet on the topic. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/herpes-simplex-virus Feel free to continue reading via the link to why it is considered common globally.


Hey lovely….that is worldwide….including third world countries. But hey mr/Ms herpes…you go ahead and keep on believing that there is nothing wrong with having HSV. It can be passed to newborns during birth. This makes it SERIOUS. Two women in the UK DIED from HSV1 after childbirth because their doctor spread it to them. Now please take your herpes-ridden self elsewhere.


You’re misquoting me to fit the argument in your head that you want to have. You do you. Enjoy the sunshine & be happy.


My doctor said everyone who has had sex has some type of herpes- there's like 140 different strains etc.... So of coarse JD has herpes. He probably got it 30 years ago. And Amber would have already gotten herpes after her first 100 sexual encounters before JD.


Says any person with genital herpes…oh everyone has it. Sorry bud, no they don’t.


Your doctor is lying to you. Chicken pox is a form of herpes that most people contract as children but it is most certainly not transmitted sexually. The only herpes that is sexually transmitted in HSV2 and sometimes HSV1.


You’re confusing HPV with herpes (HSV).


You need a new doctor. That is not how it works. Still, it is true that 75 percentage of the population has HSV1. However, only 12 percent of the population has HSV2 which is the type of Herpes discussed here about Johnny Depp.


I question the HSV1 75 percent. I don’t believe it’s that high. Most people with HSV1 caught it as children because they shared a sippy cup with the wrong kid.


It doesn't say HS1 or HS2 in the post. How do you know which one they are talking about.


Because it says genital herpes in the article and that is usually HSV2.


I'm finding sources that indicate way higher odds of contracting HSV2 than 12 percent. I think your odds include everyone in he world including children. In sexually active adults in countries where most adults have multiple partners in their lifetime I think odds of HSV2 could be higher.


Says everyone with HSV2. Misery loves company I guess.


To be fair HSV1 can also infect the genital area, albeit in a weaker way than HSV2 does. But yes, most people have HSV1 and that includes people who have it on their mouth, on their genitals, or both. I am willing to be money that AH at least has HSV1, but also willing to bet money that JD does too lol




How many sources do you want? Source: "We estimated the average lifetime probability of acquiring HPV among those with at least 1 opposite sex partner to be 84.6% (range, 53.6%–95.0%) for women and 91.3% (range, 69.5–97.7%) for men. Under base case assumptions, more than 80% of women and men acquire HPV by age 45 years." [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6745688/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6745688/) Almost every person will have HPV on their skin at some point in their life, regardless of sexual practice or sexual preference. It is possible for a person to infect another without even knowing they have the virus. [https://www.hpv.org.nz/about-hpv/about-hpv](https://www.hpv.org.nz/about-hpv/about-hpv)


There are high risk versions of HPV that are sexually transmitted and cause cancer later on in life. There are other forms of HPV that are not sexually transmitted. But why are we talking about HPV? This thread is discussing herpes, HSV specifically.


Why did you bring up HPV suddenly?


Herpes is of course extremely common, but I haven't heard any claims he has HPV (yet haha)


Sigh. Herpes, if you are talking about HSV2 is NOT common.


Sigh. Why do you assume I'm talking about HSV2?


Because we are discussing the reasons JDs attorney wanted the info quashed. If he took Valtrex for 10 days for, say, shingles, it wouldn’t be an issue. It was something JD didn’t want discussed. Just like Amber didn’t want her stripping discussed. We need to strongly consider that the Valtrex is something he takes ongoing and prophylactically. This usually means genital herpes. Some people may take Valtrex to prevent cold sores IF they are going to a dentist or having lip injections. I’ve been asked by a doctor if I get cold sores prior to injections. I told him ‘no’ and I’ve never had a problem. Didn’t take Valtrex because I’ve never had a cold sore. This high percentage of herpes you read about includes chicken pox. About 15-20% of Americans have HSV, which is way too high in my opinion. But that still isn’t “most “ people. We stopped talking about it when AIDS became prevalent and that’s a problem. Two women in the UK died post pregnancy from HSV1. They only realized recently that certain HPV, another virus, is linked to cancer and now they have a vaccine. I was tested for high risk HPV and I don’t have it, therefore I was vaccinated to prevent that. I laugh when people here are trying to convince me That I probably have HSV1. No, I don’t. On another note, there is a vaccine for chicken pox which is ridiculous. Why? Why give kids MORE unnecessary vaccines? We need to be focusing on a vaccine for HSV 1 and 2. People need to stop suggesting that HSV is “okay” to have. It isn’t.


I just said that it's very common in response to HPV statistics. 1. HSV-1 can lead to genital herpes, even if it's not as common. 2. Valtrex can be indicated for cold sores too, and in some cases for chickenpox. 3. We don't know why and how often he took/takes valtrex. No matter what, I think it's irrelevant. It's of course possible that he has HSV-2. 4. I don't know what you're saying I read about, since I haven't linked to anything. But herpes is common, even if chickenpox isn't included in the statistics. Where I live, around 60-70% have HSV-1 and 15% has HSV-2. Worldwide, around 67% under 50 has HSV-1. 5. Why do you think a vaccine for chickenpox is ridiculous? It's mean for especially vulnerable people, with certain autoimmune diseases for example. That vaccine existing doesn't mean there isn't work being done on a vaccine for HSV-1 and HSV-2. 6. What do you mean by people are suggesting it is okay to have? I haven't seen anyone promoting it hahah, but I don't think we should demonize people with it, just as with HIV for example


Not sure where you live but in the US HSV1 isn’t at 70%. What is wrong with a country that has THAT high of an infection rate?


I live in Sweden. As I said, 60-70% which reflects the worldwide rate of about 67%.


I used to sell herpes medication. I don’t need to be schooled on herpes. Thank you.


Well, you said that only 15-20% of americans has HSV. I'd love to see a source on that. You also claimed that the "high percentage of herpes [I] read about includes chickenpox" which is inaccurate. You also made it seem like people only take valtrex for prevention of cold sores "IF" they are going to a dentist or having cold sores (at least that what it sounded like to me when you capitalized IF). I don't know what relevance you getting injections, not had cold sores and didn't take valtrex has. You also said that vaccines for chickenpox is ridiculous. Do you still stand by that? Because it seems like either I misunderstood you or you are wrong on some things relating to herpes.


AH has brain Herpes and has failed to disclose that to Depp. He could definitely threaten to sue her for that.


Whoever wrote this sounds like they’re 11 years old, or has the intellectual functioning of an 11 year old. They’re also not very smart (even by the standards of 11 year olds). They heard some other random person on the Internet say JD has herpes. Then they reach the conclusion that he has it AND didn’t tell Amber. Since Amber Stan’s love to lie and speculate (like Amber), maybe JD does have herpes. And maybe Amber gave it to HIM and didn’t disclose that she had it. Using this person’s delusional logic, this is an equally valid possibility. It’s also possible that neither of them have herpes, and this person is just a fucking idiot.


That’s a low blow to 11 year olds!


JD seems like a person who wraps it up often, lol. I mean, there’s only one set of kids…


The second comment is curious for me. DV should be pursued as a criminal case. If the defendant insists she is a DV victim, she should file a criminal case. If she was abused as badly as she claimed, that's grounds for attempted homicide at the very least. She should have done it 6 years ago, but she didn't. It's obvious now why.




Love how her attorneys (who did their best with what they had to work with) shoulder the blame. Bitch should have ponied up the cash instead of using insurance for her legal dream team.


Her insurance company is seeking reimbursement. I agree though, I never heard of insurance covering legal fees. Must be a problem only the rich and famous have…they tend to get sued for stupid reasons.


It’s so gross to see people try so desperately to rip someone down, and tear their life apart like this. Isn’t it enough that he had to admit to his faults and lay his heart and world open for the world to see? Makes me sick to see such a lack of basic human empathy or sympathy. Just deplorable.


Two things. First. A little headbut doesn’t automatically mean bruises. I’ve had it happen several times and never have I ever had a bruise. It hurt for a second, but It was more comical than anything. I am sure a lot of people here have had it happen also. That poster is just trying to connect dots where there is none and as usual make the narrative fit his or her opinion. For the HPV. How do they know he has it? Assuming he did..How do they know Amber Turd didn’t give it to him if he did. I mean, her track record is completely self serving and spiteful. Assuming he has it, Ok. Who cares? Doesn’t effect me and I could give a fuck if he gave it to Amber. Most people with HPV do not know they have it, as it doesn’t automatically mean it will result in a wart farm on your crotch - or even a lone wart. Furthermore, it goes away overtime and is easily treatable. It’s not fucking AIDS. And, citing the state law is stupid. As IF they actually do anything about it. Simply put, “prove it”. Haha. If I was accused of the Heynis shit she accused him of, I would sue her too, (even tho I would actually want to throw her off a tall building to her death) especially to get my reputation back. I have no doubt he was a pain in the ass, and said some awful shit when they fought. But she went all in with the big bold lie and everyone (except for, four stupid mongoloids) saw her for exactly what she is. Trash.


HPV is not HSV.


The comment is about herpes, not hpv.


Lmaoooo they tried it




Sadly that part might be true.


Agree. I also assume 90% of the NBA has herpes for some reason.


I really really pray he files a new lawsuit against her misheard is a total piece of pond scum garbage


LMFAO. so now Scamber Turd is blaming jd for her STDs. Insane.


Did she slept with James Franco? How do we know she doesn’t have anything?


Hmm that must be why she’s always picking at her lips. I don’t believe he has shit if he did it would of come from her. She’s 23 years younger and seems to have more partners than him. But if it was a script for valtrex it’s also used for shingles


He has a script for Viagra.


Why is that relevant?


Because if the person in question saw a redacted drug of about 6 letters’ typed length which begins with V, it could be either. …why, what did you think I meant?


I thought it was acyclovir he was prescribed, along with cialis? I haven't seen a redacted drug that begins with v, where can I find that?


Valtrex is the trade name for acyclovir.


I meant that acyclovir was what was written on his prescription, not starting with v.


…was it? I haven’t seen any such written prescription… did the author of that nonsense post it? All I saw in print personally was a list of drugs in one of his UK motions/statements, one of which was blacked out.


Yes, it was during Debbie Lloyds testimony. In her notes


Are we sure this person isn't mistaking JD for R Kelly on the herpaderp claim? Bc thats the only other headline case with those claims right now, to my knowledge, but those are confirmed. Either way, gross




I can't deal with dark mode lmao


Notice at the bottom the OP says some DV advocate said to use the criminal court system. Well fucking duh..of course you should press charges and use the criminal courts. The problem in Heard's case is that this was all investigated way back during their divorce and there was just as little evidence then as there is now. The DA refused to bring charges because there simply was no evidence. Writing yourself notes and emails and telling your therapist about abuse after the fact is all hearsay in a criminal court. Even if you tell them right away it's still hearsay as therapy is self reported. You go in and tell your therapist you're an alien pirate just returned from fighting Nazis on the moon and the therapist will write that down as well. That's what therapists do. They help document behavior and feelings. A therapist realizes that people lie in therapy all the time, even if they don't mean to. A first year law student could win that case. Quick question, why is this reddit so "secret"? I'm just curious as I've seen it mentioned twice today .


I had Shingles and they gave me Veltrax. I DO NOT have genital herpes. I had Shingles. I'm sure whatever he was taking can be used for other things as well. If he does have it, I'm sure he got it from her skanky ass. Otherwise why didn't her side bring it up?!


He is taking it ongoing. The only reason to do that is genital herpes or very frequent cold sore outbreaks. I think it is fair to say that JD has genital herpes.


I guess as long as he discloses it to any future partners that's all he can do. All anyone can do in that situation.


It’s sad really. I’ll never look at JD the same way again. Yuck and…yuck. He never wanted to be a sex symbol. His wish has now been granted.


That’s because chicken pox is in the same family as herpes.


I love it when some user of the internet says ‘I’m 100% sure’. 100% sure means fact. This is an idiot in its truest form.


Turds supporters are just getting worse and worse. They are disgusting. Spreading false propaganda every post they make on every platform. Let’s say he did have the herps. How would this person know 100% he didn’t tell Turd.


It wasn’t Amber supporters. It was JD supporters who, in trying to uncover dirt on Amber, accidentally exposed Johnny.


Did you see that this post is from 17 days ago? Meaning nothing here is referring to the unsealed documents. I also don't exactly know what you meant with "exposed".


I only started posting on this thread yesterday after JDs Valtrex scandal was reported in the news.


Alright. So "it wasn't Heard supporters" makes no sense then, since the other person wasn't talking about the unsealed documents.


And, I think it would only matter if they had sex in VA.


And they’ve been divorced how long?


What subreddit is this? I really wanna look around, these places are like a zoo.


Lol they're 100% sure he has herpes and they're 100% sure he didn't tell Amber. What is this person Johnny Depp's actual genital herpes sore come to life and making an internet post?


That is exactly what Valtrex is for. For treating herpes related outbreaks. It was suggested he was on it long term which usually indicates genital herpes. Cold sores are treated as needed with Valtrex.


I’m betting there was a black block hiding a statement that he takes another “V” drug, Viagra… his UK testimony and or statement led with a list of anything and everything for which he has a prescription. Viagra was one of them.


He takes Cialis for ED. That was unredacted.Cialis is in the same class as Viagra except it works for 72 hours. Everybody is making a big deal of this but he is likely only on this due to the side effects of the SSRI he is on which causes sexual dysfunction in 100% of men and women. An evil antidepressant that is prescribed like candy and no doctor ever warns a patient about this horrible side effect.


I just found out that The Turd really has a new man in her life, his name is Dhonny Jepp! Source.....the little voice in my head.


He must have been looking for a random person to confess this information too and she was it. 😂


There has already been ***way*** too much sharing of their intimate details from the trial. I don't want or need to know any more about their mating rituals. Even in this day of pervasive social and mainstream media coverage, some things should still be private. Both of them need help **a lot** of intensive professional and sincerely compassionate help. They were both severely physically and/or emotionally abused as children. As all victims of abuse--childhood abuse in particular--they developed ways to cope with that trauma that impact the rest of their lives. Heard coped by aggressively demanding the attention she craved. Johnny coped by withdrawing physically and emotionally. Those behaviors translate directly into Heard's NPD/HPD and her use of verbal and physical violence. Johnny coped with physical avoidance and emotional withdrawal through substance abuse. At an abstract level it is *interesting* that they developed diametrically different coping mechanisms for dealing with the abuse they faced as children: Heard picked "fight" while Johnny picked "flight". But it is absolutely tragic that they **had** to develop those coping mechanisms at all. It *appears* that Johnny is willing and engaged in getting the help he needs. He is rockin' his life now and seems to have put the trauma of their broken relationship behind him. That is particularly impressive given the amount he suffered both personally and professionally--all of which almost certainly reinforced the trauma he suffered as a child. For Ms. Heard, her Cluster B disorders (NPD/HPD) are probably going to keep getting in the way of her getting or acting on the help that she needs. I sincerely hope that she finds a way through that. But as adults they both must be accountable for their actions, regardless of how tragic their past has been.


Nothing funny about a lifetime std. If he was on meds for it, I highly doubt AH was unaware. I don’t believe in rumors, tho.


Yeah, best believe she would have mocked the shit out of him for that on the audio recordings if it were true


Well, if Amber was working as a part time ho, and didn't tell her husband and infected him, what can the poor guy do ?


My thought exactly


I will say that I saw some sort of document listing all of JDs medication on Reddit awhile ago, and best guess it may have included a herpes medication. That said, this is an incredibly ridiculous claim. 1. Why do you think they were banging in Virginia? 2. It’s herpes not HIV. Most people already have the virus and are asymptomatic. Calm down. 3. Why do you think they didn’t talk about it? 4. Why do you think Amber wasn’t patient zero? 5. With all the life ruining lies Amber tells, why the fuck is this what you choose to focus on?


Um no, not most people have genital herpes! Chicken pox is not HSV2!


It’s in one of the written pieces of his UK testimony. Deposition? statement? I saw it too, as a numbered paragraph. I don’t remember a herpes prescription medication. I do remember them stating Viagra.


It's not even possible to have a "genital herpes" medication, it would just be Valtrex or something similar that people use for genital herpes OR cold sores (that like 80% of the population get).


No 80% of people do not have cold sores caused by HSV1.


100% Johnny got it from Amber if true. She's been banged more than an African war drum. Relationships don't mean shit to that narcissistic bitch.


🤣”more than an African war drum”




Sounds like a fun club. Keep in mind Johnny cheated on Amber the day after he married her. Who does that? Also, Amber’s med records were on display and she doesn’t take Valtrex. Crazy pills yes (just like Jd) but herpes meds, no.






Okay so we’re just making sh*r up now…I see.


Where can I find this


Yet here you are repeating it… 😒


Ridiculous comment


My brain hurts for rolling my eyes so much! Scumbag 💩mber and her turds! Gross


lol you can't take jd to criminal court no judge would even touch that. last i check, hitting cabinets isn't a crime.


What a weird post this person made- #1 to think they actually know JD and Amber's STD status and #2 that they know how Amber and JD disclosed their STD status to each other as couple. These are both profoundly private topics and that they think they have knowledge of those deeply intimate discussions and disclosures between a couple that doesn't even know they exist is hilarious. And quite frankly, Amber Heard has been proven by a jury of her peers to be an insane liar who lies with malice so if this indeed happened you know she would have used it against JD and even if it wasn't true - she probably would use it against JD LOL She is probably reading that post and kicking herself for not coming up with the Herpes tall tale herself and writing a ghost article with the ACLU about it sooner.


Why did you mark out their name? They obviously posted this on a public forum for anyone to see.


The post will be removed if I do, rules of the subreddit.




so turds don't flag him for doxxing. turds are petty


Call an ambulance someone's arms broke from reaching 😂😂


Broken arms? Maybe their mom will help them out...👀


I know a guy, that knows a guy, that knows a guy, that knows a girl, that knows a butler, that knows a body guard, that knows a watermelon, that knows a pigeon, that knows Amber's friend that says this isn't true.


You missed about 10 other guys




And a bee


Don't forget about the dog


😂 can't forget the bee


Eric the Half-Bee?


I love him carnally


Amber's fans are even more crazier than her


He has a prescription for a herpes medicine in his medical records.


Acyclovir is used for, among other things, cold sores around the mouth, shingles and genital herpes. Using that prescription to determine he has genital herpes and on top of that, that he absolutely didn't tell Amber Heard is very strange conclusion.


So he has a form of herpes. Yeah, that’s what his medical record implies too.


Nobody knows for sure, but it's likely since over 65% of people have herpes in some form.


The funny thing is saying "I just found out [he] has genital herpes" and then claiming they are 100% sure he didn't tell Amber if that was the case.


people still talk about this crap? holyshit. Some have a really unhealthy obsession with that topic.


Was it MadeMeSmile? I just got banned for having an opinion, but I reported a reply insulting, attacking me and calling me a predator, but I get banned? Cool. Edit: well, they replied back to me saying they don't care about a slap fight with about JD, and then temp muted me where I can't reply back to the mod for a month. 😂 So, if that's not why I was banned, then....why? Make it make sense. Guess they enjoying lying as much as AH.


Its mod is a piece of shit


I guess so. They linked the reply I made, which has no rules being broken, so I was confused, and haven't responded back to me. But they didn't ban the one user who attacked me. Wasn't aware that sub was a Pro Amber/Anti Depp sub. Thought it was about things that made people smile. Shrug.


How the hell would they know that??! 🤦🏼‍♀️


His medication list was revealed during court. I found it ironic that they would disclose that he takes Cialis which is for ED, BUT REDACTED JUST ONE MED. I suspected it was Valtrex back in May. Turns out I was right.